,- , 1 1 SPECIAL TAXES. I lr- III iHHHHMHil "What a man weirs U e very reliable index o! his character." VALUE WHEN you are ready to buy your new clothes you can safe ly put yourself into our hands. Conducting our business as wc do, and selling such goods ts the HART, SCHAFFNER 6 MARX suits and overcoats, wc can certainly give you the right clothes and the best possible value for your money. W e will be just as anxious as you itc to have you pleas ed irA sitisScd. HART. SCHAFFHCR 6. MARX TAILOR MADE CLOTHES am I I All Goods Marked In Plain FlKures. PEASE & MAYS l.rvles Mniln bjr Mnny nf Whuco'r School MlMrlct. ' The Increasing Interest in educational matters throughout the county of late j years has been very apparent, and, look ing nt it from every point of view, our schools were never in u better condition. Not only nre thoso directly connected with the work fully alive to its every interest, but the public In general the property owners nnd seemingly every reeident of the county, are ready to fall in with every move for tlio ndvunceineut of their interests. This is perhaps us well shown by the special tax voted by the various districts, as in any othor manner. This matter is optional with the districts and eo far reporta ravo been received as follows : Dlit. No. 2 Frnnkton 0 mills '. Hood lliver 15 mills 4 Barretts, Hood Itiver 20 mills 5 Hood River Valley il. mills C Mt. Hood 0 mills 7 E Hood River 8 mills 8 Moaier ? 0 mills 9 West of Dalles 2 mills 11 Mill Creek 3 mills 12 Dalles 1XA mills 13 5-Milo ty. mtlls 14 East of D.lies 3 mills 15 12-Mile '2 mills 21 Boyd 5 mills 29 Dufur v10 mills 33 E Nnnsene .'..8 mills 10 Tygh 2 mills 13 Hood River Valley. ....... .15 mills 50 Antelope 15 mills 52 MoEier 1 mills 50 Viento 3 mills fil Hood River Valley 2 mills Municipality Dufur 2'. mills Anollinp'FiirBiTiT. lie Dalles Daily Ghfoniele. jruininB spring during FRIDAY Telephone -Vo. 1. t - FEBRUARY I Oysters i trvcil In uvcry style by A. KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. at the, ( Tbore w ill be a business meeting of the j ..nut... i.rafiuu lUlifllb Ub I .uvi aw iUU cliurcti. Paving deposits with the New York Life Jm. Co. will return a good profit on the investment and Insure you a neat iittle mm for middle age, saved lri small annual payments. Brluadier and Mrs. Marshal! will lead Hi balvatiou Army meeting at their lill on .Saturday evening, and at th Congregational church Sunday noon at -JiDO. All are invited to nd eujoy these gospel eer-rices. Ever) one who has read Barrie's "Little MinUter" Is anxiously waiting for its appearance in our city on the loth of the aionth. The company is said to be an excellent one, and ail its readers will teeitfy ae to the merits of the book. All the foremen of the several fire companies are requested to meet at the council chambers next Sunday afternoon H;30. Instructions will be given re tarding the new alarm eyetem. By order of Chief Engineer. N'!Ct Tuesday evening Rev. (i. V. Ornnnis will visit The Dalles in the Interest of the order of Artisans, and "HI speak in tho Congregational church. Mr. (irannis is not a stranger to Dalles lopte, and is known to be a moet In tweeting speaker; not one of tho dry kind, although he is a stroug temperance worker, but full ol wit and good humor. Urea, interett is being awakened among tho Artieans of Tho Dalles, oc CMkmed by the vfelt of 11. O. Slbray, . (. M., who is visiting different cities I" the state in the interest of the order, Bd Informs us a 'number of members will be aJJed to the local lodge here at " next meeting on Wednesday of next week. The winter season is passing by, but so 'r but llttte severe weather has been experienced. In fact It has been so 'did that only the occasional frosts have Koi'tthe fruit from too early budding and the probable killlngJjy later severe wither. All Indications point to an 'ly prlng and big crop of fruit in "uuu utver valley. Suu. "the