For a Nice Suit of Clothes. 1'an 1 1 up, Ovciwatlu-or Fancy Vesting. Kindly call nnd examine my stock of Im ported and U nestle Woolens. A Hue stock t elect from. , ... ,,,i. Butts made from t be lowest prices to the lilRti ml grade. J, A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. niK dai.i.i. oitroox. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BCBBCKirXIOX 1'KICE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 SATURDAY - - JANUARY 127, 19C0 Elsewhere in this issue will be found a news item, taken from yes terday's Oregonian, giving a brief account of the organization of n Re publican club, on the lines suggested by Mr. Scott. The club platform declares for harmony in the party, fair primaries, unpledged delegates to county conventions nnd advocacy and promotion of Republican prin ciples, to the end that Republican candidates in national, state nnd local affairs shall be elected. A strong resolution, endorsing the Oregoninn's stand, was passed with out a dissenting vote. As will be seen, The Oregonian gave the move its editorial endorsement, predicting success for the club. Its president is General Owen Summers, the old war-horse of the Second Oregon. Such a selection bespeaks the virtue of the position of the Oregonian, and its large support, in its labors for representative Republicanism. The congressional committee of the second district has made a call, through Chairman McCaruant, for a meeting at Portland on February 1G, 1900. Kentucky seems upon the verge of civil war, more extensive than any of the fends sinco the days of 1801-5. It can liardly be avoided unless Goebel gives np his position of using his partisan machinery to oust ollicials, legally elected and seated. Warren was not defeated, tiu t he fought for a barren victory, it seems, as he did little more than the ancient hosts who matched up the hill, nnd then marched down again. The lioers made, it so warm for the English general that he abandoned Spionkop, after capturing it. The organs of anti-expansion arc making merry over the speech of Senator lievendge because ho left the lower levels of prosaic nrgument to indulge in rhetoric mid flighls of fancy, says The Oregonian. Theso are the same journals that wore re cently bemoaning the decline of ora tory in congress. 1 "Weather man," 1$. S. Puguc, form erly of Portland, but of late stationed nt Chicago, has been praising Chicago's elegant January weather, and, incidentally, gave Oregon some t deserving advertising by stating that it was the regular Oregon brand of weather. Pnguo is a good man in the weather business, and like nil Oregonians, is loynl to his state. A correspondent of the Engineer and Mining Journal, writing from Birmingham, Ala., declares that in !B99 "Alabama had a glorious year, and t'.ie new year comes on in n blnzc of glory." The output of pig iron wns ns much ns 1,048,704 tons, nnd prices were more limn double!. In January, 1890, No. 1 foundry iron sold nt $8 u ton, gray forge nt $C.0 nnd No. 1 soft nt 8. I'l the follow ing December these sorts sold, re spectively, nt 18.f0 nnd $11! nnd $lS.r0 n profitable ndvnnce to makers who had their yards full of pig accumulated during dull times. Iron ore was mined to the extent of 2,140,733 tons; the coke product was l,S;U,:f)0 ions, coal 7,f.f9.'JSl tons. WINTER TRIPS. For wlnter'reeldence or winter outing idenl conditions will be found on every hand in California. Plenteous early rainfall line this season given to the eeuji-tropical vegetation wonderful im petus ; the floral offerings nre more than usually generous nntl the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccean possesses new charms at Snntn Bnrbara, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Coronado nnd the enchanted islu of the sea, CatnHnn where fishing, boating, rambling, riding, hunting ami loafing uny be enjoyed as nowhere else. Quiet little spots, enng .nnd warm, offer themselves nt Monlectto, Nordhoff, Pasaden.i, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Fall Brook and Palm Springs. For renewing health and vigor, here abound many hot eprings, of widely varying constituents and demonstrated meiits; the dry, nnt I tic, tonic air of the desert may be enjoyed at Banning, Iiulio, itima; anti, even tanner on, ni'throush tickets to all points in the Eastern Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con ditions equally well indicated for weak throats and Inline. Many think nothing in nature more attractive than the shimmering olive orchards of Santa Barbara and San Diego; others prefer the stately walnuts of Ventura and Los Nietos, or the lemons of Fernando ; but for glorious fruit and graceful tree commend us to the golden orange, first, last and always, and it exists iu greatest perfection at Covina, Riverside, Itedlands nnd High lands. Equally interesting is the scientific and tempting fashion in which the sorting and packing of the orange is here accomplished. The faithful were exhorted to see Mecca and shuttle off; but wiser gener ations will Eee California of the eouth and prolong life. tf A Thousand Toiiguea Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this itoyal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest nnd I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe. " So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery fornny trouble nf tlio thrnar ohpst nr liimm Priei nflf ', f.',, .. , IU1,8, ' V , , uuu.fl. lnui uu.ue ireu m uuirbiuv c Houghton's drug store; eyery bottle guaranteed. 