The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 30, 1900, Image 3

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    "Procrastination is the Thief of Time."
THREE DAYS MORE of the greatest privlloKo ever accorded the public of this locality to buy goods at a
Croat Sacrifice. You may give but little hoed to this warning but you will wonder at the difference In
prices after the First cf February ns compared with the presont time. Therefore take this final warning and do
not put ofr longer the purchases that will save you dollars simply because you think well, really, I do not need
anything this month.
During the balance of thl9 month we will have on sale our Cloaks and Jackets at the lowest
possible price in order to try and dispose of them that they may not figure In our inventory.
$ 2.00 Plush Capos $
.$ 1.50 $ 5.50 Cloth Jackets,
. 3.50 0.00 " " ..
. 5.25 8.00 "
. 6.50 10.00 " ...
. 8.75 12.50 " V. ...
. 1.25 13.00 " " ..,
. 3.25 13.50 " ...
. 4.50 15.00 " " ...
. 7.75 10.00 " " ...
. 9.00 20.00 " " ...
. 9.75 22.50 " " ..,
. 12.00
Our Great
Clothing Sale
Will Positively End
Jan. 31, 1900. . . .
Hundreds of dollars have been saved by the purchas
ing public. We still have a
Good neeorlrnent of Men's Overcoats,
' Ulteters.
" ' Suits,
" " " Bovs' Overcoats,
" "" UMers,
" " .Suits.
Now is your time liny while von can save from 15 to
'.'n per cent on fall poods. W.t must have room for
spring stock.
New Goods Arriving Dally.
All Goods Marked
In Plnln FlKiires.
Ho Says ,fnlin CliltinniBti, Who
I Now
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone Nu
- ,
- - -"I
I ' .TVCll ill
I uysters
There will bo a band eoucort tonight
at the club rooms.
A lumipetent nirl desires a place to do
Kuniiral houseu'ork (cooking included).
Apply ut tiiis ofllce.
The ladies of the Eplfcopulian Guild
will meet with Mrs. N. Harris tomorrow
afternoon. Every mum bur is requested
to lie present.
We understand that FrarN" SeuMrt
Iiiih purchased what is known aWfieoId
.Sharp place, on Il-Mile, pnyfji;o the
state 1,000 therefor
1'ortlaml is fariiiR well in the theatrical
linu, with such artists as Nevada, Nance
O'Nioll, the BostoniiuiB and Clara
Thropp appearing nil in one week.
Mitts Mabel Kiddell bus resigned her
position at the postofllce jlelivery win
dow unit will leave oufmQW for a visit
with relatives in Porpniid. Miss Melvia
Dawson will fill Jrno place vacated by
Miss Kiddell.
Harry Rice, who was celebrating
Chum new year in great shape tfi"is
luurniiic, ran into Marshal Hughes and
foou found himself in Recorder Gates'
court with a !f3 line over his head, which
he is now working out.
Hugh Brown, the would-bo insane
im miner m tne county juii, still Keeps
P his insane actions and he is un actor
of no little ability. However, he will
be tested a few dayB more. Yesterday
be ate a little, the first time for a num
ber of days.
The Shaw Company, which wb to
have playod a week's engagement in
linker City during tho week beginning
Kelt. fth, have cancelled tho engage
ment on account of the severe illness of
Mr. Shaw. Thoy were to have played
in The Dalloa later during the mouth,
which date will no doubt olso be re
called, A few of the neighbors of District
Atty. Jayne gave him a genuine surprise
'ut night, the occasion being his birth-
anniversary. Gathering aft his home
tliey telephoned tthohe ofllCe for Mr.
Jnyue, who was busKthuto, saying a
Keiitluuuwi wished to seeii. He bur-
neu home and ran into Arowd of jolly
"BiKiiuors, who spent t
Pleasantly with them.
