For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'niitinc Oreit-ntin(tf i"ncj- Vesting. KindlT cull ami -examine rnv stock ol Inv ! ported and D u.-ctic Woolens. A fine stocfc to , eieci irom Snlte madefromtbe lowest jirlces to the high- nrt trade. J. A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring. IDE TJALLEii OliEGOS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. rRtrrrrTinv l'lcTCF. . X .tL T rn n. ,, R nn TDnncniv rrnuiMDV i ion THURSDAY -- FEBKL Ail 1 1,19.0 ' TEHEE OF A KIXD. A ?reat country like the United States, England or Germany, with u consular service that covers the globe, will be intlicted at times with a rattle-brained or hot headed rep resentative. If he has been correct- y reported, the British consul at! New Orleans is one or the other. A ! New Orlenns paper has attributed to him utterances unbecoming the rep resentative of a foreign power, in eluding an outbreak against the American people and a special attack on Senator Mason of Illinois. Ma son needs criticism, but his country men will attend to that. In the senate Monday, the Illinois Benator seized this incident as a text for an undignified, impassioned at tack on a friendly government, and made a violent speech which was as ( much in violation of the proprieties as the alleged interview with the offending British consul. The senate is the treaty-making power of this government, and is the adviser of the president in the selec tion of ambassadors and ministers, for this reason the official utterances of a senator are given a weight abroad which is not attached to the utterances of a private citizen, nor even to the remarks of a member of the house of representatives. No one understands this better tfaan Mason. But he is enough of the blatherskite to make cheap ap. peals for notoriety, even though they might endanger the friendly relations of the United States mid Great Britain. This is a free country, and no one will interfere with a decent expres- 8ion of sympathy for the Boer armies. But the right of protest does lodge! against men like Mason of the senate. and DeArmond of the house, whoMan20'lw addressed the pro-Boer nicetin" in ' New York Monday night. ft thoBOl0""1'- Wlea men were in sudlcient numbers, they embroil the United States in a wati tcn, senseless war with England. Already they have joined hands with the Boer inntn. I..V.I. ia i,.,,i 1 I J JtUIVllJ cver3'where to egg some great power i " unuciv on nngianu, an eliort .o . i , , , that is right enoush. from the stand- fa "u0", uum iul sianu- , point of the Boer junta, but the ' American people would be unwise j to rake out the chestnuta for the Transvaal and the Oran"e Free ! State. u niieu Mates War between tho and England would be a great crime, It would be almost as deplorable as1 7 lip Wtr linla'i.m, tlw. XT..iI. .. ',1 .1. . ' tJoutb, with none of the Justifying SJOtives which lay back of that truggle. And before the cannnon tad been booming for tlx weeks, a fcfcwjority of the hot-heads who now mem to be courting war, would bo cnHitig for peace. With our foreign trade gone to smash, and our army and navr fighting our best customer, wc should see some hard times in the UnUed States. The hot-heads would awake then to the force of the recent Statement by President Hill, of the Great Northern: "Great Britain buys CO to 70 per cent of all we sell.; Great Britain is the only customer' that does not discriminate against us. j Our one main customer seems to be a remarkably good one." Men jike Mason and DeArmond, who do their bellowing Grst and their J thinking later, are the evil genius of the republic. Spokesman-Review. Xotlce to Voter. Under the provisions ol the regtstra- tion law all persons when regiaterinp are required to furnish to the register ine officer the following information : If naturalized, the time, place, and court of naturalization. Iu this con nection, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, nr declaration of intention. !pr2;J" Uesidence must be specific; civing section, .township and ratine; t . ... . . r ' it withm town or citv. the street. No. if j v n . " i ti i : , .. building where rooms are numbered, the , number of the room and floor must be ! iriven. ' j i In order to avoid unnecessary delav, ' . " . .' and inconvenience, every person desir- ' f , . . lurnisn tut uuuve unuriiia tiuii. j Facilities will be furnished in every precinct in the county by either Justice of the Peace or Notary I'uhlic. A. M. Kei.say, dec4-30dvB Countv Clerk. A Sl'KE CUKE FOB CKOUl Twinty-llve Years' Constant Use AVlth- out a Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarse - ness, and in a child enbject to that Uieea!ie 11 my be.taben bs eure sign of tue approacn oi an attacic. following this hoarseness ie a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croopy cough appeare, it will prevent the attack. It ie used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the ntisious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance in which it has not proved effectual. No other preparation can Bhow euch a record twenty-five years' constant use with- . rint n fnilnr For rhIm Iiv Rlnb.lfi- .t- Houghton. Eatrny Notice, Estrayed from the Huott farm, on Eight-Mile creek, a red yearling bull, neither marked nor branded. Please let me know where he is. Rout. Ma vs. The Dalles, Ore., Jan. .'JO, 1000. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets arelsold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-born, raising of the food, distress after eating, ' nr unv form nf ilvonanom n..n i;,t!.. 1 . .w.u. w. " t t vut iiiic tablet givee immediate relief. 25 ute. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. A rlgntful is I under Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, elons and all skin eruptions. Best pile core on earth. Only ,25 cts. a bos. Core guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Hituutioii Wunteil. A youna man wants situation in u ah eep eauip. Addrese, II., TIih Dalles, Ore . T. Travis, naent bomtiHrn It. Ii., "I can not eav too I uiucu in praiBe oi une .Minute Uoiifli Cure. In my, case it worked like a I charm." The only harmless remedy ' that gives immediate results. Cure's ! coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all1 throut and lung troubles. ., , I I5, Thirkiald, health inspector of Chicago. vU1.. cannot be recommended too highly. It . , ' " 1 ul3r(J(j ,noof fiuVL.rt. dvspep-iu." It di. Bts what you eat and cures indication and heartburn, and all forms of dys. ' J ' lfasal Catarrh ijuickly yiolda to treat- ' mMil I.V I'lll'f ltnl.n ...1.11. I.. ably arowutic. It is received through tho y'!!,1?4?11??, heall tb.e. wi0'8 B.u.r' will the COc. aho; Trial aize by mail, 10 ff"1' 'cBt it nud you aro auro to coutiuuo . Announcement. To accoiinuodato thote who aro partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquid. into the nasal ixMHages for eaUtrrKal troiu out, mo proprietor! prepare Cream Ilalui in liquid form, which will bo known as Ely's T :,...t,l n..i t! ..ii iiui ua-iiui jmjui. t. UKV tllt'IUllIIll 1110 sjiraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies tho nicd- icimu properties of tlio solid preparation. . EAST and SOUTH via m. CThcieQ "Pnnfp A fcHaSia XCOUXt5 j 0p Tim j -i- p i., j SOUinSm rSCUlC bDliip . Trains leave una btc due to arrive t l'ortltnd .., f OVEKLAKI) KX-1 : rresk, Milein, I burK, Aslilund, Sao t. I nimento, Ogdcnan I . .00 I . M. fr.ncueo, Molarc, f Ix8 Anceled.Kl rn, I New Orleans and I I Kast . K.weburg and way t-U- h.30 A. .M.(tl(,I18 f Via Woodbura for i ii.ii. 1 Mt-AiiRcl, Sllvurton, i Went tfelo, Browns- SundaVa M SM,""?eW .T i 9 15 A. M- i SO P. M Pally except Sunduya. -n a (Corvallls and wityl ..v y y INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Dallv (except suuaayj. ;Ot. m. (I.v. .Portland .Ar.) R:25i 7:30 p. in. iAi Mc.VIlnnvllle t.v. f.:A0 b:30i).m. Ar..Iudciendeuce..l.v.) V.bOi R:25 a. m a, m b:30i).m. (Ar..ludciendeuce..l.v.J 4:.iua.ra Dally. tDaiiy, except sunaor. DINING CAUS ON OGDEN P.OCTE. PPLXMAN BL'KKET KLEKl'EKS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAKh Attached to all Through Trulns. Direct connection at San Kraiiciscn with Occl deutul and Oriental and Pacific mall ntvamsntp Hues for J APA.N and CHINA. SallliiK dutea on a) plication. Kates and tictets to Eastern points and Eu- i ruin;. Also J J AUSTRALIA. AlsOJAfA, UIDA, 11U.UULM.U am ! All above trains arrive nt and depart Iron- i uiana icuirui uuu:i, tuiu nuu iivnii,1 ucc YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Dejiot, foot of Jederson street. . .'P.r Pheridan, weefc daye. it 4:30 p. m Arrive a: rortiaua, :aua. m. , , .,,,,. ,. . .... . Leave for AIULIE on Monday, Wednesday and Friniiv utb:3oa. m. Arrlv at I'ortland, Tuea dav. -Thursday and Saturdax u 3.03 p. ra. I 'Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. K Kv.E'-i.EP., (i, H. MARKHAM, jlanater. Ast. (i. F. .v Pu. Ast Through Ticket Ofitce, 131 Third street, where through tickets to all j)int.- In the Eastern States, Canada and Euro can be obtained at lowest rates from J. I!. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent, or N. WHEALDON. F- s. 1 OdtIltQ J w ' Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & LaMln. Ttoiie 157 Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having bijen appointed ad ministrator of the enuite of Jonathan Jackaon deceased, under and bv virtue of an order dulv made und entered in the County Court of the HtAtf fit flri'tNin fur Wiitr... fnimti' nrt tint ' la5' of IVceinber, 1MCJ, all pcrumn-'having Claims i iiKim-i -nii i-maie uru oertoj liouiieti 10 pre sent tlioaiiio with the projier vouchers and duly verified al the oRlee of rav itttnnicy, Fred W. t UM1....1. (r. Tim Ikdlt.. . t i Min. in The Dalles. Orecnn. within sir monins ircim ineuuieoi tnts notice. Dated The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. IS. IHtt. K. I:. SALTil AKSIIE, Jan 20-.jt . Administrator, l.J A. STURDEVANT Dentist. OKlce over French i fo.'n liant I'hone C. THE DALLES. OREGON , r. MCOKK. joiis oa vim; MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOHKEVB AT LAW. Uoorns 39 and 40, over l. S. Land Ofllce. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS JESICN8 Copyrights Ac. Anynnotendlnir a Bketrh nnil dracriptlnn ma" inteSclr fucertatn our omnidii traa whether a iiiventlnn Is irrnbnbljr patentable Conimunlc. tl(ii)itrlctlTCmnilcntla!. llfiailbookon HatvuK lent freo. Ollest nnncr for eeurlnir iwtetitn. I'utei.W taken throuuli Munn A Co. retclrs hkcum tio(iw, if nnout ennrvo, in lue ixeiul notice, nltnout ennrge, In the Scientific American, A linndiomcl)r llluntnited WBeHr. Iiraeat eir. riilnliiin of unr wientlilc Journul. 'J'ermn, 3 a rears lour montlj,tl. Bold bjull nenndeuler. MUNN&CoiBrcd.Yprt; Uraacti Ofitce, W V BL. W.ililBgton. U.T ktiroka HurnosH Oil Is the Ixtitt prebervuiivo of nuv loutlier uuU tliu hest rt.-novutor nl old leutlii;r. It oIIh, (toltons, UlauU ens mid protects. Ue Eureka Harness Oil on your brut Imrnew, your old liar. iWTJi, anil your carriage lop, and Ihry will not only look lictlrr bin wtrnr lormer, Hold vverywlivrrlo t-uua-all itvi from liulf ilnW lo ilveiialloud. uta, i) ari.Muau nil, iv. 11 8 HUKTINQTOM YTIfNTINrvrriM A, wil onv II 0 WIUOM K - --""-' m XI AIIOUNKYS AT LAW, THK XIAU.KS, OKEU Offlce ovr Flnit Nat. lluk just "What Youuaant. New ideai in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore eraccd a single stock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTON. Wholesale ana Retail Carry the Largest Stock ot Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES "1 B!?OS.. j i tiEKEUAL A ND is Wegon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. K ThM and MuT'oii. PJione"159 1 ..GHfls. mu- Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. K'wH on draURlit the celebrated COI.IJMHIA HEKIt, iickiKiw! itlKed the beat beer In Tlie iJullex, nt the uiiuul prlee. Come In, try It und be convinced. Also the Fluent brundt (i( Wines, Uauiir und Clean. Sandrjuiehes of hII Kind ulwuys on hand. SlRVITA GtJiorci VITALITY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wanting diseases, all effects of Eelf- ubuse, or excels and indiG cretion. Anervc tonic und lilood builder. Brings the pjnk glow to tale cheekBanc restores the lire of youth. Nafr By mail COc per box; O boxes lor )HU.50; with a vrlttn tfimrati teo to euro or refund tlto niouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, IU. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. rit,?"ifl,clHydiKlt8t.he and aids RiVWUcflvereddlBes fans. It is the latest riirnv.r.,H a i..0" ant and tonic. No other preparation J can approach it In emclenVlt In" tantly relleyea and permanentlvenra ywpepBia, indlgeBtlon, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nausea SjAHaadache.Ga.tralgia'cVamiTnli UotherrMulUoflmperfectdK DRUB I .! BiacKsmnns Horsesnoe 13 Dalles, Stcamrrx ng M'liiHlulc, lowl schedule without Str. Regulator. (Limited ! JiticlltiRs.) Ship your Freight via DOWN. I.v Dalles atS A, v. Tuwday Thursday Saturdar . in'. I.v. Portland . nt 7 A. M. Monday WiKlncKOav , Arr. iffi Regulator Line. at ft r. M. , ' Arr. Portland , at f r. x. If FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamers nf the Regulator I Jut). ron the Utit nervier powilhle. , Porlland Ofllee, Oak-Street Dock. MANfKACTI'ItKI) IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particular? (urnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, unf. THE DALLES, OREGON Crandall DEALERS I.V All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tfi EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SX! Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. ThiH Flour 18 manufactured ezpreaaly for fninlly , ,i. i awi TV Rtt,ck 18 Ruaranteod to give 8atinfm;tlon. Mn !.fi A p00d8 lowj,rlt,,ttU a"y hwm in the trade, aud if you don't think eo call and set our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour WHISKEY from ja.76 to 0,(K) per khIIou. hi t rvvv, i ift.,7,uo t0 mW mr Mon' & t0 y-y' - ONLY THE PUREST TTOTTOWH BOT.n. m vltdt a t,t, PWMPIA BEEE luiJAJ3 nnd JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. REGULATOR LINE. Porllanfl & flslor Kay. Co. of tho Regulator Lino will run nx per tlielol. g tho Company roKerving tho right to clmiure'S notice, Str. Dalles City. j (Touching nt U Way l'nltiti.) I DOWN. I.v. Dallca itCi30A. m. Monday I Wednesday o Ji Lv. I'ortlnnd J "t 0 a. m. 1 Ttiedsy ThurMliiv Friday. . Arr. Portland (uncertain) o..,....i:;Ai ."..iiiiliiy M Arr. IIu1Im3 (imcertmn),S The Company will endeavor to give tin put-J For further liiforination nddroia j! W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Agt., The Dalle.. , I and Motors S Burget Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. Mash Whiskey. (4 to 16 yeum old.) Val m nd Bear in bottlw 8