Acts gently on the Kedneys, Liver and Bowels MANSES THE frSTZM sv u &tx-r Fvr OVFRCOMES ' rry ' c;' i WLKWunw N W 1 UMW DCBkil AfclCMTIV PERMANENTLY. 1T5 t tm p r.f NUiNf - MAH'F'O By (SUIvRNIApGPSYRVF.; PEOPLE YOU ALL KNOW. W. A. Wallia, of iljro, ia in town business. on J. B. McAtee and G. E. isolin from Dufur. nre Jin J. D. Bowman, one of kingsley 's farm- ers, is in the city. Mrs. H. Lo:au went to Portland yes terday, whpre she will, hear Nevada and the Bostonlnns. Hon. John Sonimerville was a pas optitrpr nti lnnf nlirht'fl train frnni Pnrt land, Mrs. Sommerville having returned ) . cr r tv i umllf, u few days previous. I ,., , ... I Curei Headache Oulckly. G. C. BlakeW came up on last night's ,, . , , ,. . , train from Portland, having spent Sun-I Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel day with Mrs. Blakeley, whose eyesight I cry Soda. A harmless and effective cure be reports as somewhat improving. for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, S. N. Steel, wtioin Dalles people will ! braiu fatigue. 10 and -5 cents. Sold remembV bb having aung in the A. L, bv Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24 Gw P. S. quartet club here about a year ago. " passed through the city last night on hia way to Sumpter where he is encaged in ..the real estate business. Mrs. C. L. Phillips left on tbe after "coon train for Portland, and will visit her sister, near Hillsboro, until Satur day evening, when she will leave for ' San Francisco to attend the millinery - openings on Monday and Tuesday and vorder Jier spring goods. MAUIilED. At the Methodist parsonage, on F.ighth 'street, Monday afternoon, Jan. 20th, by Rev. U. F. Hawk, L. K. Carmichael and Mies Mattie A. Yocum. The groom represents the Home Com fort Steel Range Co. in The Dalles, while the btide arrived a few days since from her home at Beloit, Kaunas. WINTER TRIPS. For winter residence or winter outing ideal conditions will be found on every hand in California. Plenteous early rainfall has this season given to the eemi-tropical vegetation wonderful im pctue; the floral offerings are more than usually generous and the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent.-! Old ccean posseceea new charms at 1 Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Coronndo and the enchanted isle of the sea, Catalina where fishing, . boating, rambling, riding, hunting and loafing uay be enjoyed bb nowhere else, Quiet little spots, snug and warm, offer themselves at Montecito, Nordhoff, Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Full Brook and Palm Springs, For renewing health and vigor, here abound many tot springs, of widely I varying constituents and demonstrated merits; the dry, ant i tic, tonic air of the desert may be enjoyed at Banning, Indio, Yuma; and, oven farther on, at Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con ditions equally well indicated for weak throats and luup.s. Many think nothing in nature more attractive than the shimmering olive orchards of Santa Barbara and San Dirgo; others prefer the stately wslnutB of Ventura and Lob Nielos, or the demons of Fernando; but for glorious J fruit nd graceful tree commend us to , the golden orange, first, last and always, j and it exist9 iu greatest perfection at ; Covina, Riverside, Redlands and High lands. Equally interesting is the ccientific and tempting fashion in which the sorting and packing of the orange is here accomplished. The faithful were exhorted to Bee Mecc and shuffle off; but wiser gener ations will see California of the south nd prolong life. tf BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale ax the Wasco Ware house, t' Clnrk & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Clnrk & Falk's drug stock is new fresh mid complete. Clarke & Falk have on sale n full line of paint and artist's brushes. Tee Clarke & Falk'f quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from thehead. