! For a Nice Suit of Clothes. rantlns, Ovcrcoatiu-or Ftucy VesUng. its impetuous ami incendiary spirits. Possibly no one may be found to take the place of Gocbcl in audacity, cunning and resolution. If so, bis state will gain by bis taking off. Tbe action taken by Gov. Taylor is tbe response to be expected to the aggressive conspiracy let! b Goebei. One revolutionary act is met bv an EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TKK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Twin leave and nrc due to mvc t l'ortlmid .Inch WKfr ' H W W w V You uaant. REGULATOR LINE. other. Now if both parties will stop where they are. and let the result of ; ,. the election stand as the voters de- j clarcd it, peace may be restored to ! Kentucky, and this disgraceful epi sode may stand as a warning to un scrupulous personal and partisan ; ambition. OVERLAND EX-1 1 : press, Salem, Knse- v, 00 r, j ram on 31 ' i Franc! ) LosAl 1 New I Tiinnn rtnn Yia rtcf n 10 iclttfl !n TTam. Kindly rail and examine my ftpct of 1m-! carted and D u-estic Woolent. A fine stock to tuekv br nllnwinp the Goebelites full iurtr, Ashland, Sac ramento, Opdcn.San rrancinoo, .'lojave. AiiRClea.bl raso, r urlcaus and I t, East .' ..n i v K.m'burp and way Ha ;.. a. -m. UonB r Via Woodbnrs for i i Mt.Ancel, SUvcrton, i West clo, Brown?- villcSprlnKaeld and l Natron J 9.13 A. .M.I Dally exoept Sundays 1:30 P. M Dally except Sundays. I BawmH3TM Danes. Porilaufl & flslor Hay. eg. ?tMm of tht Kcffulntor IJncwinniuiiKrtln:r0i. lovrinp wnwiuH'i vwuiniij anninK mc right to chanr' . -1. ... I.. I I. it I f HnHiA 1 !5 t Str. Regulator. (UmltiM Und.np) l.v. Dalles at a. x. TuelHy . .. ThUIMlay .. aturday . rr. Porilaml , at 5 r. X. IT. l.v. l'nrtl.ilnl ntT A. M. .Monday Vil it ! y Friday .Ur Dallen at 5 r. N. Ship your Freight via ( Str. Dalles City. , (Tonculnc at all WnyPoltiU.) IXIW.N. l.v. Italic t 0:30 A. M. I Mondny Wi'iltiowlay T3 !.-7 inn i Friday.... xe& uitttvjx AJiiio. j Arr. j'ortland (uncertain) J-V. Portland I at r. . l Thurrt'r j Arr, nii (uncertain", I 17:30 A. M. (Conrallla and way) s-yjI'V. tntions S " ' New ideaa in U'all Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be. fore c raced a single stock. Real iniitn- INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Dally (except Sunday), , Good papers at cheap paper prices. ""-. . .. .u- u.-w. . . . ittun.ni. clt. .rortiana . .Ar.i :-.. m i k ecant aesicns. laeiemi coioniics. vonr Ji---ywing. restate no we ver,,s against 70 p m u .jg . for S , ,, t oar ftore onT(llrd i Goebei, and but for his unconstltll- - ' ! street. Also a foil line of house paints. I A CUJ I om1 machine he would not have a mVl'Mm. , D. W. VATJSE, Third St I U rilHIlK laiiqrinK. : Tj.:n.. , a ' ..r. ' j up, as long as Kentucky went Demo-j : cratic, it was all right; but now she ? Trav 4 FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, rel by the Steamer of the liceulator Line, The CompiinT will endeavor to give It it. ! rous the let aervlen jMsslble. For further ttiforaintinti address ' 'J ! Portland Office, OaL .Street Duck W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt.. The Dallw 1HE DALLE-, OlcEGOX. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPER? AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS , Attached to all Throucb Trains. Direct connection at ran hrancisco with Occl . wmU n now riirimi wliiph t ho "ntrl ' dental and Oriental and Pacliic mail .tuamnblp . warns a new regime wuicn tue 01a HIies for japan and chlna. -uauae dte on guard" are loth to give. rTi,.,tinnr.,1rto. tn int v. rope. Alo JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anc AUSTRALIA. I All above trains arrive at and depart Iroir Grand Central Station, Fifth Hnd Irvine street A SURE CUKE FOl! CKOIT. Twenty-fivp Vea' ConstaDt Er 'With out Failure. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pats-enper lejot, loo: of Jefieon street. SCBSCKIPTION PICICE. Onp week S 15 i One month 50 j The first indication of croup is hoarse- j A. 'MS? aTST OH" " a One year 6 00,ne, and in a child subject to that j LeaTC for AIRUE on Monday, Wednedar and disease it msv be'taken as it sure sicn of i Fri"r at f.Soa. m. Arrive at Portland, Tuw- I , ." " L t- . i dav, Thursday and Saturdaj i:3:06;i.m. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTOH X -JMSBksr mm llnlluulu 1 u "J- and Motors MAM FtCTfltLI) IIY FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 1900 WHO 1.5 THE MURDERER? the approach of an attack. Following i this hoarseness is a peculiar rough Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R Kt-E'-.UiR, jlar.Ju.tr. . II. JIARKIIAM, Asst. li. F. J; Pm. Art Carry the Largest Stock of j is given as soon as the child becomes SuSu and DNlggiStS' SlMfe ! hoarse, or even after tbe croon v eonch I states, Canada and Europe can be obtained at i " i . ... . ' lowest rates from ' i (Jur contemporary has been asking appears, it win prevent the attack, i: j j. b. kirkl.nd, Tictet Aijent. a few pertinent questions concerning i 15 n5ed in maD-v thousands of homes in or y' WHEAU)0X- th. nnnrlitinn In TTpntnnbr. ,nrf trp 1 th!s br0ad land 6ad Dere' disappoints I ' j the ansioas mothers. We have yet to uitrciure, appeau an article irom a)earno s;Dglt. jnstan(.e ,n which it , recent issue ot I he Uregonian, on' has not nroved effectual. Xo other tbe same subject, Who is the mur-! preparation can show such a record derer? Mr. Goebei, the man who 1 twent-vlive -vears extant use with- or sale bv Ulakelev & In Eastern Oregon. I oat a failure. Houghton. "brought about the condition of an arcbv in Kentucky. "He that sows the wind will reap tbe whirlwind,"!-, . lour-r-'t' 1 ' lahows the state of vour feelings and the fits this case too well. iE.,tof rn, kfm OJ t The Oregonian says: ' blood makes itself apparent in a pale Etray Notice, Goebei is dv"ing. The deplorable , acd sallow complexion, Pimples and thing is the assassination. It was'5kin Eruptions. If you are feeling u i i . i i I weak and worn out and do not have a Goebei who set in motion tbe revolu- . ... . " healthy appearance von should trv tionary proceedings, for partisan and . Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood personal objects, which have brought j diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and Kentucky to tbe threshold of anarchy 90 called purifiers fail ; knowing this we and civil war. It was Goebei who ' 5sI1 ever-v lK)tt,e 0X1 8 P0Slt5ve guarantee. l,l,rfnr Hrw. ,k ,Mi Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. from tbe first, with unrelenting1. purpose. Jt was be who made the law under which an election in Ken tucky is but a farce, since it gave bis partisans autborit3 to set the results of election aside, upon aDy pretest It was be who, as a nest step, led a turbulent mob which intimidated the convention of his own party and brought about his own nomination F- s. Gunning, 115 Ml Street. THE DALLES Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. SSUGU& & Lanslii. Tfconc 151 liAflE BI?OS. ..... .4 t AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING i GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, I ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circular and par'iculars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING-, Agent, GENERAL BiacKsmuns ..AND... Horsesnoe is Administrator s Notice. I: 1 if l Third anfl Mcfob. Ptel59 Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. .5 unlKS TUE DALLES, OREGON I "S i - Grandall & Burget ! DEALERS I.V 0beS, j All kinds of undertakers Buria! Shoes g . Funeral -Supplies .embalmers Etc (.1 Tho Dallos, Or. m f.,, let me know where he is. Rout. Mays. Etrarprl Irntn h Hnnf farm r,n I The midcrsicnea hftvlcs tc-en njipol ittd nd ' ..irayea irom me nno.t larm, on mini.ftat,.. nf thi.