A l'lnamnt NrMloti of Court ly put H TAILOR All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. (Q) Oysters hsrvrd In every style by KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Mrs. Raird, who is in the city from Portland, will sins n Nolo at the closing cuvui Hurvice iu ine meinoaiBi cnurcn tonight. The talk about cool in The Dalle9 is as far from the burfaee no the coal itself; and if a reporter mentions coal they get the coal shoulder. Tho latest report, which reached her rnm K i.o I ii U .. . . . riA.,unl - - l IILH . W ..WW.. , UH ki VWVWvl LI 1 ll'Hn Mwlllmli if won ll,r.i..li, ltd would survive long. The regular dancing club party will IUIIIUI W TV U HID JtMA- . There ure but four more parties U LIU RttrlUU UT It fit It tinilu man o-v mi nti. v.,vl n U)lU IIUVU IJCUU BU CIIJUJ- On account of the smallpox ecare in IIHMltd lllLiia Tl.l II... AT.. l"v I ''"HUD nil II MCA pCUbCU V1B41) I'lnyhig iu the Baldwin all next week. Hujh Brown, who wna taken to the v .'j J'iui oi'Aiuu luutiy, uin) m nave been insane, but he wus Uo io uo iinv linrm luivliur p!fti fr w ivu unjo, Net). Kimonaon is confined to his home v"i wu inn iv wim it'lireu jeuiurua utiiii iiriiv'.t r rv I... n rl . . In Muh.I - ..iwiun nic, uuwuver, runny io Buy - ... v,w hum uiu ucitriti. ui uiu '"KUBll. amines Dexter, who wna formerly i .-j. in inn u. jv, re in, couijmiiy b , ull'i "ui lurwmu nine nas uceu iiifii in... 1.... t . i " eui, in opoicaue, yesteruay ; "run mo new unties as Buncoing wight ntsent for the compauy. About tweutv of tho Indian of St. 'I'h Guild were delightfully euter-aii-oduttho home of Mrs. Harris yes- llr.l,,.. ..I: . , "Hwruoon. uuriug mo nltornoou Mil ln.r.1 . - . ... """ tiTveu reiresnuionto unu me noting partook much of the nature of "'I'ttplioil, although liminrtatit matters with the work of the Uuild i:i i' imr t n b ...... . " IVJIUULIUII. Wo actually bognn to wonder II " uumes twice a vear wiion we w several large trees being taken into ' halyation Arinv hull this morninir. o " inquiry wu found the army is he lnni ii-i . r. . . .. - K ouiuruav mi nniitliiuirm nnlll . iguier uunerai juarauau uro io ue present and we notice everal of our local ministers, in "What a man wears is very reliable index of his character." VALUE TVf HEN you are ready to fiuy your new clothes you can safe yourself into our hands. Conducting our business' as we do, and selling such goods as the HART, SCHAFFNER 6 MARX , suits and overcoats, we can certainly give you the right clothes and the best possible value for your money. We will be just is anxious ns you tre to have you pleas ed and satisfied. HART, SCHAFFNER A. MAftX MADE CLOTHES., PEASE connection with their young people's societies, will conduct meetings on dif ferent evenings. The little Star, which we find line deecended to our table, says: "Kickers say the mondial won't take n bit of notice of the condition of the Bidewalk ut the top of the Court street steps." He can't help it if lie walks over it; neither can the pedestrians, liut if some one doesn't notice it soon there'll Lj some broken legs to be mended. Sunday at .Spokane, Frances M. Bald win, formerly of this cjty and a sister of J. M. liuldwin, who was connected with the CiinoNici.K office, waH united in marriage with Henry L. I in boll", of Davenport. Miss Baldwin is a young woman greatly ndtnlred by all for her gentle, womanly character, and her DalloB friends extend their best wishes to her in her new relation in life. Tuesday night Dr. Harry Littlefleld left Portland for Asheville, N. C, where he will be house surgeon at the Winyati sanitarium. It will be great sutisfac- sion to Mrs. Bradshnw to have her brother with her, which was his main object in seeking a position in theiiui tarium. Mrs. Bradsliaw assures her friends here that she is impioving and is much encouraged. A dispatch which was received yester day from several of the delegates to tho old maid's convention, which was to have been held Tuesday evening, in forms the members iu this city that on account of the muddy condition of some of The Dalles crosswalks and the absence of street lights, they will be compelled to delay the convention for one week and will arrive when the streets are in a belter condition and they have put their lanterns in trim for use. A Chinese funeral, conducted in the customary manner, is not often seen iu Tho Dalles. That of the wife of Dock Sing, the merchant, which took place this afternoon, was perhaps us near it ns any ever held hero, although it was not nearly bo elaborate as those seen in cities. 