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones McDonnell's drug store. Freah cracked Nebraska corn at the i Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of j chicken feed. nich25-ti Clarke & Falk have received a carload jof the celobrated James E. I'atton trictly pure liquid paints. G. H. Appleton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, N. J., sayB, "DeWitt's Liltle Eftrly RiBer9 nre tbe ninde for constipation. W olher8... Qaickiy cnrw all best pills e uae no liver and I bowel troubles. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Tuin Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 18C2. In Epeaking of it he save: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber Iain's Pain Balm. It acts lite magic ' with me. My foot was ewollen and paining me very much, but one cood i application of Pain Balm relieved me. tor Bale oy iiiafceiey it uougnton. A irlehtful HI under Will often cause a horrible bum, Ecald.cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulc&rs, boils, corns, elons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley it Houghton, druggists 1 J. B. Clark, Peoria, 111., says, "Sur- geona wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve." It ia infallible for piles and akin diseases. Bewara of counter fits. Situation Wanted. A young man wants situation in a sheep camp. Address, H., jan20-lw The DalleB, Ore. Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware of counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. Da Witt's ia tbe only original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. Sain In lour Cteck. All conntv warrants registered prior to April 1, lsao, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 8tn, 1HUU. U. L. PHII.Lll'8, Conntv Treasurer. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worat cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 23 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drugcists. LllHt, Somewhere either on Ninth, Union or Second street, as far east ub Washington, a gold enameled pin; crescent shaped. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at this office, or Mrs. Phillips' millinery store. 25-3t All persons wishing to take children, either boys or girls, for legal adoption or on Indenture, ahould write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boya ana uins Aid society ol Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf Tim Modern Mother Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, ia man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Paint your house with naints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk havo them. ONE FOR A DOSE. PILLS TUmoTo Pimple., Promt Oare Headache a Ui.pewu. A nioTmeut of tha Kni.l7 rropnual for Itefnndlnr Water BoaU, Itnllei City Orrcnn. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles Cltv, Oregon, at paid city until 8::t0 o'clock p. in. of the 20 day of bob., 1000, for twentv-five thousand dollars; and tvventv thousand dollars of refund ing water bonds of said city, ias it ia not settled as to whether the total amount of bonds w ill be F-o uuu or ?-ju,uiiuj u- thoritv is extended to the paid noaruin; issue refunding water bonds in the hiiiii of $25,000. but if found not to be iwcfs-1 sarv, tbe ismio win ue iur nu mum m" $20,000; nnd at a rate of interest not ex ceeding four per cent per annum pay able twenty years from date of issue, interest payable eemi-annuallv, piinci nal nnd interest pavable in gold coin of the United States, nt any city thurein, nt the option of the buyer. The bonds inentioneu win oe issnvu under the provisions of tbe several leg islative acta of thf state of Oregon, ap proved Feb. 20, 1SS5, Feb. 19, 1839, nnd Feb. 14, 1805, and in pursuance of an or dinance adopted by the common council of Dalles Citv, approved January 25, 1000. The proposed refunding water bonds are intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonds in tho sum of $25,000; but in case the board of water commissioners prefer, it will isfue re