The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 30, 1900, Image 1

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NO 145
Want Ho Ciaiijc in Manner of Tfieir
Amendment to Constitution Will He In
tiotiuecd This Session, Ktit Can
not Pass the Senate.
WAHiiiNd'io.v, Jan. 28. A canvass of
cotiRrcHH mmlo by the New York Herald
upon tht; rjneetion of t lie election of sen
ators l3 direct vote of the people thowe
that tint senate iB much opposed to tlio
propoHltion, while tho house is in furor
of it. A bill for audi u constitutional
amendment will no doubt pass the house
by a larpo minority, but there is no possi
bility of it letting through thu eenate.
The cimviisH include) opinions from
govortiorH of Ktutes, which show that
nearly all favor tho charffce, especially
tlioHo in the West and South, Some of
tliH Kuetorn men express themselves
HL'iiiiiHt making uny uhange in the con
Governor Goer's sentiments in favor
of pupuler election have already appeared
in The Oregonian. Governor liogere, of
Washington, Bays :
"Outside of the official classes, public
sentiment in the state of Washington is
strongly enlisted for the election of
United States senators by direct vote of
the people. Personally, I regard this as
a reform devoutly to be wished for, and
hope one day to see it made efFective."
The opinions obtained also show that
the people of the South are very anxiouB
for the chunge.
Thu war department has notified the
military committee of the senate that
Senator Turner'? bill providing travel
iuy for Philippine soldiers will cost the
government over $7,000,000 should it be
coini) a law, und that travel pay was not
part of the agreement with soldiers or
olHeerH at the time of enlistment. The
department indicates, but does not
positively state, Ub disapproval of legisla
tion of this kind.
Iorgnr at Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. 20. Sat
urday a smooth forger operated In Walla
Walla with excellent success. Five busi
ness men were victims of his work, hav
ing cashed bogus checks to the amount
of f 10. The checks bore the forged names
Her Husband's Story
" My nitmo is E. J. Sprong, and my address is iC Bondman Block, Troy, N.
Y. I wunt to tell how thankful I am that my wife's health has been restored to
her. About a year ago she caught a dreadful cold, which settled in her bron
chial tubes and lungs, bho cer
tninly lmd bronchitis, and I think
consumption, too, and we de
spaired of her life. She had rt
tightness and soreness in the
chest, and it was diflicult for her
to breathe. There wore darting,
Kharj), dull and heavy pains, with
constant coughing and expectorat
ing. Each day sho was worse
than the day before. I was ad
vised to get Acker's English Rem
edy, and did so, but my wife only
shook her head and said : 'Another
dollar thrown away.' Sho took
tho Remedy, however, and said
tho effect was magical. In less
than an hour there was a remark
able change. She got better at
OllCL'. lilld In n islmrt tlmn lin wan
entirely well and strong again. The euro was permanent and there has been
no relapse. I don't know what Acker's English Remedy is made of, but I am
sure it contains something that fortifies the system against future attacks. My
wife is in better general health now than ever, and you can't imagine how
happy she is for her recovery. Sho tells everybody about Acker a English Rem
cdy, and so do I. for I bcliovc it to be our duty to tho public to help every suf
ferer who has throat and lung troubles. My neighbors say it is a sure specific
fr croup, and has saved the lives of hundreds of littto ones around in tms
vicinity alone." ' .
Sold at 25c, 5oc and $i a bottle, throughout tho United States and Cawdaj
and in England, at is. ad. as. 3d., 48. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying,
return the bottlo to your druggist, and get your money back.
11V authorize tlx above guarantee. 11'. II. UOOKUi A- CO., Proprktori, iVrw 1 ork.
AVAl Baking
Makes the food more
ovu lAKwa
of W. D. Charch, manager of the Dement
flouring mills, and were Indorsed by one
George Allen. Tho forger represented
himself an an employe of the flouring
mills, and as the checks bad been prop
erly signed, they had every appearance
of being gennlne, and as they were
presented to the business men several
hours alter the banks had been closed,
there was no cause or nieplcion.
