The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 03, 1900, Image 3

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    h -
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All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ttltphunc No. J.
EAT I'll DAY - - FEHKUAitY 3, 1900
hcrred In
ktylo by
Anton Xovatnr, n native of AiiHtriu,
was today admitted bo u citizen of the
United tati-n.
This morning Dr. E-helman was called
to Duftir to attend 1'rof. It. 11. Allard,
principal of the school there, who 1ms
been very ill for the past few days. The
doctor returned th'iB ufternoou und re
ports Mr. Allard improving.
Iter. I), V. Polini: has consented to
deliver n lecture before the Students'
Literary Debating Society next Friday
evening. The subject has not ne yut
Wen ttimouncecl. It is probable the
First Jkptiat church will be secured for
tliii occublon.
Apples area luxury these days ; but
thero'e nothing too good for the Cnnox
ai: force, and, thanks to our friend C.
L. l'liitlips, wenre now feasting on the
Wet of that fruit the market affords.
Mrs. Phillips Ih away und Charlie knows
how to stand in with the eompoeitorB.
This afternoon in Juetiee Bayard's
court the trial of 0. E. Obrist. charged
wilh the larceny of a saddle, came uj,
Uufur and Menefee appearing lor the
defendant. At the time of going to
press no decision had been arrived
at lM the case has been creating quite
While In the East recently W. F. Mc
I'ftKor saw Columbia river salmon in
&He and pound flats and also in ovals.
Tlie latter cost the wholesaler cents a
"ii, or $10.08 per cuse, and the one
pound Hats $1.80 a dor.en. Tho brands
n w,.rt) fr0lll tllu (ji,U11K jacking Co.
""'I were first-class goods. Astoria
Jt will bo uu welcome news to the
"ftvlnK pblic to learn that the Pull
man car company has reduced the pay
j" wlored porters. The graft ou tips in
past has been almost beyond endur
and surely now the traveler who
! to meet the requirements of the
Wck shadow who continually h.uints
'", win bo simply ignored.
The v. o. T. U. renews fta work in'
J city with fifty membere, who met at
"'o Muthouist church Thursday After
noon and elected the following ofllcers:
j'Mldwii, Mrs. Mattle Barnett; score.
a'y. Mrs, May Hushing; corresponding
"cretary, Mrs. Mary Campbell; treas.
Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton. On Tuesday
veins a reception will be given the
wniberB In the Christian church. The
u ee are enthusiastic, and determined
w oo good work In The Dalles. It is
I Oysters
"What a mm wears is t very reliable index o
WHEN you are ready
to buy your new
clothes you can safe
yourself into our bands,
Conducting our business
as wc do, and selling such
goods as the
suits and overcoats, we can
certainly give you the right
clothes and the best possible
value for your money.
We rill be just an anxious
its you rc to have you pleas
ed and satisfied.
hoped they will see fit to take up the
reading room plan, as suggested by the
Ciiuonii'm: recently.
The greatest danger from ccildB and
la grippe is their resulting in pneu
monia. If reasonable care is used, how
ever, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
taken, all danger will be avoided. It
will cure u cold or an attack of la grippe
in less time thnn nny other treatment.
It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale
by Ulakeley it Houghton.
Three week ago there were thirty
five cases of the nnnumed dieease in
Moro now there are but live; thanks
to the board of health, which in EpHe
of all obstacles, have unremittingly
toiled to stamp out the disease. The
highest number of cases at any one
time was fifty-eight. No deaths have
occurred from it. We cannot blame our
sister city for its alarm at the situation,
but it seems safe enough now to raise
the enrbargo against Moro. Observer.
The case of Allen Edwards, who waB
arrested for forgery Thursday evening,
came up for hearing in Justice Bayard's
court this morning. The charge had
been reduced to larceny, and Edwards'
was given thirty duvs in the county jail.