funding bonds for $20,000 only, therefore bidders mav make nronosals for both $25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi nation of $500 each. No hid will bo entertained for a rate less thai, par value of the bonds. Prem iums nnd rate of interest will be taken into consideration in passing on the value of all bids. Bidders must deposit with tbe presi dent of the board a dulv certified check on some responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of the amount of bonds bid for, or accompany his bid with cash of such amount as will equal such per cent of Ills bill, nnd such certified check made payable to the president of the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Or., as liquidated damages in case the bidder Bhall fail or neglect to receive nnd pay for. at the office of the city tn-asurer of oiiiil citv. t)iH lunula nwitrded to him on bis bid", on or before the first day of! March, 1900. Attention should he -given the fact that the board nil! not issue and dispose of more than $20,000 of such refunding bonds, unless it shall he deemed neces sary to do so, but otherwise, if ill board shall find that it is necessary to issue bonds in the sum of $25,000, it will then offer and issue the full sum, ($25,000). The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the aaid board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to the presi dent of said hoard, or to the city record er, Dalles City, Wasco county, Oreuon, and noted "Proposals for refunding water bonds." By order of the Board of Water Com mission, by and with the consent of the Common Council. This 25th day of January, 1000. T. J. Secfkrt, President of Board, Ned H. Gatkk, Recorder of Dalles Citv. L. S.J Attest : RICH DRESS MATERIALS. Velrrt Arp thr Most Exprimlve Staple GooiIn, lint I.ncm the CuRtllPKt of All. of The costlieHt of what migriit be de-! scribed us staple d.efi.s 'oods ure vel vets. Pine Milk velvet.s, in black and in colors, for reception, dinner and! evening frowns sell in retrulnr widths: up to 513 a yard, and in velvet of extra widths as hifrh as $20. The velvets sold oftenest for dress goods are thohe at prices under ten dollars a yard. The costliest of fancy fabrics arc sat in ground broch-s, a s:itin fabric in white or iu some light color, with era bussed velvet figures, in various col ors, and in floral and in geometrical de signs. The brochc satins arc mode for evening wear. They are produced in great variety nnd ninny of them arc of great beauty, Mnde 21 inches in width they sell through a wide riingej of prices up to $10 a yard. There are. wider satins nnd vehet broches, im ported in dress patterns that in ('cost lier still. These goods in puttcrns from seven to eight pnrds each, with pink, heliotrope, blue and other grounds, but a single pattern in n shade or color, im- ported, are sold at $230 a dress pat tern. Hut the most expensive of dress ma terials is lace. Point lace flounce, -12 J inches wide, for gowns, is sold at prieesj ranging up to $125 a yard, four yards being required for a skirt. The same lace could be used for the wnint. In which case two yards more would bo1 required; but oftencr there is sold for! the waist and sleeves an nll-ocr lace' to match the flounce. This, iu a lace! from 18 to 22 Inches in width, to match the flounce at $123 a yard, would cost $50 a yard. It will be borne in mind that these prices represent the cost slmply.of the material for the gown, without' linings of trimmings or making up. What the finished gown would wt might de pend on a variety of considerations. A gown of satin and velvet hroche costing say n yard might cost completed $500 or $fi00. A gown from any of these materials would obviously be costly. X. V. Sun, ADMINISTRATOH'S NOTICE. Notice In herebv ulvnn tlmt II, It II twlfti ulir r ...1 bv the conntv fimipt. nf ri... state of Orexon.Ipr WWo county, itdmlnltrator of the estate of J'utrlck Ilrfuvn, deoeased. Atl iicrsons huyjiig claims agiilnst said esUto ru hereby noillled to present said elalms, properly verified, to m nt tin. onicu i,,,,r, i. ui.. ..... in Dalle Cltv. Ore . within lr ,.,,,..,1.. (,,,..! .i...' date hereof; ' " Dated Jmiuary !, 19CW, IlPl.IA ! nunu'u nn07.ll .ii, I Ml. a Administrator. Tivr. scniminx. 