When the cheeks were taken to the
Baker-Boyer bank, however, they were
at once dculaied forgeriea. Mr. Church,
whose signature was on thu checktt, was
notified of the mutter, and it was found
that forgery had been committed. Allen
is about twenty-sis years old, dark coin
plexionud, and wears n dark mustache.
He Is a stranger in the city. The officers
are seeking to get on the track of the
ltiilibeil the iavr.
A etartling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by '.him aa follows:
"I waa in a moHt dreadful condition. My
skin wob almost yellow, eyeB sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and eldeB, no appetite graduully grow
ing 'weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
triend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to
my great joy and surprise, the firet
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blwkeley &
Houghton's drug store. 5
State Park Infected.
Salem, Or., Jan. 28. The gardener of
the capltol grounds In this city has found
indications of the dreaded San Jose ecale
on some of t'ae trees. He immediately
began spraying, and will spray not only
the. affected trees but also all the trees
and shrubs under his care.
Your KauM
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health ad well. Impure
blood makes itself apnerent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimplee and
Skin Eruptloue. If you are feeling
weak aud worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sareaparillas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Subscribe for Tim Cukonici:.
delicious and wholesome
eowt CO., WtW VOWK.
It is Said to Be Only a Question of Time
Chinese Interests Jealously
Guarded Against America, England
and Germany.
St. Pcteiisuuhg, Jan. 29. The news
papers here are paying considerable at
tention to events in Chinu. The Novosti
expresses the opinion that the dynasty
will last for a long time to come, but
adds that "China will never be restored
to tier former condition, and the un
avoidable work of partition will be ac
complished peacefully, though perhaps
in the dietant future."
The Kossija asserts that it waa not nec
essary for Russia to take a hand in the
coup d'etat, and adds: "A Russo-Japanese
alliance is inevitable. It is only a
question of time. In the meanwhile it
is important that control of the naval
and military forces of China does not
fall into the hands of Americans, British
or Germans."
The paper concludes: "We muBt keep
on the alert aud see how the new eitua
tion affects the interests of Western Eu
rope, above all, those of England."
May Cause Trouble.
Shanghai, Jan. 29. The deposition of
Emperor Kwangsu creates great diesatis
faction among Chinese officials in the
Yang-Tee valley, and merchants are con
siderably disturbed, fearing trouble. It
is rumored that he will be reinstated in
one year.
Believes When Eastern Gold Democrats
Understand the Chicago Platform
Thev Will All Vote and Work for It.
New Youk, Jan. 29. A special to tho
Herald from Washington says: Wil
liam J. Bryan spent a quiet Sunday in
this city and left in the evening for
Providence, via New York. Mr. Bryan's
visit to Providence will be bia second
entry Into New England, and while he
does not, of course, look for substantial
results from that section, he believes the
indications from his Eastern reception
will be of value to the party throughout
the country.
"I have been greatly pleased," he said,
"at the interest manifested by Demo
crats of the East in what I have had to
say upon the great issues before the
people. There is every indication of the
return of every man, who, misunder
standing the issues of the last campaign,
went off to the enemy, and I believe that
aa the real meaning of the principals of
the Chicago platform are better under
stood by the people of the East, not only
will we regain the Democrats, but we
will also make eerious inroads in the
ranks of our opponents."
Mr. Bryan does not believe that the
Republicans will holdout the hope of In
ternational bimetallism in their platform
of 1000. He expects to see their plat
form declare unequivocally for the gold
Hint Throbblua; Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life pills,. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and strong
nerves and build up your hesltty. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents,
Money bck .If not cured, Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1
Inmates Have Been Short on Rations
for Nearly Two Months.
London, Jan. 29. There is comment
in London on tho discrepancy between
the Boer account of the recapture of
Spionkop and that sent by General Bul
ler. The latter eaya Wt a word about
the Boers scaling the hill and attacking
the British trenches, and capturing 150
men who had hoisted the white flag, aa
at Majuba hill. Instead, he spoke of the
maintenance of "the best traditions of
the British army." There is not much
doubt that the Boer account is correct.
