The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 05, 1900, Image 3

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White Winged Carnival!
Our Spring Offering of White Goods "'m com'
on Wednesday,
February 7th, 1900, and bo tho most complolo offering in this particular line yet
inaugurated by this house. It will consist of Dimities, Lawns and organdies, Laces
and Embroideries, Ladies', Misses' and Children'! Muslin Underwear, Table Linens,
Napkins, Towels and Towelling, Muslin, Sheeting, Sheets and l'illow Cases, Lace
Curtains and Curtain Material.
Gent's Furnishing Goods Department.
If you want the best you have no other choice, wo don't make it so, but peo
ple who like up-to-date wearables, just prices and fair treatment do. Not a hund
red years, not fifty, nor oven one has elapsed since the clothes we are showing were
made. They were made this season and in this season's style. This not only ap
plies to our Men's Department but to the Children's as well, and there's a style
about them that's exclusive. Isn't it worth something to know that you are in
style, especially when it costs 3'ou no more?
Our advertisements are our letters to you, written, signed and backed up by
a house that has always been jealous of its reputation and business integrity.
All CoocIh Marked
In Plain Figures.
fie Dalles Daily Chronicle. had to another surd
' .. i i... It trill 1.1. L.m. limu t.ufnru
Ttlephunc So. 1.
(A .
lutvtd In
style by
.operation. It will be tomo tune before
, hewil! be up and around. Enterprise
, Bulletin.
1 Articles of incorporation of tho Ophir
"Gold Mining Company were filled in the
j clerk's office Saturday by (?. T Parr,
, Frank Menefee, II. II. Kiddell, D. Si.
i Uufur, A. A. Jnynu and J. A. Ge.ison
i dorfler. The place of business will be
A. M. Wiiliutns & Co. are ofl'ering big
reductions on ladles' tuilor-uiade suite,
Mpes and jackets,
Go to WilliiiuiB & Co. and get u $1.50
MmilmtUu shirt for .$1.00. 1KI shirts to
pick from. All sixes from 14.'a to 10'...
The city assessment, thin year has
ken placed at five mills, which, it will
beobei-rved, in K. wills leue thauthut
oflaet year.
Tho Nobla Dramatic Company will
not play in The Dalles HiIh week an an
nounced, having decided to fill their en-
Wlneiit at linker City.
The Salvation Army people are having
a lively time at their cumpmeetlng now
being held. Services aro all crowded,
ind tho captain reportH several con
Versions. The Kpworth Leaguora aro arrang
'"l!fur an entertulniuent and "sociable"
al In the batieinunt of the Methodist
church hulay evening, to which they
invito a., their friendH.
l'lie I . 1 : s Missionary Society of the
Coiiisregntionul church will meet to
'"orroiv TueHday) at '2 o'clock, with
Mre. !;, o. McCoy. All members and
'fieiuld oi tho cause aru invited.
Tim jury in tu) ease of C. Ji. Obrlst,
w'houH tried Saturdav in .IumMch Jluy
"l'fl curt for hiio-ny o( u suddlo,
'"""Kilt in a verdict of utility and . he
lined which wan promptly paid.
Amended articles of incorporation of
''"Central Navigation & Coiibtruction
Company, the l'uul F. Mohr road, were
Itd with tlio county auditor yesterday.
Jhey show that the capital stock has
'Kn Increased to '50,000. Ueviow.
Still the Hiuallpox rages at Spokane,
' citHjH having heon removed to the
solution hoHpital Friday, making fifty
"ndur treatment there ut present,
"atlidrtiin, Idaho, Iihh instituted
'HiRrantiim against that placo which is
' liiBt forty days.
A a result of the recent special nieut
many have recently joined the
thmlint church in this city, seven be-
" fcuived yesterday. Tho fruit of
l"-'ll labor la very upparent In the
'"hireet belug taken in the work of tho
c,lrch, and tho attendance at publlo
worship an well at tqcial meetings.
We received word this week from
Y'tlaml that our brother, Win. F. Her-
n"er' l'o was Injured in tho railroad
wk at 'J'routdalo nb-jut iwo monthe
The Dalles ;tlio capital stock 20,000, with
I shares at if 10 each.
Kverv voterjwho registers must give
the section, township and range in
which he lives, and those living in an
incorporated town must give the lot and
block. Study out just where you live
and then register at once. Unless reg
istration progresses more rapidly a great
many voters ure going to get left.
Will Wiley paesed through Antelope
last Wednesday, enronte to The Dalles
with a ton of rock from the N'ow-or-Xever
mine in the Axo Handle country.
This ore is being shipped to Tiieoma for
treatment, by the Antelope Gold Mining
Co., and they expect the rock to run
about if 1 ;.'" to the ton. Herald.
Examination of teachers for a county
certificate will be held in April and
August of each year, beginning at i)
o'clock in the morning of the second
Wednesday in said mouth. Examina
tion for state papers will begin at I)
o'clock on tho second Wednesday of
February and August, and continue four
Letters received from tho old maids
who are to attend the setsion of tin)
"Young Ladies' Single Blessedness De
bating Society" next Monday evening at
the Vufct, aro to tho effect that boarding
places are being ai ranged for their cats
and other pets during their absence, and
they will arrive in tho city Sunday. A
reception will bo given them at tho close
of tho session.
