The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 31, 1900, Image 3

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( I
Procrastination is the Thief of Time.
THREE DAYS MORE of the greatest privilege! ever accorded tho public of this locality to buy (foods at a
Croat Sacrifice. You may glvo but littlu heed to this warning but you will wonder at the differenco In
prices after I ho First cf February as compared with the prosont time. Therefore take this final warning and do
not put oir longer the purchases that will save you dollars simply because you think well, really, 1 do not need
anything this month.
During tho balance Of this month wo will have on salo our Cloaks and Jackets at the lowest
possible price in order to try and dispoto of them that they may not figure in our inventory.
.00 Plush Capos $
5.00 "
7.50 "
8.50 "
11.00 "
1.75 Cloth
4.25 "
0.50 "
10.00 "
11.50 "
12.50 "
15.00 "
$ 5.50 Cloth
0.00 "
8.00 "
10.00 '
Jackets $ 4.00
" 4.50
" 0.00
" 8.00
" 9.75
" 10.00
" 10.25
" t ' 11.00
" 12.00
" 15.00
" 10.50
Our Great
Clothing Sale
Will Positively End
Jan. 31, 1900. . . .
Hundreds of dollars have been saved by the purchas
ing public. We etiil have a
Good assort incut of Men's Overcoats,
" " Ulteters,
" " " " Suits,
! " " Uovs' Overcoats,
" " " "" Ulsters,
Now is your time buy while vou can save from l"i to
per cent on fall poods. Wo must have room for
spring stock.
Now Goods Arriving Daily.
All Goods Marked
In Plnln FIkutos.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. J.
ITVtll ill
btylc by
These ought to be very "taking"
times about The Dalles.
The water commissioners will meet
tonight in the recorder's oflice.
The young men Bre i-Hpueially invited
to intend the Young Ladles' Single
Uleesednees Debating Society next Tues
day evening and old bachelors will not
be excluded, providing they are wealthy
To accommodate their patrons Pease
cV Muys have decided to keep their store
open until 8 o'clock Saturday nights, it
having proven inconvenient to a large
number who are compelled to do shop
ping that evening to have them close ut
Tlie first deaths In Spokane from
email pox occurred Monday afternoon,
when two patients at the pest house
succumbed to the disease. Out of 125
cases which huve been reported at that
place since last Bpring, these are the first
fiit a I cases.
When the Grants-Goldendale stage
reached tho latter place Monday they
brought with them the body of J. H.
IStirrell.of Seattle, traveling salesman
for a Missouri firm. He died suddenly
on the road, the cause apparently being
heart trouble.
John Waldron came to the conclusion
this morning that It doesn't pay to be
a vagrant, and promised Marshal HugheB
he would endeavor to obtain a job on
tlie portage road if he wen but turned
loose. He was given a trial, but the
"ext time will be compelled to pay his
The special meetings have been con
tinuing during the week at the Metli
"'list church, and will close tomorrow
"Iglit. All are especially invited to be
present at the two closing services,
which it is anticipated will be tho best
"fall, though much good has been done
throughout the entire series of meetings.
Mrs. W. fi, Halllman, who was Injured
ten days ago when niie wagon tipped
ver on the Mill creek road as she was
on her way to the W!cka placefa still
onflued to her bed. Tfta phjfclan has
Kjven ,er permission to aJJempt to walk
with crutches tomorrojrfljer husband,
K. Halllman, arrived last night from
Oswego to visit her.
The examining physioian has declared
J,ugh Brown, the prisoner at the county
I jail, insane and commitVuenffapers hav
I mg been made out, heI be taken to
me usyium tomorrow io wuot a strict
watch will be kept over him, Tor it is not
unlikely he mny yet show them that a
' man of his character can feign insanity
so that the sharpest cannot detect it.
A new salmon cannery is to be put up
at Rooster Hock, below the Cascades,
I work having been begun on the same,
I and it :b expected the building, which
' will bo EOOxOU feet, will bo completed
by May 1st, in time to handle tho bulk
ot the spring run ot ush. i no cannery
will bo built by the Columbia River
Packer's Association, which will uleo
construct two or three llsh wheels to
supply the fish.
Portland seems lo be particularly un
fortunate within the past few months
or year in the fatality umong her promi
nent citizens. Edward Fulling, a pioneer
merchant and one of her best known
citizens, being tho last to pass away,
having died at his residence in that city
Monday night. Mr. Failing came to
Portland in 1851 and has been promi
nently allied with its business interests
since that time.
