CITY BUSINESS. What thr Couiirll IHd-VotuI Not Commit Taxr"'" Concernlns; Sewer Ctntrictlo. vr ir..t. r,i rntrnlnr . . - 1 1 u 1 council mee'.inu Saturday night, and Councilnien Keller, Stephens, Johnston, .UBtUl iiipimii .'. .v.. ...... and Gunnintr, Johns, Kelly, Shackelford and Wieon were present. The first business drought before the council was a petition of K. Gutnther and others pra ing fur the construction of a gideualk on the smith tide of Ninth street, from IVntland to the bridge, which was referred to the committee on streets and public property, to report at the luxt meeting. A petition of twenty. nine East Er.t'ers for a special n':j;ht watchman in that portion of the city was read aud referred to the committee on health and police. Thev also recommended W. 0. Johnson as being a suitable person for the posi tion, j Another petition also requested that ! Charles Alisky be appointed a special , police for that vicinity west of Laughiin j street and north of the bluff, and to this I were tweuty-eight signatures. This was referred to the same committee. A commnaicatiou from Frank Clark, eking that the city refaod S, was read, Mr. Clark having paid license for .two nights' performance of the "Cheerful Liar' company and they appeared but odo. On motion the money wan re funded. On motion of Wilson the matter of renairint- the Court street sidewalk above the bluff was referred to the com- mitteeon streets and public property, , . ,. with power to act. The reports of the recorder, treasurer and marshal were then read and ap proved, the latter reporting twenty- eight arrests during; Jenuarr. The question of the aewer proposition was introduced bv a mot.on of Wilson . . . , to eend a etatement of the tax assess - ment, which would be required for such improvement, to each property owner j affected thereby, with a request tot request to i register his opinion or vote concerning the same. A general discussion was thue precipitated, the negative insisting that such a course would no doubt de feat the matter; that no matter when such a proposition was introduced, even at the most favorable time, there would always be opposition, and that at any e tieen rate euch a course should have taken before the matter hud gone so far and eo much money expended thereon. xnoee in nivor ineietea that in euch matter, which was of so much moment to the taxpayers and would burden them to euch a degree, it was hut just they be allowed to have a voice in the matter. A vote of ayes and nays was then taken and registered a9 follows: Ayes Shack clford and Wilson Nays Kelly, Johns, Stephens, Gunning. Johnston. The lat ler explained that being in the cr.uncii when the proportion first tvas intro- duced he favored it, hut Bince lad ju - vestigated the matter and changed his opinion. However, to he consistent, he voted against the motion. The council then adjourned to meet tomorrow night, whn the question will i be further considered. ! TltEASUUUU'fc UEI'OUT. ! Jan. 1. Cash on hand.gen fund $3585 77! jncunmiB fiunng month. v. .. HOI 45, ' Warrants redeemed 'J17 7oj jn. ?.i n-.i. i. .777: 0( IlILLb ALLOWED, N D Hughes, marshal -Geo Brown, engineer i A Phirinan, nightwatchman. . 'C.l Crandall, treasurer 3ed Gates, recorder. ... Dalles City Water Works, water rent F C Clarir, rebate on license. . J H Hudson, M D, professional eervices HukIi Logan, M D, professional eervices O D Doane, M I), professional eervices John E Ferguson, hauling hose $7o 00 : 70 00 i oo oo ; 20 00 ! 50 00 j CO 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 5 00! i 2 50 ! 