For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Panting, Ovcrroatln-or Faticr Yetting. j whom oue Vallandigham, of the same ( jolitical faith as Bryan, was the most conspicuous. "When Vallandigham be cime too noisy, he was sent, by Lincoln's order, into the Confederate ... , lines, where he belonged. Jn answer , SOUtnBffi P3C!llC COTTip )f. to the denunciations of Governor J Train leave ana ere cue to arrive at l'ortimo evmour, of New York, and others, f " EAST and SOUTH via ' jQst What The Shasta Route! You rxtant. REGULATOR LINE. or tiis Kirxllv .and examine ar ftnek ol Im ported iad D uestlc Woolens. A fine stock to select from. Bnlt made from t ae lowest prices to the high est crude. that the punishment of Yallandig bam was "dishonorable despotism." Lincoln wrote this noble sentiment, which applies to the Philippines today ; with the same force that it applied to the iouth thirty-seven years ago: 'Long experience has shown that armies cannot be maintained unless i j desertion shall be punished by the ; I severe penalty of death. The' case! i ...:.- .i.n i ,t. LIlVI. .OVERLAND EX- press, salern, Riwe ! burjr, Ashland, ?ae- j .-.ivi i i J raraentn, Oedcn.San . .wj I . a. Fmncijeo, Mojave, I l.o Angcles.KU'aso. j I New Orleans and I I East x i Kowburg and way ta- ,3U A' tlons Via Woodbura for j,.,,. . MLAngel, Sllverton, S West ?clo, Browns- 9.15 A.M. 4 .30 1'. il I)a.lly exeept Sundays. IT:30 A. M. iCorvallis y nations. and way 5:jor.. lf Jm 1 i. Str. ReRulntor. (Umltfd IjiihIIhk-..) Dalles, Portland & Astoria Kay. m. Sfu inert til the lleRUlntnr Uno will rtn ns jnt the tol. IouIiir ehcdiilr, tlic. Comimny reserving the right to chan'' M'hcdtilc without notice J I.v , stitution J. A. Eberle ii- New ideal in Wall Paper here. Such J wide varietv as we are showing never be- M I fore craced a single stuck. Heal iuiita-1 k inn rrpmn pnnpiH ul (iriuiiurv Lirict.1. i paper' ..Portland ..Ar.i 8:25 a. m , Elecant designs, tastefnl colorings, vonr I F,,;- .l&nffi-u: for a email price, at onr .tore, on Third ' etreet. Also a fall line of house paints. - nows. Italic nt A. M. Tuesday Tliuisdar Saturday . Arr. i'ortlntid at ' r. M. nr. I.v riirtl.ind lit T A. M. Monitiiy Wednesday Friday Arr. Halles at 5 r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. (Touching at all W ay 1'oltit.)' IKIWN. I.v. Dalle nt r..:o a. m. Monday Wednesday Friday. . .. Arr. l'ortland (imrertalu) I.v. Portland at 6 a, . Tunri.. Thursday J Arr liilin (uncertain) 1 Fine IXDEI'EXDEXCE I'ASSEXGER. Express train ' tion creton enects at orumarv prices r-..... , , w - Must 1 shoot a simple-minded soldter : 'iP; m- I .1 - T . . A I. I . . . ! tuaiiy, except suimaj. t-j TXT TT A TTSTT! TrM-TVi St I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Tmvel by the S teamen of the Keculator IJtic. The Company will endeavor to give its pat ron the best service potslbic. For lurthcr tnlormation address land Ofllce, Oak Street Hock. W. C. ALL AWAY, Gen. Agt., The t)Hi Tailoring. ! a ualr f tue agitator who in-i duces him to desert? This is none hie dalle;. (iiiEuos. i the less iniurious when affected bv cettinc a father, or brother, or The Dalles Daily Chronicle. nixrxG cars ox ogdex kocte. PCLLMAX BCFFEr SLEEl'ERS AND SEC0X1-CL.SS SLEEl'IXG CABS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at tan frunclsco with Occl i friends into a public meeting, and lines for jafax and cuix.v. Sailing dates on I . atpllcaaon. . there WOrkmS UDOn his feelinCS till Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu- ' - r - row IlinJU'lV. I!HTV. HhVOl.ri.IT nr I he is persuaded to write the soldier aCstkalia. ' BLBKELEY k HOUGHTOH. Wholesale ana Retail ) icnscnirtioN i'1:ice. One week 15 ! lat e '5 nt'D? 