1) c D n I! cg t)tfmitk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SxVTURDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1900. NO 149 MORE VAGUE WAR RUMORS Gsieral Frencli Said to flare Canlnred ; EieM Hnnflred Boers, Royal Baking Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome PARTICULARS WERE NOT MENTIONED Dispatch From Gaberones Storv That Mafcking Relieved Little to Confirm Discredit the Kutuor That Bullcr Has Again Crossed the Tugcla. ballot act make every onmarried man between 19 ifii'd 30 years of age liable to service for five years. Robbed the Grave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the I subject, Is narrated by ,him as follows: ... ,! "I was in a most dreadful condition. My Disposes of I . . i . 11 t. 1 skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, Has Been , toncue coated, pain contmiiHllr in back or ' and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three pnyei-1 clans had given me up. Fortunately, a ! Irlend advised 'Electric Bitters': and to I the lowest point this winter in Chicago. Th'e' forecast today promises some relief. After carrying his wife and two child ren from his burning cottage early to day, Herbert Fletcher was overcome by smoke and flames, and fell near the doorway and died before assistance conld reach him. The weather was bitter cold and his wife and children were clad only in their night garments. Fletcher had rushed back into the burn ing building to eave sufficient clothing when overcome. LoxtiON. reb. 2. There ie no nwe from General Buller'a qonrtere, and the only omciai t head-I information which has reached London In any way fapporttng the reports that be has re crowd Hit: Tugela is found in the Asso cUted Press dispatches announcing Lord Dundonald's reconnaissance, which iitiken to indicate a prelude to renewed activity. As the dispatch is Ihree days o!d,nd Lord Dundonald found no diffi culty in croa-ing the river, it is not im possible that General Bailer may tave moved in the Interim, and public anx iety is again concentrated on the Upper Tojela, Dispatches from elsewhere in South Africa merely tell of desultory e hell fire and the movements of patrols, though Cpe Town mentions a rumor that Gen eral French has captured 800 Boers, where and how not being announced. The claim of other cough medicines to my great joy and surprise, the first be as good as Chamberlain's are effectu- bottle made a decided improvement. I all v set at rest in the following testi- ! continued their use for three weeks, and monial of Mr. U. D. Glass, an employe am now a well man. I know they saved ! of Bartlett & Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me. , my life, and robbed the grave of another . He says: "I had kept adding to a cold i victim." Xo one should fail to try them. I and congh in the winter of 1S97, trying Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley & i every cough medicine I heard of without Houghton's drug store. T.nt'ftt'vrft Mtitrir'FH. FVV .5 patch trom Gaberones, dated January 23, describing a reconnaissance of some of Colonel 1'lumer's forces around the Boer laager touth ward seems to dispose of the etory that Mufeklng has been re lieved. On that date the Bhodeslans captured two Transvaal lasgs and drove It Wa a Family Unw, Hiu.snoi:o, Or., Feb. 2. W. B. Mc Lin, a native of this country, who was Bhot January 18 by his brother-in-law, WalterThompson, formerly of Cornelius, ttiree miles west of here, is recovering from his wound. The Mountain Echo, of Boulder Creek, Cul., where the shoot ing occurred, says that the trouble arose from the fact that Mrs. McLin insisted on going to a dance in defiance of her husband's wishes. He followed ber and her friends and threatened her and ber sister's husband so tfiat a peace warrant was sworn out against him, but It was no, served. McLln the next day went back to his brother-in-law's bouse. -A dis-: where all had been 8ta7iDB. when the brother-in-law, Thompson, met him in the front yard and shot him through the neck without a word. Thompson is now In jail in default of bonds. L. T. Travis, asent Southern It. R., Selina, Ga,, writes: "I can not say too off the Boer outpost before returning to nti in praise oj. une aitnuie uougn liure. m my case u woriteu use a charm." The onlv harmless remedy that gives immediate resnlts. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubln. Gabcrones. Kobrru VfauU 00,000 Additional Mrn. Lo.siio.v, Feb. 2. Sensational rumors are current that the mrlitia ballot act will be put in torce February 14, and that General Roberts, commander-in-1 Cold Weather m i liicuso chief of the Britiuli forces in South Africa, Chicago, reb. 1. Two deaths were has cublitd for 90,000 additional men. caused by the cold weather in Chicago sending 60,000 militia and volunteers 1 in the past twenty-four hourp, and muny and -10,000 reserves. persons suffered from frost bites of vary- It is also said the volunteers willjing severity. Hundreds of homeless tnobilizo forthwith. It is even asserted men were cared for by the police. The todty that the cabinet has especially J meicnry at li a.m. yesterday and at dealt with these matters. The militia 0:30 n. m. today touched at below zero, permanent help, until one day I was in the drug store of Mr. Houleban and be advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a"nd offered to pay back my money if I was not cured. My lungs and bronchial tnbes were very sore at this time, but I was completely cured by this remedy, and baye since always turned to it when 1 got a cold, and soon find relief. I also recommend it to my friends and am glad to say it is the best of all cough medicines." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. ARE SPARRING FOR POINTS ENGLAND'S BIG GEST ARMY Over 200,000 British Soldiers to Fight the Boers. Democrats Trying to Enjoin Taylor From Acting as Governor. Fkankfobt, Kv, Feb. 2. Senator Goebel passed a comfortable night, and was somewhat better this morning. Washington, Feb. 2. After the cabin et meeting the following statement was made: "The president and cabinet de cides that no case has yet arisen to justify the intervention of the national government in Kentucky, and has so in formed the governor." An Astonishing But True Story " My home is in Sidnev, Ohio. 1 have been nearer death with consumption than any other HvinK person in the world, and I want you to read this, so you can tell others. I took a severe cold and neglected it, 1 grew worse all the rae, ana at the end of two years I had run into consumption. I coughed terribly, lost flesh, could not sleep, and became so dreadfully weak that I had to take to bed. In 'he following eighteen months I gradually reached the last stages tf consumption. No less than seven physicians treated me and all gave rat up saying I was in curable. I was absolutely helpless. The whole fain tly wore themselves out caring for me. One day mother and sister came to ttlV bedsifliv nn,1 ctrl 1 had but a day or two more to live. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they s'wbed the news. Tho doctors had declared I was in the last stage, and no "uinun uemg could snve me. I was willing to die, out uciore going iu m v- u grave, I wanted to go out and see my dearly beloved town of Sidney once more. Ihey told mo such o thing was Impossible that I would surely die before I got ..";r , 1 usi8iea, auu t with a bed of pillows, and to UOUSe Snnnrr. I !..., ence, someone brought a trial bottle of medicine said to bo a consumption cure. o one imagined for an instant it was worth trying. But as a drowuiujj : peji Mother got more of the medicine and I took it. improving all the time. Today I am as well as any reader of this paper, and tho medicine that cured mo was Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. I declare before God and man that "very word here printed is true." Proof!!'. rcma.kw testimonial, on file In the oHlo of Mers. W. "ooker& Co.,Kew ork. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. .-..-. ...ui. n 1 n rr iirfiu tit i ft i iiii o gratity my uying ' . v. thfe I was carried and slowly driven around Court aa !,., ii..n 'I'liroufh the mercv or x-rovi- FjiANKFOiiT, Ky., Feb. 2. Governor Taylor this morningordered that nobody be admitted to the grounds of the capi tol under any circumstances. Passes which heretofore have entitled holders to go through the lines were taken up when presented. The object of the new order is to prevent any civilian from serving any legal papers upon him. It is the intention of the Democrats to se cure an injunction restraining Taylor from Interfering in any way with the meetings the legislature and enjoining him and hieutenant-uovernor jiarsnau from exercising the functions of state ofllcers. The Democratic plan is to make a for mal demand for admlsbiotn to the legis lative halls in the statehouse everyday. As on yesterday, they will be denied ad mission by the militia, all of which, with the exception of two companies from Barboursville, will remain here. These two companies have been ordered to London for the meeting of the legislature there next Tuesday. Taylor gives no intimation of abrogating this proclama tion calling for the legislature to assemble at London. He Is making arrangements for the session there. Many Republicans went home last night and this morning, all intending to go to London Monday. Another 1'ulltlclan Aailiitttil, Miuw.KSiioito, Ky., Feb, 2. It is re ported here that William Wright, ex member of the Kentucky legislature and a prominent Democrat, was assassinated at Booties-Fork. No particulars are available, Catti lu Hour Cneetii. All count v warrants registered prior to June 3, wjjl Jpsil tl div offlce. Interest