ground hog made his nnoear- flhiti. ... .... " , wxmy ne certainly found no reaion for returnliu in Ma uv,iu ...... i..t .. ...w "wvS UU Villaining "fcre the next six weeks, for he surely aught not a glimpte of his shadow. It ' fid if he fall to tee hla ihadow. u 'e to have an early iDrinir. It would the entire i season. I The University Monthly for January - , ia a splendid number and gives a good 1900 idea of what the school is accomplishing. -" Among other features we note two cuts () ' one ' the Glee Club and another of 'composed of twelve voum: lady students. ! Among them we find a splendid likeness ,' of Miss Daisie Allaway, of this city, who ,sings alto with the club. I Last evening Frank Duffy and a man named Deed were having a sociable sort of a fight on Mays it Crowe's comer, both of them being Intoxicated, when f ' T n ra a I lliinlina in tup Fa rod an ft lamloil them in jail. The former plead guilty, was fined $5, and is now spending a short time in jil. Deed did not seem to have been the aggressor, and was fined bnt $3, which ho paid. The elements certainly seem to ba leagued against our streets this winter, and just about the time we have our minds made up that they are going to dry up and the crosswalks are becoming passable, a slight fall of rain will make them worse, if possible, than before. This morning snow covered the ground and during tho day there has been a question whether we were to have snow or rain. While business at this time of the ear hardly warrants the I). 1. & A. N. Co. in running two steamers, still the familiar toot of the approaching steam er is greatly mist-ed when It fails to fall upon the ear each evening of the week. However, the boats will soon make daily ylsits, as it is expected the Dalles City will be ready for the run about tho 12th of the month. Shu will be in ex cellent trim, if anything better than new. Tonight the members of the Students' Literary Debating Society will hold a moot house of representatives. Those who attended tho recent eoerton of the senate say It was a unst Interesting one, and as the house will discuss the leasing of public lands, visitors will no doubt find the meeting equally as. interesting. It is the intention of tho society to have a number of lectures from local talent as well us from speakers of other cities. Next Friday night they propose to have a lecturer from abroad. We have learned that some of our citizens do not fall in with the idea ad vanced by Councilman Wilson at a re cent meeting of the council and second ed by tho Ciiuo.Nicui Wednesday, re garding tho proposed newer system. Tho Idea is to send u statement of the amount of taxation which the now system will occasion to each person und thus give them un opportunity to have n voice in the mutter. We can seo no reason for objecting to such a plan, for whether a fcitlren be for or against the Idea, It is but just that he be allowed to expreus an opinion in regard to the matter. Tho Latter Day Saints, who have fro. quently of late honored (?) The Dalles with their visits, do not seem to be re- ceiylng tho "glad hand" from our peo "ther seem that winter hat been en- pie and It would seem as though they ought to take the hint and seek greener fields. If they do not, then they should be given a stronger reason for eo doing. We speak thiis emphatically because we have been informed they are becoming a nuisance to the residents in the vicinity of the pines, annoying the women in that portion of the city greatly. This should not be tolerated. No person who enters The Dalles on a niissionjof mercy or for any good purpose ia ever treated other than hospitably ; but it certainty appears that these people cannot reason ably be placed in this catagory. In the supreme court Wednesday the cue of the State vs Otis Savage was argued and submitted. The circum stances of the case are still fresh in the minds of Dalles people, although five years have