it- 6wiF KlDNEYSLlVER and Bowels CUAN5ES THE YSTEM rt EFFECTUALLY 1 UMI" PERMANENTLY SUV TM &eNU.Nr u 1HT o fty (IlRsiaTgS'RVp(- rm WiiEf Ji:siCicri rii jet rs. sttj. PEIU'LE TOC ALL K"OW. C. P. TJ'Uen is in from bis place at Eidgeway. Miss Anna Lsru is visiting ia Portland this week. E. Dyle is Endersbr. business visitor from j. vjranaaa is spsnamg a jew aavs in Arlinsrton, having gone up there on a business trip. Mrs. H. T. Mnrchieaad Mrs. Chas. E. Jones came down yesterday from Wasco on their was to Portland. Geore W. Johnston and W. L. Van derpool, wiio have been in Purtland on bnsiness returned last night and left this moraine for Dufur. Messrs. W. Bolton and C. B. Darbin came in from Antelope yesterday and left this morning to spend a few days with their wives iu Portland. Attyg. fl. S. VVilson and A. S. Bennett, who have been arguing the Savage Cise, returned last night from Salem." Atty. Gen. Blackbarn appeared for the state. Dr. O. C. Hollister came up from Portland yesterday on a business trip aid will retnrn tins afternoon. The Joctor is baiWinc up a good practice m that city and is much pleased with his new home. Ll4t of Juror. The following list of jnrors has been drawn for the February term of coart : L. J. Klinger, farmer, Dafor. ieo F. Arnolds, fttrinfr, Tne Dalles Seth Morgan, farmer. The Dalies. A J Graham, cierc. Hood liiver. B F Laothiin, capitalist, The Dalles. Mifc- Kennedy, fanner, Watnic Henry ileie.-, merchant, The Da-ie. U' Aiken, laborer. The Dalles. Go E Moore, farmer. Wamic J W Marquise, tanner, Tne Dalies. E Lcke, larmer, Hor.d Kiver. iee Evans, farmer, Mosier. D h CKtes, merciinut, Cascade Locks. Chas Koehler, fariuer. Naosene. James Keliv, farmer. The Dalles. Ed U jttiwc.i, farmer. Victor. U i Hnrst, farmer. The Dahes. A C Marten, farmer, Victor. K L, farmer, Buyd. Hany Huilsoi:, farmer, Boyd. CT Bonney, triercnunt, Hii liiver. A bfowers. merchant, Hrwxi Kiver. C B Durbia, et .ckiiiuu, Antelope. C A-iuin, inerciiant, Tyli Va'.ity. Jnines ponaldaon, farmer, KiLgsIey. J O Clausen, farmer, "san'en". A A Bonner, farmer. Tygh Valley. John Malonc, ftockmau, Anteljpe. J fl Kolierg, farmer Hood Kivei. J M Driver, farmer, Wismic. Davt Creighton, farmer, The Dalles. Excused on account of etnalipor in tie district. M id n Inter Caiiiiitiiectluc. The midwinter campmee;ing of the Salvatbm Army commences Saturday, Feb. Sd, and vil! continue until the I5tn. Af thin is the first midwinter campmeet inc to be held in The Dalles by the army folks, it is desired that you be in at tendance at all of the melint. In to morrow's paper you will ee the pro tram. Please rend, cuine and see, hear and be bleesed, Cait. Ton HaBssii. 'Hunt,, Crl-lo." ir. A'oert S. Welch. production of a dramatization of Dumas' i Monte Cristo by local talent. The fall cjb: of the company will b in&de knoan in a day or no. Mr. Welch promises an historically correct production, a drama tization of his own which has met with much success wherever presented. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Acts gently on the WINTER For winter residence or winter ontiug ide conditions w,;l b- found on -very hand in California. Plenteous early raltiia': has this season given to the etui-tropical vegetation wondeiinl im petus : the Sirat crJerin;:s re more than usati'v penerccs end the crop of soatlivrs fruits bonntifnl and excellent. O'd .ceaa poje"es new charms at Santa Barbara, 5au:a Monica, Lone Beaci. Coronado and the enchanted isle of the .sea, Citaltaa where fishine, loafing ucv be ecioved as nowhere else. J ' Qaiet little spots, sane and warm, ofI:r themselves at Mostecito, KordhoS", Pasadena, Echo Mountain, Saa Jadnto, . , Forrenewins health ond vigor, here abound many tot springs, of widely varvtn? constituents and demonstrated merits ; the drr, ant l tic, tonic air of the deerr av eniored a' Ennin- tne ueser may ue enioyea a. ianninfc, Indio, Yuma; and. even farther on, st Phoenix, Tucson, E! Paso, exists con- ditioas equally well indicated for weak throats and lencs. JIaay think nothing in natn.