oeases after February, 2, 1D00. O, L, PHILUrS, County Treasurer. London, Feb. 2, 4:30 a. m. Mr. Wyndham'a remarkable declaration in the house of commons that Great Britain will have in a fortnight 180,000 regulars in South Africa, 7000 Canadians and Australians, and 20,000 South African volunteers, is received with wonder ment. Of this total of 213,000 troops, with -152 guns, all are now there with the exception of 18,000 tbataio afloat. Beyond comparison this is the largest force Great Britain has ever put Into the fieid. At the end of the Crimaen war she bad scraped together 80,000. Welling ton, at Waterlo", had 25,000. Mr. Wyud ham's speech was the strongest defense the government has yet put forward as to what has been done and is being done. The general toneof the morning papers is that his figures will astonish the coun try. Roughly speaking, only 80,000 men are at the front. Ten thousand others have been lost, and 10,000 are shut up at Ladysmith. Excluding these there are 70,000 troops who have not yet been in action, in addition to those at sea. Why so many effectives have not yet been engaged is explained by the lack of land transportation and the organization of supplies, to which Lord Roberts is de voting his experience and Lord Kitchener bis genius for details. It seems as though the weight of these masses must destroy the equilibrium which now holds the British forces stationary wherever they are in contract with the Boer army. v A Thomand Tongue Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption bad completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made lite a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will everyone who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bo'tle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug Etore; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Stock Held to Kut Damnseil Grain. Moniioe, Or., Feb. 1. Hogs and cat tie are extremely scarce just now in this vicinity. One dealer was out for two days, and succeeded in securing nothing, although he offered 4 cents per pour.d for bogs on foot, either fat or poor, and as good a price for cattle. It is said that spoiled grain is the cause of this condi tion, every rancher wishing to hold his stock until his bad grain is fed out. The cold snap nut a stop to the winter blooming of several kinds or wild flowers. The buds which were about to burst in to (lowers were frozen at the base, so that they died. The frost was not heavy enough to affect the grain. That Tliroliblug; Ileuriaclie Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nwvoua Headaches, They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take, Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back If not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Warm Clothe for ItrltUli Holtller. London, Feb. 1. Owing to the dis- sovery that cotton khaki is insufficient protection for troops sleeping on the South African, pluins, the government is starting to reclothe the forces in the field with woolen klmki, and has already ordered 05,000 suits in Glasgow alone. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds, It is unequalled for whooping cough. Chrildren all like it," writes II. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails, It is M10 only harmless remedy that gives itrmediate results, Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and ung -troubles. Its early ubo prevents Today we hold the first of a series of Special Sales booked for this month. Each and every one will prove just what we claim it to be A Chance For You To Save Money Hence it will pay you to keep yourself posted. Watch for our announcements. Tomorrow It's Knit, and Crocheted Goods, Hoods, Fascinators and Ice-wool Squares. Four prices represent our entire stock of some twenty different qualities. Like thie- 25c and 29c Hoods and Fascinators ; all colors, in sizes for Ladies and children ; tomor row choice 18c 35c and 39c Ice Wool Squares, Ladies' and Chil dren's Hoods and Fascinators light and dark shades choice 25c 50c Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hoods, Infant's silk and wool Hoods, Fascinators and Ice-wool Squares choice 36c 69c, 75 and 85c Hoods, Fascinators) and Ice-wool Squares; in all plain shades, as well as beautiful two-toned color combina tions choice 50c 90c Btvles 05c $1.00 styles OSo A. M. Will jams & Go. STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey whito wash? Yes, and wasli white. You can Havana thing washod at tho Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that pooplo go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but tho standard rates, which aro not Cevera high as somo pooplo think, and wo want to C- U - B-A customor of ours. Corner of Third and Federal Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in tlie Ohronidle. consumption.