It is by no means boastful.
The London military critics have given
up hope of saving Lidysmith, which is
undoubtedly short of food and ammuni
tion. The garrison went on ehort rations
December 2,
Aa it required a month for Boiler to
recover from his earlier defeat at Colenso,
it is not thought he can pull his dif
heartened army together now in time to
do anything for Ladysinith. London
waits anxiously for the Boers to move.
They Beein to be fighting on a very de
finite plan, and it is thought they may
attack Buller or assault Ladysmith.
New York, Jan. 29. A epecial cable
gram from London to the Evening World
says :
"It is learned from a reliable source
that Lord Roberts has advieed the
abandonment ot Ladysmith. At the war
office, the dispatch adds, no confirmation
could be obtained of the advice said to
have given by Lord Roberts."
London, Jan. 29. The war office
denies the report that Ladysmith had
surrendered, and announces that a very
heavy list of casualties will be issued
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, aa they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional diseaee, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, aud acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular piescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drruggiHts, price Toe.
Hall's Family Pilla are the bent. 12
Notice to Voter.
Under the provisions of the registra
tion law all .persons when registering
are required to furnieh to the) register
ing officer tho following information :
If naturalized, the time, place, and
court of naturalization. In this con
nection, it is necessary to produce
naturalization papers, or declaration of
Keuidence must be specific; giving
precinct, section, .township and range;
if within town or city, the street, No. if
any, and No, of lot and block ; if in any
building where rooms are numbered, the
number of the room and floor must be
In order to avoid unnecessary delay
aud iuconvenieace, every person desir
ing to register should be prepared to
furnieh the above information,
Facilities wilt be furnished in every
precinct in the county by either Justice
of the Peace or Notary Public.
A. M. Kki.sav,
deo4-304ys County Clerk.
"I am Indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life. It cured
me of lung trouble following grippe."
Thousands owe their lives to the prompt
action of thin never falling remedy. It
cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. Its early use prevents con
sumption. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results,
Do You
need a .
new pair
of Pants?
We at all limes offer good value in Pants at this price, prob
ably better than is customary at other stores, but this week we hve
"sone them one bettei" by adding to our regular 82.50 lines
our entire stock of 2.75 and 3.00 Pants, including nobby patterns
worsteds, kerseys, enssimeres
smooth and goods thai are rough, -
-from which you cau
day or Sunday wear.
See East
A, M. Williams & Co.
Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Corner of Third and Federal Street,
'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR.
Subscribe for the Chronicle.
Advertise in the Chronicle.
A Tliouiauil Tongue
Could not express the rapture of Annie
, Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa,, when she found that Dr,
King's New Discovery for Consumption'
had completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years had made
life a burden, All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest aud I can
now sleep soundly, something 1 can
scarcely remember doing before, I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." Ho will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery for anv trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50o
anufl. l rial Dottle tree at ulakeley x
Houghton's drug store; eyery bottle
guaranteed. &
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
No charge for
or pressing.
They must fit.
If you do, and if you
want the
Best Pants
on Earth
at $2.50
Come to Us.
and cheviot goods that
in stripes, mixtures and
make a good selection for every-
Black Clay Worsted Pants
of excellant quality and permanent color
Not all sizes, but very probably
1 k riwnrt I) k! L" IM r 1 IU"
M. .IllUtktlbl'Al lirt'l.
CVltU 1'Olt
Ely's Cream Balm
ICiuy and pleasant to I
iisi-. Uuiitalua 110 In
jurious drug.
It In quickly ahaorhod.
Give, lteliof at once.
I. ii....... ...!
. uuvii. .mi vib.u,wA Aa mm mm. m mm.
Ileal and Protect the Membrane. Keatorea thay'
beuaei or Taate ana nmoll.
ot 'rants and ttmell. Large (9zo, 60 cent M
ata or Iit mail t Trial Blae. 10 cenia by mall.