For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Pantlnp, Ovcrcoatin- or Fsncy Vesting. Im-, by the senator have already been favor obly reported and are now on the cal endar. It is most important to eectire favorable reports from committees and tn order to do this no end of bard work is involved. The merits of the bill must be explained often to the individual members who do not always attend com mittee meetings. EAST and SOUTH via just hat ' The Shasta Route Yoa octant. OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train' leave and tire due to rtlvc nt I'ortlMiil Klnalv call nnd examine mv (stock of Torted and D iiiestie oolens. A Hue stock U select from. ' Eutt made from the lowest prices to the higb et ersde. Fine Tailoring. J. A. Eberle 1BE DALLES. OllEGO.N. One cannot cet n belter idea of the senator s standing ntnong Ins fellow members than by glancing at the name of the men who make up what is familiarly known as the Philippine coin- j mission. With one exception the entire omtnittee is made up of men who have seen more than one term of service in ' the senate, and with two exceptions, ' McBride and BeveridRe, all are veterans. The Indian War veterans' pension bill, the lirst hill introduced by Senator McBride this eesskn, is certain to re ceive a favorable report from the senate committee on pensions; perhaps it may be upon the calendar before this letter i reaches yon. j To give your readers some idea of the amount of work done by the senior senator from Oregon outside of that for bis constituents before committees other than his own, it may be enough just to ' I LK.iVK. 7 OVKU1.AKI) i jirefc, Mucin, I InirK, a Mil mill, rue- j , .-.ivi i m i rmnento, ORilcii.Han 1 I Aiiceies.f.i I'KKo, ' New Orleans and i. Kast J Ktiaebure Hiid way i-tn. tions 8:30 A.M. Dally except Sundays Via Vixlhnra for 9.15 A. M. 4. 30 l'. M 1 I Natron Mt.Angvl. SliTcrtnn, West Sclo. Browns- vllle,Sprliigtlvld and J Sundays. J IT:so A. M. (CorTalUs 1 stations. and wnyj 5:Wi...m. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. INDEPENDENCE I'ASSENGKK. Express train Dally (except Sunday). t:50p.m. fLv. ...Portland ...Ar.i 8:25a. m . :suii. in. AI Jicuinuviiie. . i.v. n, iu h:S0p. m. (Ar..lndciundeucc..l Dally. fDany, except sunoay. DINING CAKB ON OGDEN KOUTE. PULLMAN BTJFKET SLEEPEHS AND SECOND-CLASS BLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. 90E8CBIFTION 1'ItICE. One week $ 15 One month 5,0 j One year 6 00 1 Direct connection at fcan rTanclsco with Occt inpiitinn tlioLinf that tliiriuun hilla n-ri i dental and Oriental and Pacltlc inall steamship mention me tact mat thirteen Dills were Uuw for jAPAJi BIld china. Suillug dates on reterreu ttie other dav to the sttu- ajiuicatiun. Kate!, and tickets to Eastern points and Eu committee on public lands, of which he ; rope. Aho japan, uiiina, HONOLULU anc is the chairmwi. X. I Atfir"A;,. . . WINTER TRIPS. Grand Central Station. Filth and Irving street YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger lleiot, too: ol Jerferkon street. Leave for Sheridan, weei days, t 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, y:SU a. ra. WEDNESDAY - - FEBKUARY 7, 1900 For winter residence or winter outing wIpaI nni1itintm will 1m fnmul nn pirwrv ,,, - ! I-ave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesdav and hand in California. Plenteous enrlv Frinav at:3Aa. m. Arriv a: Portland, tueo rainfall has this season given to the ! dav, Thursday and Saturday it 3:05 p.m. txcepi aunaay. txccpi caiuruay. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Keal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers nt cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. BLflKELEY & HOUGHTON, Wholesale ana Retail REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Pbrnand k Astoria K&v. Co. S mi me r of tliu Itcgnliitor Line will run ns per tin- tnl. '3 lowing schedule, the Company reiorvlng tho right to clmngp'jj nrlirilule without notice. .!j Str. RoRiilntor. (Limited Um!lug ) 1 DOWN. Lv Pallet at.s a. u. Tuesday . . . TlmiMlny .... Saturilay. . . Arr. Portland at ! I'. M. Lv tn. Porll.ind n T . M. Monila) Wediii-Mlny Krldny Arr. Dalles nt 6 l'. m. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallos City. (Toliclillif? nt nil Way Points.) DOWN. 1 Lv. Dalles I at i'iiKO A. K. I Monday I Wednesday . . Friday Arr. Portland , (unrortaln) I.v. Portland , nt fi a, m. Tuesday Thursdiiy . Saturday' Arr. Hull,-.. (niicertnliiJ.S FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamers ol tho Itecuiator Lino. The Company wilt endeavor to give its put- Portland Olllce, OakStrwt Hoefc. W. C. ALL AWAY, Gen. Afft., The Dalle DRUGGISTS and Motors IMPORTANT LEGISLATION. "Wmshlnetou Correspondent Tells of the Splendid Work or Senator Mrtlrlile. Washington, Jan. 29, 18C0. ono Chronicle: The delegation from Oregon in the fiffr-fiirth rnnprpos in rprtainlv a liarrl ork'nr one. ami ruinahle rPSnltR fnr loafing uay be enjoyed as nowhere else. the people of that state are being ac complished. It is too much to expect : semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im ' petus ; the floral offerings are more than , usually generous and the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ocean possesses new charms at Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Coronadu and the enchanted isle ' I of the sen, Catnlina where fishing, , jr boating, rambling, riding, hunting and ) I" . (i, II. MAKKIIAM, AnU (i. F. & Patb. Airt jlnuaer. Throuch Ticket Ofilce. i:M Third street, where through tickets to all points In the K astern I States Canada and KuroiK? can be obtained al i lowest rates from J. B. KIKKLAM), Ticket A?cnt. I or K. WIIEALUO.V. .MAXPr.UTt'ltlU) 1IY within the space of one brief letter even , to outline what has already been ac- j complished at this session by the entire ! delegation, and it will be necessary to : devote at least one letter or more to each eenator and member. The senior! eenator ftom Oregon, ilcBride, with his I tuiet little spots, snug and warm, offer themselves at Montecito, Nordhoff, Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Fall Brook and Palm Springs. For renewing health and vigor, here abound many tot springs, of widely varying constituents and demonstrated merits ; the dry, ant I tic, tonic air of the desert mav be enioved at Banning, . T-. . ! "V- . 1 f - . 1 . I four years of experience, and the im- "" lu'a " e I portant cdutmittee positions which have ! Phoenis Tu(:80n' 1 Paso, exists con- j come to him in the reorganization, nnd d'tions equally well indicated for weak the work which he has accomplished, is ' th,r06tB and luncs- easily entitled to first consideration. ! Mau-V thmk ot!li"e in nature more j attractive ttian the sliimmenng olive orchards of S.tnta Barbara and San Gunning, Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES rmxrxfvmxvxfs n a a a awjlhih ai at. r. . . . . v 1 Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, BROS. ;6" 5 Most important has been bis work in securing the passaee of the bill repaying to settlers on forfeited land grants the excess of $1.25 per acre, which they were obliged to pay into the United States treasury for their pre-emptione and com muted homesteads. The price of ?2.50 per acre was charged only for the reason that it was believed by the government and by the settlers alike that that land was worth twice that which was outeide of the limits of the railroad grant. No railroad being built, the settler within the railroad limits was no better off than the settler miles farther awav Cor. Second & LansWin. 