-e more attractive than the shimmering olive nri-liinit nf 5jtio T!rhr nm! 5nn Diego ; others prefer the stately walnuts of Ventura and Los Nietos, or the lemons of Fernando; bnt for glorious fruit and graceful tree commend us to the golden orance, first, last and always, and it exists in greatest perfection at Covinx, Riverside, Eeclands and High- iands Eqaally interesting is the : . u: : .:. . . .- , , the sortmc and packing of the orance is here accomplished. The faithfnl were exhorted to see Mecca aad sbutE oil; bat wiser gener- ations will see California and prolong life. ot tiie south BUSINESS LOCALS. i Feed rye for sale at the "Wasco Ware j house. tf Clark & Fa'k are never dosed Snnday. ; Djn't forget this. . r.iah x-' tcck is new i fresh and complete. j Clarke ii Falk fa3ve on sale a full line " of paint end artist's brashes. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from thejhead. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure core for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'e pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Floral lotion wili core wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke k Falk. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones atTDannell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. Lewis Dennis, Salem, mcb25-tf lad., savg. "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help; but cure dyspepsia and stomach tronble. CI II l. I,.. i : i . c.uiJ, ju:lli;e OI peace, j jOiarcsourg, . j., save, "DeWiu's ! Little Earlr Kiaers are the be--t nilU 1 aiane ior constipation. U e use no , others. Quietly ceres all liver and bowel troubles. .13. W .WIFj-ON. ATTOtU'-tr-AT law. ovei F-rsr & ci. -FBEE With every lar purchase store during and February one dol at our January we will give a chance on a Aluminized Steel Eanjre. Garland f H50- & eemofi I rrooal fr RvfaBdlng tTalrr I Hal lea City Urrcnn. Scaled proposals will he rereired hr the Ivartl of water commissioners of Dalle City, Oregon, at Faid city until 5 -.30 o'cioct p. a. of the 26 day of Feb., 1&.0, for twentv-five thousand do.iars, and twenty thousand doJIars of refund inc water bonds of said city, .as it ts not settled u in whether the total amount' total , 0 tmsids will beoGCOor $,jO an- thorny is extended to the sail! board to issoe fefnndinp water bonds in the sum of ?.000, hot if found not to be ' 20,(Kfl; cnd a: a rate of interest not ex. j sarv, the is-me will t .or no more man r cent per ancsn vears from date of b twenty years trom ciatc oi iue, : . . . -V . . i .......... I ) - ...... rt . !nl at-utl in rnl(t p.iin nf i ' the United States, at any city therein, j at the option of the buyer. The bonds mentioned will be issued ,....l of lb(. s:ate p 0r(.on( j troved Feh. 26, 1555, I-eb. 1S, 1SSJ, and j Feb. 14, 1S95, and in pursuance of an or- i i dinance adopted by the common conned ' ol Da!les C,t-V apP,' 3ry Do, 1f,. T. ,irn.enA rf!nnrfint water j tnds nrt intended for the redemption! of ontstanding water bonds in the snm ; ' of 125,000; bat ia case the board of water commissioners preifr, i iu iuc fundinc bonds for 'JO.OOO only, therefore j hAAeTi mav make nronosals