Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAN5ES THE 5YSTEM OVFRCOMFS PERMANENTLY 1T5 BUy THE GENUINE MANT'D By roa sAit by i owosu'ti row sot eeniL I'KOri.E TOD ALL KNOW. J. W. Smith came down ville yesterday on his way from Prine to Portland. W. J. Lauder is in from Sherar's Bridge on business. Ed Marshall, one of Pendleton'e lead ing sheepmen, registered at the Umatilla yesterday. Corlies Merritt, manager of the Ilepp ner bazette, is in The Ualles touav on business. Geo. Johnston came in from Dufur yesterday and left this morning for Portland by boat. Dr. H. E, Bjere came down yesterday from Wasco and spent today in the city. Mrs. Jennie Jewett, who was visiting in lite Dalles, lett tins morning for Portland. liev. C. P. Bailey left Saturday night lor wesion, wnere he will conuuet a series of meetings. Meesrs. J. 0. Hosteller. J. S. Fish and Theo. Seufert left Saturday for Sumpter and ttie (jreenhorn mining district, to look after their mining interests there. , Truman Butler returned Saturday night, after spending several weekB past in Le Com p ton with Mrs. Butter's parents. The latter will remain some time yft visiting. H. W. French returned home last niulit from n three-weeks visit in Cali- Jornia. After visiting Mrs. French's mother in San Francisco, they made the trip through' Southern California. Mrs. rrancn will remain in ban trancisco several weeks longer. Mr. Fiord Answer. To Tim Editok : Just a few word?, with your kind per mission, regarding my challenge to Mr. Hugh Gouilay to debate the money question. It came about in a very, pleasant street conyersation after a little debate upon the question before the Students Literary society, in which we had participated. I had no idea that the matter would grow to the proportion it iias. Mr. Gourlay's few remarks be fore the eociety were the strongest, most vigorous and logical presentation of the golii Btandard policy I have over had the I pleasure to listen to. To mo they were au intellectual treat. I only challenged him to 11 joint discussion because of an abiding faith in the justice of my cause atd for the further reason that there neeins to he too studied an auxiety on the part of its opponents to consider the cause of silver "dead and petrified." If Mr. Gourluy will discuss the ques tion that the guld standard is (or will be) a benefit to the people of the United States, I will yladly meet him at such time aB may be mutually ogte?able. In which event I will do my utmost to give him the historical fact he desires, to getherwith other hinoricil facts that ure absolutely neceuary to a fair con-1 I elderation of the question. If Mr. ' Htti fom"' tnt 'er little ones are im Gourlay will not debate, Is there not in ! "wved more by the pleasant Syrup of the whole ranks of the triumphant gold wl,Bn 111 need of the laxative effect Btandard org.tnizition of Wnuo county I o a ntle remedy, than by any other, eomo one who will give a reason for the Cfiildren enjoy it arid it benefits them, lalth that is within him? In tllla latter 'Tno true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man. event, I wcmld retire from what muv ap-1 pear as a icii-conatituted champion of Uie biinetnlhts of Wasco county to a larje number of whom I am a per.feot stranger but will say, In thoir behalf that from their own ranks they will (..aat ...... n...l ..II 1 .. . .. , " mm UIU matter would be placed ,n the hands of j . proper committee. - As to the remarks of Mr. Gourlay con- corning me personally, I -desire to say I regard them na extremely unkind 'and unworthy of the genial, whole-souled gentleman he is, nnd n8 1 lmve nlwnys found him. For the nonce I overlook thuin. Fi:ki Fi.oi:. BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco MTiiro lioiue. -tf Clark it Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Clark & Falk'a drug fitoek is new fresh and complete. Clarke A Fnlk have on sale n full line of paint and nrtiot's brushes. Uee