Proposals for ItftfandlftR Wter nind, Dalle City Orison. BURIED ALIVE. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels cleanses the ystem EFFECTUALLY bitualCoHST-pat'on PERMANENTLY lT5BNEr ?ICIAl t BUy THE GENUINE - MAMT 0 By 6" CAU."'5C0 rOJ SAlt B? MSCRUGGUTi 5St PtR 6CTUL I'fiOPlK YOU ALL KM'ff. E. W. Helm catue in Prinevllle. vesterdov from Ghas. Greer, one of Antelope-" best known residents, ts in the city. Ralph Fenton, of Goldendale, came over to the city on business yesterday. Hiss Myrtle Short came up from Port land yesterday and is the guest of the Misses Bolton. Ajent J. L Cowan and Sam B. Davis arrived in the city jesterday from the Warm Spiings acency. Mr. and Mrs. Mane, son and daughter, who have spent some mouths at Spokane, returned this morning Mrs. Gertrude Sylvester, who has epent some time in Portland, returned home on the boat last night. M. F. Bird, of Viento, is doing busi ness in the city today and was a caller at the Chkoxiclu sanctum. He was ac Cjmpanied by Mrs. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. H. Curtiss and daughter, Pearl, left for Portland on Xhig morning's boat. They are bound :for a visit in Sacramento, Calif. Mr and Mrs. W. H. Rov. who have lived in The Dalles for the past few "years, left this morninj for Independ ence, and will make their home there. Dr. and Mrs. James Sutherland, who have spent the past two weeks with relatives in this city, will return on this ' venin2's train to their home in Spokane. J). R. Hurlburt. who is employed at' the lighthouse at Tillamook, is taking j his three mouths' vacation and spend- iiig a portion of the time in 'Me Dalles. ' Mies Cud Booth, who has spent the. past few days with her sister near the I -.ify, and friends here, returned on this morning's train to her home in Port-, land. Martin Jaksha, who is one of Fair- ( field's industrious farmers, accompa-1 oied by his son, spent todav doing business in town. He was a caller at the Ciieoxicle office. i. v. Wallace was called to tho citv on sjiue legal Imeiness vesterdy, anil remained over today. He says" lie is not anxious to make the trip trot)) Antelope again soon ; that the roadH are iu anything hut an invitini! condition. MAltUIKD. At the Columbia Hotel, in this citv, this morning, Jan. 31nt, at 11:30, In justice of the Peace C. E. Bayard, S. K. Kiiuteon and M. G. Tenold, both of White Salmon, Wash. A FINE SHIRT A tine shirt needs fine laundry work to inuke it look nice and wear well, Jujt the camp, with your other garments. We do not uee any injurious chemicals lo not rot out your linen and can save i you 20 per cent of the tBfcniH usually sustain. wear your gar- Glad to have you try our work. No laaudry too small. j Launuuv Co. j 'Phone 341 t-rinue the team. 31-2w JSatiity Nutlet,, j Estrayed from the Huott farm, on ' Eight-Mile creek, a red yearling bull, ' neither marked nor branded. Please lot me know here he is. Rout. Mayk, this Dulles, Ore., ian. 30, 1900. j Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets urejeold on )4itive guarantee. Cures hoart-burn, retting of the food, distress after eating, i or any form of, 'dyspepsia. One little, lu-iMJi. kivbb iiuuieaiaie reiiet. 26 cte. nd CO cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug An Indlnn "Womnn Leper SncrMcctl Ilcmclf, HnpliiK to Snvc Ilcr Fntnlly. One of those extrnorilinnry casts thnt police work in India occasionally brings to lipht came to notice recently nlnm&t accidentally, in a district of the North west provinces. Two constables, Nob bat Sinph and 15iip Ilnm, while patrol inp on their beat, overheard in conver sation that a mali named Dtirba had murdered his wife. They tool; the man to the police station at once and l.c there stated before the officer in charge that his wife had been .suffering from leprosy: that latterly the complaint had