'n a 0ft( L'ause ; Grand Central Station. Filth and Imng s&eet r .i -r fnr n wiolroil Mriminicfrntlrvn nf o i.nn. A Jill I Ul. ili ltlU.. One year 6 00 1 temptible government, too weak to . I arrest and punish him if he shall SATURDAY - - FEBRUARY 3. 1900 ' desert I think that, m such a case, to silence the neitstor and save the BULLETIN'S AXD CEySORS. boy is not only constitutional, but withal a great mercy." Bryan, Hoar and Bacon are com mitting the same ofiense today that j Vallandicham had committed when General Burnside arrested him. . II. MAKKHAM, Asu G. F. i Faas. Art "When the British war office posted ; a bulletin announcing that General "Warren's forces were about to make a night assault on Spionkop it com-' mitted a grave mistake. General. "Warren's division is about 10.000! catmb cnaot be cured strong. Every pprson in Great Brit- . with local applications, as they cannot am with a relative under "Warren reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh was placed in harrowing suspense, ' is a blood or constitutional disease, and Paenper lepot, loot ol JeBerson street j Leave lor Sheridan, week days, at -S:S0 p. ra j Arrive at Portland, S:30 a. m Leave lor AIELIE on Mondav. Wednesdav and ! Fri-iay at b 3o a. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues dav. Thzrday and Saturday it 3:06 p. c Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. Jlanaer. Throuch Ticket Oficc, im Third street, where throuch tlcicts to all points In the Kastero states, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irom J. B. KIRKLAXP, Ticket AsvaL or X. WHEALH0X. F. S. Gunning, DRUGGISTS liiir I 1 nil and Motors M A N l" F A CT l" I! L' t) 15 V and, m fact, the whole British nation was rendered nervously espectaot to , uten internally, and acts directly on j an extraordinary degree. Crowds the blood and raucons surfaces. Hall's ! remained in the streets all night and , Catarrh Core is not a quack medicine. J the followins dav waitins for a line 11 was was prescribed by one of the best 1 of news. The "tension "ran to a Pians in this country for years, and j , is a regular prescription. It is composed j dangerons point. The imagination 0f the best tonics known, combined with pictured a heavy assault on a bare, the best blood purifiets, acting directly' fortified mountain and thousaads of on the mncous snrfaoes. The nerfectl mangled victims. The insane follv . combination of the two ingredients is' - , . . of posting such a bulletin wa how'n ' what Pdnces scch results in j COr. Mlt & LailllUl. 'PtOflB 157 Dy the totally unexpected course of CataiTh' Send fr j ; ; events. o defense of the mountain , F. J. Cheney & Co.. Pron.. Toledo O. . JxecuXOr S 1 OtlCe it I Carry the Largest Stock of AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO Drugs and Druggists' Sundries u SUITABLE FOR DRIVING In Eastern Orecon. ' ; GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, H5 Second Street. THE DALLES I elevators, printing presses, etc , Circulars and partlcnlare furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLES, OREGON TTJL.T-JL.rjL 1 AfAtAI JLT J tTZtZnTXTXi; Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. BROS. GEXEKAL 1 5 ! unUu BiaGKsmiins ...AND. I. 4 H Horsesnoe is Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. was attempted. But when the Brit-: ish obtained the ground desired they found it untenable. 2so one looked for the occupation unopposed. No, Sold by drrneeists. price 7oc. Hall's Family Pills are tbe bept. ' ! ' Xotlc If hereby pivon that the county court jo ' of the state of Orecon for Wasco countv. iti ' jirobnte, has duly lsutj letters tCJtameuta'rv to i iuu uiiaereiRiieu n toe executor namea in trie i (ust will ana testament of i;aleb lirooks, ue- I TMrt anil JeffST'on. Fiione 159 P C r2i DEALEK I.V All kinds of Funeral Supplies Crandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles. Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. rj,fl.Y.l:..r,A., - 31 J. I. Bevry, Lonanton. Pa., writes, t. 'nm iriffini. in tsto mr t , Ceased, and ti administer ujxju the estate of the , am wil.inR to takf my oatU tnat 1 wassaiQ riecesed All arsons bavin? claims i 1 cured of Dnenmonla entirelv bv the ncp acain-t id estate are reqnired to present the W nnp thnnolir nf ihn ;nr,V,il;i. nf tU.. a.. , I . . . same f me at the law otlice of Condon it Con- i I e. wl ,w .j oi vue -uinuie uoogn unre. alter noctorg don. in Kaiies city, Oregon, with proper ouch- British to retain the position when , failed. It also cured my children of cw"m&' w'th' ,r"m once seized. The English public J hoopinu cough." Quickly relieve ; KxmUK hKliJ was tortured about something tbat!an? ?.nres L'0ghs' coIds- cronp riPPe . J- never happened. , aU ke U- Motherg endorge . STURDEVANT Up to a certain point it is essential 77707. I " ' STURDEVAN7' that a general keep his plans to him-! rv, ' .c. i Deiltist. CotnDlete entertainment ontfit. rnn. Belf. They are subject to insiantane- j slating of bleb grade majic lantern, with : OUS change, for war is a game of views on Spanish-American war and! two, and what the enemy may be , 1 new talkin? macuine with 2G recorde t . . -. w ovu i.n.iti kci ui'juui lark iaii. 1 doing affects the entire programme ; Reon for reI,iBs.-ownr ill. Call op-1 of operations. "When Buller tele- posite United Brethern church on the' graphed that an assault was intended hill or address 'Virjril E. Greene, The j be could rot be sure that a counter-1 DaIIe8, Jan29-lmo mand miffht nnt. hf ic;nr.r1 nn Imnr i or Oftice over French d; Co.' haux Phone C, TIIElAU.Ea,OEEGOX , r. itcoEC. 3I00RE & GAVIN, ATTORXEYS AT LAW. Eooms 33 and 10, over I. . Land Oaice. As a core for rheumatism Chamber- two later. He is probably not ' lm is gaininc a wide repn- responsible for the form of the bul-'Ind.t bas been troubIed ttith"that lettn issued in London. Some one meat since 1602. In speakinc of it he - in the home office seems to have eavfi: "I never found anything that thought it best to trv to break the wonld relieve me until I used Chamber- cflecu of a possible unsuccessful lu? a Jh? U a"9 mc i. ti t , i , i , . ... witn nle M' foot wnE swollen and assault. But he blundered horribly paininir me very much, but one cood and raised the tide of excitement ' ."P!ication of Pain Balm relieved me. is more trying to humanity HUil.U3v. iluu, .uis cA-,orj jndentnre. ehould write to V. T. perience with nn assault that was Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' Woodless, followed by an eraergencv and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at r.ot foreseen by Buller, mav be seen Sutn110 T tT tolu . ' - eirable children of e! aees. Al ar.n ca- mvwv3.v U4 u tuiumuu sense, ttons must he fi led in adrsnxA ! TTRED. W.WIU-ON, . r ATTOhSEV-AT LAW. ..GflflS. FRflJlK.. Butchers and Fafmers I Tim LxlA. nv.v.ans Ofhce ovei K'n! Xat. Il-jnt. ..Exchange.. Keepa on draucbt the celebrated COLL'MBI A BEEP., ncknow: edRed the ljt beer in The Iiitlkn, a' the unai price. Come In, try It and b convinced. Alo the i'int brands of Wines, Uuor end Clean. Sandwiches of all Kinds always on band, PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Company TTpA Hmifl TtTc "frvn firmI CL ' -I" wwv 4. NJIJ. C4.1.U. Ul V 1J. Kill 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Nothing All Tutarna iriKinn tn i.l... lv tote cuuuren, than ,u... t... , : vu.ici uui: ur fc-i'is, lor legal auopuon Or in Trace Marks Jesicns Copyrights Ac. Anrone lonrtlnir a f ketch and description ma qulcclr a.iceriam our opinion free whether a' inenion n prohablr plf ntuble. f'ommuiilc timuiitrKlrraiindontUt. Handtxiok on I'atrnu w-r rB. ()rtnt uswt lur anirinir tmlenta. I'J'enn taken thruuch ilann Jk Co. recetrv tj'iw wirsuub KnHT2Qf tu toe the unimaginative censorship of bulletins tf ..:!. .s.i.. ...... , .. .