A new American gifl will bo Intro-
evening most
iwo bet creation to Ho'yard Chandlet
n. . . . . 1
Ul.riety, tne voung artist who lias tv-
cuntly won great distinction for his mo.n
interesting portrayals of American
womanhood. The first drawing will
show the "American Girl at Cliureli,"i
and subsequent oneswill picture Iter a
a bride, at college, (at sports, on th
farm, in society, as a daughter, and as a
mother. There will be eight page
pictures in all.
It is not necessary that in every
surgical operation performed the patient
be had and it seems now that the only
thing to do is to go after it."
A Canadian exchange has a very in
teresting article on the salmon canning
industry of that country. Among other
things the article states that something
like (i.OOO.OOO is invested in it, and dur
ing the short period that the season lasts,
ifS ,000,000 on an average is paid ont,
while the value of the canned salmon
exposed in 1808 was nearly $3,500,000.
There are now in British Columbia 07
canneries. Ine most of them are on the
should be taken to Portland, some very i Fraser riyer. The announcement was
delicate work being done by our surgeons
ut home. Yesterday afternoon Dr. J.
A. Geisendorfl'er, of this city, Dr. II.
Dodds, of Dufur, and Dr. 11. 12. Beers,
of WaFeo, performed adiflicult operation
on Mrs. Geo. Nolin, of Dufur, who is
stopping at what was formerly the Ag
new boarding house, on the corner of
Fourth and Union streets. Thy patient
stood tho ordeal remarkably well and
is reported as getting alomr nicely today.
Till fnlliiu'lni tfWimlint-a nf tin "VfitiniJvl
Radios Single Blessedness Debating So
ciety" will no present attlte session ol
old maids' convention tote held at the
Baldwin Tuesday evenng, Feb. 7tb :
Josephine lone Green, president ; Kosilla
Abigale Hodge, secretary; Calamity
.lane Iliggins, Ruclul Rebecca Sharp,
Tiny Short, Mary Jaye Fraddlcr, .lerusha
Matilda Spriggius, Patience Calchumau,
L' I.!.. C. f.ll...... 1 1,..
oujiui.i oiucKU)), UHiiuuu jjuij, 4L-ircvj
lJobltet, Charity J.ongfiice, Cleopatra'
uleth Blown, Penelope Gertrude Doo
Mtle, Polly Jams Spratt, Violet Aui
A note received from Mrs. Mullekin,
whose family has been reported through
out the city as having the smallpox and
being quarantined, informs the Ciikom
ci.u that none of the family have the
smallpox or any other disease, neither
are they quarantined, She says that
they are disgusted with the conflicting
stories which have been circulated. The
CmtoNici.i: yesterday reported them as
being quarantined ; but it seems as they
are out of the city limits no official quar
antine has been placed on them, but
strict orders having been given to pre
vent the children from attending school
or the family from circulating around
town until the required time elapses,
and it la proven they have not taken It
from the Poole family.
Speaking of the artesian water struck
i few days sluce in Prinoville, tho Re
view soys: "That they have struck
artesian water at the depth of 180 feet
seems to bo an assured fact. The only
problem now is, what can be done to
keep the sand from tilling up the pipes?
This, we understand, can be easily done
with the proper machinery. It has long
been the opinion of many that artesian
water could be found in the valley, and
we think the matter has been fully
demonstrated. This fact alone is worth
much to our county, and if this well
workB satisfactorily (and we see no
reason why it should not), no doubt but
what othor experiments will be tried In
made yesterday that an association has
been formed by .4S of the canneries on
the Fraser river, the arrangement in
volving the price to be paid for salmon
and the size of tho pack. It is aleo
stated that after the fishermen's price
has been regulated, the canners will be
bound each one by the deposite of a
$1,000 certified check, not to offer more
than the set price for fish. Astorian.
I jKentiM'
ky I'uIIIIchI Feuil Ciuve Kino to
Attumptbil AnhUNHltiatluii or Uoebel.