become worse, and that the woman had desired to be burled alive, in order that her children should not inherit the disease. In compliance with her im portunities he and his son dug a liole 1 outside the vil'.agc and buried the Wom an alive in it, four neighbors assisting them in covering the unhappy creature. The six accused have been arrested and have confessed to the deed before a magistrate. There seems to be no doubt about the truth of the story, that the woman sacrificed herself for the sake of her children and thnt her husband and those who had helped him acted in good faith. The superstition, however, that the self-immolation of u leper is a protection against the trans mission of the taint would appear to be a very rare one. BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rve for sale at the Wasco Ware tf house. Clark & Falk are never closed Ulldiiv. Don't forget this. Clark A Falk's drug stcck is new i fresh and complete. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line j of paint and artist's brushes. ! Use Clarke i Falk's quinine heir tonic i to keep dandruff from ihe'uead. You will not have boils if vou take j Clarke & Falk'- sure cure for boils ' Ash vour grocer for Clarke & Falk's Dure concentrated flavoring extracts Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at'IDonnell's drug Btore. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Waeeo warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., saye, "Koilol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. G. H. Appleton, justice of peace, ClarkBbnrg, N. J., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the bebt pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles. Snail to nur Chucks. All countv warrants registered prior to April 1, 1890, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 8th, 1900. C. L. Phillips, Conntv Treasurer. MUNN1S ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS Kemove Pimples, lament ISMltlUHIlPtt. V... 1.1 Ilr. "A"' " .mini, rbe; tTThVne"th0-r,,?rCnh.d,,7J', "r"y I With eveiy one dol lar purchase at our store during January and February we will give a chance on a Aluminized Garland Steel Range. J of $50 utoier & Benlnn Sealed proposals will be received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles CityJ Oregon, nt nid city until 8:110 o'clock p. m. of the 20 day of l-eb., 1900, for twenty-live thousand dollars; and twenty thousand dollars of refund ing water "bonds of said city, (as it is not settled as to whether the total amount of bonds will be $23,000 or $20,000) au thority is extended to the Paid board to issue refunding water bonds in the sum of $23,000, but if found not to be twees snrv, the issue will be for no more than ?20000; nnd nt a rate of interest not ex ceeding four per cent per annum pav able twenty yearB from date of issue, interest payable semi-nnnnallv, ptinci pal and interest pavuble in gold coin of the United States, at any city therein, at the option of tho buyer. The bonds mentioned will be issued under the provi&innB of the peveral leg islative acts of Hip state of Oregon, ap proved Feb. 20, 1SS5, Feb. 19, 18S0, and Feb. 14, 1S05, and in pursuance of an or dinance adopted by the common council of Dalles City, approved January 25, 1000. The proposed refunding water bonds are intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonde in the sum of $25,000; but in case the board of water commissioners prefer, it will issue re funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore bidders mav make proposals for both $25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi nation of foui) No bid will bo entertained for a rate less than par value of the bonds. Prem iums and rate of interest will he taken into consideration in passing on the value of all bids. . Bidders must depoit with the presi