The Great Clothing Sale Is On. Tho marvelous offerings during the past two weeks linvo been so liberally responded to by our many patrons Hint wo have boon inspired to still greater efforts for the bill u rice of tho month. Men's all wool suits $3.85 Men's nil wool suits 4.85 Men's all wool cheviot suits C.85 Men's fancy worsted and sorgo suits 7.85 Men's all wool blue serge and cheviot suits, single and double breasted 9.85 It will be well for yon to remember that this isn January Clearance Kale and cannot last much longer. Hats. Hats. The latest styles and latest shapes at clearance sale prices. Dry Goods Department. Our inventory sale is in pro gross and wo have sales each day on special lines to clear them out that wo may have room for a largo and well selected stock of SPRING GOODS that have been bought, but do not get the impression that there are not a great many good things to bo bought cheap that are an absolute necessity the year round. Today we are offering a swell line of Plaid Sku;t Patterns at $5-i3 that cannot be bought cheaper at any lime of the year. All GoodH Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. .SATCUIMY - J AN U All Y 'J7, MOO Oysters horvcil In every htyle by KELLER. ()- WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "A .Southern Hose" At the Vogt tonight, liy the "Oheurful Liar" Company. After iv lull of two weeks, to t.How the clerks to attend to registration matters, revived IiihI Itertio od permiB- HIH llt rry. Evans completed the license business today, and John T. Gr Waller, of Hood River, smn of tho county to uommiHsioner a. u. I'jV a thorough examination of the bocks of tliu clerk's, Hhoriir'H andtreasurer's otlice before leaving for his home ut Hood River. Hu found thuin in splendid con ihtion and all public fundti accounted for. Tim play "A Southern Rose," to bo put on tonight at the Vogt, will bo m iiii'iiiliurtid by those who heard homo talent give- it noino yours ainco as "K-uimriihU," it being playod in tho "porn house over Snipes it Kinuraly'a drug store. Row Uond, of Portland, will preach t tlm Lutheran churcli Sunday evening, January '.'8th, at 7:!!0 p. in., jinstead of Rev. W. Brenner, who, having accepted ' call to Tim Dalles, will preach at J.aUamiiH tomoriow beforo moving to this city. utWTor tlie utb a fatal inni red Fisher, fell and cut hln yostor- ry. Dr. Charles, tlm younir who lives on Ninth at himself very badly iuy, almost cou Uelsuudortl'or, who was called, took several Rtitches in the cut, and lie will eooii ho all right again. Rev. U. F. Hawk roturned home last "Wit from Portland, and will conduct tlm services at hia church tomorrow. loft little Raymond in a comfortable condition, and seems hopeful that lie will now improve steadily. He also 'tiled on Mr. MacAdam and sayB he is now able to sit up a short time each day. Speaking of the disease now eo preva lent throughout the country, a lady from Moro saya that much can be done toward preventing it by adhering to tho Btnot rulea of cleanliness; that nine cases out of ten are found in homes where tilth aboundi, aud theso show too Bame carelessness in exposing their Meighbora, and thus it spreads. Khanikoia the latest boom town in lantern Oregou, being the terminus of Ll n bia Southern railroad, which, be- I fore tho invention of this outlandish and unjusiiuaimi mime, nuii mi lunmiiiiB in cither end. Such n name is not sufli ciunt to justify the building of a town larger than to hold a Elore, a postoflico and a saloon. Salem Statesman. All who attended tho Students' Liter ary Club last night greatly appreciated Dr. GeiBendorffer's uddresa on Bacteri ology. In an interesting manner lie spoko on a Bubjeet of much moment to nil. During the forty minutes which he occupied none grow restles, as is often tim case, but were attentive through out. A male quartet rendered two se lections. While Dalles audiences are often ac cused of being too cold and unupprecia tive, there is a danger of going to the other extreme and applauding promiscu ously, thus deluding the actors and dis gusting others in the audience. If there is anything of merit in a per formance, let it be given, aa the boye say, tlm "glad hand," and encourage the performers; otherwise let us at least preserve a becoming silence. It would appear to those who gn;u at the ground covered with frost each morning, thut tiie nights must be ex tremely cold; tint such has not been the case an yet, tlm thermometer going no lower than "0, and last night but '2'i. Tho fruit lias received no injury fo fur unless it might bo on the north side of the river in the vicinity of Columbus, where tho buds mayhap have bnirt. However, we linvo heard no report from there. Tho Astoria bowling team, composed of Messrs. McGowan, Wise, Johnson, Goodale, Daws and Sovey, will arrive on this evening's train nndplay our team