The festivities of China new year in
Tho Dtlles have ceased to a groat extent,
death having entered tho abode of one
of their leading merchants, Dock Sing,
and taken his wife, the mother of little
Cbuo, of whom wo spoko yoBterduy,
Tho woman has been sick for four or live
years with cancer ami this morning ut (
o'clock died. They will bury her to
morrow afternoon. Little Chue will
not lack friends to care for him, judging
from tho attentions which are constant
ly given him by all the Clunesu bote.
Tho Regulator is to have a new purser
tomorrow, Fred Hroueou having re
signed und Lawrence Aiusworth taking
charge. Mr. Alns worth has been in the
employ of the I). P. it A. N. Co. fur
some time in Portland and during tho
full in The Dalles oflice, and having
proven himself trustworthy, competent,
and a young man of splendid habits,
the directors huve perfect confidence In
him. Having come frem a family who
for years have been connected with
steamboat interests he also takes natural
ly to the work.
That interesting historical magazine,
the "Oregon Native Son," for January,
is on our table. It Is highly illustrated
with pictures of scenery In the North
west and portraits of many ol the early
pioneers. Among them being four
of the pioneer Methodist missionaries
The work undertaken by the Native
Sou to publish the unwritten history ot
tho original Oregon, and descriptive
articles of the magnificent scenery, lakes
und mountainsof the Northwest abound
ing hereabouts, is deserving of much
credit und show of appreciation. Kvory
urticlo is from the pen of an authorita
tive writer, und Is couched in language
und stylo especially suited to evening
reading around tho home circle,
The Kangaroo court, which holds
forth at the county jail, got In its wcrk
this morning In great shape when
Obriet, ullus Campbell, entered their,
august presence. It is a strict rule of
tho court that e.xch stranger be initiated
and put up a certain amount as fees, to
be used for tho purchase of tobacco and
other luxuries. As Campbell pur
ported to bo a traveling man of means,
the decision was that he be taxed $2.
Tho new arrival seu'ouslyand strenu
uouely objected, until it was found nee-
lessarytoput him thiough a course of
sprouts, and ho was taken over one of
tho Kangaroo's knees and chastised until
he declared had he been aware of the
j goat he had to ride ho should have used
some of the tinware he carried as u lin
ing to his trousers. Rut a compromise
was made and tho boys succeeded in
getting a dollar out of him, as well as a
whole lot of fun.
J. I. Revry, Loganton, Pa., writes, i
am willing to take my oath that I was
cured of pneumonia entirely by tho nee
ol One Minute Cough Cure after doctors
failed. It also cured my children of
whooping cough." Quickly relieves
and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe
und throat and lung troubles. Children
all like it. Mothers endorse it.
Something that wo all must
have, somothing wo buy every
day. Wo do not claim to
havo a monopoly on' all the
Grocery Goodness, but wo do
claim to havo the host hams
and bacon in Tho Dalles.
Swift's PremiDiH Hans
are sweet and juicy, not dry
and salty. They will ploaso
you. Try ono for breakfast.
Swift's Premium Bacon
not tough nor stringy, but
sweot and tender.
If you want tho host Hams
or Bacon ordor Swift's and
you will bo dolighted.
Wo havo added fresh vege
tables to our Grocery Department.
on tli
Hftrrr Qunatlnn All Should
DiKlnr'tntiil It.
On every question concerning tho
city's business, which means' the Inter
et, of lliH individual residents thereof,
there should bo n unanimity of feeling,
and as nearly as possible the puhe of
tho public should bo determined regard
ingit. There is at present n question
before the council upon which tho
property owners seem to be divided,
more so than the Ciihonicm: had
dreamed when the matter was first pre
sented. We refer to the question of the
new sewer system. PcrhapB, having
no property interests, many havo given
the question verv little thought, but it
is tho duty of all to understand the true
status of tho matter, what it Involves
and what It means to tho city, and then
determine us to tho advisability.
At a recent meeting of tho council
Councilman Wilson made a suggestion
which was just to the point, and that is
that after asesessment had been equal
ized and the amount of taxes on the
various property determined, a state
ment of the same bo sent to each property
owner with a request that an opinion or
vote bo given concerning tho matter.
It is to bn hoped tho suggestion will be
acted upon by the council, and thus let
tho people have a voico in a question
which menus much to them. While the
city's business is placed in tho hands of
tho council, it certainly is tho desiro of
tho latter to meet tho approbation of tho
citizens in this as well as other
questions. If it were not, it would bo tho
dutyjof the people to nssert their rights,
which we deem will not be found Ji'c
essary as our council has always worked
for the interest of the city, regaidless of
personal interests.
L" t tho matter be thoroughly under
stood by all, so that none may feel they
have been taxed unjustly, having been
given no voice in the matter.
Arrcstnl fur Larceny.
