21) c Dulles .VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1900. NO 144 THE SHI? SUBSIDY BILL lis Cbaiices of Passing Are Slim, the House JAMES j. till! OPPOSES IT Friends of the Measure Patching It Up to Make it Acceptable to a Majority. Wahminoton, Jiui, 27. So strong is tlm opposition of the Hhippin;; subsidy hill ui Home quarte-H o( the Republican party Unit 11 peat many amendments will hi; inuile before it in reported to cither house. Tim eh mint! of front of Jumcs J. Hill, who supported thu bill in the InHt connroHe, hut opposes it now, li!H sat n ureal many advocates for the hill to thinking, becansu of Hill'B in llucncc in the Northwestern stiitec. It will take onlv u few Republicans in the house to defcut the bill, mid unless It in greatly modified, even its frionds do not expect thnt it will pass. Tim best judges of the Bituation in the Semite say thuy iiro unable 10 determine what the vote ia likely to he on the seat ing of ijuay. It is intereHtinp to note, however, that the opponents of Beating are much more confident thun they were a eliort time ago, while Qtiuv advocates have begun to lose iiope. There is a possibility of the ease being called up some time next week, if the debate on thu financial bill lagB. It Ib quite proba ble that thecase will be Bottled with ouiy n very few speeches, the legal aspects of ttie case being well known, and the further fact being apparent that it is only Quay's personal pull that can over turn former precedents. Democratic leaders, mid especially the eemUorB and representatives from the South, are hoping that Senator Prltchurd anil other Republicans will continue the ilisctisfiiou of the race question in the 'South, as they are already making the mi tuut irutcuiiuii ui i nc iicuru vuiuu will bo nmde an issue by the Republic ans. The Demoorats of the South are awiiro there is no hope tor themselves in thu national fight, uud each is trying to save himself on the bugaboo of negro control, .lust what Pritehard's object is, is luird to say, although he Is foicing a Kraut iiiuny 1'opulists to support him in North Carolina, but it is believed be will luse heavily in the white districts. Yuur Fnu Shows thu ntate of your feelings and the statu of your health ad well. Impure blond mukea Itself uppu-ont in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples uud Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weal: and worn, out and do not have a heulthy appearance you bhould try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood dlsuitses where cheap Sarsaparlllas and no called purlliers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Hlnkcley & Houghton, druggists. Royal BAKING Powder -Absolute ivta re Makes the food more deficSous and wholesome OVAl tAKIWO OWPtH CO.. htw VOOK. Monteclto about WnylHltl unit Killed. h Chohhk, Wash.. Jun. 'J7. At 7 o'ulonk last night Samuel 11. Clemens "hot and killed George Poland, the bullet htriking the centerof the nose and penetrating the skull. Clemens then mounted a horee and escaped. Officers have not obtained a traco of his where nhoulfl. Clemens la a farmer near here, and had a young daughter, who ran away from home a week ago, Last "'Kht, while flhe was on the way to a iiiusqimrndo ball, in company with Geo. Holaud and two .others, Clemens way 'ih! them and shot without warning. Mill U. Armour, Jr., Demi. I'ahadk.va, Oal., Jan. 27. Nows has boon received of the sudden death of 'hll U. Armour, Jr., at Monteolto, near bantu Barbara. Until Thursday ybuug Mr. Armour appeared to be iu his usual health. Ho wus 111 twenty-four hours, d his death was due to congestion of lo lungs. That was all the family here fo Informed about his untimely end. Armour left Pasadena tho fliet of last week and had been at ten Says. t A 'special train was engaged to take Velat'ive lana ifriends frbra Pasadena to 'Santa Bkrbara. On the advice of his physician,' P. T). Armour, sr., father of the -young man, did not go, his health being delicate. Mr. Armour is Btaiiding the shock well. His son was thirty-one yoarB old. lie left ChlcHgo three weeks ago in excellent health and came to I'n'ttdena with hie party in his private car. CMtarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reacii the seut of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internallyi and acts directly on tho blood and iiiucoub surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not u quack medicine. It was wits prescribed by one of the best phyuicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puritieis, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chk.vky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold hv drruggists, price 7ic. Hall's. Family Pills are the bent. 12 BOERS POSTED AT REITFONTEIN Meyer Surrounded Mcthucn's Infantry Killing and Wounding Twenty-three. ltuu Ovur By Btreet-Car. Abtouia, Or., Jan. 27. Edgar OjwoH, a 0-year-old boy, was run over by a Btreet-car this afternoon, and will with out doubt die before morning. He was playing with another boy, and ran direct ly in front of the car, that was moving along slowly. Both of the boy's TegB we're horribly mangled, and the rear wheels ot the car stopped on his body. A crowd noon collected and lifted the car so that the body could be removed. No blame is attached to the motorman, as the passengers and several people on the sidewalk eaw the accident and ex onerated