The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 06, 1900, Image 4

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    Throat Troubles
"Hard well, Ky., where I live, is in the cx
trcmi: western part of the State ami only a
few miles trom niro,
111 where the Ohio
empties into the Mi?
sbsippi lllver. It niny
he that th -oat troubles
are common liere be
cause of loca
Hon, but,
whatever the
reason, I find
it w i-e to con
stantly keep a
s u p p 1 y o I
Acker's Khr
lish Itemed-
for CotiMiinp
tirm on hnnd.
It is the best
thin? 1 ever
came across
for couphs, colds and throat troubles, nnd
I have used it in my family for yeai. Xo
druggist here can he depended upon to have
it alwavs, so 1 am writing this letter to A ,
H. Hooker & Co.. 2M Broadway. X. Y to
order a dozen bottles at a time. My wife is
"bothered lately with sore throat and difficult
, but just as soon as tne dozen not
ties get here, I will give her a few doses, and
ill )a n-,tl ixtnin. ToTtieOttn
tue nut T :.,.;-
write anouier ifuer tu u siiott
my wife is cured, for I feel absolutely sure it
is what she needs." (Signed) T. A. WnrrE.
Soldat2Sc.,50c.and$labottle, throughout
the United States ana L'anaiia: ana in ,ng-
land, at Is. I'd.. 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. Jf you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle tc
your druggist, and get ;
vour druwist. and get your money oacK. !
JIV authorize Vts ohm guarantee, i
H". II. IIOOKKR A- CO., Pwpritlits, Sew 1'ori. I
Blakeley & Houehton.
H. . Moore is down from Nanseneon
Hugh Glenn was a homing passenger
from Portland on last night's train.
E. P. Marshall, one of Umatilla's
leading sheep men, is down from Pendle-
Frank H. Johnson, a wool buyer frcm
Utucugo, arrived in the city yesterday
afternoon. (
Miss Lillian Sheiton.of the Chkomclk
force, left on the train yesterday after
noon to spend the remainder of the
week with relatives in Portland.
Miss Myrtle Smith, who has been
ppending the time since she left here in
Seattle and Pendleton, returned yester
day afternoon and will remain for sever
al months.
Mrs. V. Lord, who with her hus
band, has spent the past few month at
Santa Barbara, Calif., returned home
Sunday night. Mr. Lord will arrive
tonight, having remained over in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sinnott and N. J.
Sinnott went to Portland on the after
noon train yesterday; the former to
hear the James-Kidder combination at
the Marquam and the latter to attend
the league. of Republican clubs. '
Always speak a good word for the
toan in which you live. Ifvou cannot
eay a good word, say nothing. Too
many people are apt to say things,
when, if they would stop to reflect they
would leave unaid. 1 you are not as
prosperous as your neighbor it is not
your neighbor's fiiilt, nor, possibly
yours. Conditions may be such that
you fail to -ucceed where others do.
It is not the fault of the town but your
own misfortune, and perhaps after
while your turn may come. Nothing
hurt6 a town so much as to tave a resi
dent always crying down every eJort ,
put forth to build it uu. Be charitable. !
Fire Alarm Now L'oiiilrtH.
The fire alarm system now fiuiehed
'lessens the dancer of serious tires but
the Law Union & Crown Ins. Co. pro
tects your propeity from losses by fires.
Before renewing or taking out insurance
have the agent call and explain advan
tages. Arthur Seiifert, resident auent. ' -
Phone 141 .
The l.ittl .MlnUter.
Charles FrohniKii's company will prr
fient "Tlie Little Minister," the comedy
success of the century, at the Vogt opera
house February 15, l'JOO.