1'IIOM IM1.1.KM. AnniVK Fhom, iw HhU I.nkc, Denver, Ft W.lrtli. Onmhll. KlltV Fnt MhII '.':.')' ji in jhui ":iM- m ens City, St. l.(iiiln,i Chicago and hast. Snnbniic r'lyor 7:0?l. in WhIIh WnllR, Bimknlio, fiinkntio Fljur. i :2n ii. in .MiniiPHiHiiih. st. mm, iiu lut h, Mllwiiiikcv, Clilcuco and r.asc. r 6 l'. m. Fiiom For.Ti.ANn. Ocean RtcmiiNhlin. For hnti Fraiielieo December 3. , HI, IS, : and 'iv 8 n. m. 4 H. m. Kx.sundii) Ex.suuday Columbia Hv. Stcamcrx. To Astoria and Way H.uurnay Lauding. 10 p.m. I Willamette KtVKR. M:30li.m Kx.bundaylOrcRon Cltv, Newlwrfr, Ex.HundHy Salem A w ay land's., T.ji. m, IViiaavtte asm Yam Tues.Thur.l hill Kivehk. ' 3:30 i. m. ;Mon.,Ved and riat. Orccnn City, Dayton, and VHy-I.nndlnt;i. and hrl. C 0. m. 1 WlI.LAMETTK lilVr.R. 1:30 n. m. Tuc.Thur, Portland to Corvalll, Mon. Wrd and Sut, and Vay-I.andliiK. land Friday Snake Hive r.. nijiarlu to lvvlxtou. ' LEAVE ' I.EWIhTON dally I 8:30 a. in. I.r Ulr-riu! daiiy 1 u. m. I rarlles deslrmc to co to ilcimner hliould take No. -I, leaving 'Irie Dalles at 7:0." p. m luukliiK direct funncctliiiih at lleppner Jmietlon Ue'.urnlng lnakiiiRdlreeteoiineetion at Heppner Junction with No. 1. urrM ItiK t The Dalles at -.55 p m. No. SJ, thrnticlit frclcht, cast bound, iloen not carry pushungers; arrives 1!:5U a. in., departu 3:50 a. ni. No. Si, local freight, carries paeiicer!i, east bound; arrives 4:30 p. m., departs S:15 p. in. No. 21, vet bound through freight, uim' tint carrv paHsengers; arrives h.15 p in., depurt 'JV.IO p. m. No. '23, west bound local freight, carries pus sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m departs b:30 a. in. For full particulars rail on O. H. it N. Co'e ngeut The Dalles, or address W. II. HUKI.IUJItT, Gen Fas. Ast., 1'ortland, Or, Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French &Co.'8 Bank. o3 PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3W 33S QNV 3 WOO JJH- UKlHBNDOKrriSU Physician and Surgeon, Bpccial attention given to lurgcry. oom2lao12J, Tjl.aJl Vojt Block IlKPAKT h muiiwuiuut riitiitiiiiiritMf ritimiirrrnfiifnT L'jittui-.iitic-uiiiiialjj iT C. F- Stephens ...Doaler In... ''5 rt rtoorl c rtlnrr-iinrt Gents' Furnishings. Unots, Shoes. Hats, Cups, Notions, Agl. for W. 1.. Dongias obou. Tlie Dalles, Or. C. S. Smith, TDK Up-to-date Qroeer Freeh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. S. KCHKNK, 'resident. 11. 31. Heal , Cashlui pfst National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Depoaita received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Ban Francisco and porl- land. DI KBOTOKS D. P. TlIOW'HON. Jno. B. Bchmwuk. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likiib. H.M. Ukai.l,. Coiiimfiia PaGJcf og Go.T PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTOKKKBOK Pine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JEIKD BEEF, KC. FRENCH & Cb., BANKERS. TKAN8ACTA JSNEKAL BANKING BUlilNKB Utters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointa in Orogon and Washington. Collections made at ull points on fav orable terms. JJf. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllco over French & Co.'u Hank - THE DALLES, OKKCJON . . MCOBK, J0HN aAyJ1( MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Koonu 39 and 40, over U. S. Land Offlcc. The Chronicle, Tha Dulles, Op. Job Printers SUMMONS. IN THE ClItcniT COfUT OF THE SMI of Oregon, for the County of Wasco. Hello MeCirecvy, plalntlir, vs Thomns MeCirecvy, defendant. To Thomas JJcUreevy, defeudniit , ill iiiv .iiuiil- iii .in; mint in uivuni . u , hereby requlreil to apiK'nr nnd answer thecca plslut Hied fgnlust you In the above entlW suit within ten days from the date of the ncrvlet of this Mimmons upon vou, If served vtlthla