-.txt.. ,r .lomtAin ti-,.. Eisrht-Mile creek, a red vearlinc hull. Ideceased, nuderand br virtne of an o-derduly neither marked nor branded. Please btute of orecun for Wuco couu:y on the 23rd i at dav of I)imlr, i''J0, all jwrvnis havlnc clalmfc l mriun ,ia wiaie art nervuy im'.IIiwi to pre- . W : Kilt tnt hunic witn tue vrojier vuueuers and duly ti. n.ii . .-4 , . iciuininiiucii in ray a.iiiruey, rrea w.' The Dalles, Ore., Jan. 30, 1900. j vnon, in The Uallw. orrm, wltnin lx - i months from the date of thlc notice. Acker'? Djspepsia Tablets are.'sold on XMtl:d The Vdlie''-0r: i a positive guarantee. Cores heart-burn, , Jan 29";it AdminMrator. j i laitiuj ui iuc iuuu, uieireae aiier eaitnr, :or any form of dvepepsia. One little ! T X STURDEVANT, for governor in a body where a large i End 50 eu. Blaki,w Hnn,.Mn ,i,n. I DeiHlSt . - - r gists aajority opposed him. He proposed to bave himself counted in as gov ernor though the plurality of tbe bal- lots was against him, and he had just A i-rlgntful liluodf-r Will often wnse a horrible burn, scald, cot or bruise. Bncklen's Arnica about carried his plan through to tbe;S1alve' lbe be5t in tbe world' ki!1 en(j ' the pain and promptly heal it. Curt-a ' .. old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, .uu u.s u-lc us siuppeu uy elons and all skm ernptions. Best pile! assassination. In this crime, abhor- i core on earth. Only 23 cts. a bos. i rent and detestable as it is, there sometimes nevertheless is some qual ity or touch of retribution. Good men have perished by assassination, but Goebei is entitled to a place Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &. , Honghton, druirgiste. l Odice over Frenyh & Co.'b Bank I'hone C, THE DALLE:, OREGON 1 i . T. MCOCE. JOK.V GA Vl' ' MOORE & GAVIN, i ATTORNEyS AT LAW. Koomti 23 and 40, over V. H. Land Ofllce. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ..CHflS. F-WNK. Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keefn oil draught the celebrated COLfMiilA BEEK. nekliow: edped tbe U-st bwr In The Ialle, at the usual jirlce. Come In, try It aud bt couvlnced. Aho the Finfet bratidn of Wine, U-juor and Clcarh. Sandwiches of all Kind always on band PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. i -v trade Marks Copyrights ic. Anyone nrt!ne a tketPh and description ma qnliKlr ascertain oar ufmumi free wtetlier W1 tpteuil notice, without charge, la the own leadership. I charm. ' The only harmless reuiedv ' CAiMfifiA TMmAt&H nl. ,,oe , 1 that gives immediate resnlte. Coree WWHIIIW lHIVl UaH, i!ituatlou M'auteU A young man wants situation in a i sheep camp. Address, I ft TlflTf, among the worst who have perished ' jan20-lw The Dulles, Ore. br iu It was his deliberate purpose 1 T that the government of Kentucky ' u'jr !.i ,i i.i t. j- , . . . . ' i imu uui too Inrentlon l nrobnblr nntentable. fimimnniM. auuum oe mrecieci, not oy a majority moch in praise of One Minute Camh i u"n. t"ct "i6.enttai. iindh.iok on Patent - ... , , ,. " ,a u vuc .imiuie VjOUfn lent free. Olrtct acency for .ecunn-patenu. OI US Citizens, but by hlS Own fac- ' Cure. In mv CJSe it workud lifcf n' l'nt.ta taken throucb Jlunn 4 Co. receive tion, under his Moreover, he who now has perished U,at givfc8 imuit Jillt; rtsl". Coree , at the hands of an assassin himself ; throat anJ ,0 ubhf " j bore the stain of blood-guiltiness. i He bad "killed his man." f' B' ThirbieItl. health inspector of Tf i , ,. , , Chicago, says, "Kodol Dvstifj.iiia Cure If the anarchy of which he was tue cannot he r,cotnmeni,,d too,,,Bho, main cause could end with his own ( cared me of severe dysjepeia." It di career, the state of Kentucky might Kests what you eat and cures indigestion ' congratulate itself. But the con arid heartburn, amJ ai forms of dyB- , . pepsia. epiracy has gODe so far that he was Xassl Cutarrli quickly yields to treat. rneut by Tiy s Creun iilui, which iu agree- ftERVITA LOST AND MAN Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed'Grain of ail kinds." Headquarters for Feed Grain ot fii kin jAUTt, Headquarters for. Rolled Grain, an kinds cnooD xieaaquarters tor Bran, Shorts, aft alt kinds MILL FEED A handiomelf lllottratwl wceklr. Ijircest etr. filiation nf anr nclentin Journal. Term, 13 m MUNN&Co.3E,B New York braucti oc cS V Ht Wruthlnuton. 1). C cures impotencj-.Mcht Emissions and tt j , . wastinp diseases, all effects of Eelf- n.caaUUarterS 10 V DVerS BfiSt PfiTlrile- abuse, or exceiss and indiu- "Zni vi t-i cretion. Anervetoiiicund : LOIl lOUr. Jn'B J-lour is manufactured expreisly for iainily blood builder. IJrinL's the eil nur ..rr,iu i,... .1 Ube : eerr HttC:lc 18 Kuaranteed to give eatisfaction. pink glow to pale cheS. an? call and cur la tilB J A out think M By mall oOc per box;(Jboxe8 Highest Prices Pairl for Wlioot Dn-..i -.-.j lor $-J.50; with a written t-uuran- " wD' tee to euro or refund tlie mouey. t . NERVITA MEDICAL CO. O I OTrini I Clinton ft Jackscn Sts., CHICACO, I LI. J O I UDLllNil' scarce!' necessary to its further! nrnomti T'lin rm-nlniinn l.n ..... 1 t . ...w H..UIUHUU jik uuiy lirojautio. n lb xeceircu tlirotH'h the posed, under the forms of law in. , i1081"-8- clesu-scs an-l heala tho whole stir . , , . . lace over whith it uitTu3'.s itself. iiruL'L'ista . iquitously made for revolutionary sell tho 50c. vz.-- Jnal Mze by wail, lo objects, has gone so far that a substi-' ff0 h mi 'v-1 are 6ure t0 coatmue , c " the treatment, tute and successor may take up the Announcement i leadership. His faction stands in an i . tC20nintlat- thofce who are partial , , , , ; to tne use of atounzcra m fiiiplyiun lirmids aggressive and revolutionary atti-1 into tho naial phages for cuUirrhal trou. tude. from which it ennnnt ImfL-! .6"'Alj0 rropriftors prepare Cream Ilalia in , . - . , I liquid form, which will he known as Ely's - down without shame nor go forward Liquid Cream Halm. Price including tho uvvrwmw Witbout Violence. A faeUnn In i,r.. ci,1I5JELtul- i Kceute. DniKgista or by I TTiTivrtTmr .b un ..,,, , tnau. iiie luiard form embodies the mtd- U aTi ok VK y ax i a w a situation is almost always ruled by icinal propsrtits of tho tolid preparation. nm , the UAuxb, o&toot 'A Office over Unit Nat, liouk Eureka JIurness OH Is thclst preservutive of new iw.it,..- i4iiU tlic lciit rctiovutor ol 01U leutliir. It olla, Mjfletifc, tiia,. etn anil iirotecu. Ute Eureka Harness Oil On your Nut Imrnttu. vour nlrt l.nr. rima anilnur carrlagi-top, and thr will not oniy took l.tt-r but n.r lonuer holdvvfrjru'lx-relu caun -all lUio (roiu half .inu lu live ualloiu. U if UTi.lplUU Oil 10. Kodol H WILMS Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Dyspepsia Cure. Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. iwesw wnax you eat. fwitl' i6 ' " - sH'ffl18'" bALirOMi' 0'"7-UOto2-!rWno,,. (11 toOyeaTTold-. f?ftt"r? in 8trenKtheDlng and recon- JORSIA BBAHDIEB to iti.oo .r UBn,... ,i 1 id. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. J IiKE.5f Cti:Mbt' aud V' B, nd Olyn.pi. lleer in bottle. Btructinstbe exhausted riiii..,. ... gans. It Is the latest discovered dlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efMciency. It In tantly relieved and permanently cures Flatulence, Sour BtoHiach, Nausea BickHeacbe.Ga.tralgla.cVamrlTn tflptbermulUoflmperfectdlgeitloiL . Prt-Mrttf by C. C DtWItt Co., Co"owT JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.