Tiie play has made a marvelous Im
pression on the theatergoing public, not
only attracting people in crowds to the
houses in which it lias been pressnted,
but inbking them feel that there is
more heart and sentiment in its scenes
and lines than anything that has ever
been seen before. "The Little Minis
ter" is a oniedv written bv .!. V nr.
tie, and founded on his popular novel of
iiie same name. The love Htory of
"Lady Babbie" nd the quaintly humor,
ous characters of the village of Thrums
the twin charms of the book are de
' lietitfutly represented in the play. The
play exhales the same exquisite heart
winning atmosphere that pervades Mr.
Ilarrto'a naifH. Tl. nn,.i,. . w and
oiKlits In New York, turning people
wuy ior every periormatice. This is no m
idle atatewent it is a remarkable fact;
uot it single night during the entire ;
eson run of tiie piece in the inetropo. f1
lis, did the curtain go up on the tilav ,
tb.t every last inch of nfniluB room in , min7L 'T'Zi' bv SSfS
tfao house was not Ukeu.
The New bjreciflc Co., Atlantu, Gu.
, York triumph has been duplicated
everywhere, and it would seem that
"The Little Minister" is destined to
crowd theater? as long ns it lives. It Is
a beautiful play in every way ami Chas.
FrohinAii'e name in connection with tho
production is a guiuiiutee that it is nil
that theater coers could desire.
Notlre tn Voter.
Under the provisions of the registra
tion law nil persons when registering
are required to fnri'ish to the' register
ins officer tlii? following information :
If nutural , the time, place, an 1
court of naturalization. In this con
nection, it is necessary to produce
1 naturalization papers, or declaration ol
KPsiilenee must le specific1 ; giving
precinct, section, township and range
if within town or citv, the street, Xo. if
any. and Xo. of lot and block ; if in ur.y
building where rooms are numbered, the
number of the room and floor must be
In order to avoid unnecessary delav
and inconvenience, ever v person desir
. . ....
mg to register should be prepared to
. -
furnish the above information.
. Facilities will be furnished in every
precinct in the county by either Justice
tb p Xotarv Public
, OI lue x eaLl! or -0"" 1 uunc.
: A. M. Kei.say,
Countv Clerk.
I Feed rye for sale at the Wasco
I house.
stcck is new
Clark A Falk's drug
fresh and complete.
i Clarke fc Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Uje Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic
j to kP dandruff from the, head.
' Yon will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
j Ash your grocer for Clarke & Faik's
i pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Paint your house with
fully guaranteed to last.
paints tiiat are
Clarke & Falk
have them.
G. H. Appleton, justice of peace,
Clarksburg, X. J., says, "DeWitt'a
Little Early Risers are the beat pills
made for constipation. We use no
others." Quickly cures all liver and
bowel troubles.
Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware
ot counterfeit and worthless salve offered
; fur DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. De
; Witt's is the only original. An infallible
I cure for piles and ali skin diseases.
I Acker's English Remedy will stop a
, cough at any time, and will cure the
I worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Biakeley
; A Houghton, druggists.
Cure ilendnj.-lii3 Oulckly.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke ec Falk, druggiets. jan24 Gvr
TUme PiraplM, Pr-ent
lluioa.aeu, Parifj the Wood.
Cure UeUchiiil lijjp.'pm.
Iv? S TiiQ' j wl" ra" "mpl I re. or fa 1 l.oi lor
he. bold by draecuw. DR. B0SANK0 CO. Pnll" pZ
Oh, the Pain of
Eheumatisrn often cauges the most in
tense suffering. 'Many have for years
vainly sought relief from this disabling
disease, and ure to-day worse off than
tver. iineumatism is a blonri Hisopsn
"d Swift's Specific is the onlv cure. w
I'Wc : i , , '
cause 11 is tne only remedy which can
reach such deep-seated diseases.
A few years ago I was taken with inflamma
tory Eheumatisrn, which became so intense
thct I was for weeks unable to walh. I tried
several prominent physl- j
clans and took their treat
ment faithfully, but was
unable to get tho slight
est relief. In fact, my con.
uiuun seemed 10 prow
worse, the disease spread I
over my entire body, and
from November to Slarch
I suffered aony. I tried
many potent medicines,
but nont) relieved me.
