-f For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'anttnc, Ovcrcrwtln- or Fancy YcjOnp. WINTER TRIPS. early For winter residence or winter outing ideal conditions will be found on hand in California. Plenteous rainfall has this season given to the semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im-. petus ; the fl.mil offeritics Hre more than usually generous nl the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccean posseses new charms at Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Lone Bvarh, Coronado ami the enchanted isle of the sea, Catallna where fishinc, ' boating, ramblinc, ruling, hunting and ' loafing uay be enjoyed as nowhere else. Quiet little tpots, snug and warm, offer themselves at Monteeito, Nordhoff, Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Fall Brook and Palm Springs. For renewing health and vigor, here abound many hot. springs, of widely EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train tenvennd arc due to arrive at 1'ottlr.ml LEAVE. :P0 .- ovr.nuKD kx-1 I .... i ' lirt'sa. rmiMU, iwv i bun;. Ashland, e-1 1 M i Fnuielseo. Jlolave, I 1 Uof Alleles, kll'a.f, I ! Now Orleans ami I V East .' k, . M KoM-burg and way ta- A- 31 - Hons f Via Woodbura for i n.n. I Ml.Ancul. Sllvurtoii, . - . i viiir.Mirmcnciu nuu ' iNatrou j Suudays 9.15 A. M. 4. 30 l'. M Daily except Suuduya. 17:30 A. M. JCorvnllU ) stations and way I ... . I ,5:J0r..M. varying constituents and demonstrated indkI'ENDE.VCE pa merits ; the dry, ant l tic, tonic air of "T (t'f' - j -. r !.. il.Wp. m. (I.V. ...If t-i.,rtlr- onil i-Tamlnp mr stpek of Im- ported and 1) untie Woolens.' A fine stoct to . elect from. .. . . i . ' " . . ,....! 1:50 p. guiu madefromthe lowest price to tne nign- the tlesert may oe enioyea ni uanning, --so p. m. est grade. , T,.,i:n Vmnn ; nnd. pven farther on. at ! h:3 m- J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE DALLK;, OltECON. Indio, Yuma; and, even farther on, Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con ditions equally well indicated for weak throats and lungs. Many think uothiug in nature more attractive than the shimmering 5SEXGEK. Express tTaln (except Sunday). nrtlimd .Ar.) 8:25 a. m .I.v. &;sua, m eendeiice..I.v.) 5ai McMlnnvlllc (Ar.lude 4;rO ii. m Dally. tDauy, except suiiaiiy. DIKING CARS ON OGDEK ROUTE. ITIXMAN BUFFET SLEEl'ERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARb Attached to all Throush Trains. .i , . . 1: me snimmenug ume , n mnnM.jlfm at . rranclreo with Orel orchards of Santa Barbara und San j dental and Oriental and I'KClflc imill Meamshlp t- nM.. nU t . .... Hue for. JAPAN and CHINA, .-ailing date on 1 n6 DdllCb JJdllV WllI'UUlUlC. i vi?f:o; otuers preier me eiuieiy nauiuie . ajpucation J I of Vei SCBSCKirilCIN ruicE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 Covina, Hiverside, Kedlands Kate and tickets to Eastern points AlsoJAl'AN, CHINA. and Eu- NOLCLU anc MONDAY - ontnrft mwl T.no lptnc. nr tlie An' )m) fiir tlnrinllS APSTRAIJA .v..w... . - , A MtKlve trnttl8 arrlve Bt mld jepart frnsr fruit and graceful tree commend us to Grand Central station. Fifth and Irvine street the goiden orange, first, last and always, , YAMHILL DIVISION", and it exists in greater perfection at I Passencer Depot, foot of JeBerson street nnd High- Leave fop Sheridan, wees days. 14:mi p. m . - ' A mvt' n : rur.iunu. 9.lu b. ui. I landa. Equally interesting is the uave or AtRUE on Mondav, Wednesday and FEBRUARY 5, 1900 J scientific and tempting fnshion in which ' Frinay at fe.Kia. m. Arrive at Portland, Tue- EXPORTS OF MANUFACTURES. The constant increase in the ex portation of American manufactures is one of the marked features of our foreign trade. In December, 1S97, the country sold 23,000,000 of man ufactured articles abroad. The sales in December, 1798, were 28,000, 000, while those in the same month in 1899 were 3G,000,000. There was a decline in the amount of ngri cuTtural exports in the last month of 1899, as compared with the the