elapsed since Otis Savage and Frunk Klein were arrested for robbing the Pacific Express office of .fU.OOO. Klein plead guilty, showing the place where the money was hid under tho sidewalk on First Etreet, and served out a sentence in the penitentiary. Not so I Sivage, who plead not guilty, waa tried, convicted of grand larceny and sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. Since that time he has spent most of his time on the streets of The Dalles, having ap pealed to reverse tho judgment, assign ing numerous nlleged errors of tho court. To tho people of this enlightened and Christian age, the superstitions of the Chinese appear ridiculotiB and wo view with amazement the forms and cere monies which were gone through ye&ter-' day at the funeral of one of their num ber. And yet again this morning was a visit made to the grave, where tapora were burned thereon and u lunch set by the side of the mound. Tho little eon, followed by .the few companions with him, made an obeisance and said a few words, which oneof tho Chinese inter preted as "Good morning, mamma." They then lighted tapers on each grave in the cemetery, and placing a generous spread of eatables on tho now grave, left the deceased to enjoy her meal ulono. Generally the spirit of some Weary Willie happens along und keeps her com pan y at her meal. As was expected, Hugh Brown's caeo has proven to be one In which there waa method in tho madness. Such was tho opinion of the officers here, but to prove tho fact wus another mattei, for Brown did the era.' act up to a nicety. To use every precaution, tho sheriff sent u communication to the superintendent of the asylum giving him full detuils of the case und expressing tho onlnlou that the Insanity waa feigned, ut the same time asking them to ueo every test possible. It Heei.'is tho latter Injunction ... .... i. ...i i ...i.i. was loiioweu, ior jsrown nun ueeu mi InthewullH of the asylum but a short time when he waa compelled to confess to the strategy, and Sheriff Kelly re ceived word to send back for his man. Sexton, therefore, retraced his Mops und will return with hie prisoner to nMit. SusnicIoniiiK that his ial, Wil- rou, was In league with him, and had probably fed him at nights, the former was locked in his cell today, and both will be kept in chains until their cute comes up at this month's term of court. J In splrT6TTSe almost, inevitable fate of thenorgereri every few daya some new caW-eJt-fergery is brought to light. The latest was revealed in The Dalles last night about 0 o'clock, when n fellow, giving his namo as Allen Edwards, passed a First National Bank check for $10 in Keller's, the check being signed by N. Whealdon. Aa soon as the fellow left the store Mr. Keller 'phoned up to Mr. Whealdon und discovered he had signed no such check. Keller then started out in search of his man, wnom he found up the street, and telling him the check was no uood made him pungle out the $9.50, at the same time engag ing him in conversation as ho walked down the street toward the marshal's office. Parting with him at the corner, he walked over and got Hughes, who at once started out and secured him. It waa later determined that ho had passed another check for $10 at Keys & Nelson's ealonn, drawn on Squiree, foreman of the portage road, and one for$5 at tho Uma tilla house bar, drawn on an Illinois hank. When the marshal asked him foi the check, w pulled another one out of his pocket in favor of Black, saying he secured it from one Black, who, however, could not be found. He is a good looking fellow of about 23 years, well dressed, and has been in town a few dayo, stopping at the Uma tilla. From n letter found in his pocket, written by lib aweetheart in Illinois, it was discoverod his real name ia Geo. Simmons. He ia now in the county jail und his hearing is set for 4 o'clock. Groceries and Provisions. Somiithing that wo all must have, somothing wo buy ovory