Upon the advice of a
S. 8. S- lfnrrt nllrtirtm. m. tr, I.Id I. 1 T '
ever, my guardian, who was u chemist, ana.
J . ,,no remedy, and pronounced it free of
twS'umS. that I untmlJed the S 1
c.o,uuuiii two moiuiin i wascureucompletely.
The cure was permanent, for I have neverslnce I
had a touch of Uheumatlsm thouch many
Umea exposed to damp and cold weather
, . Eleanor m. Tippbli,
87U Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia. 1
Don't suffer longer with Rheumatism.
Throw aside your oils und liniments, as
tnoy can not reach your trouble. Don't '
experiment With doctors their notoah
mnrcurv will mid
ion. comPletely destry Jour diges-
A ni
2T KlAAffl
curo Prfeotly and permanently,
f"I?"i2S C"1 vegetable, und
Grocery Dep'i.
You will find sauce'" ami condi
ments to tickle the palate of
any epicure.
INIajor Grey's Bonjial Chut
ney. I). & T. Chili Sauce or To
mato Chutney.
Red Hot a gootl relish.
"Manila Relish.
Sweet Relish.
Horse Radish Mustard.
Essence of Anchovies.
Paprica genuine Hungar
ian. Tabasco Pepper Sauce.
Evaporated Horse Radish.
East India Currie Powder.
Celery Salt.
Tomato Mustard.
Sandwich Mustard.
.Mayonnaise Mustard.
Flaccus Prepared Mustard.
French Mustard.
Oyster Coctail.
Catsup Faust's.
C. & B. "Walnut Catsup.
C. B. Mushroom Catsup
Olives, Pickles, etc.
"I arn indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life. It cured
me of lung trouble following grippe."
Tnousands owe their lives to the prompt
action of this never failing remedy. It
cures coughs, colds, croup4 bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. Its early use prevents con
sumption. It is " the only harmless
remedy thnt gives immediate results.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
CUKE i'Olt
! Ely's Cream Balm
Lasy end plesjant to
in-. Cuni.nus 1.0 in-1
jj'ions Urns.
J1 i' ciuicKiy absorbe'J.
i i. ves lttihef at onctr.
' it (Itto'tm Ami ftu '
Iltf.tls nnd l'rotcctii the Memli,M i;ir,r..o n,nl
S-iies of Ta-ite and bnicll. Ijire Size, SO ce:il n:
DrH'sirtsor liv maltr liil Rio in ...!. ..,fi
1 ELY JJItirfUEKS, M -Vttnen bueeu Aw 'o:L
With every one dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February we will
give a chance on a
Stool Eange.
m "MM
rK n- i"
Paier l Benton
I'llOM D.II.I.K.S.
11 ; 15 p. m
Suit I.Hkr, lKMivur. I't.
Worth, Onmliu, Kim
sns City, St. Units,
ChlciiRo iiiul KHst.
S.S6 p 111
T:U5 p. m
Wnlln WnlU, SMikntii',
.Mtlllli'iil'Olls. M. I'ull I.
4:itn a. in
i) u I u l II, aiiiumikft'
Cliii'UL'i) and Kusl.
S p. m.
i p. m.
From Poi-.ti.anii.
Oceiiti Hteiiinthliis.
For S-bii Frnnclrii
ItcccuilHT n, i, IB, is, :
R p. m.
I n. in.
Ex.hiilulAVICnlumbln Uv. Stcamerit.
;To Astoria nnd Way!
Saturday I Landings.
II) p. m. i
Ca. m. ; WiLLAiirni Uivkr. 4:S0p. m.
Ex.UuudayiOrefrou Citv, NewlH;r(:Ex,uuday
aalcui & Way ljuid's.
, . m,
and Bat.
HILL IttVEBS. Mim.,Vcl
lOrcpon City, Dayton, and rl.
and iiy-ljiiidliiK.
