I ml I?. For a Nice Suit of Clothes. 1'nntinc. OvcrwitlM- or Fnncjr VcstitiK. ns it is destructive to business already j established. Every one of those 4,500 and more miles of new railroad was built in response to the demands of some new industry, or to the in-. creased demands for transportation ; facilities made by those already in existence, and to which j new life was given by Ibe enactment of the Dingley law. Altogether, ns 'as the Gazette puts it, "the exhibit lis a remarkable evidence of the wide-j spread prosperity that has at last' overtaken the country.' 1 EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Just What You uiant. REGULATOR LINE. 3 H or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. LEAVE. r:oo r OVKK1.AN1) KX-I i press., .mem, kiw.- ' ' ours. - rumor Krmieisoo, !., -Hlcm, Koe- ' :, asIiIhihI, Shc-1 I'llto, OkiIimi.Shu I lCisoo, Mojuvc, ( 9: llinnlnu VI 1 'nun. I os AiiRt'lco.El .win, i lew Orleans and I.RSt WINTER TRIPS. Klndlv rail nnd esnmine my stock of Im ported And D u-eutlo Woolens. A fine stock to elect from. , . gnit madefromthe lowest jirice to the high-cstcnule. J. A. Eberie Fino Tallorine. S:30 A. M Dally except Sundays l.oscburg mid way tn- linns f Via Woodbura for i I Mt.Anet'1, Sllvwloii.i West Sclo, llrowiis- ) vllle.dprlugfleld and ' l Natron J 15 A. M. 4:30 r. X Dally CXCUpt ciundaya. IT:S0 A. M.i ICorvalltB I stations. and way J ;5:jnj..M. HIE DALLES, OKEOO.V. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SCBSCKirilOS PKICE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 6, 1900 For winter residence or winter ontinp ideal conditions will be found on every hand in California. Plenteous early rainfall has this season given to the semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im petus ; the floral offerings are more than usually penerous and the crop" of southern fruits bonnttful and excellent. Old ccean possesses new charms at Santa Bnrbara, Santa Monica, Loop Beach, Coronaxlo and the enchanted isle of the sea, Catallna where boating, rambling, riding, hunting loafing uay be enjoyed as nowhere else Quiet little spots, Enug and offur themselves at Monteeito, -TordhofF, Pasadena, Echo Mountain, Sau Jacinto, Fall Brook and Palm Springs. For renewing health end vigor, here abound many tot epriiig., of widely varving constituents and demonstrated merits: the drv. ant I tic. tonic air of ' dav, ? hursdny und Saturdaj u3:0or. in lUnmp.'),. ' "Except Sunday. Except Saturday, Indio, Yuma; and, even farther on, at; INDEPENDENCE PA5SENGEK. Express trala Daily (except Sunday). 1:50 p.m. jLv. ...Portland .Ar.) 8:25 a. m 7:30 p. m. &i .McMtmivlllc..l.v.S 5:S0 a, m 8:30 p.m. (Ar..ludepcndeucc..l.v. -t:ffla.m Daily. tDaiiy, except bunany. DINING OAKS ON OGDEN RODTE. PULLMAN BDFFET SLEEPER? AND SECOND-CLASS BLEEPING CAKA Attached to ull Through Trains. I ........ .... I wii.i Vwiinlcnn . ( Vi rrw.t . , i imtvi wuuauuu ai .nu i . ii.n.i v i v. .... w . ... nsmng, I dental and Oriental and I'nctflc mall uteamshtp ing nnd Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on Kates Mid tickets to Eastern points and Eu i mi. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU ant wnrm, AUSTRALIA. 1 All above trains arrive at and depart .Innr I Grand Central Station. Filth nnd Irvine street YAMHILL DIVISION. I Passenger Dejot, foot of JeCerson street. ' Leave for Sheridan, week days, st 4:30 p. m i Arrive ut Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIRI.IE on Monday, Wednesday and Fri'iay atK3u. m. Arnv at Portland, Tui- Dalles, Pofliaofl k Astoria Kay. oo.;j no ff tin- regulator UiilmvUI run ns Hr tla-fnl-'3 ulc, the Company re-crvlrc the right to change 'A .... .tbin 7 ; 5 Str. Ropulntor. (Umitoil Undine ) Hows. Dalles at S A. Jt. Tuesday . . . . TluitMluy .... Saturilay . Arr. Portliitid at 5 I'. M. rr. I,v. l'orll.uid at T A. M. Monilny . Wi-dlirmmy Friday Arr. Dalles at 0 r. M. s-'i tno IomMr .chtd sriH'ilulu nitliimt notice. