A WARM SYSTEM. White Winged Carnival! Our Spring Offering of White Goods win com,ii ; 1 on Wednesday February 7th, 1900, and be the most complete offering in tins particular lino yet inaugurate! by this house. It will consist of Dimities, Lawns and organdies, Laces and Embroideries, Ladies', Misses' and Children'- Muslin Underwear, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Towelling, Muslin, Sheeting, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Lace Curtains and Curtain Material. Gent's Furnishing Goods Department. If you want the best you have no other choice, we don't make it so, but peo ple who like iip-to-date wearables, just prices and fair treatment do. Not a hund red years, not fifty, nor even one has elapsed since the clothes we are showing were made. They wero made this season and in this season's style. This not only ap plies to our Men's Department but to the Children's as well, and there's a style about them that's exclusive. Isn't it worth something to know that you are in style, especially when it costs you no more? Our advertisements are our letters to you, written, signed and backed up by ahoiw that has always been jealous of its reputation and business integrity. All CciodB Marked In Plnln FlRuroo. PEASE &, MAYS fa Dalles Daily Chronicle. Ttlrvhone -Vo. J. TUESDAY - FEBRUARY (i, 1900 (liQtfirQ I UIUIIII Bl A HTVftl In every Mylu by KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. City Superintendent J. S. Landers has ken ill for the past two days, being confined to his iuoiii. Ths longer you wait, the Btnaller will U the aw-ort merit. Manhattan shirts I it (1.00 are not to be bought every day. Go to A. M. Williams & Co.'e. lieuiember, if you heHr the fire alarm tiler today, unless it Ui the noon test 'iflial, It ineaiiB business aud get there itli butli feet. The box keys have been lamed ove r and every thini; is In read iness. A. M. Williams & Co.'b bIiow window today uxtiibitH Home elegant cane, eult ""(I jacket values. Forty per cent is the iliecoutit. Annual nieetiuir of Jackaou Kncine Company tonight. All members and exempt members uro Invited to be on 1'nnd, mid enjoy the spread which is Wnif prepared. While i-j i. H rii cars Inst niirhtat Uma- tilla 0. K. McNeil, u brakeinan, had his "'lit imnd cut almost ofl. Jiocame t'jvi on No. !1 thin morning and went r"Ui I'jrtlaiid, where ho will have the Wllile wound attended to. Hie telephone and telegraph com l,ait;s re having a tiicnls today, with 'Mr wliea outside thu city, which were "imiiu. to withstand tho pressure last '"glit. Uv consoliduting their forces 'ouiowlmt they have succeeded in do- iiuslm-Bii. Keller is having his htore filled up In attractive manner, and with the " 0 Itttte. TIih nulla unit xllini' urn overed in thu lliicrlstu ivulton naner Hiitfd in lieht ureen shades. iwrdered with deen uarnet. makimr a pretty eirect. None need'follow the example of Sock. "68 Jfrrv. for Mnrklllt.. nf Pwubh . ""ys1 uiotiiiiiL' '"K tu "sock it to 'em on box." He's l"H Ills foot in It now anil lilx customers ' invited to call and make him prove "0 UlldeiHtllllll tllllf T uutar JJJrwl Willi,,,,, Vessey 4 per head (or JJflW wp, says thu Proieer; Record. "e10 liolknow If Mr. Vsv will ac- fW m figure, but If he doea It will 7 11,0 luru8i iui cf money that has C,WI hands or one baud of sheep. as it may aeem, in spite of the iiercewlnri u.... -i.i.. TdU.i -"" oiui, Hie Oregon jwephone local lines are in Bulp-shape, dim , "PWlwoIng but one Slight "tniculiy vt Uh a crowed wire. Thli no doubt is due to the efficient work done in reconstructing the lines throughout the city a month ago, and surely paid them for their work, beside giving mnch satisfaction to their subscribers. The surveyors who have been em ployed by the Columbia Southern in making a survey up lo-Mile have com pleted their work and moved their out fit into The Dalles this morning. What will bo the outcome remains to be seen ; many deem it simply a bluff. lie that as it may, we understand the survey has cost about $100 per mile; the first mile up from the river being tqual in labor to ten miles farther on. A meeting of tho Young Ladies' So ciety of Single Blessedness was held last evening at the home of one of their number to prepare for the convention which meets Monday evening in the Baldwin. It was decided to invite the public in general to be present and to enjoy the reception at the close. The gentlemen of any aud every description you 11?, middle aged or old are cordially invited to meet the delegates upon this occasion. Speaking of the lecture which will he delivered by liev. D. V. 1'oling next Friday eveniug before the Students' Literary Club, the Ciiuoniclu spoke of the Baptist chinch being engaged for the occasion. Such is not the case nud tho city hall, their usual place of meet ing, will be used upon the occasion, ileing in perfect sympathy with the young men and their efforts to improve themselves, no doubt Rev. I'ollugV ad dress will bo a most Interesting and in structive one. What possible motive could lend any one to deliberately tluow a rock into a car filled with passengers, is beyond our ken. And yet Sunday night as the passenger tiaiu stopped at lionncvilie a good'sized rock whiz.ed through the window Into the chair car, mashing a passenger's hat in, grazing a man's knee who sat on