'I he service which took place at the house was onlial to u circus to those who could not understand their meaning. After arranging tho body iu the co 111 u it was carriedonto the side walk and n ceremony it a half hour's length look place, couifaosed of all man ner of maneuvers which were "Greek" or "China" to the spectators. Among other tilings a table was set, with all sorts of eatables thereon, and the coffin placed nigh so thai tho deuvnsed could eat. A long prcession of carriages filled with ChinesJ followed the remains to their burying around, ndjolning the city cemetery, iul on the hearao eat a Chlnainun tosslis abroad email pieces of paper filled 1 with holes, through which It is said Iho devil must pass be. fore reaching th departed. There were perhaps 200 people at the cemetery, where tapers were burned and another long ceremony took place. Here all of the belongings of the dead woman, uo matter how elegant nor costly, were piled up and burned, and as the grave Sl MAYS WdB filled in, all Kinds of food was thrown in, upon which she is supposed to feed on her long journey. STARTLING FACTS. Vim NVril Not Die in Order to Win the .Money. New York Life Insurance Company's report, January 1, l'.lOO, bIiokb 440,000 policy holders, who own the company, who are the company, and who alone receive the profits of the company, Over $11,000,000 paid to living members last year. Over if 11, 000,000 paid to families of deceased members. Over $202,000,000 of new insurance paid for. Income $53,000,000. Total insurance in frce, $1,000,000,000. The lateBt con tracts are tho most desirable plans ever ofiVred. Cash values and loariB. You need not die to win. Best and safest investment known. See a New York Life agent before taking insurance. Cadi In lour Chock. All conntv warrants registered prior to April 1, 1890, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 8tli, 11)00. C. L. Phillips, Conntv Treasurer. AND Something that wo all must have, something we buy every day. We do not elaim to havo a monopoly on all the Grocery Goodness, but wo do claim to havo tho best hams and bacon in Tho Dalles. Swift's Pmin Hams are sweet and juicy, not dry and salty. They will please you. Try ono for break fasU Swift's Premium Bacon not tough nor stringy, but s"weot and tonder. If you want tho host JIams or Bacon order Swift's and you will bo delighted. Wo havo added fresh vege tables to our Grocery Du-partniont. Groceries If ever an aggregation of cheerful "lawyers" got together on any occasion It was last night, when nt the invitation of C. L.Gilbort, fifteen "legalized lights" and court officials spent the evening with Frank Menefec, to join in celebrat ing his 34th birthday anniversary. It was quite befitting on such an occaelou that the court officials bo on hand, al though, from what we learn, they must have been bribed to stand in. It would perhaps be an easier task to tell just what wasn't dono than to relate the program in detail. However, the great er part of the evening was spent nt crokonole and cards. It had been given out that no Indies would be admitted ; hut it was very evi dent there was a woman in the cae when they snt down to a splendid lunch. Not a guest refused to come into court, nor nsked for a change of venue; neither did they appeal from the decision of tho court when it was decided they had never fared better. During the lunch hour the strains of miuic were borne to them from an invisible orchestra, mak ing the effect very pleasing; there was also music at the table, though lawyers arc never accused of being musicians, still the strains of Auld Lang Syne were not lacking in strength to say nothing of harmony. Toast was included in every course, and some of it was crisp, too, particularly that which included the personal experiences of the "toasters.'' And sotiie evening passed and a portion of the night before court adjourned, and it required no jury to bring in a verdict for a "perfect time." Water CommUiiloiierA' Meeting. Little business came up before Com missioners Moore, Bolton, Buchler, Randall and Phinuari, who held their regular monthly meeting last night, with Phirman in the chair in the ab sence of Commissioner Seufert. After the previous minutes had been read, and the bill of W. J. Roberts for $235 was laid on the table, the superin tendent's nnd treasurer's reports were read ns follows : kui'ukintenuknt'r RKPonr. Total book account, December. . $15G3 55 Collected during month.. .. 1109 SO $ :;o3 75 THKASUUEIt's IlKI'OIiT. Jan. 1 Bal. cash on hand $7034 S2 " 31 Uec'd from water rent 1109 SO $9104 02 100 75 By warrants redeemed. Jan. 31 Caeh on hand. . . $8943 S7 J C Crossen, supt.'s salary $ C A Borders, helper's salary Ned Gates, secretary James llannon, labor with team Jos Peters & Co, lumber Arthur Seufert, premium on ins. J W Blakeney, hauling Win Michell, repairs Lane Bros, repairs Mays & Crowe, mdse Maier & Benton, mdse Ned Gates, prepayment freight. . 00 00 00 00 10 00 1 20 11 S'J o no I'KOIM.K VOD A 1. 