for both i i25.000 and $30,000, and in the denomi ' nation of $oK) each. o bid will be entertamea tor a rate t .u. ..,. y.A. ' -' anij r3te 0f interest will be taken into consideration m passing on me value of all bids. Bidders must deiw?it with the presi- dent of the hoard a dufv certified check on some responsible bank equal to ;ier wat of the atronnt of ioads hid for, or accompany his bia with Cish ot such, amanni as ill f qcai tutu iwr kui ui his bid, and such certified check made' , payable to the president of the board of ; j wa'ter commissioners of Dalles City, Or., I ' as liquidated damages in cae the bidder ",a" la.;,1 or "e?'eVl T.clK BCU shall la; i or negiect to receive ana , ;d c;tv tbe bonds awardel to him on his aid. on or before the tirst on or oeiore tne Iirst cay Mnrrh TO-lft T.. . l,i ;.. fj, Attention shontd be given the lact . 1 . , . I . i. . A . 1 1 nr. 1 u i (. r( fltsrw... of more than ?20,C0O of such refunums i , !.... ill. .1 I ooacs, nn:s;s li snail lie ueesueu neccs t ,o umi.. ... shall and that it is newsarv to isnei ionds in the sum of $23,000, it will then offer and issue the foil sum, C$25,WM. 1 ne rignt to rejtc; any ana an oias is reserved bv the said board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to the presi dent of said board, or to the city record-' er, Dalles City. Wasco connty, Orecon, : and noted "Proposals for refunding . water bonds." j By order of the Board of Water Com mission, bv and with the consent of the! Common Conncil. This 25th day of January, 1900. T. J. Seci-eut, L. S. President of Board, Attest: 2Ced H. Gate, Recorder of Dalles City. The"Modem Slother Has found trict her little ones are im proved more fay the pleasant Syrup of Fig, when in need of the laxative effect of a eentie remedy, than by cny other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup t Co. onlv. " I J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Scr- " --- .... but j cured lbem with De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles .1 . 1. : j. .... t . . f . . fits. Clarke & Faik nave received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. Paint your house with fully guaranteed to last, have them. paint? Wist are Clarke Falk Clarke & Fate's rjavonni: cziracte are t:.e hsst. A-k your crocor for th:m. Subscribe for Thz CuaoMCi:. ADMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. ! o'Ict i hereby riren that tbe uodriene! hi bvei. uiiiKiin'.ed by the t.mnty eonrt of tbe state of orrttun. for tiKiuiy.adininUliaSor of the estate rif Aatxiiie Jerome. d-ad. Al! Irsonji havine claim B3rjrit uid trfUU are nt-rfby notified to iirt-Mii ihem v rue at my omen m Tbe Dalle?, Or-. ii montn from the dato hereof. Dated Uteemb-.'- i., . . , . V f (.IlliXa. aeclt-U Administrator. CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. Tbe KM You Hate Always Blight Signature of uK&jtfMlfo OWE FOR A DOSE, PILLS f1"" Pimply. Pmnt on. aesaiiKb corwnu. ADMINIFTBATOR'S NOTICE. SoUce it hereby siren that fhc underlined baa rvn abtjajlitted br ihifffirtir ka tale of Oreson. for Y aco irouniy, admii'ilatrabjr , ' of tbe esute of r-etrfct Brown, dead. AH ! hereby noting to 11 Mid VuISi. ri? ', IM7IHIUI iiETinr inima auiimd? a r ra f Jr....,, V . T i wnuiu ix laonia irorn tbe luted January : , IVJI. VKU.K C UKOWX, Adialala'.rator, JacK-ii .R.&N. nxr. yciirMrtx. f'r.oK tuues. ARRIVE Know. roa salt 1-ak . Iwnvcr. Kt. 1 ttotth. Otuahi, K'. n City. -t. Units, , Chtcaso and Eal. Natl tt:U. ni. .is p ra StoVanc iWalia Wall. StKiianc, ill:inrta. ?u rani, iu lut h, JMlwHUtTC. Chlcajo aad Eat. ' I'tjcr. j:.Mi.n ri05p.m ' p. m. p. Ifl. FRQX I' Oeoau -tcanihljs. For i-n Franele Pcctatwr ... 