6 a.m. I WiLLAMrnr: hivcR. i t::wp. m.
Tuc..Thur, Portland to Corviillis, Mon. Wl
and Sat. i aud Vay-Laudtiif;i. laud Frlduy
Snake Kivrn.
KipHriH to Ixiwliitou.
S:!D ii. m.
Lv Itlparln
t:W a. m.
Parties desirim: lo co to Ileiumor flimilil !
uikf .M. -i, leavlnc llir limits hi :- p. r.i
makiiii.' direct coniieutliins ut Heppner juuetliin
Ke'.iirulnp ruiikiiiRdlreutcniiuet'tioii tit lleppncr
Junction with No. l.arrlvliiK at The pallet ut
'J:Sri. m.
No. '.U, thrnucht frelcht, east bound, does lint i
rnrry pns,enger!, arrives t!:50 a. m., depart!,
3;J0 a. m. )
.. -i, iiieai lri'icni, cnrriee iaenKers, eaM
bound: arrive- -1:3J p. m., deimrth 15 p.m.
No. silent bound through frelgti:, does uot
carry passengers; arrives ti 15 p in., departs
9:Jp. m.
No. 23, west bound local frelcht, rnrrivs pas
sengers; arrive 5:15 p. m., dejiiirLi s:'M n. m.
For full iwirtlculars call on O. It. N. l.'o.V
ngent Tiie Dalles, or address
(ion Pui. AKt.. Portland, Or,
Rooms on Third Streot,
One Block Back
French &Co.'s Bank.
'3W J3S ONV 3 Won
Physician and Surgeon,
BpecUl attention given to Misery.
Koomi 21 nd 22, Tel. 328 Vtt Block
C. F. Stephens
.Doalor In...
Dry Goods, Clothing,
uencs t-urnisnings.
llOOtS, BIllH-s. Hilts, ( llph, N'iiIIoiik. Act,
(or V, U DoiiKini" ritiin!.
Ti'lepliouc N'o. sS.
The Dalles, Or,
C. S. Smith,
4 1 4 t I
I 11 r I 1 l w 0 m
i nrni n rr r rr r
I 4
Fri'eh Ekrb nml Cri-fttnu'y
Buttur u BjU'cirtlty.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
. S. riciir.NK,
, M. llRAL ,
First national Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of liollection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on
New York, 8an Francisco and port-
U. 1'. lllOMt'HON.
Eu. M. Williams,
H. M.
Jo. rj. Hciic.ncc
Geo. A. Lie us.
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
a)RIKD beef, etc.
Lettera of Credit Issued avalluble in the
Eastern States,
bikrilt Elfilianirn nml 'rul.....l...
c .it !., ',a"vu, ruruatia Ure
koii, feeattle WhbIi,, nnd various point.
Oft-'BO" and WnBhiDBtcla.
voiiecuoiis maae at ull points on fuv
orable terms.
N''tlce Microti)' kIvoii tlmt the liiideihlitnwi
mate of Oregon. for iitco county, iidiiiliiUirHt,,;
iiftliovMtHto of l-utrlok llrow nj , le u "1 a l
here liy niitllled to pie.ent Mild clnlim,, i.roi.erlv
vx-rllled, to mo t tU ollleo of riii m u A Hliiiiifti
d"ul"rtof! ' rU" W",lln Mx '' rom thJ
iMted Juiiuury 23. moo.
IL ,,.
JI'-'1I AdiulnNln.1,.,
D alien,
Job Printers.
" ----- v. a IIUUU
lUIIni City rrjMii,
I f - - - vni.u I,
um ooaru ui wtuer cornmteHionera o
imiitH viiiv. vrvKuu. hi nniri citv uni
butt) o'clock n. m. ot the W dav of '!.