the other side of the car aud scattering glass promiscuously. Had it struck a little lower it must have knocked the man iiifensible. Tho train men wero justly wrathy, but though they endeavored to discover the culprit, 'twas in vain, for he had escaped. The gentle (?) Chinook wind "bloweth where it Hsteth" today, and every place else for that matter. It also made Itself felt last night, shaking things up lively, The windows creaked, the tall trees swayed to and fro ami the houses fairly shook on their foundations, one burn near the fair ground collapsing under thu severe pressure, Tho Chinook is about a mouth previous, hut if lie had como with the Intention of drying up the streets, he would have beeu wel come; on the contrary, however, rain and Biinw accompanied its fury and tho mud Is even worse than ever. Ou the Klickltats and the hills west of us the Biiow held its own for a time this morn ing, but finally succumbed beneath iti mighty pdwor. Poor "Kid Moore," Uie' morphine fiend, who whs such an annoyance to The Dallea officers last summer, seems to be a greater torment to himself than he could be to anyone else, and Saturday in the Portland jail attempted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. It would almost Eeem a pity that he did not succeed. And yet an employe of the Cmtosici.i: office knew Stewart Moore when he whs a bright, happy boy !n the Valley, but the worst o'f all calamities came to Stewart in t"he loss of his. mother, who left him to the care of a worthless father. And last of all a demon, in tho form of a woman, who was a near neighbor, taught the lad the awful habit which has been his curee. If there is not a place of future torment for such a being as her who thus led the young lad to such a living death, then will justice fail to be appealed. The confirmation of II. II. Kiddell as postmaster of The Dalles oliice will be a satisfaction to our residents. Coming to Mj. Riddeli as the oflice did, without his seeking, it was the desire of all that he be firmly establif bed m the position. Then, too, he lias already shown a desire to do his whole duty toward the public, and his efforts in many directions In connection with the work have bee.i most commendable. Among other things he is ueing every endeavor toward secur ing a free delivery system, and it looks much as if his efforts would be rewarded before many months. We beopeak for our postmaster a successful term of oflice. Not that he will please all, nor perhaps more than half, for what person in such a position ever did, or could? That one would certainly he infalhthle who could perfectly mtisfy the various characters with whom In has to deal daily. ' There is no reason why The Dalles diould not have a hcHpi.nl, whjlo there ire numberless splendid arguhientu in avor of such an institution in.unr midst. Cvery few days patients from tho citv, s well as tho couutrv about Ai. arj sent o Portland for surgical operations which t.i i i ... i t i :ould ba performed at liome had wo mt a place where they could he cured or by trained muses. Not only would this bu a saving to those concerned, but fa largo amount of money would thus bo kept in the city, which now is ex pended else here. AVo have compe tent physicians and surgeons here, who if they could not undertake all, are e jual to thu grealer portion of the cises which are now attended to In Portland. A splonflld place for such an institution would he the stone house on the hill, If ii could be secured. 'Tills question shitld bu agitated and eo what can be done In thu matter. CASTOR I A For Infants aud Children. Tie Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears the Biguature of Much l tlm Nun Kirn Alnrm ItrcMitly 1' lit In III TIlP Dnllra. The firo boys evidently thought they wero in for u genuine t fire a warm number this morning, for an alarm on such a bieezy day causes added terror at tho sound of the bell. Reaching the engine house, however, they found it was but another test of tho new system, P. Do S. Olney, malinger of tho board of fire underwriters, being in the city to mako the test itreparatory to making the ten per cent reduction in the in surance. Mr. Olney examined every feature of the now system thoroughly, and ex pressed hiiueelf as greatly pleased with it In every particular. He saya The Dalles has now a better system and better boxes than has Portland. He was also pleased with the new honk and ladder outfit nnd the chemical engine, the latter not being among the provisos necessary to the reduction. Another thing which assured that gentleman that the companies would lose nothing at the hands ot the Dalits fiie department, was tho prompt man ner in which they responded this morn ing, and the large number which turned nut to give assistance. The Ciiao.v ici.e just here desires to inform all un derwriters and others concerned, that The Dalles firo department can't be beat, and their equal is hard to Gnd. Too much cannot be said in their favor nor regarding the noble work they have done in the past. They may ask any who hae knowledge of their record and the same opinion will be forthcoming. So far as known now it will not be necessary to give any fnrt her alarms in testing the system, so that any future alarms may be known to be genuine, excepting the three taps which will be given each day at noon in order to de termine whether the system is in work ing order. Chief Lauer has turned over the thirty five keys to the boxes which will be well distributed, and wo would advise all to preserve the cards containing the num ber of the boxes, which were recently given out by Pease and Mays, that they may be used for reference. They are ns follows: Two laps followed by seven in succession is tho general alarm nt the engine house ; two with six succeeding, in the vicinity of third and Lincoln; two-five, Umatilla House district; two four. Second and Washington; one-Fix, Second and Laughlin; one-five. Second and Madison; one-four, Second and Taylor, ' WHERE ARE THEY? A Number nf tho WuiiUerlne HnyH Are IJIturliluc Our Cliurclim. 