It will he noticed by u perusal of the
city's bills fur tho. month just passed
that tho list Is comparatively small,
which ia a ratlsfaction to thoso inter
ested in its 'welfare, and creditable to
thoso who conduct the finances. Its a
dilllcult task to conduct ones own busi
ness ullulrs, but when it conies to pleas
lug many, men of many minds, its al
most a hopeless task,
Perhaps no patient in tho Portland
hospitals receives more callers than does
Mr. MacAdam, .Sunday's proving a veri
table reception day, particularly for re
ceiving Dalles visitors. From those who
called yesterday wo learn that he is able
to walk about some, and that tho phy
sicians say ho will probably bo able to
return homo in (wo weeks. TIiIb will
be good news to his many friends here.
M. Dichtennmller Is up from Mosler
having conio up for the purpose of con
suiting Dr. French concerning his eyes.
He was therefore happy when he called
ut the office this morning and (old us he
would soon be able to see as well as any
one. For a long time a cataract has
been forming over both eyes and about
a month ago lie wont to Portland and
consulted Dr. Gertrude French, who re-
moved that over the left eye, which had
developed so as to make it almost eight
less. .It now looks perfectly strong and
Mr. Dichtenmuller ib delighted over the
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Hansen are
deeply grieved over the loss of their
little daughter, who ditd this morning
at their home in tfii.a city. It will be
remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Hansen,
in the kindneel of their heart, adopted
the Waud babv, whose mother died a
year ago, just after tho birth of the
child. The little one has never been
strong and although tho foster parents
have labored hard to keep her with
them, death has finally taken her, and
they feel the loss as keenly as though
she had been their own, having adopted
her almost at birth.
It. .1. Gorman, who left the city a
mouth ago to spnnd some time with his
brother in Hutte, and traveling through
Montana, returned home yesterday.
Dick says Uutte is the liveliest place
imaginable, but, at the same time there
are more idle men there than any place
ho struck, caused by mines being
tied up by litigation. At that place he
met Dr. Albert O'Leary, who is county
physician and doing well. His sister,
Miss Mollie, is also teaching art in that
city. At Missoula he found the family
of Mrs. G. W. Rowland, who are pleased
with their new homo and all in good
health. Herbert Alexander, George
Moabue and Hoy Ballard are also there.
Frttiuentlv at tho reouest of tho
..... i .. 1 1,,, ..I... i. J
jiiti i n:c utuv i.iiui-ti in ii, nit; iliri iv a ii.iwi'
is turned into a chapel; and the ollicers
not only ies-uo tho license, but sio
that the marriage leiemony takes place
before there Is an opportunity for back
ing out on tho proposition. This morn
ing tho reporter fortunately stepped in,
upon such an occasion and witnessed aj
problem in addition successfully solved'
by Itov. I). V. Poling, when Chas. War- j
run, of Hood iiiver and Miss Salinai
Pybuin,of Wasco, were united in niut
riage, Thu ceremony had all the solem
nity of a church wedding, and thoso
who witnessed it observed Etich decorum
that tho clerk and his deputy actually
forgot to kiss tho bride, much to their
disgust upon afterthought.
Speaking of tho excellent production
of thu "Little Minister," in Bpokauu
Saturday by tho Frohmau company,
which is to present it in The Dalles on
tho lfith, tho Hevlow Eae: "Some one
with the evident inteiOon of hurting
the business, had indutriously circulat
ed tho report that Mr, Frohmau had
seven companions playing the piece and
this one was of no pirtiular excellence.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Outsidooftho original Now York com
pany, compilHiug Maude Adams anil
others, which has neon playing in a few
of the larger Kastjern citle?, there are
but two organizations touring In lum
piece, The onoj which appeared hero
yesterday has been most carefully se
lected, each one presenting a character
o absolutely tuo to the story that to
improve upon it one must have it step
from the pagesof Mr. Harrie's novel Its-
eel f, or must see theprototype in tho
Thrums original
Messrs. J. C.Hostetler, Thro. Senfort
and J. Si. Fish, who have bec up In tho
mining district near Sumpter, looking
after their inteiests I hero, returned yes
terday afternoon, and, seconding every
one's else report, Hay Sumpter 1b about
tho liveliest placo they know of. It looks,
however, somewhat as if it had reached
its zenith, since there is no doubt the
road will bosxtended to CI I (Ton), cutting
oir much of the territory they now claim.