Olurko&Fulk'e quinine hnir tonic to keep dandruff from tlio'.head, You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's euro euro for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarko & Fiilk'o pure concentrated flavoring extracts. i Vlrtrnl Infirm will mlrp Willi! nlllimilllt? and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Latest thine in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones atDonnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nieb25-tf G. H. Appleton, justice of peace Clarksburg, K. J., BayB, "DeWitt'B Little Early Kieere are the best pills made for constipation. We uee no others." Quicklv cures all liver and bowel troubles. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tutiou. D. B. Johnston of ltichmund, Ind., has been troubled with that ail ment since 1802. In sneaking of it he savs: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber lam's rain lialm. it acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Cure IlendncliH Oulckly. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel erv Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and "o cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24 Gw J. I. Bevry, Locanton, Pa., writee, I am willing to take my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use ot One Minute Cough Cure after doctore failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves nnd cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says "jvouoi uyepepsia tjure mu me more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Chrildren all like it," writes II. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remeuv that gives irr mediate results, Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. L. T. Travis, ncent Southern R. R., Selinn, Ga., writes: "1 can not say too much in praise of One Minute Cough Lure, in my case it worked like a charm." The only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis nd all throat and lung troubles. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are eold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet glvee immediate relief. "5 and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug giste. Lost. Somewhere either on Ninth, Union or feecond street, ae far east as Washington, a gold enameled pin ; crescent shaped. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at this olhce, or Mrs. Phillips' millinery tore. jo5.3t J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., savs, "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles, nut i cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infalliblefor piles and ekin diseasee. Bewara of cotinter- titB. The Modern .Mother "tortured by the California Fig Syrun Pn n.,l.. Dl-GUNfO ONE CriD A rrtr- mmm. m mm " Oil I IJ aiiaiSffi rlLLO tof&fetegWU SSS& Honda, Sealed proposals will bo received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles Citv, Oregon, at said city until S :I?0 o'clock p. m. of the 2(1 day of Feb., 1000, for twentv-flve thousand dollars; and twenty thousand dollars, of refund ing water bondB of said city, (as it is not settled as to whether the total amount of hondswill be $25 000 or $20,000) au thority is extended to the said board to issue refunding water bondB in the sum of jlM.OOO, but if found not to bo lu'ces sarv, the issue will be for no more than $20,000; and nt a rate of interest not ex ceeding four per cent per annum pav ablo twenty years from date of issue, interest payable semi-annuallv, ptlnci ptvl and interest payable in gold coin of the United States, at any city therein, nt the option of the buyer. The bonds inentioti'ul will bo issued under the provisions of thu several leg islative acts of the state of Oregon, ap proved Feb. 2(5, 18S5, Feb. 10, 18.SS), and Feb. 14, 1805, and in pursuance of an or dinance adopted by the common council of Dalles Citv, npproved January 25, 1000. The proposed refunding water bonds are intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonds in tho sum of $25,000; but in case the board of water commissioners prefer, it will issue re funding bondB for $20,000 only, therefore bidders may make proposals for both if25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi nation of $500 each. No bid will bo entertained for a rate less than par value of the bonds. Prem iums and rate of interest will be taken into consideration in passing on the value of all bids. Bidders must depo3lt with the presi dent of the board a dulv certified check on some responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of the airount of bondB hid for, or accompany his bid with cash of such amount as will equal such per cent of his hid, and such certified check made payable to the president of the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Or., as liquidated damages in case the bidder shall fail or neglect to receive nnd pay for, at the office of the city treasurer of said city, the bonds awarded to him on his bid, on or before the first day of March, 1000. Attention should he given the fact that the board will not issue and dispose of more than $20,000 of such refunding bonds, unless it snail bo deemed neces sary to do so, but otherwise, if th board shall find that it is necessary to issue bonds in the sum of $25,000, it will then offer nnd issue the full sum, ($25,000). Tho right-to reject any nnd all bids is reserved by the said board of water commissioners. Bids should be addressed to the presi dent of eaid board, or to the city record er. Dalles City, Wnsco county," Oreeon. and noted "Proposals for refunding water ootids. ' By order of the Board of Water Com mission, by and wit It the consent of the Common Council. Tliia 25th day of January, 1000. T. J. Seufkkt, ff- S.J President of Board, Attest: NeoH.'Gatkh, Recorder of Dallea City. Write "Laundry" on the New Leaf. In tnrning over the new leaf for 1900 has it occurred to you to try our work? Peorile who have, eoy it's all right Remember there is no charge connected with our collection and delivery system Ring up Condon 'phone 341, or long distance 062. Dam.ek Laumiky Co., Cor. Third and Federal Sts. Saali lu lour C'l-.tick. All conntv warrants registered nrior to April l, ibo. win ne noid at mv office. Interest ceases after Jan. 8tn. r-uu. u. 1,. I'uiLMPs. Conntv Treasurer. All persons wishing to take children, either boye or gi'is, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of tho Boys' and Girls' Aid Societv of Oregon. t Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ngea. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. 7IUEI). W.WM.KON. ATTOllN K Y.AT LAW, Ofllcc ovct Klnt Nat. llVui. 'I'llf.1 Mil I t'U M,L,r. CATARR CI.KANSINO and nou;;o CUIUS BUii CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm liiy and plejiant to uontaiiij no lu Jiirioua drili;. ll U quick ly abeorbed. It Opens ftufl C'letiuca uivcd llllpr at. nniui tho Nil J'Msaaei; tAI r U. IJ gm a t , AlbralnHjunrnMn UULU4U ntHU itlon. jieaii iTotecw tho Membrane. Iteatorcs the ' ft?.3Sf. T'" BmelU JW Hue. SO centi at Dru; ( mimULm, M Wwrca 8Ut, Nw York. Administrator's Notice. deceiued, uiidii,ff by virtue f "an ' ,mTr 2 'XZ.TtiX i'mrt of "ill, day of l)vtemU-r. 1M, all httiln J oM Inn "?, '" ""I" eitate are hereby notified I to tVrt Milt thomimo with the pro-r voucher" am i ilV mlflea at the pftlca of' uttori ey, Krw W WIUou i rruo , a0S, Oregon, wj thin ili woiithH from tbc dale of 111 iiotlco "x Dated Tl.e,Ill; Oregon, Jan! tm ' Janao-St ' J'' K; SAI'AHIIi:, ' 01 Adniitilatrator. Proposals fur IlefunillnK Water Dallra City Oregon. v n tlKI'AKT mi; T1MK SCIIKDtll.K, l'UOM DAt.LK.S. AUIltVK l'UOM. Hntt Midi 11M5 p. in Suit l.nki', IHmvcr, It.! Knt Mull aiM in Worth. Oilman, hmi nif. City, St. Unils, Clili'iiK'ii Hial Kftst. RtioliHlie I'lyiT Wnlln WiiIIk, Hrioknne, Hpnkniio Flyer. 4 :'-'; n. m Mliini'imolli. Ht. I'litll, 7:0A i. m. i) 11 la til, Mllnunkix', ciiH'iico una r.iim. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. I'kom ror.Ti.ANt). (Htiiii Htciunnliltit. For hull FrnncliTii Dcccnilior :t. s, 1,1, is, 2!i mid 'js. 8 1. m I y. m. Kx.htmdn) Kx.miuunr (,'otumbln Uv. Htctimcra. To Astohi.v una uy landings. Rntnniay 10 )i. 111. i a. m. WlLLAUKTTE RIVER. I 4:30 p. m. OrcRon City. NcwbtTR, Kx.Hundity Halcm .V Way land's. Kx. Sunday 7 a. m. WlLLAMTTTJC AND YAM- :i:M i I p. m. Tuc,Thur. 1IIM. KIVKP.S. Mllll. , WC1 auu sat Orepnii City, Pnytmi, and Frl. aim uy-ijuuiitif;i. 6 ii. m. TucTlmr, and But. WII.I.AMKTTK IllVKR. I l:"J))i. til. I'nrtlniiil to Corvallls, .Mini. Wrd 1 nnd Wny-l.amllMKs. ) mill l'tldny HNAKK IllVKR. Itlpurlu to luvltoii. 1.KAVK 1.KWISTIIN dully S:"i) it. m. l.v IMparln daliy 1:2 u. m. - Turtles desinmr toco to llctnuior slinald take No. I, lciivlnc '1 lu- Dulli's at T:0." ji. m milking dlrvctcDiitientloii!, at livpinicr Jmii'tlnii liutiirnlnR miikingdlroctcoimeetiou at Hupiuicr jiinidlou with No. 1. urrivliiR at Tbu Iiulles at -;.Vi i. m. No. 91, tlirnucht freight, cast bound, dues not curry pHsecngcrh; arrives 'J:5U a. in., departs :i:oOu. in. No. 'JI, local Irclsht, cnrrlcs pusfoiiKcra, east Dounu; urnve4:yup. ni ueiuirDt :i.i p. in. No. 'Jl, wvit bound thriiUKh frelKlit, doo.s not carry passcngerN; arrives s:15 p in., dcparU j.m p. m. No. 'J3, west bound local freight, curries pas cngcr!; arrives o:iu p. in., departs h:;aiii. m. For full particulars call on O. H. 6i N. Co.'s agent Thu Dalles, or address W. II. HUltLHUKT. den 1'a.i. Agt., Portland, Or, Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DONNELL, THEiDRUCCIST. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICH ELL, Undertaker and Mate. THE DALLES, OREGON, Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3iAi aas onv awoa Physician and Surtjeon, BjkicUI attention given to surgery, corns 2L.U2J, Tol.3JJ v.ijt Ulock f i f IS ! C. F- Stephens .Doaler In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoos. Huts, Cntih, Notions, for V. U HollKliiN rilioc. A?t. Telcihntii' No. Wi, lit I Second Sit., The Dalles, Or, C. S. Smith, tii i: ilp-to-date (Jroeer Freeh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. . fi. UCIIINK, I'rcaldcnt. a. m. Caahlui first National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted .ueposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Might and Telegraphic Exchange sold on new i or, nan franciaco unc Port land. QIRlcnTnwH D. P. Thomphon. Jno. 8. Schkhok. Ed. M. Wh.liamb, Gko. A. Likbe. a. M. Ukai.i.. THe coiomtiia PaGkingCo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ilANUKACTU ttKKb OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIKD BEEF, ETC. ' FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THANH ACT A JSNKItAMlA.NKINU MUHINItU Letters of Credit issued avuilahle in the I, ...... t" . . . nlullt .xelinnuB an. I t..i , ... ht. Louis, Son FranoiHco. PnrtlnnH n5J , w. u uuim If I i 11I1W 1 firir fl1llrln JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ollleenvcr French & Co.1 Hank i'liiine c, T1IK I', uitKdON , r. mcqmjc, JOHN OAVIN M00KE & GAVIN, ATrOKNKVB AT UW. Itoom. S-j and jo, oyer U. S. uUii Olllce. r to to The Chronicle, The DqIIcd, On. dob Printers. m SUM IX TK ClltCUIT t of OrcRini, for thu C SUMMONS. oritT or THE riTATt OrcRon, for thu County of Viico. llolle Jlctirivy, iiliilntllf, Vh Tlimnaii Mi'droovy, dt'lundiint. To Thoniai Modtuovj', dofondant' lu tho Nimiu of tho Hlato of Oruim, You (tt lirrcby required to mii.'iir and nimwer tlicocm Vlidnt lllcd nKiiliiht vim In thu aliovu until1! cult within ton duys irom thodiituot thcturvlH ol this riiimmntiN upon ou, If Hvrvod ivlthta this (dimity: or If xcru-d within any ntlitt County ot thin Hlnlo, then within iwiniy dji from Hit' date of tho nervlfc of this fiimmntu . UMin you or If Mirvod utmu von bv uubllullnu i j thereof, thou on or boforv tbu hmt dny nt the iiiiio piL'sLriiK'u in inc