dent of thb board a duly certified check on some responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of the amount of bonds bid for, or accompany his bin with tush of euch amount s n ill equal such per cent of bis bid. and such certified check made payable to the president of the board of water .'vimissloners of Dalles City. Or., as liquidated damages in case the bidder shall fail or neclecl to receive and pay for, at the office of the city treasurer of city, the bonds awarded to him on his bid", on or before the first day of March, 1900. Attention should be given the fact that the board will not issue and dispose of more than $20,000 of such refunding bonds, unless it shall be deemed neces sary to do so, but otherwise, if tti board shall find that it is necessary to issue bonds in the sum of $25,000, it will then offer and issue the full sum, ($25,000). The richt to'reject any and all bids is reserved by the said " board of water commisEioners. Bids should lie addressed to the presi dent of said board, or to the city record er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, and noted "Proposals for refunding water bonus." Bv order of the Board of Water Com mission, by and with the consent of the Common Council. TIub 25th day of January, 1900. T. J. Seufkut, fl.. S.J President of Board, Attest: Ned H. Gates, Recorder of Dalles City. I.OHt, Somewhere either on Ninth, Union or Second street, as far east aB Washington a gold enameled pin ; crescent shaped Finder will be rewarded by leaving eame at this office, or Mrs. Phillips' millinery store. j25-3t All persons w-ishing to take children either hoys or girls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T Gardner, superintendent of the Boys anu uiiis' Aiu bocietv of Orecon. at Portlanu, who can procure for them tie eirable children of all ages. All applica Hons must be bled in advance. tf lilt) Mocl-rii Muther Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of rigs, when in need of the laxative effect of a irentle remedy, than by any other Children enjoy it and it benefits them The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man nfactured by the California Tig Syrup Vhtk JJnuiluiliH Oulrfcly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervoiiBnesp, sleeplessness, brain latigue. 10 and 23 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24 Gw J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for pilep, but 1 cured them with DeWitt's Witch Haz8l halve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseaees. Bewara of counter fits. . As a cure for rheumatism Chamber lain'a Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, inu., has heen troubled with that uil ment since 1802. In speaking of it be Bays: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. It acta like maaU- with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Blakeley A Houghton. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts ure the best. Ask your crocer for them. Subscribe for The Ciiuo.viok. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Kdtlco Ih hcrnhv irlfi.ti ttmt ti... ,..wiA.ui i '-' "I'MneU lij- the county court, of the ftutc 01 Urt'iroii. for ttimnn rwinnti- .,,i,.,i.,i. ...... tl.eei.tuto of Patrick Jlrown, dww"K. a lereliy npilllod to lircoent wild elnimH, properly 1 f'n f.V ft'.V!.5,"V!t ",u Vfff0 f H1""ott Hbmott, . Ill Dill low 1'llv. Ort . u'l tltln uU t.i....i.u a. I'atedJunuorySS, J'KO. . UEUA ; llltOU'N, janST-lf AdiulnlHtrutur. Wk, ii vnmnnimmmmmtmmmmmmmmm DKPAHT FOIl TIM IC .CIIKt)l!I.IC. KHOM t)AI.l,KS. AuniVR Fpom. l'llvt Mall 11 : to p. m, Snlt I.nk.-, Denver, Kt Fn-t Mull S:W p m W.Uth. Ollinllll. KHIl- mis City, St. Unils, Clileiiu and hnst. Wiilln Wnlln. Spokntie Bpokune Flyer. t:2:i a. in Kljer 7:1)5 p. m Mlni'i'iiiin 8. M. 1'iiul, i) n lu tli, MlUvnukee, ClileiiEO niHl I'.nsi. 8 p. n. 4 p. m. FltOM l'OI'.Tl.ANIl. Oct-nii StcimitUp. For Sim rrniiclx'o lieeeml.LT :i. s, is, is, ::v. mid iw. 8 n. m. 4 p. m. Ex.suniliij Kx.