444 lie a friend to your puree. Jiuy shirts, and pfenty of them, When you can get Manhattans at a dollar. Williams & Co.'b the place. Were a few of the parents in The Dalles to sing "Where Is My Wandering Hoy Tonight" with the "spirit and the understanding," the churches at least would not be disturbed in their worship as haB been the case for the past few Sunday evenings when a gang of hood lums gather in front of the Lutheran and Baptist churches and with shooting, etc., raised such a disturbance that it was impossible to hear but a small por tion of the service. The following article, written by a "liystander" in the Salem Statesman touching on this very question, is right to thu point : " 'Where is My Wandering Hoy To night?' is u question that disturbs many an anxious father and mother' mind and heart'in reference to this oil spring, ranging in years from IS to -5 years. Many cf these disturbing thoughts, witli their doubts and fears, might lie avoided in their inoit serious aspects had they arisen with suflicimt forcrf to product tuition a few, yeats earlier in the life of the bov. There aie many fathers and motheis today, who are laying the foundation for future trouble by neglecting eomu little paitic ulais that could now be attended to with no great effort. Thu period be tween school hours and dusk is a con venient one for small hoys to congregate in secret places, ami conduct seatlces in which they would not much relish the pteseuce of their pirents. Thu By- jstander knows of several boys belonging to good lanulies that can he seen almost any latu afternogu banded together in a well shaded hack yard and in vacant out-buildinua in thu uuighborl ood, where they smoke cigarettes, ami in dulge in various practices that are sure to land their parents on thu anxious (Oil in a fuw years unless thu hit and bridlu are put on immediately, There is no use in locating the group here Bpoken of, because there are doubtless several of them In Salem. They range in years from 11 to 14, They are seen by neighbors and are sometimes spoken to about the propriety of their actions, but they become saucy and unmannerly. They carry niatchos and firecrackers and way It some time or other he the means of calling out the lire depart ment. "The father or mother who knowB "1, " TmtPidtii"tiT' LiiHi.n .1 miunlui..iim 'Jnmi'i ' ' 'Mi1' pa: iii mi AVfcgclable Preparationfcr As similating iheFoodandRegula ling (he Stomachs and Bowels of CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic . mtpe erofdJk-SAKVaPtTCNDf lanplan Seat' sflx.Senna Rotktll Smtls -AaueSnrit r Cfatfu&SUMr WbUrtntiCnavar. AperTecl Remedy forConslipa non, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Bears the Signature Xy In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CINTUH COMPANY. NIW YORK CITY. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. m Q W xsi m Q m A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed 0tB, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn Kintr Philip Corn, . Stowell's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn. Kafiir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Hose Potatoes, lturliarik Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feeii, Seed and Groce'ry Store of J. H. CROSS. U Ul d w SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. I The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, JVfajestie Are. MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. 4 Komembor that wo aro felling the panie from $45.00 to $60.00 Whioh is a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 over price charged by peddlers for inlbrior ranges. Write for pamphlet, "Majestic Kvidoneo." WflVS & CrOUUE. where his or her boy of 11 to HI years old is in Ida spare hours, who knows the company he is with and tho practices Indulged, will haye much less cause to ask with a sigh in future vears, 'Where Is My Wandering Hoy Tonight '." It might be well to remark that there Is nothing said hero in relation to keeping track of the boys that will not also ap ply to the girls." . Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celobratsd James E, l'atton strictly pure liquid paints. A i'rlKiilful Itliimler Will often cause a horrible burn, 1 scald, cut or hrulBu, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the beat in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns, clous and all skin eruptions, Best pile cure on earth. Only '2o cts. a box. Cure Kiiarauteed. Sold by Blnko'ey & llouyhton, ilruiryrista. 1 Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn, Manufactured by Clarko & Falk. r