ut the club alleys tonight. Their luck turned somewhat in the contest with the Illilioes Thursday night, when they were beuten in four straight games, with a total score of U00 to S05. Holling will begin at 8 o'clock tonight, and the lady friends of the club nro invited to be present. The Brunnlck hotel, ut Skugway, Alaska, was destroyed by fire on the morning of January 17th, witli a total loss of $10,000. The owner, E. J. Brau nick, was formerly connected with tho Mitchell, Lewis & Stuver Company in Portland. The fire atarted from a de fective flue. The thermometer was at zero, and tho wind was blowing at a 40 inilo gait. The firemen kept four streams of water on the fire, and succeeded in keeping the flames from spreading, but the hotel was a total loss. The hoard of health have ordered that no public gatherings of any kind be held in Wasco until such time as they doein it eafe for tho public health. This includes the literary, dances, church aud school. The latter was closed till further orders this morning. The city council alBo prohibited any freight, paseenKr or mail traffic from Moro to this city. The mail has been quaran tined since January 1st, but the law has been avoided, we are sorry to say. In j view of the six new cases reported at Moro, let us hope no more violations will take place, for this is a eerious matter. Nbws. MrB. M. E. Graves, Btate superintend ent of the Washington W. C. T. U., ar rived this afternoon and will spend a few days in the city in the interest of the temperence cause. BeBido apeaking in the Methodist church tomorrow morn ing and the Christian in the evening, she will address a union mass meeting at the Methodist church Monday night, in which the various churches will unite. It has been some time since a speaker of her description has visited The Dalles, and her presence will bo appreciated. Among tlm many tilings which may be Baid against the company which ap peared at the Vogt last night, there is one thing sure, und that is that they kept their promise. They advertised a cheerful liar company and verified their statement by steering as clear of the piomises made concerning the merits of the productions as possible. With the exception of perhaps seven of the nine performers, the cast was passably good. We may live in a small "country" town, but we know a good thing when wo see it and are willing to give credit where credit is due. If a company starts out on the road with the intention of doing the square thing by tho people who patronize them, they will find no more appreciative people than those of The Dalles. Hut, if, on the contrary, they pick up a job lot of actors und actresses and present a show wtth absolutely no merit to it, they will bo received ac cordingly. WARREN'S DIVISION CRUSHED. I.mlyiiiiiltli iiikI .Miift'liint; rrimuix tliu Itl'lllltll l.ilHH tit-VVIItPt-ll (iUllk JClKlit llunilrril Kllleil. The late wur news says thut a dispatch which comes from Uerlin on good authority is to the effect thut Warren's division was completely crushed. Brit ish casualties as yet unknown. Reported casualties of Wednesday were in Lyttleton's brigade. Ladyemith and Mufeking are both prisons. The only difference is, the British are eating their own provisions', according to Dr. Leyds' statement. A special in tho livening Tolegratn will suy: British lost seventeen guns; 800 killed and 1500 wounded in Tugelu battle. London is thoroughly aroused. Excitement runs high, Buller's flank movement failed and his army is retreating. It is reported that Mafeking in re lieved. But all is rumor in London. L. T. Travis, agent Southern It, R., Sellna, Ga., writes: "1 can not say too much In praise of Que Minute Cough Cure. In myj case it worked like a charm." The only harmless remedy that gives Immediate results. Cures coughB, colds, croup, bronchitis nd all threat and lung troubles. r The Teacher KntertalDetl. Superintendent Gilbert, who has ever the wclfaie juid pleasure of the teachers at heart, couuNJinagine no greater pleas ure on his birtlmaya'nnlverBury than to entertain them atwla home last even ing. And bo, eJrtiiV invitation of him self and wife, jfte professors and teach ers of the eobbol, with number of their tiends, paofed a very lippy time with them. Cards yfcontalnlng Illustrations which represented prominent elves and au thorswcre distributed to the guests and with them a card similarly numbered, and an hour of guessing be;an, which was most amusing. Gazing foa time at a boy sitting on an extra long branch, one teacher immediately jotted down Boise City, only to find that the boy had no connection with the brunch, ho always has at school, 'but that the city was Long. Branch, which name should have been as familiar to a tutor. At the close of the contest Miss Wrenn and Miss Phirman were found to be a tie for ttie prize, which, upon di