5 liiiblx il tlio (Iravti. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was ttie subject, Is narrated by 'Jiitn as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My akin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, j toiiijuu coated, pain continually iu buck and sides, no appetite gradually grow-' ing weaker day by day. Three ptiysi ciuns had given ine up. Fortunately, a triend advised 'Electric letters'; and to1 my great joy and surprise, the liret bottle made a decided improvement continued their use for thieo weeks, and am now a well man. I know they eaveil ! my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one Bhonldfail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Ulakeley ft Houghton's drug store. 5 Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat rnent by Ely 'a Cream Jlalm, which in agree, ably aromatic. It is received through tlio nostrils, cleauscH and hcalu the whole sur face over which it diffuses itsolf. Druggists sell the 50c. sizo ; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Tost it and you are euro to contiuuo tho treatment. Announcement. To accouiuiodato those who nro partial to tho use of ntomizcrH iu applying liquids into tho nasal passagos for attnrrnal trou. Ides, tho proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will ho known ns Ely'tt Liquid Cream Jinlm. 1'rico including tho spraying tube ia 7! cents. Druggists or by mail. Tho liquid form embodies tho mod. iciual properties of tho solid preparation. . J. I. Ilevry, Lognnton, Pa,, writes, t am willing to take my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the ubo ot One Minute Cough Cure Jailer doctors failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves nnd cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OP THE !i Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave and are due to arrive at l'ortlmul LKAVB. i.kavi: OVKIll.AXl) KK-1 press,, Salem, Hose burn, Ashland, Sac- I rnmento, Opden.Sati II Franctaen, Mojave, ( j I 7:00 1". SI. A. M. j.osAnECi08,r.iruo, i New Orleans Kant J H1H1 i h:80 A. M. IvOH'bure and way fta itlona I (SO l M Dally except Hh ndays. f Via woodburp lor Dally except Huudaya I MuAncel, Sllvurton, West i-clo, llrowif 1 ..m tiini?ti.tijl mill . : I Natron J 17:30 A. M (Corvallls j stations.. and way) U.joi'.JI. INDEPENDENCE I'ASSENOEU. Express train Dally (except Sunday). l!Mn. m. rl.v. ...Portland ...AT.) Minium 7:S0i. m. Al .McMlnuvlllo. I.v. 5:W a, m 4:.'0h. m S:S0 p. m. (Ar..inneicmiein:e..i. . Dally. ti'iiny. except auuaar. DININO OAKS ON OC1DEN KOUTK. PULLMAN HUFFET Sl.EKl'EKS AND SECOND-CLASS BLEEPING CAllb Attached to nil Thrnueh Trains. Direct connection nt Kan Knmclco with OccI dental nnd Oriental and Paclllo mnll eteamshlp lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on arpUcatlon. Kates and tickets to Eastern rnlnN nnd hu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anc AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive at nnd depart Irorr Grand Central Station. Filth and Irving streetc YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, loot o Jellerson street. I.enY. for Sheridan, weefc days, t4:30p. m Arrive at Portland, S:S0 u. m. Leave for AIULIE on Monday, Wednesday and Fridav at 8:3.') a.m. Arrive nt Portland, Tues day, Thursday nnd Snturdiu it 3:0o j). m. Except Suuday. "Except Saturday. K. Ki,K.L.UJK, G, II. MAKKIIAM, jlaniuier. Asst. G. F. & Push. Act rpU..n,,l, TlntrA tinn VJI TVilfrl twltrtr States, Canada, and Europe can be obtained nt lowest rates from J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent, or N. WHEALDON. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & LaiisMiii. Time 157 GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. TX THE COUNTY COUKT OK THE .STATE 1 of Oregon, for Wasco county. In the matter of the Kuurdlaiuhlp of (ieorce Klimt, Frank Klimt. Am. ie Jordan, Katie Jordan mid Mary Joidnii, minors. Now on this aih day of December, came William Jordan, the duly unpointed, iiiiilllied nnd nctlUK ituiirijiiui of the above named minors, anil presmted his petition nruyltn: lor mi order authorizing and directing him to sell t tit iuterist of said minors in certain real property herein lifter described, mid it appearing to the court from said petition that It Is necessary mid bene licial to said winds that their interest In the south half of the southeast '(Hurler of section 18, township '2 north, ranee LI east, W. M., be mid; therefore it is ordered that I bete-.ii Klimt. Hie mother and next of kin oi (ieorK1-' Klimt anil Frank Klimt mid said