'Pfeone 157 3 1 i GE.VEKAL J J ...AND... ?l UnrcQDhnoro -:i uuiaDOiiuuiu AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, un26 THE DALLES, OREGON Executor's Notice. uwee i", nereuv civen mill ine eminiv ennrt u of the Mate of Ortpon for Wasco county, in : Diego; others prefer the stately walnuts of Ventura and Los Nietos, or the lemons of Fernando; but for glorious fruit nnd trapfnl trpp rnmmunil na in c . i . ii ' I'robiitc, has duly U-mti letters testamentary to i ttie goitlen oranee, first, last and always, the underslciHil n the executor mimed in the , and it tvim in ttrpntpst nMrfotinn nt ' ,,l!,t wl" unl tmtament of Caleb Jirooki', tie-1 unu u exists in greatest periection at , Pisi.aiui r iiir,i i,ur..r ,.., ,.i,r..,r ,i. 1 Covina, Riverside, Kedlands and High-' ""''I decea.-ed. All jieroim tnivine claims jlands. Equally interesting is the scientific and tempting fashion in which i Third and Jeffcron. Phone:i59 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. fill kinds of I funeral supplies I Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. K,Tl,i.MHk.t.:T;riyT.1 the sorting and packing of the orange is here accomplished. The faithful were exhorted to see (Mecca and shuffle nrT: lint ations will see California' of the south m:nlli-t ald estate are required to nrescilt the nine t'i me ut tne law otllco of Condon .V Con-j don. In Dalles (Jltj, (irfgon, with jirojer vouch- ' er, within six months ironi this iiute. ! lieeember'.M, lM'j. ltOLAKDO G. llltOOKS, j L.eeutor of the entute of Caleb ceused. Dec-M-il I r x 1 i. ii ....... . . ... vtuue u wouiu seem mat tnis is so plain anu prolong liie. t as to need no urging, the proposition to j , , " ; j mmir thin mnnv tt, orin. i.ttt.., ' J- B- Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Scr-1 eition from the very first. geonB wanted t0 operate on me for piles, . . . . . ' hilt T nnrit than, u. t It TllVita U'i)nk ibis strong opposition to what should j have been done promptly as an act of i T r A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Otliceover French A- Co.' Hant justice, Senator ilcBride found left to liim as a legacy by his predecessor. Especially in the senate committee on public lands, through which thie meas ure had to pass, was found this opposi tion, the growth of years of discussion. When Senator McBride took the matter but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Bewars of connter- l'bone 6, THE DALLES. OKLUON j fits. , r. MCOBK. Fur Sale. Complete entertainment outfit, con- j sisting of high grade magic lantern, with . views on Spanish-American war and new talking machine with 20 records, joh.v oa vim; M00KE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Iioom 33 and tO, over U. S. Lund Olllee. F ItED. W.SVILfeON, ATTOkS PV.AT 1111' i l.....mU....,UI Ma.lH 300 l-lr .,ur ,nnfl, loot ll , . .... Al.lil.b, Ul.LiiO I "I1 twwi jvaiD nu liv BUttccuc'J III LCUing i f.b. ...wm... mi,, uwtcuwci r'll .lll, milli. a majority of the senators on the com- j Keas for selling owner ill. n"" -p j - ' laittee to sign a favorable report, but ' P081'" United Breiheru church on the I there still remained minority opposition. ! cr address Virgil E. Greene, The; The eenator began work upon the I JanESMmo J measure early in the present congress, I "I am Indebted to One Minute Cough and while there were some new men j Cure for my health and life. It cured ' nm me commiuee to wnotn tne merits nie of lung trouble following ui tue measure nau to De explained, still ..CflflS: FRANK-- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA HKE!!, netuim:. edited the bwit U-vr In The Diitlea, at the tiiuiil jirlee. Come In, try It and be convinced. Alto the Finest brands of Wine, Uinor and Clear. Sanduiiehes of nil Kinds always on hand, PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE tne opposition was much less tban it had been before and the bill was again grippe." Thousands owe their lives to the prompt I action of this never failing remedy. If cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, reported favorably and finally passed j pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung tronnies. its early UBe prevents con- J sumption. It is the only harmlees remedy thf t gives immediate results. the senate without a dissenting vote Another important measure whlc'i lias already obtained a good place on the calendar, accompanied