&utuluy SntunlHy" 1U . in. Cdmmhln Uv. Rtenmerti. To Astoria mid y ijimlliigs. ti fi. m. Ex.SundHy Wll.LAMF.TTK KlVKR. I 4:TOp. m. OreRnii City, NelK;rc,1Ex.SuiiilHy Salem & vN'ny Uind'h. 7 a. m , Tucn.Thur. nnd Silt. WIU.AMCTTR AND YAJI-, II II.!. UIVKUH. Orcpon City, liiytoii, mid Wiiy-l.uudliiK. 3: TO p m. Mou.,V .Ved ami Frl. fin. m. I Willamette Uiver. l::mp. m. Tuu..Tliur,i'ortliuid to ('orVHllls.,1 Mim. Wed utid SHt. j und Way.l.itndliiKi. lund l'rldny Snakk Rivkk. Hlpurlii to l;w ihtou. I.EAVK I.KWIKTOS dully S::iO ii. in, I.v nipnrlii rttd.y l:'.'Jn. m. I'nrtles dL".lrmc to co to llennner should take No. 4, lcnvliiR 'llic Dulles nt 7:H.'i p. in milking direvt eonncetloiis at Ileppner Junction Returning lniikliiKdlreetemineetnm ut Ileppner junction with No. 1, arriving at Tlic Dalles ut 'J.M p m. No. 2J, throuKlit frelfilit, east Imund, docs not curry pnshcuKers; arrives i!;50 u. m., departk ;:J0 a. m. No. 'Jl, local frclcht, carries pHHscnpcrH, east bound: arrives 4::m p. in., deiuirtx h.lft P. in. No. -Jl, went bound throucli frciKtit, docn not curry jiuHsencerB; arrived b.15 p in., departs m:.i p. m. No. west bound local frelulit, curries pas tuugers; urrivux b:l: p. in., Oeparts h;;iu a. in. For full particulars cull on O. It. A N. Co.'f agent The Dalles, or uddrens W. II. HUKMIURT, Gen Pus. Act., Portland, Or Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUCGIST. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms xn Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3W 336 QMV aWOO jyil- tlKIHKNDOKPFKK Pliysician anq Surgeon, Bioiil Bttentlou givou to nurery. oomj2Uttl2i, TjI.821 VojtUholt and Embalmer 1 1 V Ii i , I1 I t ' i rUIItilMttJlillll-lJllJllJlUJJUUUJlUIIIUtilJJMUtJIijUij 1 ii rt fmti f irrmrnTni tiTitrrirtfitit tii vj. j. cepnens .Doalor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' punnishings. ll(Kits, Shoos. Hat, Cups, Notions. Act. lor U. 1.. DoukIus aboe. Telephone No. S. Tuc Dalits, Or. i.i i seconu nt., C. S. Smith, TIIK Jp-to-date(Jroeer Freeh EggB and Creatncy Butter a opccinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. . ri. BcilENI, President. II. M. IIEAI. , Custilui ppst national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Geueral Banking Bueineee transacted DepoBite roceived, subject to Bigbt Draft or Check. ColleotionB made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of uollnetinn. Biht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Ban Francisco and porl- land. DiRiccyi'nwN D. P. Thomhbon. Jno. S. Bchkhok. Eo. M. VVili.iakh, Gko. A. Likhk. n . M. Bbau.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFAUTURKRBUH Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rKANH ACT A KNKRALBANklNO BUfc'INKH Letters of Credit issued available in the bight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chick, L2i,?a?Fr.ancil):0. Portland Oie- rnr;gonadT.UBi;ittn,gatQarIOU8 orSeeSrr.mRdeat 0nfav' Executor's Notice. fJIU, utor of iUOKH me coluiriDia PackiDoCo The Chronicle, The Dallas, Op. Job Printers. i NOTICE. AdminiBtrator'f) Salt- of ileal Estate. Notice Is bciiliy clven that the undcrlfnoi J .-. hcrum'-un, aduilnlstrator of the route 5 I.ydlii A Itlrbardsou, decease 1, In pursuance an order of tbe Ilonorublu County (Viurt of lit t-tnto of OrcKou for useo county, dtilytmie and entered on tlm ltd day of January, l:V),n from and uller tlm 1,'ilb daynf l ebruitry, MM, priK'ird to sell at private snle for cusli In hid, all of the follow Iuk described real estate. bttau ItiK to the estate of Mild l.vdia A. iilcimtdwii, deceased, to-tt It Tbe iiotlliMcst iitiarlcr of the soiit!nvctt()tui. tcr. und south bill! ot the nor'liMcst uni ter tud the southtvest quarter of the northeast qturtn ot section tlnee (,t) In township four (I) south ol ranee thirteen (:d east f the Willmiu-tte mcrlJ inn, in Waseo I'imnty, Ori'K'in . also thnt reruil ween or parcel oi lanii imrticulurlv ijiiuiiiicrt aoc described as follows ComtncnclnE .'I toi Kit 1'."