sorting and packing of the orange is here accomplished. The faithfnl were exhorted to see Mecca and shuffle oH"; but wiser gener- j ations will see California of the south . and prolong life. t I 'Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. (i, 11. MAEKHAM, Asst. G. F. J; Pas. Act Catarrh Cannot be Cured ' with local applications, as they cannot j reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh j is a blood or constitutional disease, and j in order to cure it you must take inter- j nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure 'ls-J taken internully, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's I Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and same t jg a regular prescription. It is composed K KoEL.L.ER, jlHiituer. Through Ticket Office, VM Third street, where through ticket to all points In the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J..B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. or K. WHE.VLDON. Gunning, oust wnac 7 You uaant. I 1 if pt 1 REGULATOR LINE. ' Dalies, PDruanci & Astoria Kev. Co. ti incrs of tlit Iicgtilntor l.lno will run ns per the fnl. lowing solitJuIc, the Compuny reserving thu right to rlinnge "S sriiviiuic wniioni wum Str. Rofjulntor. (l.lmltc.I Ijuidlng" ) ' E' nows. t, I.v Dulles IE nt S A. M, h Tnevlay 5. Tlmtsday . U Saturilny h An. Portland 5. at 6 V. M. VV. I.v. l'orll.ind nt 7 A. M. Moiulny i-dtieinny Friday Arr. Dalles at 6 1'. Mi Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnllos City. (Touching nt nit Way I'olnti.)' DOWN. I.v. Dalles nt i.:i0 A. M. Monday Weilnesday . , Krlday Arr. Portland (uncertain) Lv. Portland J 1 uesilnv Thlirwlay,! Arr. Duiir. (iiiuvrtaln) J IS- Such i pn-D nnwpnnT F.OONOMY AND PLEASURE. w i,W. m Wall Taner here. Such wide varietv as we are showing never be- j g TrHVUi liy thcPtciimern of the Ucgulntnr Unc. I'hc Comtjnv w-lll nrtravor to give lt paj.J fore graced a single stock. Kealinuta-row tue ik!i nemro powi r... tion creton effects at ortlinary prices, u ,,a..lanA omc,., o.ik-strwt Dock. W. C. ALL AWAY, Con. Art., The Di.lic. V1UUU dflCID V v.. l j f " f ..... . ... ... ...... Elegant desigtlP, tasteful colorings, yours n.-ra-TJ.-r-ory-i.y-L-rx.-r.Tj.-rA.T iwAr.3r-!-tXxrmm.v,TrM vw tsus for a small price, at our store on Third I 6treet. Also a full line of house paints. - D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Dinvncv 9, uniidumM 1 DLpnLLL 1 a IUUaillUl, Wholesale ano Retail DBU&mSTS i jmp vnr IIIIMUIVV and Motors MANTFACTniEIl 11V Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 SecoDu Street. t'J" rki jk;m; j bm, ;?TJ time in 1898, but the shipments ot 'of the best tonics known, combined with manufuctures is stendilv on the in- i the blood Purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect crease ! . ' j combination of the two inirredients iE j Though this aspect of the case is what prodnce6 EUi.h wonderful results in usually lost sight of, the great and : curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, j constant gains in the sales of Ameri-' free. . . , i ., .1 F. J. Che.vev & Co., Props., Toledo O. can manufactured goods in the rest Sold bv drrngEi?t8t price 7fc. of the world is a magnificent tribute ! Hall's'Family Pills are the best. 12 to the foresight and courage of the j j. i. Bevry, Locanton, Pa., writes, i Republican party. By its judicious ! am willing to take my oath that 1 wa tariff saved a large part of the American market to the American producer, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. IiANE BROS. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, utC THE DALLES, OREGON (iE.VKKAL Si '2' BiacRsmiins .AND... Cor. SecoHu & Langln. TboDC W Horsesnoe is Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Executor's Notice Notice 1 hereby civeu that the con r,ni;. f.Q Pnnnhl.n , t-1 nu red of nnfii mnnin entirnlv bv the nPH ol the htate of Orwon for Wu-ico county .Ul.W bUI. ...JJUUllbUil 1 b J ( . . ' I lirobute. has dulv Is.iUefl letters testumetitatv to ol One Minute Cough Cure Jafter doctors the undersiKiied'u the executor named In the i . . , . -j , , . t liiai will uuu leuiiuent tu i nicu xiitHjKS, up , tailed. It also cured my children Of . ceased. nd tondmlnlsier utu Hie estate o! the whooninc coneh." Ouicklv relieves sad 'ieeeed. All jron huvinu chitmh . ,,,) - itcnin-i sum eniaie are requirea to present tne . SUtl IQ1S COUrSC Caused a nome COm- , onr (.nrp(9 unnnht. pnlilo. rrnnn. prinnp SumL t.i liii-ut the Invr nlliee of ('(indon Jr I'nn. , i ..'in. in utiiivn v-iij , urrE.iu, nu jirui'er uueii ' DHUren urx. u-lthin six mniithi. irom this date. ie- j Third anil Jeffcnn. Phonel59 nty court k :ou.!1.t5:-. .'.'i tia rlwir r i t i,Wirf TTirriTr... J, DEALEi: IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS P EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. J?obes, Burial Shoes Ete. all like it. Mothers endorse it. Far Sale. Complete entertainment outfit, con- petition which encouraged the in-, and throat and lung troubles. venticn which has devised labor saving appliances, while it has at the same time advanced the pay and shortened the working hours of workers, giving them both the time and the stimulus to the menial im provement, which has made the Ameiican worker more than an' other in the world December ". Istt). ItOI-VNUO G. UI'.OOKs, I Executor of the tstate of Culeb Urootii, ile-! ceaved. Dei.'-1::-!! ' tke ; HiBiiug oi xnna graue mafic juniern, wnn : u j war and I " I views on Spanish-American ; new talking machine with 20 records j Made $300 clear per mouth last fall ,......b .... ..,,- intellient ' Pe'te Lnited Brelhern church on the I hill or address Virgil E. Greene, The j Here are the secrets of the increase "One Minute Couuh Cure is the hest in Europe ana iisia. Americans STURDEVANT, Dentist, Office over French & Co.'h liunW THE DAI.LEr, OREGON ! in the salrs of American mnufactures ! CO.CJ;. It ever used lor coui: is unequalled for whoopiug mcoke. joiix o.ivt.v; MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOKNEYa AT LAW. Hooms ; and 10, over t". a. Umd Olllce, nave neuer machinery and more-cough. Chrildren all like it," writes 11. skillful labor than are found iu other ! N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never countries. England, in superior grade of iron seeking and fails. i that It is the only harmless remedy Steel ; felcc lu-jucuiuic rceuue. uurcti bridges and the workers nho can monia) bront.h,tls pfJd 6l, tllMil and put them up m the quickest and the -best fashion, comes to the States for them, , luii',; troubles. to the Lnited consumption. France, Russia and . Its early use prevents As a cure for rhetiimuiBiu Chamber other European countries buy most ! iain'u Pain D.ilm i u'dinini: u wide reiu- of their uew locomotives of the lii"her tulion- u B- J'Jhuston of Kichmond, grades in the United States. Thus ' I,,d" b."6 ,lroTublud ll!at. M' . . ' ment since 18li'. In eneakinc of it lie this country is growing, m a contm-; myh . ..j never fouml BnvtriInK thllt ually increasing degree, to be a would relieve me until I used Chamber workshop for the world. As a con-jlai'i's Pain Balm. It acta like mafic sequence, the number of idle workers ',v.'.tn. ,nt' M-v ,00t WHe swollen and . .. . , , paining ine very much, but one food iu the United States at the present j application of Pain Balm relieved me. time is smaller than it ever was be-, For 8a,e hy Blakeley & Houghton, .fore. The r-ountry has attained a Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets arejsold on higher degree of prosperity than 8 Psilive guarantee. Cures hetrt-hurn, ever was known in f l, rm.t H ",0,,JK luc 'uuu- "'"irees auer eaiinf, W.WIlO.S. A1TOKNEV AT LAW. 'HIE lULl.LH. OKEGO.S Ofiire ovei V xi,r Xat. II iiik. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keep on rtrnuclit the celebrated COLl'MKIA HEEK, ncknow: edged the bent beer In The Itallen, at the UMial jirlce. dune In, try It nnd be eonvineed. Also the Fln-t brands of Wines, l.l juor and Ciuars. Senduiiehes of all Kinds ulivayi, on hand. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.- Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain otpii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds .'a akd manhood j Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, a?1iX SSn1 fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. F f It H If S) C-"ta'L ? A LIT Y , This Hour ie innnufnetured cxprtfely for 'anill UHH : everv Hiielf in i'mirtiiti...il In ulvu unlinfnr'tioD. We sell our coodH lower than any Iiohho in the trade, and if you don't think trace: marks Jesigms COPVRIGHTO &.C. Anrnnf senrtlai; n ultetoh nnd tkierlptlnn ma- r iinntiin tree whetner u r lalMtnhlr. iirnifiimlpj. tiorm atrictlr contldRiitml. llandUmkou I'uletiu nniklf rucfirtam our iinntiin free w iutkiuioii it vmunuij ixueniame. v.-iit free. i)lMt uucurr furecun:u; mtenu. raliiuu taciin tbrouuti Munu & Co. receive leM imtlcc, without chnruc, In the Scientific.Jfmericam A handsomely lllntrntpd weelslr. Iirt'Ot olr. cnlalion of nnr ritiitldc liairnnl. 'l ernia, 13 a tear: fmir rnonFhs, tu fcoliibyall newrtfalcn. MUNN & Co.c1B New York ubuse, or extets and indis cretion. Anurvo tonic unil blood lmildur. Brinirs the pinkflow to pale cheeks anc . eall and sot our nrices and be convinced. . 1 A' . C - 1 . R By maiinoc per box; boxes iiignest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats lor $!.5(; with a writton irimnui-; 1 too to euro or rel'imd tlto money. ! "" - . NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton it Jackson Sta., CHICAGO, IU- m or any form of dyspepsia. One luuich urnce, are triumphs for Republican policy ; tablet gives immediate relief. wuicli will aio hundreds of tlious ands of votes for the party in tbe election of 11)00. Globe-Democrat. No liiitish publisher has yet thought to announce ''Mistakes of Our Generals," In six larce volumes. The Westminster Gazette declares that Hie Jkitisli need 100,000 more Ken. A search for one Wellington mighi be more to the purpose. little cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. F. B. ThirkMd, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dvspepsia Cure, cannot tie rccommendi-d too highly . It cured uieof severe dyspepsia." It di. gests what you eat and'eures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dys pepsia. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III , says, "Sor geons wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with DeVVitt'e Witch Haeel Salve." It is Infallible for-niles and skin diseases. Besrara of counter-fits. 1' k' Wo-ihiUitioii, I). (' Eureka Harness Oil in the Unt prvhurvutlve of nuu- leutlivr unil tliu IkihI renovator of old leather, it oIIk, hOftenti, Lluck. eusuud protecu. Uko Eunka Harniss on your lat barmaa. your old liar. liMj, nnd your (-arriatr lop, they will nut only look btfu-r but mr longer, hold e very wie In curw-all tUea from limit pinU to nvfKallooa. UtU triXMttl OIL lu. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liqnor Dyspepsia Cure. .Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. Digests what you eat. Kodol I AJ M I V If I. V t . ml r. ll ti . I I -: " I 1IIJCSlS Wnar VOU eat. i lu M,r naiion. u to 10 years old,) . , Itartlflcltlly digests the food and aids hrftTOTp Amrii J, iT "n' 111 10 u , Mature in BtrenKthenintr and recon. ALIfOHKIA BRAMDIEB Iroin iii.'Jb to tii itfi ,,r uii,..., (4 to Jl years olu Btructlnjr the exhausted digestive or-1 .TT -r fans. It is the latest discovered digest-1 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. ant and tonic. No other preparation i . MreK d V.I Biatr and Olytupi. Beer in bottle. iDyspeDflia. IndhreBtlon. Hrth Win . '"ported Ale and I 'orter, Platulence, Sour Stomach , Nausea! SlckHeadaclie.Gastralgla.Cramps.and I til otuer results of Imperfectdlgestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWht Co., Cbleoag! JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. XW&i -tWW'wwW'l