this Comity i or If served within aur olhe conntv ol this Ktnto, then within tunny din from the dutu of the service of tills Hiiinmoa upon jou. or tf served uihui you by puMlr-ntlm ! thereof, then on or liefore the IiiM day of tin time prescribed In the order for publleatla 1 on or beloresU weeks Iroin the date i me nrsi )itiiineaiion nereoi anu u ru urn inn answer, for want thereof the lilnlntlff lit ap)dv to the Court for the relief pro ) 1 k In her cnniplnlnt, to-wlt, that the uiiirruuri'coni tract now existing between plalntlir mil it fendiint las forever dissolve and that plilotll tie nwardi-d tbevxcliislvi- custody of themins children of plnliitlll iind defendant. This Summons Is served upon you by puWI tlon thereof, pursuant to tbe order nl iMO culi Court, made nnd vutored on the H'tadijd January, UHil, reiiuirlng the publication hew for six consecutive weeki, coumiciieing Juur; 'Jt, 1 ',."), the date of the first publication. Hl'NTl.NOTON .V WI1J50X, Jun i0 5t Attorneys for riilntll KOTICE. Adtninislrator's Sale of Real Estate. Notice In licrcby trlvcn tlmt tliu ur.(lerlpil J . tc-KUfwiii, ndiiilnlotiulor of tlie t'ltateol Li1lii A Hlclinrdmin, ili'1'ciii.u 1, In pursuauce oi nnotiliTof the Ilonontlilo County Court of lt rjtnto of UrcKon for Wimco county, duly nude mid entered on the 4th cliiy of Juntmry, I'M from nnd utter the l.'itli tiny of rehrunry, 1W0. proceed to m'II nt jirlviile Mile for rush In fc'o nil of the following dcicrlbed renl t-stnte, bclonl iiiKto tlieetiitu of mid Lvdm A. I'.ltliarte ueceiibed, to-Hit The nortliMect iitmrter ol the nouth'etqniJ ter, nnd ninth hull of the nor'hu'ent ijnuitcriEi the nouthwcHt tinrter of the northeiint iUrl(t of i-rctloH three (:!) In townnhlji four (I) kiuuik ruiiKe thlrtecu (l;l) east if the Wilhuiu'tlo intra In it. In Wuiico county, Oriuoni nlotht ccwi Ideeu or luircel of land luirtleulnrly ImtindrdMJ deH'rlhcd us folloHh li'ouiinenvini; -M rudiW W'i feet went of the houtheiKt corner ni U' KiutliHCfit quarter of nectlou thice(:i luton lil)fiiur(ljiimitiior rnnce thirteen (13) wl the VVllhiiuette tnerldlnii ill whd eountriO Kim, nnd ruiiultiK tlicuce north onu hull mW; thence west hi) lods nnd 41, lift thenti'HjiilJ one half mile, and thence uioU .VI rniln buJ Vi feel to the place of iK'Kllitiine have nnd Mf therefrom four lot n In IClcliardMiu s ildlllo I" I tin 'I i ill ii iifT.,.1, ii linn I ,1 lil'flIDirC old and route)edi tlie tract ntiove ilmTlwH' i ltullnc titti.r ftiilil Itlelinrdiiun'K Addition t",1! Toivr of TjKll, im laid nut and )ilatunUiml; coided In tne KwordH of Deed for wf county. Oregon, Mild real entitle nbueucscriw eontnliiltiB -10 aerex, more or les. A ny-iutsoii cifolrlmr iiriirtiiatltin with refcrenw iiihiiid cutatu Hliould cull on nraddreMiii"; Jiincllou city, ureirou, or my uttornejn, Vans iV Meuelce, at 'J im Dulled, Oregon. Dated tliUmh day o( January, IW3. .1. B. Fi:UCin0K, Ailirlulstratorof the liMiitu of Ldlu A. Mt"- itrdKoii, dei:eii6ed. Dl'H'U V Menkike, ,. AUornejH for AdmiliUtrMtor. HJ,IUI NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract ) Public Land Sale. Land Oitick at Tub Dali.en )''f"0,'' Jan. it, hm I . , Notice In hereby Riven that in jiuiMmnco j1' tii.CriictloiiH from tliu couimliil(itier of the l"' cml hmaollleii, under imlhorily ventwl iu w by hoction mirr V, B. ttev. StMi., in tiitieiil W the net of cotiKreim niroved February e will iiroceed ui otter nt publlo mile i' "f,1" . day. the 17th day of Kebrmiry next, at tlie h ur of IDo'i loekiii, in.,utthlN otllee, tho fo!lo tract of laud, lu w It , ,i R j,,!" Ij- -'; lU 1 nnd 2, Bec.JJ, l.- ViVy nnd 'nil purnniiH elulmliiK uIV',rf?,fnVr iiwnu ueM'rinuii iniiuit me iKivmeu chiLniHlu thin otllee im or before the day "W iiuniKiiiiieu ior tniMHiiuiuuuceuieui otherwUu their rlRhtu will be forfeit'."!' JAV 1. LUCAB, ItuKlHtT, milO l OTIS PATTKItSOX, Jtcceiwn ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Suiidf Kates Keasonahle. Telephone 201. j W. A. CATES, Prop. (