-r mcwiu un ..UU.U, nuucsmuuj iruimui, suouici a positive cuarantee. (W, l,,,.i,, i, j i ..... . . . . - "" u pruuent una matter o: lact.-Globe-Democrat. THE SAME OFFEySE. raising of the food, distress after eating, ,or any form of dyepepeia. One little I tablet jives immediate relief. t'O cte. ; and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghtou, drug, fc'iets. it , . , , , . F. B. Thirkield, iiealth inspector of Bryan lamented in his Boston chicaKo, says, "Kodoi Dvepepda Lrl speech Iuesday night that the Ke- cannot be recommended too highly, it publican party had changed its prin-1 cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di ciples since the days of Lincoln. The Kfcete w hat -vou efU 8rul cure6 indigestion Oregonlan goes on to say: Whati ?"p.ieartbUrn' BDd Binrm9 of d.,B-' the boy statesman meant to rty was) J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., ..go,.! that Mckinley is more lenient with j geons wanted to operate on rne for pilee, copper-heads than Lincoln was. In hut I cured them with DeWm'e Witch ; civil war times the nation was HnzaI Salre-" J' " Infallible for pi!e j troubled by n number of traitors, of fekin dlBfcaee- ae of counter- j Scientific American, A handjnmclf lllairatwl wk'T Jjirreat cir. ni.alion f anr ciou'tt:' J mrnai. Term, t3 a aa'iVai '?r m jn,b4, s''! bTa newsdealers MUNN &Co.3C1D'oadi. New York Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds i nClif 1 1 fl an nTawhood, Headquarters for Bran. Shorts a,nMT!.lLkFEE,rJ 'SsStS Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- Seu!l-"Aa51?eS?te2!d tPIl FlOUr. Thi8 18 manufactured expree8ly for fainllr bj,MKl builder. Bring, the Wa w. our goods lower t&'l? pink glow to pale cheeks ant call and jjet cur pncee and Us convinced. t-IH.iAKf.'l 1,A 4". m I. ht. By mr.iir(c per ik)x; boxes' , Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. ftlMjO; with a written ifimrau- . teo to euro or rcfuutl Uio moucy. : - 5 ! NERVITA MEDICAL CO. I QTl Df fir Clinton & Jackson Sts CHICACO, 1U;V J O 1 vj O 1 IN jrS liraocii UtHns (Z. Y fi' Waihioiton. U.C turena Jlaruesj Oil U the lt prearvue of new leutli.r uuu ? ie U-at rvaotator ( nd Ita'Ijer It oIm, .oftetu, li.atK eut ubd prutveu. Lt Eureka Harness Oil on your Urn harrim. yoor old bar. ww. abd)uur trrl-to, arid ttrf-r will nut only loot i,r txii tar lofarr buldeteiirMhTrlb cuw-aU oca from tolf ,Ui to D- caliou. Hu v rii,iii uil in. Wholesale and Rotall ITaHaI ' Wines' Liquors and Cigars. j j I Agency ior the Greate American Liquor Dyspepsia Cure., Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. Digests what you eat. ' !rJ-- .oo (r kuiiou. OTo x& fear oid. ' JtartlflcWlydlgesuthefoodaodalda hTi t?S5StV VJ7'W 10 12-iJ'on. to'MyToiS. Mature in streniftheninff and recon- UAiili0aiA BBAMDlEBjjroin isjf. u, u ri.r tfniion, 7j io"l l yiurp old structinjrthfi exhausted digestive or-' r,XTT " lana. ItJsthelatestdifiem-fcrr.rfrfi.,. ' ONLY THE PTTRTTRT T.TorrrtDa arr n ant and tonic. Ko other nrenaratlnn ' w ovlJ1' on draught, and Val Blatz and Olyinpia Boer in bottle" KLtf1 Vif.?.? if wtlT cure. i0SSSAAgEa5S , "Jjrcinio, juuiueaLion. HMrtimni I - ! Flatulence, rvmr Kt-im-v, nr..... r i I I U other renultaof Jmoerfect ditri inn . rreand by t. c. DcWltt Ce, Cbieoii. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.