1, KNOW. John Gavin returned on last night's train from Portland. Chnrles Lord is in Arlington on business. the city from Who said Hobson was so seriously ill yesterday? He looks lively today. C. R. Pmend accompanied Industrial Agent Judson to the city yesterday. Grnnt Mnys returned on last night's train from a short business trip to Port laud. J. W. Watson, n resilient of Tho Diillpfl in'inv viurh mm. lint, nnw nt tit.. traveling fraternity, is in town today. Hon. John Somnmrvllln rptnrnwl lust 'night to Idaho, where with his sons, lie it. .. t im il i in. 4.. lit.. mlu..Dlu 1. ,1... ..1....... i3 uiivHuiMg ...o vein ill bile BCU uusiness. Frank McFariand arrived in the city last evening and is continuing his efi'urm in lielinlf of the New York Life hie. Co., which he represents. C. P. Batch came up on last night's train from Portland, where he wentt) vitdt Mis. Ilalch, who is in the hospital there. He left this morning forDufur. Yesterday H. O. Judson spent the afternoon In the city. He was togged in his farmer's garb and as energetic as ever in the interest of the agricultural welfare of Oregon. He says lie has not I'ivnn nn The DiiIIcf vnt. hut IninniL MHin in (iiremn, uuuiiHT propOBIllOII IO them giving them an opportunity to se cure another industry for the city. Mr. and Mrs, B. A. GliTbrd will leave llliS (HI'llillL' for II fil V-UPMU'fi' Visit III i Eastern and Southern cities, going llitt io m, iHiis, mo, limy win visit Air. Gill'iird'tf parents iu Springfield, Mo., whom he lias not seen for ten years. He will take a few of Oregon's views with him, enough ut least to give his friends tin idea of our scenery. Wo wish them u veiy pleasant trip. rir Hulu. Complete entertainment outfit, con sisting of high grade magic lantern, with views on Spanish. American war and new talking machine with t!G records. Made ifSOO clear per month last fall. Reason for Helling owner ill. Call op. poBite United Bretheni church on the hill or address Virgil K. Greene, The Willee, Jan!2!).hno AVegctable PreparationFo'r As - H similating rheFoodandRegula- fl luujuic Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Con tains neither Opium.Morplu'ne nor Mineral. Not Harc otic . jmx afoidDiSAMUEiprrciaii ftmpfuH Seat" Mx.Senna llotkcll, SdUs -stnitcStrtt f Cfmird SuMr Wnterynrn 17am: Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness find LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of new yoYhc. EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. The Great STEEL and MALLEA- 1 BLE IRON JVlaJestie K Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. I jj; "Remember that wo are selling the same from f $45.00 to $60.00 Which is a saving to our customers of trom $o to $'25 jj over price charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. jj' Write for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." JVTflYS VA V- A A FINE SHIRT A fine shirt needs fino laundry wrrk to make it look nice and wear well. Just the same with your other garments. We do not ueo any injurious chemicals do not rot out your linen and c.n savo you 'JO per cent of tho weur your gar ments usually sustain. Glad to have you try our work. No l.tundry too small. Dai.i.ks L.U'XDIIY Co. 'Phone 311 brings the team. !U-2w lluraoB for Suln. Thirty head of good horses, weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs. To he eeon at Jacob Mclteynold's place, 15 miles east from Tho Dalles, For further particu lars uddrees, STit.u'iiK linos,, j.m'JI mw ' The Dalle, Or. J, I. Bovry, Loganton, Pa., writes, i am willing to take my oath that I wub cured of pneumonia entirely b tho uee ot One Minute Cough Cnreknfter doctors failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Children all )lko It. Mothers endorse it. Acker's Knglleh Remedy will stop a cough at uny time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley k Houghton, druggists, GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always' Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. 1 RANGES, a & CROCJUE. t VS.' V - s I ( 1 m AliriJiUm'sK Won. A ehannin inciiu i.t occurred during the recent visit of the prtcerss ot Wales to the London hospMnl, A little blind boy in Mcllihli ward uis MtUi-jr on a chair and the prhicci-s, nvlcjr him, went up to him mid spoke to hi":. Tho chair man of the hospital, thii l,ii,' it would be nice for the lnd to Know who hud been speaking lo him, t-n'ul to him: "That lady who has been speaking' to you was tlie princess of Wales; would j on like to come up nnd make-your how to her and spenl; to her?" The buy was delighted and jumped olV 1 1 i r- chair. He was ltd up to the prlneiss and she was told of his wish, to which she very vciui ily acceded. The how was made, nnd then came the speech: "How are you. niiss'.'" n speech which was hardly ex pected, but which wns answered by five minutes' conversation, mid the boyie turned to his eliair proud and happy. I'mir-liycit II We our I en y. A polite Chi namaii considers It n hrench of etiquette to wear spectacles iu company. A NiH DelliilKiiii, Willie -Hay. pn, what's an autocrat? Pa-An autocrat, Willie, Is a man who owns an automobile, Chicago livening .News. CASTOR I A For Infants aud Children. Thtt Kind You Havi Always Bought 9 . Boars tho Siguutare of SAT9