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide vaYiety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good paperB at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, you re for a email price, at our store on Third Btreet. Also a fnll line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. BLRKELEY & H0U&HT0N. Wholesale ana Rotall Str. Dalles City. J (Touching nt alt Way Points.) 2 . . ' U DP. S l.v. Portland 3 at 0 a. m. 3 Tnmlnv 2 Thursday ,3 Saturday ll Arr. Dalles .5 (uncertain) A DOWN. , l.v. Dalles i at ti:.tU A. M. I Monday . I U'rdnesday . . I Friday Arr. Portland ' (iiucvrtaln) FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamers of the Regulator Line. The Coniimny will endeavor tn give its p it rons the boat st-rvlcn possible. For further Information address , Portland Oftlce, Oal-Strwt DiH-.k. W. C. ALL AWAY, Gen. As!., The Dall FARMERS AXD LABORERS TRUSTS I Phoenis, Tucson, El Paso, exists con- dit tons equally well indicated for weak (i, II. MARKHAM, Asst. G. F. .t Pass. Art The decision rendered in the United Stales circuit court at Chi cago, declaring the "anti monopoly" act of Illiuois unconstitutional, ap pears to rest on solid grounds, says the New York Evening Post. That act, which was passed in 1 89fl, de clared in terms that its provisions did not extend to agricultural prod acts or livestock in the hands of the producer or raiser. In other words, it assumed that monopoly was wrong in the case of some goods and some persons, and ricut in the case of others such Jud, R. KoEl.lER, jlHnaer. Through Ticket Office, ISi Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Euro;: can be obtained at lowest rates from J. It. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. or N. WHEALDON. F- S. throats and lungs. Many think nothing in nature more attractive than the shimmering olive orchards of Snta Barbara and San Diego ; others prefer the stately walnuts of Ventura and Los ietos, or the lemons of Fernando; but for plnrinna ! , ? fruit and graceful tree commend us to , V. dix.2XJEll.2U 9 the golden orange, first, last and always, j and it exists in greatest perfection at ! Covina, Riverside, Redlands and High lands. Equally interesting is the scientific and tempting fashion in which the sorting and packing of the orange is here accomplished. The faithful were exhorted to see Mecca and shuffle off; hut wiser gener- Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 175 Secoiiu Street. TEE DALLES and Motors .MANTKAO Tlii:i IlV Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. bhos. ... if nr , ,,,, jations will see California of the south irs. It seems pretty clear that and prDlong Iife. t ii an act is properly described, as ' geKohlsaat savs, as both class! J-1-evry, Loganton, Pa., writes, i , . , , . , , , , 1 wiiimc 10 inKH niv oBtn wiai 1 was and special legislation, and therefore d o pneumonia e'ntirfcly by the uge in contravention of both the state . Qi One Minute Cough Cure ;after doctors and federal constitutions. It was failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves Deaief in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Seuoiiu & Laiin. Tfcone 157 I UENKKAl. BiacKsmnns ...AND.. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars (umisbed on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, utG Til K DALLES, OREGON i ! DEALERS IN Horsesnoe is 5 'fill kinds of 3 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Executor's Notice. : 1 .1 . i. -i . aiousjy ureu luat me exuepuon ' Notice is hcrebv Kivcu that the countv court minht he held void nntl tho rP ; Rnd CQres c0"Bbs, colds, croup, grippe j nl the btatu ol Orison for Wiisuo county, in IDIgUl oe uem lOlll, antl tne , , ri.:i.i. Irnbute, hut- duly U-utd letter.