They are more than encouraged regard
,ing the mines in which they aro inter
ested in tho Greenhorn. Thu Golden
Kagle IB panning out all right and there
ia not a shadow of a doubt ns to thu
future of the Double Eagle Mining Com
pany. At the former they are working
a 3-atamp mill, and have day and night
crcwa constantly at wotky
""fiTs ninth birthday Was a pleasant
one for Clitlon Condon, his grandma,
Mrs. S. French, having invited nine
boys and as mapy girla to spend Satur
day afternoorywith him. A very amus
ing game of pinning the heart on the
Chinaman afforded much )oasure to
tho little ones, and Carinel Bolton was
successful In getting that member just
about in place. Then they i were given
cardB with the name "George Washing
ton" thereon, and required to find the
largest number of words 'contained in
the two names. Nellie fHostetler was
given tho prize for finding the most
wordd. Mrs. French sat them down to
such a lunch as would have astounded
even the older people. On the center of
tho table was a beautiful cake, around
which were nine silver dollars, the gift
of his Grandpa French, and on eicli was
a lighted candle. At each place was a
pretty valentine in heart shape. And
thus the following boys and girls en
joyed Clifton's birthday in the happiest
manner : Alfred Thompson, Guy Jones,
Jamie Kinersly, Itay Bunnell, Charles,
Walter and Wilson Huntington, Glenn
dishing, Nellie Hostettler,Lue Hostetler,
Naomi Vause, Margaret Sampson,
Frankie Sampson, Carinel and Nonearlef
Bolton, Maude Kerby and Helen Peters.
Mr. and Mrs. Freas Saunders re
turned to their home in Arlington last
Kd Michell, who is now eojourning at
Stevenson, caiiiu up Saturday and spent
yesterday in tho city.
Scott Catbcart, who is attending busi
ness college in Portland, spent Sunday
at his home in this city.
Mrs. Nellie Wilson, of the Campbell &
Wilson Millinery parlors, left on yester
day's afternoon train for Portland on a
business trip.-
Dr. Gertrude French arrived from
Portland Saturday and spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
French, returning this morning.
Dr. and Mrs. Logan left this morning
for Portland, where they go to meet
Miss Minnie Lay, who h return inn
from a few months stay in St. Louis,
A. L. Gude, who has spent the past
three weeks at his home in Los Angeles,
returned last night, and today resumed
Ins duties in A. M. Williams, shoe de
partment. Wm. Brpnner, who has accepted the
pastorate of tho Lutheran church here,
arrived in tho city last Friday. He left
for Oregon City today to install his suc
cessor in tho work there and will return
Saturday to remain permanently.
Iev. U. F. Hawk made the trip to
Portland today to visit hiB little son,
who is in tho hospital there. From re
ports bis condition is very satisfactory,
and the physicians express tho opinion
that ho will eventually be able to walk
with not even a sign of lameness.
. II. Lonsdale, who has spent the
past six weeks at his hi.ine in Columbia,
Mo,, returned yesteiday afternoon. It
is not unlikely "that Harry may return
to his old liouif pei maiieutly. Hi many
friends hoie, however, hope riieh will
not bo the case, although tho persuasion
of his parents will no doubt have great
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
m it liTHTid Vi iiu'iii.imt
AVfcgelable Pr cparalionrorAs
siniilaling ihcFootlandReguIa
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcslion.Cheerfur
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Onhim.Morpltine nor Mineral.
Not Nauc otic .
MaM of Old flrXWl'EL PITCHER
ISmyJan Seeit'
ClittTttd .wear
WinkrgnfJi flavor.
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature or
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Thirty Years
W. C. T. U. .Reception.
The V. C. T. U. will give a reception
to their now members Tuesday after
noon at 2:20 at tho Christian church.
There will be a short procrain and a
social hour for rofreshments, introdui
tions and becoming acquainted. All
those who recently yavo their names
for membership are urged to be present,
and tho invitation is extended to any
who desire to help o:i this grand work.
A JTrlgntrul Ulunder
Will often cause a horrible burn
scald, cut or bruise. Bncklen's Arnica
Salve, tho hest in the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cure
old sore?, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
elous and all skin eruptions. Best pilo
purn on earth. Onlv 23 ots. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
A Splendid Assortment, of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King I'hilii) Corn,
Stowell's Kvergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Com,
Kafllr Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose Potatoes,
Bur bank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Broino Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close prices for CASH at tho Feed, Seed
and Grocery Siorw of
TATJk-A ,A tA'A JLr; ATI AHfATAI -' ATA rA- A7 ATA'T X I A 1 AATATA.' WlAI A'iT A ''AT k rT;
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
Boars tho
Signature 0f
Ciiru ilemlHi'lMt ulukly.
Baldwin's sparkling ellorvesrent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and td'ective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents, Sold
by Clarke it Falk, druggists, j.ui'J-l (1
Clarke A Falk have received u carload
of the celebrated James E. Pattou
strictly pure liquid paints.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
fin nimiiin .,
Un.UUIlll d3
Itemove Pimple. PreTimt
. .,.Uu.ur., urn mouiuou.
IJuro IIi'dWit anil Dy.uvunlV
t. luuvviuvnt ut tho liowul vkcta d U u
it's w.- wv w, ,'"" 'iV "r.'"or "2 1 rui i J?; OK. U0SANK0 CO. Phllfc ftj
liomombor Hint wo nro soiling; tho samo from
$45.00 to $60.00
Whioh is a saving; to our customers of from $15 to $25
over price charged by peddlers for inferior ranges.
Write for pamphlet, "Majostie Evidence."