50 J W Blakeney, hauling James Like, haniing. . , ' Dalles Lumber Co, lumber.!!!!! W A Johnston, mdse Sinnott & Fish, meals, pri'sonera Mays & Crowe, mdse F 8 Gunning, repairs. ..!!!!!!.' J U Jackson, street commissioner eufert & Condontelephone rent TT tannon. laimr 50 55! 22 25 ,5 0 75, 90 ! 1 01), 1 80! 3 00 i r -.": ; , : J" HO (10 unuii-n i.iuiuem, miior. . . , 5 go Ernest Patton. labor ',!!!'." 40 A A Uiquhart, labor . ... ' ' 4 00 S I) Hughes, killing two dogs. !! 2 00 Toucher Tlian He Looked. Appearances more than often deceive, ae it eeems will be.rovvn in the case of u-awarue, or blmmona, who was .arrested fordirmv la.i u" ' mia tl ecoantvTallXr . V Let sKghtit is most beyond U,l n of those who deal vith them nowadays to understand hoir it is possible for so many younjr men to be such hardened criminals. Simmons, .it is among that number, aa .the following latter received hy the marshal indica,ee . Portland, Or.. Feb. 4. 1900. City Marshal Hnghes, The Dalles, toiwregon. Drak Sin : I understand you have picked up it man tor passing wortniess checks. We had a man in that same! bnsine? a fe few davs nco who passed I -I. Tl. tll. . .J , , " i r'.- - '"" ffrverm siuhii currKS iirrf. inn ioiiu - ,nR ig ,,PMr,,,t,0lli RS m,nr h, we ! COnJ pet it from the people he passed the clucks on : About five feet, seven) or c,.f Ux tK compics.on, ly ; wore irray suit, small check pattern, and presented a very good appearance. 1 If you should have u photograph of him , taken. Kinuiv send us one as ne may the one that is wanted here, although 1 presume von have a good case agaiust him in The Dalles. Yours trnlv, D. M., ; Cliief of Poll 'e. Simmons answers exactly to the fore going description and the marshal has been ordered to hold him on a warrant , from Portland as soon as his thirty days ; are up here. A PRINCE'S EDUCATION. The Great-Grandson of Qaren Vic toria tm Getttnft to He m. Big liar JIott. The present idol of the British public the duke of York, grandson of the prince of Wales, gTeat-grandson of Queen Victoria, and the heir in direct line of the crown of Great Iiritain. Prince Edward, having1 been born on i June 23, 16D4, is now well into his sisth year, and regards himself as quite a big- uoy, say i outit's Lompanion. T I : - i . . ,i . : ins uruiui-i .viueri is u car umiiJcJ. a,nd. thf nvo Pces have had. perhaps, wieir snare, out no more, oi uroineriv "scraps." The duke of York is said ot to have interfered with their small wars irs, saj ing mat to jet tnem ngnt it ( t will make them better men." Put, ou j he has Interfered successfully with an-' j other weakness of Prince Edward. . ll is cusSomar-v for the ro-val children. m J""" th,e 'X and not her cheek; but Prince Edward f dif1 nnt ... 4n !hi5 n . ,.,, ! strpriimicU- rw r?nv , i,rr,i nm,. one speak "of "her majesty." "I know who 'her majesty' is." said he; "it's just granny!" "And who was the naughty little v.g prince who would not kiss grann hand V "That was me," said Prince Edward, unabashed, "and I'm not going to kiss granny's hand!" Put when he had arrived at the age j of five he felt himself quite a man, and I began to do as other men did kissed ; the queen's hand and always doffed his 1 l1" j FREIGHT BY TROLLEY. Utility or the Innovation la Being-' Fullr Drmunitratrd at the City of Toledo, Ohio. The utility of the rural trolley line as a freight road is receiving very full demonstration at Toledo. The mana gers of a suburban line there have de vised a trolley truck on whk-h a load j ed farm vvajron can be readily placed, ' the axles of the wagon fcettinc- in f sockets which hold it firmlv tilaee. The farmers are usinL' this kv1m nf transportation when teaming- is had. Ilecently, on a day when the ronds were in very bad shape., one train that reached