iirour lor iniiiucunog, tn-u It. on or bvfore Hlx wi ckh Irom the date of tbu llrnt iitibllcatlon huruof. nnd 11 you full) la nnaiver, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to thu Court for tbu rullef pnijed for in her t'ompbihrt, to-wlt, that the marrlageon tiaut now oxUthiK between iiliilutill' and 4 fi'lidimt Im forever dissolved nnd that pldnllf bo iiwnrdod the exultmlve custody ol thu minor children of pliilnilU'iuid defendant. This hiiiiiiiiniiH u nvrviMl umiii you by pilbUtt lion thereof, pursuant to thu ordor of mlilCli cull Court, mude and entered mi Hie lUlli lUftf January, l'.M), reUlr1nB Ihv piibllCHtion hertof for six cousenuttvti weeks, ooinineneliin Jitinun VU, 1V00, the date of the llrst miblleatlon. IIUNTINGTON A WII.80.V, Jan :ti .'t Attorneys fur I'Ulnllir. NOTICE. Adininistratnr's Hale of Real Estate, Notice l hereby (tlrrn that the iuidenilgnl J. H. I'erKiiusoii, wliiiliiUtriitor of the estnleol l.ydln A. Itlclinrilsou, drcciisul, In pursuiuiec o( an order of the Honorable County Court of lh Htato of On-Kon for Wiiscu county, duly ma and eutnred on thy 4th (lay of .laiinttrv, ivtt, will from mid after the. l,Mb day of hebruury, 1W0, proi'ood to sell nt private sale for cash lu hand, till of the follmvliiK described real estate, bulonr Iiib to the I'Htato of mild Lvdia A. Ulclmnlwii, dm'acd,to-wlt. Thu noithweitiiunrlerof the Nouthwent nau ter, and south hall of thu nor'lnvest tiuaitor and thu soutliwvNt iiiinrlur of tho nnrtlienit niiirrcr of Hutlnn thri-c in township four (I) south ol nuiKc thirteen (l;i) east rf he Wlllamutto merld Inn, lu Wasco enmity, OrcKon: also that evrula Vhvi or parcel of land particularly bounded and ileserlbed as follows: CoinmencliiK '-'I rudstod 12)4 n-et west n! tliu nmthonst ennier of UK himtluvcst iiiarlur of section three (Hi In town ship four (1 south of miimi thirteen (Hi) emlol thu U niiiiiiotto iiierlillan lu Wasco enmity, Ort Kiili. and riiiinliiK tlienco uorili OUU'llltll iiiiicl thencu west Ml nid.i and VX leet: thetitu south oiio.lnilf mile, and thuueu east Ml rods mid l)j feet to the iibicuof beKliiliiliK. save and oxcirpt therefrom four lots In Itlnhiirdum's Addition in tlieTowu idT)Kli, which bin been heretofore sold mill roll Wl ill : Dim I r ii el nluivi. rli'tcrltivdln- clinlliiKHlluf suld KIchariUon'N Addltbm to th liiwr. of Tvuh. ns laid out mill titntieil noil re corded lu ti,u ltecords n( Deed fur Wanco comity, OrvKoii, said real estate above dwcritwi coiitiiluliiK 210 iiures, moru or less. Any norsoiideslrliiiriiforiiiHtloii with relereill'C III Nil 111 re.ll eMtilli. rilinlllfl nll in ,tr ullilr.iv, lilt' It .Iniiutltm City, oregnn, or my nttiiriieys, Hufur Menefeu, at Tho Ualles. Oreiron. Dated thl12th day of Jantiury, lOeO. , . , , J. H. FKlt(It!KMI.V, , Ariirliilstrnlnrof tho Eslnteof I.mIIii A Ilicli- aidsoii,deeeiised. lii'n'ii a MxNKrisE, Attorneys for Administrator. MJ'" NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract, ) PtiUllc Laud fmle. Land Oikiuk atTiik J)ai.i.kc, OukuusI .lull. H, HW., i , notice la hereby Klvun tlmt In iiinsiiiuiw ol liutrueiions from the com mlnsliiiiur ol tin) ;irnl land olllce, under uuthorlty vested In W by xectlon "IM U. H. Itev. atai., n ainvlideil bv the not of coiiurnsN npproved Kubrunry lifi wu u 111 proceed to oiler at liuhllo sale on enM ' ", I7th day of Fobruary next, at tho hour lU oV wok, a, in., ut this olllce, thu hillntt'lnf tract of land, tow ll- ,i. '"iwnil l't 1 nnd a, Hoc. 2a, T. 1 J. l. r, vt . Jl. , AtlV Mllll .ill linruih. nt.l.rtl.,.. a.U'i.r.nlV ihC alKivuilvserllKil liinds ate advised tit llw H'if elalniHln this miir... .... ... i. ,...... .i, ,ii- hIkjvo ililKiuited for thvcoiuiuuueuiiioiit of mht le' othetwlse their rights will Im- forfeltvd. JAY I', U'CAB, KefsiMtur, niiKi-l oi'JH J'ATJ'KltHO.S', Kwoiver. ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run except Sunday. Itutee Beaonable. Telephone 201. j W. A. GATES, Prop.