Tho young mau, it BeeuiB, has been on a
protracted spree since Christmas and
from all accounts up till this time has
borne a good reputation. Edwards got
ofr easy, and should not only thank his
lucky stars, but learn a lasting lesson
thereby. i
In the moot house of representatives,
which seesion was held by the .Student
Literary Debating club last night, a
memorial was presented against any
law which may be introduced favoring
the leasing of public lands. Hugh Uour
jay fathered the memorial, and was ably
assisted by a portion of the repieseiitu
tives, while others argued strongly
against it. The discussion was warm
and to thu point. A vote being taken,
however, tho question was decided by
a vote of 8 to 0 Hgaiust the leasing prop
osition. Mr. Max Shillock, who has long been
connected with tho Portland Telegram
and who earned the reputation of being
one of the ablest writers on the stall' of
that paper, Is to be hereafter, or for a
time at leant, located at Sumpter and
Granite. Mr. Shillock carries with him
credentials appointing him as corre
spondent lor the Telegram, Spokane
Review and Associated I'ress and we
may now expect reliable reports from
the mining sections which he will have
occasion to investigate, In the past
there have been too many "boom" or
"pnid-for" articles finding their way in
to print and a line will now bo drawn
that will bo of benefit. ,
Yesterday In Dallas, at 10:18 o'clock,
William Magers was hung for tho mur
der of Kay Sink, which crime look place
on September 13, 1808, near Salem.
Sink was a well-to-do farmer of Wasco,
and Magers murdered him for his
money. After weighting the body of
his victim lie threw it Into the Willam
ette river near Salem, on the Folk
countv side. After the commission of I
the crime Magers spent the money he
bad secured as n result of his cold
blooded crime in taking girlB for buggy
rides and living riotously until arrested.
As is usual, about 200 people witnessed
the hanging. The victim displayed much
nerve, and on the scaffold protested his
If there's one thing above another
which thoroughly delights the small boy,
it is to get hold of an air gun, and 'tis
not to be wondered at, for most of the
older boys like the same kind of amuse
ment on a larger scale. However, there
ie also much danger in these toys, and
the boys should be taught to be very
cautious. This morning on First street
a boy was standing on the railroad track
and shooting promiscuously into a
crowd of boys on the side walk, regard
less of results. But a few days since a
physician in the city was called to ex
tract one of the miniature shot from a
boy's hand, and in Portland last week a
boy lost his eye by the carelessness of a
young companion who owned an air
gun. Such cases are of frequent occur
rence in larger cities, and should be a
The "Sllimr" II uh u Kirk.
As newspapers are known to bo the
very etsence of veracity, visitors to
Sumpter must deem it their duty to
boom something and therefore give tho
smallpox scare ti boost. Several travel
ing men and others from that section
have circulated a report in The Dalles,
and it seems it has readied other places
as well, causing the Sumpter Miner to
expostulate thuslv :
"Saturday morning the Oregonian
published alleged dispatches from Baker
Citv and Sumpter, telling of u smallpox
epidemic raging there and here. Not
satisfied with making merely the false
statement that tho disease is prevalent
in tlieee parts, the writer gives details
as to quarantine arrangements, stating
that htalth ofllcers meet all Incoming
trains and that no one is allowed to
leave Sumpter without a permit. The
Taconiu Ledger published a day or two
before tho above date an interview willi
a man who claimed to have just anived
from Baker, picturing a horiible state
of affairs in that place, as u result of the
ravages of the dread disease. The Miner
has published a statement signed by all
i he physicians in Sumpter, declaring
that there is no smallpox here. These
false reports will work somo temporary
injury to the town, but will have little
permanent effect,"
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Havs Always Bought
Bears the
Big uature of
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Fulk.
A Fw Hour In thn Vlnlnnt Wnril Wftrn
tiuflloletit to Chiidh it lteturii of
Brown returned last night to pay
John Fitzgerald a few weeks' visit.
Showing' a peculiar liking' for "sells,"
ho has been placed In one, where lie
will await his trial. Deputy Sexton re
ports no trouble with the prisoner on
the trip, ho having been taught a lesson
which ought to be lasting. Sheriff Kelly
adopted the very best means in his
rase. Had ho been kept here, where
there must have been an uncertainty as
to his condition, no doubt justice would
have been handicapped. But now that
hie sanity has been proven by tests
which could only bo given in an institu
tion of that sort, there is no doubt ns to
the course to be pursued. The sheriff
used every precaution in his Instruction
to the superintendent, so much so that
the doctor attended to the case himself.