the city included S7 sacks of clover teed and two wagon loads of hasswood lumber. The farmers sending this shipment meu lj miles from Toledo and stated i xnai, wnn tin. roads in the condition ttipy UITB tlior, .'n 1 w.., ,,,, LUIS ftCL'U would ' nave made at least three ordinary ; wa?n. Ifa(ls- have been equivalent to 270 uules travel for one Willi tile frnl. driver and two horses. le.v service the haulape was accom plished in one hour, at a cost of six dollars per wapon from the shipping Ioint to the delivery point. Such nd vantages, especially in regions where roads are usually in poor condition, will naturally pive nn hnjetus to the construction of rural electric lines. The advantages of khipping the wag ons without loading or unloading at either end of the line are obvious. I'roKri-xnli e Jnimn. Japan, not to be behind European states in '-ivilization, is going to send out an arctic expedition. The reason given is that, if Japan is ever to mm. ','t',t' wUh Er-&un! on the sruf. Jt must ueeiop in Hie Japarese the spirit of ad- vr.flllr.. .in. .1 -..t ... ...w.w uiDuuicry wiiicii nas made i iiil- j.ugiiMi powertui. The only places left to ho discoered are the north and south poles. I'll HIT Til ea. An eastern firm is turning out larire quantities of paper tiles which are used j for roofing. They ere reported to be j hard anil tough, and the glazing appears 1 to he of the nature of Japanese lac, i They nre said to be exceedingly cheap, nnd can be fashioned in nny color or , snape to suit tlie purchaser. bize doesn't indicate qualil v. Beware lnm" ann wortliiess salve olTered ... i . t . I ... . I for Wilfi Witch Hazel Halve. De- I 6kin LewiB Dmait aleni, Jnd says, Kodo1 I)"Pfp Cure did roe more 'K001 tlm" an'l"l"Kl ever took." It i digests what you est and can nat bln but cnre dyaPPl and nlomwh imila, Subscribe or Tub Oubdxic.' MM BUSINESS LOCALS. 7 reea rye ior saie ai iotu Ware ! house. tf! , . 1 Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don t forget this. I - 1 Clark A Falk e drue stork is new i i-iii. . Cll.'n .1... 1 Clark A Frtlk s drug i '-' n" complete. Clarke A Falk have, on sale n full line ; of J)llint B(, art!gl,e brnabM j lTsc Clarke A Fttlk's quinine hair tonic to keep daudiuff from thejhcnd. You will not have boils if yon take Clarke A Falk's sure cure for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk's nure concentrated flavoring extracts. Paint your house with paints that arb fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Fulk have them. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones atDonnell's drug store. G. H. Appleton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, X. J., says, "DeWkt'e Little Early Kisere are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quickly cures all liver aud bowel troubles. THE CLEANSING AND HEALING Ct'IlE FOR CATARRH CATARRH r, n i Ely S ClGHtl DtM em, uii pleasant to .. . . rv ..... .... n ns. Contains so In- , 'hi quickly absorbed jurintia drug. wra iei ai once "jffigLSfggS" COLD 'n HEAD i lav aaai j as-acs. of and Sme!L Xjit flaet 80 cai Bt Drusrfsw or Uj wall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. i .lx UKOTiiKUS, 66 wuten struct, cw Yoric GrOCeHeS and vr-vj. uuu . . : A I U V lblOIlS. omething that we all must i have, something we binT every da '"We do not claim to have a monopoly on all the Grocery Goodness, but we do claim to have the best hams and bacon in The Dalles. Swiff s Premin Hams are sweet and juicy, not dry and salty. They will please you. Trv one for breakfast. Swift's Premin Bacon not touch nor strinjrv, but sweet and tender. If you want the best Hams or Bacon order Swift's and you will be