- feet west ol the southeast eurtitr ol t! southwest quarter ol section three ('.bin ton ship (our (I) south ol raiiKe thirteen (13) culpl the Utllauiette meridian iu Wasco county, Ore con, nnd runnliiR tbeuee tiorih one hull milt; thence west (id rials and 41 a leet. t hence mull one-half mile, and thence east AO rmli indl', feet to the jilaee of U'Clniilnir save unit nttpt therefrom four lots lo Itirhiirdsoti s Aildltlon to the 'J ow n ofTyeli, which has tarn livratolntt sold and convocd; the tract above dcserlliel cludlUK allof said KIchiirdKOU'ti Addlllun tuttt Town of TKh, as laid out and platted iixlir eoided in tne Records of Dirai for "in eounty, Oregon, said real estate above docilM eoutnlulue I'll) acres, more or less. Any person deslrltiEtiformatloii wlthrccrfnce to said real estate should null on oraddmumtlt Junction City, Oregon, or my attorncj, Uulut A: .Mencfee, at The Dalles, Oregon. Dated thlsl.'th day of January, l'.oO. j. b. FKKdi'r.snK, Adn lulstrator of the Kstateof Ldla A. lllcb- uidMin, deceased. Dfifi: iV MeNErKK. Attorneys for AilmlnUtratur. 13jioM GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. IN TIIK COI'NTV COUIIT OK Till:; STATi I of Oickoii, for Wiiseo county. In the matter of the guardianship of Owv k tint, Frank Kllmt. JurJiiii, ICntle Junto and .Mary Jordan, inluors. Now on thlsBth day of Dereinber, isiw, tun Wlllliitn Joidaa, tlie duly unpointed, qualUti and uetliiK KUurdliiiiof the above nauieil rainon, und presented his petition prayltu: lorailot autborliiii; and dlrectliiK hitn to sell tlalnlerul ol siild minors In eertulu real (iroperty licmli idler deserlbeii, und it appeurliiR to tlie 1 from mill petition Hint It Is nivessury iilid htr llclal to said waids that their interest lift south half of the southeast quarter of scctK IN. tuu lullln ' iiortli. rniiw ll! eat,!. Y. M.. K j sold thciefiire It is oidered that '1 lieresn Klitnt. the mother anil next of kin of ieort!" Kllintim Frank Kllint and said William Jonliin. fitM and ue.t of kin of Annie, Kallo and MwT Jordan, and all liersons Intereuted lu said fnUw, appear beforu this court at the court ronui there in lir Dalles City, Oreiron, on the lith dy ol January, Woo, at the hour of two o'clock I' then and there to show- cause wny a llcciu should not betrinuted for the sale of niehtnUB. and ihat this order lie publlslied at least tntrt suicese wirks lu The Dalles Cliroull'le, wciKly newspaper printed lu said eounty. Dated this Uth day of December. KM. KOIIKItT MAf. deel3-I County Judge- NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. (Ieolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. I.ANI) OmCU AT Til DALLES, OllK'IOS Jan. h,iww. I . Notlcola hereby Klven that In puisiiimcc ol intrueliona from tne commissioner of the crul laud olllee, under authority vested iu t to by section mi U. H, Uev. Htm., us aineiidw W the net of coiijrrusK approved February . W' wo will prixiefd to offer nt public sale on day. the 17th day of February next, at the m of 10 o'clock, h. m., nt this olllee, the followlK Unci of Und, to-wlt: ... 1M 1, See. :i ,:iiid lota 1 nud 2, Bee. SI, 'i . 1 l1, 12 E., W. M. , ,h. Any und nil persons clalniiiiK adversol' ibi ubovedescrllied lauds nro advised to llle B'11 clalnistii tbl olllee on or before the, day wj" deslKiintwl forthecoinmeueoineut ol mid otherwlsu their rlf.hta will be forfeited. JAY 1'. UICAt), IteKlster, niil0-I 0118 I'ATrUitSOX, ItweHcr. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Suiulny. J i......: u. i. u Telephone 201. W.. A. GATES, Prop.