1?. ainlSv ' p. m. rcncSsy CoJutabia P.v. ?:crncrs. Ex. aacaj,y io Laadlan. 6 a. Ja. Wtuiisrm llirrt. i4:30n.ia. j Es-saadar orrcna Cir. Ncwl-rs, Exundaj 1 5alca "Vaj- Laaii't. ,' tt,'."t2!, WituixrrTE jissYiH. eux Ilirtn. Orecon Citr. IMj-ton, aai! Wey-Ijiadln;s. 3 SO p- m. Mon..w'cd aad Fri. ; ana sa: ,' 6 a. m. Wru!irrrr. Iter. 4:S0n.m , Tuc.Thur, PortlaatS lo Corralll, Jlon. WJ j "n1 nd Waj-.Landin;. arm frtdnr sxaee River. I7rtR,1lrilr!', S-evri.toa i jJ ', IXiVR Lr-ios rtatl.v ' .30 a. ra. I'arties desinar lo tn to Heimnfr honld i oitsatnt; direct connectl-iiK a: Hepriner jaaraoa , Ke?nrninr maklnpdireeiwmnreuon at Hci'paer Jancnoa with No. 1. arriving a: Tne Dalles at .;s5;, m. 1 . . ...... carry pasumsers; arrives -1.M a. m.. departs 5 .Via n v V.T , , . . . aonaa: arrive i:m i-. m.. aeiari p. o. No. 21. vk.t.1 bound throusa Irelcat. d(x- not j Peaeer: arrives . 15 p ra., depart, No. a. 'west boend local frelcbt, carrien pai- . scajrer. arrnes a. is p. ra., ccjari s:3u a. el. j r. futi or full particulars call a: Tie Italic, or addr arlicalars call on O. It. & N. Co.' Jre&s V. H. HCKLI1VP.T, Gea Pa. Ast.. rortlaad. Or. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUCGIST. - PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MiCHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French &Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. "3W 33S OM 3WOO FfU' 0"0KrKi; Physician and Surgeon, BrecUI atteutlon tfrcn to sar?ery. Boom 21 and 22, Tel. Vogt Block I 1. 1 a i I Jl LI 3c 531. 33- i t ' rtmimiTi rTTTTiTTiTtititrTmrTTTiiirtiiiiriitiiitTiititiiilriTfifrirTii $7 C. F. Stephens .Dealer In. ( Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Ilool. shrs. Hatx. ap. S ti'lis. iur V. 1. lHju;.a ?li'je. Art. Tlephniie Ni. . ll .-tcoud St., Its Dalles, Or. C. S. Smith, THE iJp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. fa. OCHESK. frcHldenc , M. , C'axaSet ! first national Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Eankinp Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Eight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Slant ana ieiefrronnic i-xchaae soid ca onr ion. rian rrancisco an ari. land. j DIKKCTOKS i D. P. Thokpbon. Jso. S. Hcushck. ; Ed. M. WIU.IAUB, Geo. 4. Litur. H 2,1. Bkauu I Tiiecoiiiap38iiDiOi.,!K; PACKERS OF 'PORKand BEEF i itANCKACTUKfKbOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON RIF.D BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKAhaACTA KXEKALBA.VKINO BUtlNKB leiiere 01 Ursdit ipsnM rIUl.l i .1.. l,o tne Eastern Pfatr.u i;!l2nte anrl T.,1 T., sold on New VorkChkaKo, ol. LOQ16. Sail frAnrisz-o P-.rlr,.l n.-. pn, Seattle Wash,, and variout poinuia (n Orwon and Washington. 2 (Jollectiona inAd( nt nil ivtlnla An t , Ta, r.rnl.1.. , '" " Executor's Notice. Jill 9 .m ...... a 1 1 .ami t. lnLV.".T. .i 0,.f . w the "' ini i v,. . I t of tu. uS; ofcuSr.'dc-'i CCIIMd. i..i,'L,c'.,,.h,:,.,!b'f,ven" county court 0 the tate ..f Onxuu for W'a.eo touiityi ii 1 iS ,Jiii tht' cutor iierofd tu the to adraliiLter uixju the ette of ih m The Chronicle, The Dulles, Or. Job Printers. I NOTICE. Administrator's Sale of Beal Estate. Notice i hereby circa that the URdonljrrwi!, J .