awing, the latter obtained. Miss Georgia Sampson won second prize. A musical program followed, Prof. Birgfeld and Clarence Gilbert rendering a piano nnd violin duet; Miss Sampson singing two selections; and there were also two solos by Rev. D. V. Polin me. nd1 The guests then grouped around1 the tables,' which were arranged about' the parlors, and thoroughly enjoyed, the splendid lunch provided, which seemed to prepare them for renewed ac(fivity( and "Dumb Crambo, "a game somewhat resembling charades, and bringing out the iiistrionic talent of the participants, begun. So interesting did it become that midnight was far past before the guests realized how dissipated they were, and hastened to depart with hearty congratulation to Mr. Gilbert. During the evening, unknown to many of those present, Mr. Gilbert was called iieidj aud presented with an ap propriate gift, with the compliments of the tcaciiers of the Dalles schools. Th i-ii He Will Meet Tlimn. The, Jan. 27, 1900. EniTon CmtoNicLE : As the Times-Mountaineer has taken the pain: to notify its readers that I hve refused to - debate the "money question" with Mr. Fred Floed I am deeply impressed with the conviction that a matter of such transcendant im portance to tho world should net escape the notice of the readers of tiie Ciihoni ci.u. Alas for the regret of the "hi metalists," who would flock to such a discussion as they would to a deadly conflict between two barnyard roosters, Mr. Gourlay is not seeking somebody to tramp on tiie tail of his coat. He has discussed the ''money question" with Mr. Fioed, backed by two men as able ub himself. It was u case of three to one and Mr. Floed, with the others, in stead of meeting tiie arguments like a man, contented himself with getting up on his hind legs and howling calamity. What is the use of wasting powder on such a disputant? I have never learned to lisp tiie first accents of calamity and would have no show with a past master of that lugubrious art. But if the "bimetalists" insist upon a discussion of this dead and almost pet rified issue ot It! to 1, I promise here and now to accommodate them when Mr. Floed, or any other silver champion, points out a solitary instance in all human history when under free coinage of any metal tho stamp of tho govern ment added anything to the value of the metal stamped. The whole question of a so-called double standard is involved in this. If gold and silver will not cir culate side by side when coined free at a false ratio, bimetalism is an irredescent dream and 10 to 1 is nothing can be nothing but silver monometallism. Huon Gouiilay. That Throbbing flentlaclie Would quickly leave you, if you nsed Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.. Money back if not cured. Solii, by Blakeley & Houghton, druggistB. 1 Situation Wanted. A young man wants situation in a sheep camp. Address, H., jan20-lw The-Dalles, Ore. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts am the beBt. Ask your itrocer for them. Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware ot counterfeit and worthless salve oflertd for DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Do Witt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. VOGT Opera House F. J. Clarke, Manager. To-night A Southern Rose PRICES: Ganeral admission 35c Reserved seats 50c Children 25c Rpservpd ppats on sale at Clarke & Falk's drugstore. FREE With every one dol lar purchase at our store during January and February we will give a chance on a $50 j H Aluminized Garland Steel Eange. piaie r & Ben Grocery Dbb 1 Wo havo added to our largo slock of staple and fancy gro ceries, a lino of fresh vegetables and solicit a sharo of your patronage. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. w Q W m Q W w A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oits, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowell's Kvergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaflir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Rose Potatoes, llurbank Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staplo and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocerv Store of J. H. CROSS. w d U SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. Telephone your order for California Oaulidour California Cabbago, California Sweot Po tatoot, Celery, Roots, Turnips, Rutabagas, Also Oranges, Bananas, Lemons. Pis &' Marc 2, I The Great STEEL and MALLEA- B-LE IRON RANGES, Wajestic Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Ivomoinbor that wo aro soiling tho same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whioh is a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 ovor prico charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. Write for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidonco." I J MAYS & CROCUE. 1 &wATwi.ylrrWTryrMwTry