him from any lack of care. London, .Ian. 28, 4 :30 a. m. The only news issued by the war office durini! the night was a dispatch from Lord Roberts, dated yesterday (Saturday), stating that the situation is unchanged, and that General French reporte a reconnoissance of the enemy's position Thursday, when he found t lie Uoers strongly posted at Pietfontein. Tho maps do not show any such place in the region of General French's operations, and it is probable that Ritfontein, ten miles north ot Colesburg, is the place alluded to. A special dispatch from Coleeburg, dated Wednesday. January 24, says that Commandant Lucas Meyer's commando surprised and surrounded a strong body of General Methuen's infantry, killing and wounding twenty-three and captur ing fifteen. The absence of news from the front is causing public attention to turn to the approaching opening of parliament, and speculation as to how the government will meet tbe attacks on it with regard to the causes and conduct of the war, a foretaste of which has already been given in the speed es of John Morley and others in the paBt week. The govern ment's defense is perhaps foreshadowed by the speeches made at Birmingham last evening by Jesse Collins and J. Austin Chamberlain. Notice to Voters. A irientrul Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald.cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, elons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. (July "o cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Large 1'eunloii to Salem Ainu. Wasiiinoto.v, Jan. 22. Senator Simon bus secured the allowance of a pension of $72 a month for Levi P. Adams, of Salem, Or. This petition dates back to October 20, 1890. Tho senator , had some difficulty in securing this allowance, be cause of its extent, uud it is seldom that an allowance ot f i "J a inontu is now se cured, except by special act of congress, and if pending legislation goes through it will be impossible to secure this amount, even by special act. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe," Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never falling remedy, It cures coughf, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and luag troubles. Its .early use prevents con sumption. It is the only harmless remedy thatglveB immediate results. F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot bo recommended too highly. It cured me of sovere dyspepsia." It di gests what yon eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dys pepsin. llorH for dale. Thirty head of good horsos, weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs. To bo seen at Jacob McKeynold's place, 15 mlleB east from The Dalles. For further particu lars address, . Stkauhb Bitot)., jan24 mw Tho Dalles, Or. Under the provisions of the registra tion law ull persons when registering are required to, furnish to the register ing officer the following information : If naturalized, the time, place, and court of naturalization. In' this con nection, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, nr declaration of intention. Residence must be specific; giving precinct, eectiou, township and range; If within town or city, the street, No. if any, and No. of lot und block ; if in any building where rooms are numbered, the number of the room and floor must be given. In order to avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience, every person desir ing to register should be pi enured to furnish the above information. Facilities will be furnished in eyery precinct iu the county by either Justice of the Peace or Notary Public. A. M. Kki.s.vy, dec4-30dys County Clerk. Spokaue Uiieau't Fumigate. Washington, Jan. 27. The postoffice department has received reports from Spokane, Wash., showing that the order to fumigate mail leaving that place for British Columbia has not as yet been carried out. The reports are that neither the postmaster nor health officials there believe it necessary to disinfect the malls, because they think the smallpox scare to be unwarranted. The. epidemic now in evidence there, they say, is chicken- pox. Tbe postonicq department has, however, reiterated its instructions directing the postal officials there to dis infect tlimaijs. Tbe reports from Spo kane state that Nelson B. O,, Is the only place that lias declared quarantine against Spokane. Kossland, B, C, is willing to receive mall from Spokane without disinfection. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold iu twelve hours, or moiiey refunded, 25 cts. aud 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, druggists; Subscribe for The Chronicle, , DRINKERS OF YERBA. Beverage That Is Popular South America. in Peculiar Method of Making; and Drlnklno- the Commonly Vied Decoction Foreigners Soon Like It. An effort was successfully made i Russia a few years ago to introduce ns a fashionable drink the yerba mate, South American product of the nature of tea. Russians, being inveterate tea drinkers, were not averse to trying new decoction, and mate became a fa voritc beverage, although it was even tually served in the same Way that tea was, the samovar being found equal ly us-eful for it. The fancy for thi drink is said to be spreading, owing t uts dccided.'y soothing properties While not so much of a narcotic as eof' fee, it is equally stimulating and pos sesscs a nutritive quality that is not found