""need to tho public in ttfc pages of the Mother sections. Many acres In Crook
March LadloB' Home Jurnl, She will Uunty could be reclaimed if water could
' A special diBpateh received this after
noon from Frankfort, Ky., the scene of
he political fight between the Demo
crats and Republicans, says :
FitANKFoitT, Ky., Jan. 30. Excite
ment runs high In the city today, and
the streets are thronged with armed
men, while the people surge wildly to
and fro with anxious countenances.
The intense excitement is caused by
the attempted asBassinaticn of Goebel,
the Democratic contestant for governor,
this morning. Report says he may live.
Thousands of people are coming bur
ridly into the city and the city is in a
fever of excitement.
lie Dot Into Trouble.
"Jim made an awful break at the
Jackson' last night."
"What was that?"
"You know that frightfully ancient
Miss Jackson, don't yon? Well, Jim
asked her what she thought about the
begiuuing-oMbe-ceutury question. She
said Hlie hadn!t considered It. 'That's
too bad,' said stupid Jim; 'I thought
with your experience you would be able
to settle it.' Jim will never get into the
Jackson house unless he goes us a
Hrliuol KeiMtrt.
Report of Wapinitia school for the
month ending January 27, 11)00:
No. of dayB taught, 20.
No. of pupils enrolled, 21.
No. of daya attendance, 3112.
Average dally attendance, 10,
The following named pupils weie nei
ther tardy nor absent ;
Willie Foreman, Glatido Laughlin,
Walter Woodside, Mattie Woodside,
Rosa Delco, Fred Laughlln, Violet Pech
ette, Minnie Abbott, Fred Woodside,
Arthur Pechette.
T, M. B, Cjiaktain, Teacher.
One fellow wt.o hasnjt been worrying
1 over the century problem le John China
, man. The Chinese do not begin their
I record of years past with the birth of
Christ nor Confucius, but they enumer
ate their yeara from tin birth of the
emperor of China, which thoy say oc
curred twenty-six years ago. Thoy
re f u so to be guided by the telegraphic
reports of the suicide of one emperor
and the appointment of another, but
hold to the dates they have been ob
serving for a quarter of a century. They
began the new year last evening by
making settlements of all accounts so as
to start the vear with a clear balance
sheet, which would bo a splendid plan
for their white brothers to follow.
The arrival of the new year was
heralded by the small Chinese kid, who
Is monarch of all he surveys In China
town, being the only Email John in
town. Ho was attired gorgeously in all
the colors of the rainbow and strutted
the streets like a peacock.
No great preparation is ever mado by
The Dalles Chinamen; but just let them
get full of China gin and the celebration
attends to itself, much of their surplus
hilarity expending itself in the surplus
of firecrackers which make things lively.
The generosity of the Celestial is in
evidence upon this particular occasion
and none of their friends are forgotten,
firecrackets, nuts, candies, gaily-colored
handkerchiefs, etc., finding their way to
the homes of all their patrons and those
who are kind to them.
The Chinese in the United States
number 125,000 and they consume large
amounts of delicacies grown anil put .up
in China. The custom inspectors at
Portland and Port Townsend report the
arrival of large quantities of firecrackerp,
Chinese liquors, provisions and delica
cies, including canned fruits, sharks'
fins, seaweed, edible birds' nests, beche
de mer, preserved eggs, etc., and for
dessert a full stock of Chinese medicines,
including boluses as large as golf halls,
dried snakes, lizards, centipedes, etc.,
which are intended to overcome the
deleterious effects ot overindulgence in
the above mentioned-dainties. General
Summers, custom appraiser at Portland,
says enough of medicines hJve passed
through his office to kill every China
man in tho state if they were impartially
An Impressive Lecture.
and impressive way as to win tho sym
pathy of all for the cause she represents.
An interest In the temperence cause
has been awakened in The Dalles, and
results will be apparent In the future.