- tetameiiUirv to mnA -.f tl.n nt nnQt;f throat and lung troubles. Children theuuderslRiied n the executor numed in the maintler of the act constitutional. in;t.oi mv,q.o :. i iut iu mui test.im..nt of i;ni,.ii nmnti,. r... i mii i mi. i.i .iju.iici c ciiuui ec Ik. 1 , , ,, - ; , ' ; ; ueufeu, nno io aaminisier ujion rne cmatc m tne said decened. All jeroii' havliiR clalnik acnin-t raid estate are required to present the P.wnnloio Dr,iri.;mi . mme t'l inuni ine law omre m uomiou a-l on- Lomplete entertainment outfit, con-. rtllll, iiaiies Citj. oron .with t.ruir vouch- ,oimi; Third aud JefTcnn. Phone 159 S ' ' ' Uytiri.Tt.TiY- i.T ." y?.ir uri!ri.rrifiw2nt'irlS To this it was replied that such r decision by the courts would make the act binding on the very classes which the legislature had deliberately excluded. That would be judicial legislation of the most flagrant char acter. The truth is gradually emerg ing that, if antt-monopolj' laws are to stand the constitutional tests, they must apply to farmers.and to labor ers as well as other classes a truth which makes the task of the legis lator a very heavy one. No class in Far Sale. entertainment outfit, con sisting of high grade magic lantern, with ! crV wit"!" si p"th! irom thin date. . I lieceinber '.M, 1WJ. tienc uu opiiiiiBii-AuiKriuaii war anil new talking machine with 26 records. Made $300 clear per month last fall. Reason for selling owner ill. Call op posite United Erethern church on the bill or address Virgil E. Greene, The Dalies. Jan20-ljno ROLANDO G. BItOOKS. K.ccutor of the estate of Caleb llronki!, de ceased. DeoKMl "One Minute Cough Cure is the best j It' aedy 1 ever used for coughs and I !(j'd". It is unequalled for whooping! i i ingh. .Chrildren all like it." writes H. ! X. Willinma. ftpntri'i'lllo Tn1 X'u..!. I the community is moie disposed to! fa8. jtie the only harmless' remedv ! . STURDEVANT, Dentist. OBice over French &. Co.'ii Haul: I'honc f, THE DALLES, ORKOON , F. MCOKE. lorm combinations for industrial j that gives ircmediate rebultF, Cures purposes luan me tanners, and luese couguu, i-oios, noarness, croup, pneo combinations are frequently neces sary for their protection ngamst extremes in prices. Many of the i i JOHN (iAVINj M00KE & GAVIN, ATTOIINKVS AT LAW. Rooms 33 nnd 10, over V. 8, Land Olllcc. monia, bronchitis lung troubles. Its l consumption. and all throat and early use prevents laborers are also firmly convinced that combination is necessary for their prosperity, and yet the combi nations which they form savor of monopoly. On the whole it seems that if there are to bo anti-monopoly laws they must lie Impartial and uni versal a requirement which would eiler.ee a large part of the outcry for such legislation. Ah a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's P.iin Balm i- gaining a wide repu tation. D. IJ. Johnston of Kichmond, t Iiid., has been troubled with that alb inent since 1802. In epeaking of it he 'eayt.: "I never found anything that 1 would relieve me until I used Chamber, j Iain's I'ain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but one aood application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Blakeley & Uoughtou. 17RED, W.V.1LSON, V A1TOP..SEY.AT LAW, I HE DALI.LS, OREGON Oihconvei Hrst Nat. H-iuk. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm ..CflflS. FRANK-- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Koepi on dniUKht the celebrated COIX'MIIIA IIEER, nckliow: edced the best rx-er In The Dulles, uttucuuial vrlce. Come In, try It and be convinced. AIo the Kllii-Kt brands of Wines, Ll-juor and Clours. SaodTjuiehss of nil IClndk alwuyh on hand. Funeral Supplies GrandallSBapget UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Company I m mm i -i v.