day. Wo tlo not claim to havo a monopoly on all tho Grocery Goodness, but wo do claim to havo tho best hams and bacon in Tho Dalles. Swift's ' Premium Haws !aro)swoot and juicy, not dry ImiWI K'lll.vv Tlinv will lilnimn w)U. Try ono for breakfast. Swift's Premium Bacon not toiiL'h nor strinjy, but sweot and tondor. Jf you want tho host Hams Haeon order Swift's and fou will bo dolightod. Wo havo added fresh voro- 'tables to our Grocery Department. Pn k Mays i i7MiiriTi.lHMmiiiMiittt jW'ii'hni;Mliitliti(l i'Hi'iiHmi t ! i f)timTitii(iii mi'Mt"!'" i'i"nii im i rilVnu iniim.iiini-Hii nmmiii'niftJ AVfegetable Preparalionfo'r As -similaling HicFoodandRcgula ling theStoinachs andBovrels of Promotes DigC3tion.Cheerfur ness and Rest. Contains neither Opuim.Morpliine nor Mineral. TtoT"NAiic OTIC . Jitipi orcUDrSAMUELPtTCian imipkm Seat' Mx.Sentta t- ffanfitd Sugar UBUnynwi nam: Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature oC new york: I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. v: "I GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CINTAUH COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. 3 The Great STEEL and MALLEA- 1 BLE IRON RANGES, Majestic Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. "Remember that wo are selling tho same from 3 1 $45.00 to $60.00 Which is a saving to our customers ot irom lo to .25 ,ij over price charged by fieddlci's for inferior ranges. Write for pamphlet, ''Majestic Evidence" IWflYS & CSOCUE. V.VtVtYtVIVtYi.YtYlVIYlYIYll YIYI tie iw tS. iyr ir iv iVtV AllVUrllHIIll l.dlllTM. Following la tliu list of letters roinuln liiB in tho posloflke at Tlio Dullt'B un called for February '2, 11)00. 1'orsonn calling for tlio eiunn will givo (Into on which tliuy woro mlvurtiei'il : I.ADII'.H. Unlutr, Mi'H Pearl UluiMimin. Wrnio Knisor, MrH.lanu llyi'ton, Minn Lilian Howo, MisH Nola Ketdiurn, Kuinia I.ii'Bt, Mm .1 r.KNTi.i:.Mi:.v. Braildick, Aluf JSI.u-k, Mr .1 I! CrciiBhaw, M F CuiiiiIm)1I, ( li Uarllslit. Mr W II Uoalu, .Mr li li Davis, Mr Clitistur rrnnulH, O S (irant, Mr Jim NuchcH, Mr Isaac Jones, S P ('-') Miller, Mr Philip Mc.Vinl Mr. I oh I.ttirinan, Claioiicc Winder, l Winter, William II. IL limniM.i., P. M. Flfilmr Mr Janii'o Ciotihul, CIiub A Grlmup, J II Iloyt, Mr John JohIvii. K a Morrlf, J A Majwirt, d II fur Suit). Goinplutu entertainment out lit, enn hIhUih: gf hicli urmlo inauic lantern, with views on Spanish-American war ami now talking machine with 'Jil m-unlt. Ma.lo ifllOO clear (cr month luot fall. Heason for Helling owner 111. Cull op posite (Jul ted llrethern church on the hill or uihlreHH Virgil K, Ureene, The Dalles. Jun'Jtllino Tho modern nnd moet rllVctive cure for constipation und all liver troubles tliu famous little pillN known as)l)eWitl's Little Karly Kitere. A FINE SHIRT A fine shirt needs flue laundry work to make it look nii-e and wear well. Just tho eaim; with jour other garments. We do not n?o any Injurious chemicalB do not rot out your linen and can savo you 'JO per cent of the wear your gar iiimiIh UBiially Hiataiu. Glad to havo you try our work. No laundry too email. I).u.i,i:n l.At'N in; y Co. 'Phone IMl brings the team. iil-.vv lllll'HDN I'lll Sail'. Thirty head of uood horses, weight from 1100 to 1100 lbs. To bo seen at Jacob MclJeynolil'e place, 15 miles east from The Dalles. For fuither paitlcn lars mldretf, Stiiauiii: IJkoh,, j tu'J I mu Tho Dallet, Or. .1. 1. Ueviy, Ligantou, Pa., wrltec, j,, am willing to take my oath that 1 vma cured of pneumonia entirely by the uko ot One Minnie Cough Cure 'after dputoia failed. It alao cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly rellovea and cures coughn, colds, croup, grlppo and throat and lung trouble, Children all like it. Mothers omlorbo it. Cl li lour (IliiMiliH. All countv warrants registered prior to Juno II, 1HU0, will be paid ut my olllce. Interest ceases after February. D, 11)00, C. I.. Pim.i.iCH, (.'ounty Treasurer.