As soon as Sexton left the asylum and
it was found Brown still was sullen, he
was put In n straight jacket and rele
gated to one of the violent wards. Those
who have been permitted to visit these
terrible dens will know what that meant
to a sane peison. The attendants were
also charged to feed him. As usual, he
refneed to eat, when a tube was placed
in his nostrils and food injected. lie
remained there during the afternoon,
but by the time supper was brought in
he had concluded he'd been crazy long
enough, and would no doubt be insane
in earnest if he remained longer. So he
sent for the doctor, to whom he con
fessed liiB strategy, saying he knew he'd
be Eent up, but that he'd rather be in
the penitentiary fifteen years than to
ppend a night there.
They immediately put hand-cuff- on
him and took him to tho county jail to
await the arrival of officers from here.
On the way down to the jail he at
tempted to relieve himself of the hand
cuffs, and had to be watched closely.
He confessed to the sheriff there that
he had all he wanted to eat here, having
eaten stealthily; also that he had plenty
of tobacco, which no doubt was furnished
him by his partner, Wilson.
A farmer stepped into a printing office
and said to the editor: "I'd like to take
your paper, but I am too poor." "Go
home," said the editor, "pick out a hen,
call her mine, sell nr save her eggs for
me, and if she wants to set let her, and
next fall bring me all the produce from
the hen. I'll send the paper." When
fall came lie found that lie was paying
the price of two papers. After that lie
found that he was never too poor to
take a paper. Besides, when ho wanted
to borrow his neighbor's paper he was
ahvavB reading it, so he had to wait
until the news was old or take it second
handed. There is nothing like taking
one of your own and getting the news
from firet hands. Try it. Ex.
A 1-rightful Itliunler
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, will kill
tho pain and promptly heal it. CureB
old Bores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
clous and all skin eruptions. Best pile
euro on earth. Only 25 ctB. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by -Biakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
Groceries and
Something that wo all must
have, something we buy every
day. We do not claim to
have a monopoly on all tho
Grocery Goodness, but we do
claim to have tho best hams
and bacon in Tho Dalles.
Swift's Premium Hams
are sweet and juicy, not dry
and salt'. They will ploaso
you. Try ono for breakfast.
Swift's Premium Bacon
not tough nor stringy, but
sweot and tender.
If you want tho best Hams
or .Bacon order Swift's and
you will bo delighted.
Wo havo added fresh vege
tables to our Grocery Department.
n k mi
gMT ' lllljljt;il:Wrillll!i)llilll;iinii(iimar;
in' "t'," ' i.iintmiii lililiiliiiillilniin' ihiliimll ilithiiHt'lnli.ini.ituii ITTT
II IH tHItni tlllMn''Tiiifi ' i" IH '"iilimi'nitlllllnn'l'l'li'llil bllliltiU"H
Vegetable Preparationfor As
similating llicFoodandRcguIa
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Dige3lion.Cheerfur
ness and Rcst.Con tains neither
Opinm.Morpliine nor Mineral,
flittpt ofOUfirSAKUELPtrCHEI!
HhtlU &Jtt -jtniseStrd.
CfmfudSUgnr iiSHoymi rtaror.
Apetfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions.Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signntu of
A Good III vestment.
The Xew York Life Ir.a Co. issues a
new policy which allows liberal features
in many ways.
At the end of fifteen or twenty years
you may withdraw all your money with
profits in cash, yet paid up insurance or
take an income for lifo.
A satisfactory provision for old iiye is
tho main objuct of mankind. Protect
ing your estate in case of early death is
another. Endowment life insimuw"
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Peed Wheat, Seed O.Us,
Seed live, Seed Barley,
Seed Ih'ickwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn.
Kallir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
A mnanillcent stock of Stuplo and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close prices for CASH nt the Feed, Seed
and Grocery Store of
VA. rj CfA-l A"! A': ATA I'A I' ATATAT'ArjCr
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
Kemombor that wo are selling the same from
$45.00 to $60.00
Which is a saving to our customers of front $15 to $25
over price charged by peddlers for inferior ranges,
Write for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence."
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
covers both sides.
Loan9 money at 5 per cent after second
If vou wiah to see our contracts notify
Frank McFarland, general agent, at the
Umatilla House. .
The modern and most effective cure
for constipation an'l all liver troubles
the famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Earlv Risers.
Clarke & Falk's riavorin extracts are
the best. Ask vour trocer for them.
White Hominy Corn.
Early Hose Potatoes,
Burhaiik Potatoes,
Spring VetcheB,
Drome Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Ike Supplies.
s-atj-a-tam-a: ra ita-ih
Bears the i t
Signature tjl