- fe'gtit'in, ndiulttlttrahir of theesuteol I.ydia A Klchardon, cUx-eanel, In pumuaace oj an order of tbc lioiiorablo C:ouutr .oi.rt of iht state of Orecon for Uaco eonutj-. du!j-nii Ktid ti.terefl oa the 4th Jr of Jaunarv. l;i. wlU frm and ufter the ljtn day of february ivn, prtK-ii-d to dell at prlvnte dale for raa ia htui el: of tbt following decrttK-d real ,late,beloai Ihr I" Ibe elle of dld Lvdia A. IlicUaifiKjE, deeetiM-d, to-nlt The narthwtdt ounrlerol tb donthwct quar ter, and dourii half of tbc liorbwwt quarter and the oti:hwft quarter of the northeait ,)E.t o! M--tin three (.; Iu townhlp four il south of ranc? tl'lrtten fl.i et f Uie U'HUniette ntrW laa. ia Waeo comity, Orecoa , aho that ceruii jiltc or ireel of land varth-ularly buniulrdand dcdcrltwd at follow d Commenrla; 21 rudital 12U ire! wot of the Miutheadt i-orncr of iht doatliwest quarter of m-c llou thrtr In tnws- dlill four 'I, doulh of raare toirtcea 13 eutof 1 the n.:iamtte tnerldlau In Watco ciuntr.Ore coa, aad nmaluir thence north oae hull mlit. tbeiiee uet W nJ aad -H, leet theaecsouti! in half mile, and thence east M rod and li, ' feet to the place of heslnnlng kave and ncept tbcrefmm lonr lot la Klrhardoon Addition to , the Toa ofTych, which ha U-ca heretofore old and couveyI; tne tract snore rtelllij oludltic nUof dald l'.lcbardMiu Addition til tU Tone of Tjcti, a laid out and Uttl and rr ' cordwl la ttie ttvrordd of De-d for wn cunty. Orvcuu, kald real estate atot e domtx-d co:itlul:iff J10 acren, more or Ie. A ay j-frxm doilrlns a!ormatIon with reitrtwt io(i id real etate dbould oil on oraddrewrattt Jutietlon I'ltr. orecoa or my atlorae.iii Puic: A Meie(ee. at The bailee, Ortson. I)atJ thl I2th day of Jaanary, 13)0. J. 5. rKKLt'ESOX. Adrrlulttrutorof the tteof Lydta A. Blrh ' arddoa , deeeaed. ' Irrt-K a. Mr.Mitr. , Attorney for Adialnlitrator. 13,s3t GUABDIAN'S NOTICE. IN THh COI'NTV C'OCKT OK Tilt TATE 1 of tiresrou. for Wiimo county. Id the mutter of the KT!nnliaiubi! 'iwnt K.tmt. Frank Jordan, Katir Jiirlic and Mary Jordan, minor. Now- on this Sih day of IVretntx-r. !"' nae William Jordan, the dulr noiriluted. iiitUlto aud aftiiic cunrdlitu of the uhn enai ie-J is:non, d pn-f,ted hu wtniou j.t)inc i .r an ordr v",:,r,,,:BOaa'tecia;iiimtod,-;it iiHi.irlliir and dirrctiu: a naid mluur la certain res! j.f"rti nfter dM'rttwd. aud it p;a.-Krfii; t.. fn.i kaid ttt)ti thai it t ..f.'jnary Bria! W ald nardu tbkt their li.tetra Muth half of the Mithcat 'lUirttr ' ! iiabhi nor'Jo, range l! eor, v old tberef.ite it i . irdtno.J that 'I It ' -in- in. 1 titer aad iext nf kin of '.eorj: 1 h'rauk Kliinl and ld Wllltiim j..rd.,i !ier1a wuri J ia lM MCU-NS Knot, t ar.l ! JUfT . tUte. tfitrr ar ui 1 a. 1 -:! 1 trittt 1C, can next nf tin of Aunlr. Kal aodal; teruii ltit-rt' d . h'li- I1.U i-uart ut th? tamrt In llallm Uy, Urecciit, on the ' oarr. at the hour of un 1,1 . li,eo aud tberv ti rimw cuuku w.'. 1. ubiKild it le !iuiitiI for llfne'c : - i himI that tbi unliY U publtb-d ut .-n-mMTsa,(rr Heei In The lill 1 !r w'ly j.rliitwl la ald v u.. uaiea tau im day ni Jjitierabr. 1"'.' IIOBKBT M : decl-i Couuty -NOTICE FOR 1'L'BLICATIO.V. holated Trtct ) Public Land ?!e. I LM OrritCATTl!KlMU.K,Gt-.l. 1 .... , , Jan. 1 , hotlcein hereby siren that In ut ance of 1 Inttrueliotu from tra-comruUMontr of t .e rea eral land otlirn. under authority retted in him ' hy mftioti I. s. Kev. otai,, a amended If , the act of cotiKretit approved l-'cbruar 1' j e will pr.e-d lo offer nt public Hale on Ml iiu uayoi rebruury next. at "'" of Ik . ;.ir. M. m , at till, ofllce, Iht .'jwin tract o( ii.j. ! wit ! " ' . T.: Z I'WW land, nre advU-d t I le tu'U "eiKiiat.u ior iheeoiiitiiericciient "I oia .' ''R'lOb-d Ior the coin meiiee'iieiit ni t , otheiHfe their rlihu will U forfelU-1 JAV J'. I.l'('A6, Kliler. OIIS I'ATfKItsO.V, JUw. j - ...STEAM... I Wood Saw V 1 Will run every day except Sundaf. liatee Kekaouable. Telephone 201. t al "XXT A A mtS'O Denn M A'