Constuhb Hill had a lively chase after
a fellow yesterday afternoon, and finally
succeeded in catching him this morn
ing. It will b.j remembered that some
time ngo Joe KerchofT had a saddle
stolen from his horse, and could find no
clow to the thief. A few days since he
saw a man riding down the street and
recognizing his saddle, asked htm where
he got it. The man answered that he
bought it from one C. E. Obrist, who
has been employed as janitor by Mux
Vogt. Immediately Joe informed the
sherirTand Hill was put onto his track.
He located him at a friend's house in
the pines above the city, and spent yes
terday afternoon chasing him up, but
learning that he was wanted he succeed
ed in invading tlie officer.
Hill, however did not give him up, but
finding that he had secured a room on
the boat and intended to leave this morn
ing, was on hand. The officer went to
tho door of his stateroom and finally de
luded him into opening the door. Ho
haji shaved his mustache and arranged
his hair so that it was difficult lo recog
nize, him. He gave his namo as Camp
bell and said he was traveling for a. hard
ware firm in Portland, and had come in
from Dufur the night before. Hill, how
over would not be fooled and commanded
his man to follow him, marched him to
tho county jail . Ho was still persistent
but was arratgend on a charge of larceny
and, putting up $100 bonds ho was re
leased and his hearing eut for this after
noon ut 2 o'clock when it was postponed
until Saturday at 10.
Ain't (lot Nil Money for THiikmtM,
it'll -urn ii 'in ' ii'iiihtii mi umhuiTh )
AVeGclable Preparationfor As
similating the Food andRcgula
ling the Stomachs andBoweis of
Promotes DigestionCheerfur
ncss and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Tfox "Narcotic.
ISimpkui Seal'
Ihptfrmml -lil
Wnttnhrrit tlanr.
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipn
llon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Jcveri sh
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
I 1
i! "Remember that we are sell ins; the same from i
. 1 A
i $45.00 to $60.00 !
g, Which is a saving to our customers of from 15 to $25 ;
over price charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. "
Write for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." 'jj
Ah a sample of tho communications '
which ar dully received hy newepapers,
wo publish tho following from tho Ku
ceno Guard sent in hy an aspirant for
tho otlico of school superintendent,
which should he filled hy the best edu
cated man a county can nlford. It also
serves to determine from what source
comes the objection tq taxation for the
benefit of our schools and everything in
connection therewith. The correspond
ent says : '
MlKTKIt EuiTEit: ,
I see by the Guard that you'uns over
to Utfecn, air coin' to have u ineetiu' to
vote a echool tacks, I wau't to say it
few words of warnin' to the voters ot
your deestrick :
Feller citizens, don't you dolt! We
air taxed to death now. Here In our
deestrict they have jest voted n tacks
that will cost me u dollar on every $1000
I've got, which is a unholy and unjiut
demand. I have labored and saved un
lit I've got somethln' nigh $10,000, and
I ain't y;nt no 10 dollars to waist on
schools, neither have you my nppreseed
comrades. Hannah, she'd got soiuu
propity too, hut she's rite In fur n tacks.
Shu went to tho meet in' and voted fer
it. Think of that, Mr. Kditer, a feller's
own wife vntin' equal agin him, and
the law allows her to do that very thimr,
belu' as she's got propity in her name.
I give her a tulkin' to about it, and Mr.
Kditer, it was a hart-iendin' trial to
here the way she persecuted me.
Howsomever, you men at Ugeen hav
en't got Hauner to make life a burden
for ye, so do all you can to put down the
oppresslir school tacks, for you'll need
all your spare money, eeein the election
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oits,
Seed Uye, Seed Harley,
Seed Huckwheat, Seed Corn
King rhilipCoru,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn,
Kadir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Com.
Early Hose Potato?,
Burbank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
limine GrBse,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, liee Supplies.
A magnificent stock of Staple anil Fancy Groceries, all of
which will he sold at close prices fur CASH at the Feed, Seed
and Grocery Store of
is comin' this year.
Kight here I'd like to remark that 1
nnuonce myself us a cundydatu for
cm nly school superintendent, and I
promise if I am elected to do all I kin
m;iii these here extra tackses as Is drain
in' us poor feller's pockets, also to en
devor to cut teachers' wages to iflll a
month and board; they can board
around like they used to,
Yours truly,
On.un.ui Kvkhat Omhvav.
V. S. print this, Mr. Editor,
kinder tlx up the spelliu' so's to make a
good impression on the voters. 1 ain't
got time to hunt up all the words In the
dictionary, Don't tend Uannera paper
with this In. U. E. O.
j Ackei's EuglUli Remedy will tojwv
cough at any time, and will cure tho
j worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 2o cts. and 50 cts
' Houghton, druvuists.
For Infants and Children.
Thfi Kind You Havi Always Bought
Beara tho
Signature of