in either tea or eofl'cc. To th Jesuits who cstabliflfed in Paraguay the first South American missions owing the preservation und spread of the custom of taking mate. Before thej arrival of the Jesuits the Indians had been mate drinkers, but had not ciilti vatcd the herb. The Spaniards at firs oeiieveii me urinuing oi it to Ue a per nicious habit, and forbade it, but when analysis tshowed its mtdieinul proper ties its use was sanctioned. Since then it is seldom that a foreigner lives si:, months in the country without becom ing a mate lover. -Mate is properly the name of the bowl or cup in which the herb is taken .verba being the name of the herb. The ordinary bowls used are dried gourds. polishcu, with an opening made in oiu end. One of them is bound arcund the uiuuiii wun snver; me tune used s o'f silver with a perforated bu'.b at one end. This end is inserted in the cup after the yerba has been put in. Three teaspoonfuls would be the allowance for these cups, which are the size of a good big orange, and hold perhaps half a pint of liquid. A little cold water "sets" tlie yerba. and then belling water is added, just as tea is made. The first few drawa at the tube cannot be swal lowed, as the yerba comes up; after that only the liquid wt'.l rise. In serving mate the servant or who over prepares it must take the first few draw. The cup is then presented to the gutst, ::nd in a party of people caoh person is expected to partake from the same cup and tube. This practice is ex tremely unpleasant 10 foreigners, and sometimes debars them from learr.J to take mate, for lie who is a mate drinker and refuses the "bombilla" the tube because others have used it, will give mortal offense. This drink and a dry biscuit consti tute the errtire breakfast of the Spanish speaking world of Chili, Paraguav, Uru guay, the Arguitine UepubJlc und a great part of Brazil. Taken by the peons, or laborers, at early dawn when they start out, it is the only food they get or cure for until the midday meal. Some idea of its nutritive and sustain ing qualities can thus be obtained. N. V. Tribune. Waterworks For ilaker City. Bakek City, Or., Jan. 27. The tax payers of Baker City today voted on a propositon to issue bonds for $100,000 to purchase the Elk-creek water right and to pipe water ten mijes to this city. Out of 2500 men aud women of legal age here, about COO are entitled to vote. The total vote. cast was 450. Three hundred and eighty-four voted for the bonds for the gravity water system, and seventy-two against it. There is great rejoicing over the result. That Throbbing Ileuilucliu Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. Kiug's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them, Only 25 cents, Money back not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 The modern and most effective cure for constipatipn and all liver troublee the famous little pills known asDeWlll'i Little Early Risers, Itvllvf of Mafekiu-r. Lourenco Maiiquks, Jan. 27. It Is re ported oti good Transvaul authority that Mafeking was relieved January 23. Clarke & Folk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Do You need a new pair of Pants? No charge for shortening, lengthening, or pressing. They must fit. If you do, and if you want the Best Pants oh Earth at $2.50 Come to Us. We at all times offer iroorl value in Pants at jthis price, prob ably better than is customar3 at other stores, but th'is week we have "sone them one better" by adding to our regular 2.50 lines our entire stock of B2.75 and 3.00 Pants, includiug nobby patterns in worsteds, kerseys, cassimeres and cheviot smooth and goods that are rough, in stripes checks from which you can make a good selection for every day or Sunday wear. goods that arc mixtures and AT A PAIR. Black Clay Worsted Pants of excellant quality and permanent color guaranteed . Not all sizes, but very probably yours. See East Window. A. IH. Williams & to, STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana'thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choico, but tho standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of Third and Federal Street, Phone 341. THE DALLES. OR. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle. A TlKIUHHIIll ToIlgUfK Could not express tho rapture of Annie Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking con 11 that for many years had made life a burden, All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but ehe says of this Itoyal Curo "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something 1 cap scarcely remember doing before, I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe," So will every oue who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forum- trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c and$l. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store; eyery bottle guaruuteed. 5 If you want pure und fresh drugs you can buy them at the P. 0, Pharmacy Clark & Falk, proprietors. ' H-illlnc. Hut Nut IUmkIj . Tjie red nosed vagrant atopped the preoccupied citizen at tha street corner. "Ileg pardon, sir," he said, "but may 1 ask " "You may ask if you want to," inter rupted the preoccupied citizen, "but E can't tell you. 1 don't know when thu blamed century begina." And he hurried on. Hltuutiim WaututJ. A young man wants situation iu sheep camp. Address, II, Djutu, jaii20-lw The Dalles, Ore.