delighted. H' 1 1 1 T ( , e xiave aucieu iresn tables to our Grocery part men t. vege-Pe- "With every one dol lar purchase at our store during Janua' and February we will give a chance on a 1 I Dnnnn 0 Mnim r -" i i l h n z -n I! Q .1' V J US -I If Aluminized Garland ml 2i I male; t Beqioo ! D.R&N. 1KPAKT TIMI5 SCHEDUir., I AltKIVK KltOM tULU'.S. Kl'OM. I Kltt Mali 11:13 1. in, Suit ljtk, Denver. Kt. Ta't Worth. Omaha, Kan-' Mall n Oitv, St. IniKl s.:M p in ChiciiRO una Eust. ! "I" Walla WuIIh. BuokiltiC Sfokiihu r'lyur 7 :0a p. iu. iMIiilii'iipnlK t. 1'MllI,; iiii in t li, .MIlHiiLce. Chicago anil Kait. I lier. 4:31a. in S p. m. 4 p. m. KnoM l'or.Ti.Asn. Ocean Stcnni'.htps. For San Francisco IKfcmbcr :t, K V.l, lb, 31 and ill ! 8 n. in. 4 n. tn. -Kx.iiuudariColumbla Rv. Stcamcra.iEx.Sundaj 'To Astoria and Way; Saturday , Landhigv I 10 p. m. 6 a. tn. 1 Willamette Kivkr. 4:M p. m. Ex.sundayiOrcRon City. Ncwtwrc, Ex.Sundaj I Baiem ifi way ina a. 7 a. m, ' Willamktte Ah'D Yas.' 3:S0 p. m. Tues.Thur.f ntu. Kivaas. ,Mon.,wl una sai. , orecmi City, Dayton., ana in. I and Wav.l.Mtlilnci(. 6 a. m. Willaxrttk ktviR. ! 4:30 r. m. Tue..Thur,tPortland tn CorvaUlu,. Mnn. Wnl nd Sat. and Way-Landings, land Friday S.vace River. Riiarla to lwinton. l.EAVK 1.EW1XTON dally k:S0 a. in. Lt nina-la dally l:2Ja. m. i f rartlcs dcslrmc toco to Ilcnnner aliould take No. 4, lcarlne 'lhe Dulles at 7:0T ji. in makltiK direct connections at llpppner Jnnrtlon Retumlne niaklncdircctcoiincction at HciMUicr junetloa with No. 1, arriving at The Dalles at :5o . m. No. 22, throucht frclcht, cast bound, doe not carry pussciiEers: arrives i!:50 a. m.. depart 3:.t0u. m. No. 'J., local freight, carries paksencers, cast bound; arrive 4:u p. m., departs : 15 p.m. No. 21, wca: bound throucli Ireicht. does not carry passensers; arrives b:15 p in., departs 9::0 p. ra. No. 23, west bound locat (relnht, carrk pas scngerb; arrives 5:15 p. m., depart fe ::S0 a. m. Pn (nil ,.d, nnll n.t f 1 i N. Oo.'s ageui iue Duuet. or aaaress W ST Iirjlfl lll'PT (ten I'as. Act.. Portland, Or, Complete Cii?e of at M. Z. DONNELL, THEDRUCCIST. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, and E THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French &Co.s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. A LI, PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3W 33S OMW 3 WOO )K- UKIBBNOOKrrEK Physician aud Surgeon, Bpcclal attention (Iveu to turf cry, Kooms 21 and K, Tel. as Vof t Block f '"Hp ! I I fl il i Id f A f 1 , ' l I i 1 ? i i ; 1 I i i ! I as . j L si ' i i I S" 1 S 1 ; f 1 I ! The. T1u... ! .3 3? 2 i f C. p. Stephens .Donler In.. Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Iloota, Slwci. lints, 'ht, Xiillon. for Vi. 1. Iioucuie lioc. ARt. Ti-lpjihnne No. KS. 131 second tit., The Dalies, Or. C. S. Smith THE in i Up-to-date Qroeerjjf Freth Efiib an 1 Creauie'y IJatter a specialty. 2d. Street. 'Phone 270. J. . Sciikni;. , M. IICAI. , Cnsliloi I'rfslUL-nt. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Hueineae transacted Deposits received, enbject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made nnd proceeds nrointitlv remitted on dav of collection. SiRht and Telegraphic .Exchange sold oc Now York, San Francisco und port- land. DIREOTOK3 D. P. Tuompbu.h. Jxo. 8. Bchemck. Ed. M. Wiixiamb, Gbo. A. Liebb. H. M. Hkam.. Tne coiu PacKiog Co., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANCFACTOKKK8 OX Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIKD BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THaNHACTA KNEKALBANKINO BUK1SKB Uittera of Credit issued available in tbe Eastern SUtea! bilfht EkcHange and Teleierapbic