On Sunday afternoon at the childrens'
meeting seventy-one signed the pledge
presented, which includes abstainance
from intoxicating liquors, tobacco and
YeBterday afternoon Mrs. Graves
spoke to the parents and waB not sparing
in her criticism of the loose manner in
which the children are brought up and
the awful results of carelessness aa to
their whereabouts and in allowing boys
and girls to go their way unattended by
the father or mother. At this meeting
thoW.C. T. U. of The Dalles was re
organized witit nineteen metnberp, and
at last night's meeting a number of
names was added thereto.
Mrs. Graves left this morning for n
trip through Valley towns and on to
War Hale,
Complete entertainment outfit, con
sisting ot high grade magic lantern, with
views on Spanish-American war and
new talking machine with 20 records.
Made $.100 clear per month last fall.
Reason for selling owner ill. Call op
posite United Brcthern church on tho
hill or addro38 Virgil 12. Greene, Tho
Dalles, Jon29-lino
Home for Hale.
Thirty head of good horses, weight
from 1100 to 1-100 lbs. To be seer, ut
Jacob McReynold's place, 15 miles east
from Tho Dalles. For further particu
lars address,
Stuauiie Bitos.,
jan24 mw The Dalle?, Or.
Wool rroaticctfi.
In a circular to wool growers Christy
fi Wise, tho San Francisco wool dealers,
"Advise consignment instead of sales at
home," and declare their belief that
"The quality of the wool will be excel
lent, but the number of sheep has been
reduced by the financial and climatic
hardships of recent seasons, anil there
fore wo cannot meet the heavy demand
like in former years, a condition that
will alone create sensational prices. To
our way of thinking the growers have
the best opportunity for a decade lieforo
them, and will retrieve thiough thoir
mutton and wool the severe losses of
previous years."
Victor Notes.
We are having a fine winter; no par
ticularly cold weather as yet.
Wheat is looking splendid, with good
prospects for next season.
Rev. R. G. Brown has been conduct
ing revival meetings here, with good
success, tie is a hne talker.
Our school is not so flourishing now,
probably on account of evervonefgetting
vaccinated and the smallpox scare.
However, there has been no smallpox
on Juniper Flat yet.
We are having little dancing here this
season. ictok.
Victor, Jan. 28, 1900.
With every one dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February we will
give a chance on a
Aluminized Garland
Steel Range.
j jflaler & Benson
No more earnest worker has ever
viBited the city than she wtio addressed
the union temperance meeting at the
Methodist church last night, Mrs. M.
N. Graves, who is national organizer and
lecturer for the W. C. T. U. and I. O. G.
T. of Washington.
The church was crowded and the
audience listened almost breathlessly for
over an hour while the speaker pointed
out the evils of the great curse of ttie
liquor traffic in America and tho remedy
therefor in a most convincing manner.
Her delivery is fautless, and her argu
ment brought forth in such an attractive
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn.
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn,
Early Rose Potatoes,
Burbank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brome Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent ptock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close prices for CASH "at the Feed, Seed
and Grocerv Store of
FTA raKXA' 1"A" rAT"J. TiCT2 1'lAI JkrA' rt '-J' JATAyA-JJM1AT,aAT'A'J3 t'
Something that we all must
have, something wo buy every
da)'. Wo do not claim to
have a monopoly on all tho
Grocery Goodness, but wo do
claim to have tho best hams
and bacon in Tho Dalles.
Swift's C Premium Hains
are sweet and juicy, not dry
and salty. They will please
you. Try one tor breaklast.
Swift's PreoiiDoi Bacon
not tough nor stringy, but
sweot and tender.
If you want tho host Hams
or Bacon order Swift's and
you will bo delighted.
Wo havo added l'resh vege
tables to our Grocery Department.
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
Romombor that wo aro soiling tho samo irom
$45.00 to $60.00
Which is a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 .Jj
over price charged by peddlers for inl'orior ranges.
Write for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence"
JWflYS 8t COCUE. 1