-. VVAU iUi j. VJlJ.Ctl.X-. OX I'll Kill r.lor Vl'f'ALITY, Headquarters for Rolled Grai n, ail kinds. why it is so. Acker'a Dyspepsia Tnl)lets arejsold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, ' raisini! of the food, distress uftt-r xuu -liuuiuuu uazeuc reports or any form of dyHpepsiti. One little tuau accoruuig to esiunates and laets. ' i,,,-c "'' reuei. -o cis. i U'ists. F. U 'I i r . r.iii already ut hand, it nnears that durin-r 1 uiaiceiey a uou?hton, drug. 1 the year ending December 31st more than 4,500 miles of new railroad ThirkWd, health inspector of Chlcaco. eavs. "Koilol I)vir,oi,i r.-.,. ' have been built in the United States, j cannot be recommended too hlnhly. It Theicliave been no figure, like these cured me of severe dyspepsia," it dl- Binee befoio the free ttade blialtt ! KeBlB ti, you eai onu euros intlit-ation i TRACE MARKS JEQIGNS Copyrights c. Anvonoanrtln8 n sketch and description ma rjiilcklr oicortulii cmr (ipinloii true wliether a' invention is prohnbljr Pntvnlablo. ronmmnlrf tliiiisatrictlrcdiiUileiitfal. llamlixmkon I'ateutt lent free, lllilent ni-eiiey furiiecurtnirpatcmii. l'.itei.u taken tlirnuu'h jluim & Co. rucelTk tytcialnqtltt, without ctmnrc, In tho Scientific American, A lianrtinmolr lllnntratert wcoklr. Iireedt eir. rnlatlon nf nny rientlUR Jmirrml. 'i'emii, 13 n Ti-nr; urar nionms, it. coiuurun tiewtnea or. J;o3oiBy. New York Hnaeb Olflee tS V HU V. 'asliiuuton. IJ. f ANO MANHOOD I HeadQTiartfirS fCV Pfln Shnnt. nnd all klntl- .x - wii, VO, of Mil LKEKD ,Wnt remission and TTow, io U m , J , of MILL scs. all Elects of eclf.,-uuuai UCIO XL i. JDVcI S JOeSL JrHnflie- Cures Impotence was tine uiseai auusc, or excess and inuts- f-r TT1!-!"!- cretion. AiicrvotonJcund wvJLL JE lOllr. blood builder. BrincB the , Wa Bell our eoodH low,. . "ZUJ )Z X ?J. "! Kvf.wtacHon. r eall und et our pricee and bo eonvineed. TIiIb Flour it manufactured exnreonlv for family UHet every HUck in .lUtrantl-wl in ilv., ati.fnr.Hnn. pink fjlow to pale check, anr" ell upon the country through the election of Grover Cleveland to the presidency in 1892. During the free trade period the averncn number of wiles of now railroad built per year MdBot reaoh half this amount. Free trade is, as preventive of the further Aavelopnect of the country and of f water opening up of Its resources drug store. and heartburn, and all forms pepsla. of dy J. B. Clark, Peoria, III , eays, "Scr tjeomi wanted to operatH on me" for pile., hut I cured them with DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Sake." It it) infallible for piles andkin diieaees. Bear3 of tounter-Cte. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclone at Donnell's urel:u Harue.g on fa the liest prL-k-rvutlve of new lautlixr and tlio iieHt rtnovutor til old leutlitr. it olln, hoftenn, blut-U-eaiuud prutecui. I-raka Hanttt Oil on your urn Iwrnwi. your old hr umi, mid your mrrbwtop, and they will not only look Utr out wnr loiiuer. Koldnv.rvwh.niln r-n-.ll Ham from iMlf pirrtt to HvtaaUou. SmL restores the fire of youth. . . , . By maiifiocper box; boxes Hignest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barlev and Oats $52.50; with a written giittinu. J w Hi lor teo to euro or refund tlto niuucy. NERVITA MEpiCAL CO. Clinton & Jackaon Ste., CHICAGO, ILL. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tbe food and aide Xfature In atremfthening and recon truottBffthe exhausted dlK-8tlve or tans. It is the latest disco verrifi i oat- ant and tonic. Ho other preparation can approach It In efflclency. It In Cantlr nllevea And rrm-nnti tfraffpstiL IndlgMtlon, HMrtburo. '"i"t uvKniivia.uramps, ani M othtt MaulUof Inperfectdla-Mtloa. rtfn ay c. c. OcWitt Co., Cbieagi C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. H8KjYJrom fcyrc to i.OO wr vallun. (Ttu"lYyarB old.) " ' ' OALirOBMIA BRAMDIEB from W.-6iulji.oq per Bllon. 7rtoJl7?i7a ofcT.- ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.