Tranafere Bold on New York, SLifigo, o .1. x-oruana ure- Kon, Seattle Wah and varioua poioU Collections made at all points on far. orable terms. "T ADMINIPTBATOB'S NOTICE, tlcefslicriiby Riven that tlio undeulirBwl tefi!"S!ij,l0B' wl"" mouths fVommo date hereof, uaiea January 25, 1000. Jan27-U VKUA V. JIKOWN, A duiluUtra tor- The. Chroniele;, III I .u Job Printers. l'ti)inl fur Ilrrandlnt TTkter Ilnlleii City Oregon. Itondt, Sealed proposals will lie received by the hoard of water commieclonere ol Dallee City, Oregon, at naid eitv until 8:110 o'clock p. m. of the 1!0 day o'f Feb., WOO, for twenty-five thousand dollars; and twenty thousand dollare of refand. ing water Kinds of eaid city, (as it is not settled as to whether the total amount of hands will he 125.000 or f.'O.tKX)) so. thorlty is extended to the said board to iesne refunding water bonds In the sum of $25,000, hut if found not to be nc. surv, the iscue will be for no more tlitn $20,000; and at a rate of interest not ex ceeding four per cent per annum pgr able twenty years from date of icsne, interest payable semi-annuallv, iilnci pal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States, at any city therrin, at the option of the buyer. The bonds mentioned will be issued under the provisions of the several leg islative H:tH of the etate of Orepnti, up. proved reii. t, isso, ret. 111. lbs!), and F-b. H, 1803, and in pursuance of an nnuce adopted by the common council Dalles Uny, approved January 2j, 1!K)0. The projioetd refuudinc water bonds are intended for the redemption of oiitftandiuc water bonds in the mm of f25,0iK); but iu case the board of water commissioners prefer, it will lEftie re funding bonds for $20,000 only, thereto bidder innv umke proposals for both $25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi nation of f500 each. Xo bid will bo entertained for a rate less than par value of the bonds. 1'rem iume nnd rate of interest will he taken into consideration in passing on the value of ull bide. Bidders must deposit with the presi dent of the board a duly. certified rlicck on Home responsiblu bunk equal to 2 per cent of tliu amount of bonds bid for, or accompany his bid with cash ol ench : amount us w ill equal such per ceut of : Ills hid, and such certified check ii:d payable to the president of the board ol water commissioners of Dalles City, Or.. ! as liquidated damages in case the bidder j fhull fail or neglect to receive nnd pa; j for, at the office of the city treasurer of i said city, the bonds awarded to liltn on ! his old. on or before the first day ol March, 10U0. j Attention should be given the fact ! that the board will not issue aud dispose , of more t'jan 20,000 of such refundmj bonds, unless it shall be deemed necei j sary to do so, bnt otherwise, if ill iwartl shall find that It is uecessurv to issue bonds In the sum of $25,000, It will then offer and issue the full sum, '$25,000). The right to reject anv and all bide li reserved by the said board of wt commissioners. It CI a .1 !J !. ...I I 1 ... il... ...Alt. dent of said board, or to the eitv record er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Orsfton, and noted "Proposals, for refunding water bonds." By order of the Board of Water Com mission, by aud Willi the content of tbe Common Council. This 25th day of January, 1900. T. J. fjisun-'uT, L. fe.J President of Hoard, Arri'rir: Ned II. Gates. Recorder of Dalles City. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at tl Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. incli25-tl STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday. Kates Reasonable. Telephpne 201. W. A. OA.TES, Prop. S7 '