WOO, for tvcntv(ivt thnupunti do!lar(
Mlltl (WHtlt V t ImilNllflf I flnllura tit ra,,r,l
i i i ..r ....!. i ..u.. . .
ol tiomlH will beo,ulK)or I'O.OOO'
- -- - - . - - - ' UIIIUUU
ll.f.ll. Id .ti... tl.wl I.I 1 1.
luUIHI t ul It tl ti I fWV U'lllur liriirlti it.
of J-M.OOO, tint if found not to ho r
....... in i... i.. .l
- t iui . Iiu tllUIC LUd
nolo tw?ntv vmirH from diit of i..n
Inli.M.ut t.ii Kit lilaa u ai i.i ( ....)).. ...t-
! firil unit lnliruf tuifiittlu tn ittl.l n,ii
! im United Staten. at inn citv thMrciti
ut the option of the buyer.
I !... 1 l .i n i . i
i under the provitrfonn of the cevurul
inhitive ucto of th fitute of Oretron,
iriui'ii rfii. ti. imii. rr i. i v. mi . un
1 1.1 iur ....,1 1., f .... A.
.. -
mlm.l ...I 1... I... .. .........
1 1 li, .h,.,, n t t o:
hnflflq tin, tntitmli'fl fnr flu, rfrlHi,intinn
f,t nilUhitii Inn ..'... lif.m u t.. ,l.u an.
,.f AfUl . l...t I. .1... I. l l
uuiiiiiiirniuiifrt! uri'it'r. it in letne tr
.....l! I .... . . 1 . A.m inf . 1 .1 ..-.
' tiuidcrri innv inuko uronoNn s for oolh
IllltlOIl Ol J.lUl) Wll'll.
I No hid w ill be .ntertnlned for a rale
I leas thin, pur vnliut of thu liunds. I'rem-
linns und rute ol iiitcicst will lie taken
. into uoiislderiitioti in imHsiiitf on the
, viiIup of nil liidn.
Hidders iiniMt deposit witli the preii
dent of thu bourd u dulv certified check
I on some ruepuneibltt bunk cquiil toL' r
' L'L-Ilt of thu uii iiiinl (if lioiulu hlil fur. or
ii'cunipuny inn iiiu wnii ospii 01 eaca
.-.,... ..u ...;n i , ,... ft
uuiutiiib nr n in I'ljlllil ruuil 'ei ic,vi
! bis bid, und Ruub oertitlud i-licck iwde
imvahlu to the president of thu buanloi
water oouitiiicHlonerH of Dalles City, Or.,
an liciuiiliited dauiuiruM in cam tliti hidder
tfimil tail or neglect to receive anil FJ.T
j for, at tiie ollice of the city Ireamirer ol
I said city, the bond awarded lo lilin on
1 lie old. on or before the llrnt day ol
i .March, 11)00.
j Attention should be given the fl
' that the board will not iesue and t'ifpoie
; of more than 20,(!00 of such n-funilmf
i bonds, unless it shall be deemed necei;
j wary to do io, but otherwise, II th ' board
, shall flud tlmt it is neceosary to ieioe
tinmis In the sum of if'Jj.OOO, it will in
oiler and issue tli full sum, L'S.OOO),
The riglit to reject anv and all uldi
reserved bv tiie Haid " board of wt
liidn should be addressed to tho preii
dent of said board, or to the citv record'
er, Dalie.6 City, Wasco county, Oregon,
and noted "Pronosals for refundinj
water bonds."
liy order of the Hoard of Water Com
mission, by aud with the consent of tbe
Common Pmi.w.M Tl.iu '.',( Ii daV 01
Juuuarv, JiiOO.
T. J. SKI"! KltTi
fl.. f J President of Hord
AlltUT: Nk II. (jATKKi
liecorder of Dalles City.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt H'e
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind ol
... . . if
cliicken feed. nicliJW
Wood Saw
Will run every day except Suiidy
Hates Reasonable.
Telephone 201.
W. A. CATES, Prop.
r i