by a favorable i ihih UHnriiN. nn Mm in,, renort from the cnmiiiittot. nn pn,r,,nc..c . ' is the bill of Senator MKHfH... a,i ..,!,.' I Korto1 !Pl" Cure did me more tin. , i. V , . Kd than anything I ever took." It, ting the port of Astoria to what is . i . I knon as the bonding pr ivi.ege, in!' tTt mA?"1?. m,PI mediate transportation of goods to their bBt c"fc dy'PP'" """' ronble. point ol destination without paying of dues at tlie port of entry. This snme THE bill went through the eenate last year, . .w1, and having again secured a favorable I CVltcVou wfcort from the commerce committee J Alf IBBIJ will no doubt be passed wbeu its turn id llA I AKRH reached on the calendar. I u Trade Marks Jcsignb COfVRiaHTB Ac. Anronn tending a iketrh and dncrlptinn mm quleklr ojcertaln i.tir opinion tree whether a', larentlnn In prnbablr palentabie. Communlc llfiimirlctly cfiiiBUciitUI. Handlxiokon l'atent lout free. Olileat aueiipr for seciirinir Patent. I'nlei.U taken throuvh llunn 4 Co. recelvs txelalnatkt, without charve, In tho Scientific JUnericam A handiomelr lllaitrated weeklr. Jjirueit elr. tulatlon of anr clenllUn lounial. 'i'erina. S3 a S2.r.'-!!!Sri!"ii!t,'L rjo'l broil newidealer. MUNN&Coib, New York CATARRH Senate bill No. 1)45, introduced by J EW'S Cr.ail) Bald) wijuiiuD) ninu lavuraujy re ported by the eenato tMnimitiee on com merce and placed upon tt'O ctlendar, ravidea lor a steam launch for tin.) eMtomi aervice at Aalorla. This is an important matter to the commerce of ihm Columbia rivet. Three private peniion bills introduced juj and pleftiant to tic. C'ulitniiiH no In. jurinaa drut. Jt U quickly aliiorlied. Utliufat once. it Oliena And ? SSSJSSSSS: tOLU'NnCAO Heal mid I'rutecU the Membrane Htore the en of Taste and binell. Large Hw. 60 centi . .- iwiutius,5nrieabUe;t,.NwVc;rk. Eureka Harnew Oil is the lxt prtnervatlve or nnw i..ti,... und thu bt.1t renovutor ol old leather, it olln, t,o(toni,, bluck eui mid protucw. uw Eureka Harness Oil on your but barn eta, your old bar new. and )our (wrrlatfetop, ami Itify , will nut only look lttr but Hear iViilV' ""''"rUno.iw-all uta Jroin half (ilnu to tlveicalloiu. 7 j.iiiiHu OIL 10. Wasco Warehouse Company "wuwuwo jx occu vjrraiu 01 all Kmas. Headquarters for Feed Grain 0t pii kin BtosTvG0TR ead(luarters for Rolled Grain, u kinds and manhood itieaaquarters for Bran. Shorts a,nd NERVITA uuresimpotency,r.iRiitl-:mlHslonsandiXTr.., j. z -w . -....-.. . iicaaquarLers ior "isyers $est Pendle ton Flour. v nuii ii,p nrvu I .. ""rnm: in KUBranieeu to irlve flatisiaci call iSSt ourr l$Zjr 5" trade' " yU dU,t U"" Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. wastinp diseases, all 'jllccts o self' abuse, or e.xccto and indis cretion. Auerve tonic uutl blood builder. UrintjB the pink glow to ;iale cheeks ant" restores the fire of youth. By mail 50c per box: O boxes lor iku.ou; witn a written Ktiuraii tee to cure or refund the inouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Cllrrton Jt Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. all kinds MILL FEED This Honr is manufactured expressly for family uwj; overv SUCK is vuarnntjul tn ..U.u u(i(,ml nn. .. i. t . . i V . ... : . . C. J. STUBLINO. Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency lor the Greate American Licmor Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, Digests what you eat. ItartlflclmllVditrnRtR t.ho trrA b4 Kature in .tMnifthminVuJir'"B BtructlDR the exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest dlcnv.r.H hi,.-. ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efflninr..i7 Jr Fratuftnce, Bour BtoiachT Nausea' allother reaulUof ImperfectdlKestioiL - Prepared by E. C O.WI cSSsSS mSi-n11100- Hrsold., ' - 11 mX' (il toiOyeaTJToTd.'-r OALIfOBMIA BBAMDIEB Iron, to 0.ob ner Tin. Id .7. 1 1 oldT ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEER on draunht, Imported Ale and 1'orter. and Yal Blott and Olyuipia Beer In bottlN JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.