William junta: next of kin of Annie, Katie a I Jordan. aiidall nerMins Interested in sa rutin, father nil Jlary id estate. npivnr oeiore mis conn in ine court roam mere oi In Dalles City, Orcpou, on thu lith day of January, IWO, at the hour of two o'clock 11 in., then and there to show can-o why a license should not lie Kinuteil for the sine of such estate, and that this order bo puhlliliwl at leait three sincesslve Necks In The Dulles Chioiilele, ,n weekly newspaper prlnled In said enmity. Dated thisdth day of December, jsyy. ltUIIKItT MAYS, decUJ-I County Judge. Trace Marks Jcsigng Copyrights &c. AnvonoiienilliiB nolicleh mid decrlntli)n nm nulcldy ascertain our niiinlini true whether u. , invention is prolinlily iiatentiible. Ciinimunlri tlniiH strictly loiilJdfnt IjiI. Iliniilbookon l'Atcntr lent freo. (MiK-st nuenny for nvciirlnir uatnta. I'atoi.ts taUon throuuli Jlunn & Co. rccclvt ijvciul iiodcf, without, clniruo, Iu tlio Scientific American. A li(inilomclr llliutrntod wcoklf. Ijiraest clr. iiilatlim nf mif vciuiitlUn Journal. Tcrnn. I.'l a ;car: lour months, (1. Bold bjrull iiewndealorn. MUNN&Co.30'B-. New York Umucli Uttlco, Cii 1' (!U Wiuhiuvton. V. V huroltn Harness Oil is the heist prciurvmlvo of now loatlmr unu tlio bunt renovator ot old luntlivr. It ollh, hoftens, blucl;. oiisituU pruteutH. Ubo Eureka Harness Oil on your Nut liurnew, your old Imr. liifts, undyour ntrrlaKlii, Hint llicy will not only look ltlfr but i-ar loiiKBr. holdttvurywlieri'lu cuim-ull Izca from liuir ilntf to llvi'uullona. titat l; OliMUHU OIL iU. B B HUNTINOTOH W wiLltON HUNTINGTON & WILAON, ATTOKNKYK AT LAW, Odlce over Hrt Nat. llmik just What You cuant. K ftS MP M Now ideas in Wall Papor horo. Such wide variety ns wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion croton efl'eetB tit ordinary priced. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tnBteftil colorings, yours for n email price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house puints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. 0 ..CgftS. FMM- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on drnucht the celebrated COLl'MIIIA IIEEli, acknim!. edited the best beer In The Dalles, nt the usual price. Come In, try It and be convinced. AImi the Finest brands of Wines, Ll"iuur and Clears. Sanduiiehes ..I ..II mi !.!.( v ii mi jviuun i i n jii uuint BLflKELEY & HQUGHTOH. Wholesale ana Retail Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES 2 6 Bf?OS (ii:xi:itAi. 'Si 'SI i: 3 .AND.. is ,f(' Wagon and Carriage Work. ' Fish Brothers' Waon. 'I' niliinil nn TnfTrMirmK ni,nn 1 ft p. I U iMU JU L mi , rmm inn J tiXjMYAXAjTJ JT.S 1 ILijr.'i.T.Tj.YU.TU.iJO j3 DRUGGISTS BiacKGiTinns Horsesnoe MERVITAS;iHeadquarters for Cures Imjiotency, Niirht Emiaslons and wasting diseasea, all 'jllccta of self- uuuHc, or excess and iuulS' crotion. Aiiui'vutoniuuml lihiiKl buildur. DrintfH the pink flow to ;iale cliccku am' restorcH the fire of youth. Bv mall SUc nor box: (t Ikixl'.h for $ii.50; with a wrltUni f.;uti.rati teo to euro or rcl'uud tlio mouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sits., CHICAGO, ILL. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It nrtlflcially digests tho food and aids mature In stroriKthenlng and recon structlnirthe exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered dluest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In ctllcloncy. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dwperala, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Bour Stomach, Nausea BlokHeadaohe,Ga8tralgla,Cramp8,anri llother results of Imperfect digestion. . Pcportd by E. C. 0W1 Co., CblcoaJr Str. RoKtitntor. (Limited I.mhiIIiik-.) Ship your Freight via tn I.v. forll.ind I nt 7 a. m. I Monday B, I.v Dalles b at S A. M. h" Tuesday . . r M'ltiitsdav . WedlieOHy , Arr.! Regulator Line. atfi 1'. M. I t' Saturday . h Arr. Portland !. iitn r. m. FOR COMPORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, fi T,...o i,v ii.k Hieamers ot tho Itenulator Line. r. ions the best service pnsslble. W. i C l'ortland Olllce, Oak Htreet Dock. .ria rY-i.Y.iY'r"x'i-YaT LTI Ti mTIKI MA.STF.U'TI'ISIIII 11Y AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC, Circulars and particulars furnished on njijilluittlon. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, rniUfl TIIK OAI.LKS, OUKGOiV Grandall DEALKKS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Headquarters for I TTfiaH mi 9i rt.Prs frvn T? , Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ' tOn FlOUr T'nH I'our 1H 'i"ftitured expresHly for fuinUy I ' unu ; tivurv Hiick Iti Kimriuitood to give mttiefnction. Vi null our lioodB lower than nny Iiouho in the tmile, and if you dou't tlmikao vhii uuu ut i;ur iriuuH WWW uu CUUVlllUUU. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from jf'-'.7fi to if(l.lM) ,)r i-ttlloo. (Tto'iTyiitt'rs old.) " iMPOETED 006NA0 from 7.U0 to 12.00 per'Kitfion. (IT'to 55 yfcure old. OALjrORNIA BRANDIES from :i6 to (1.()Q per tmiioii. (4 to 11 ye ra oW ONLY THE PUREST LIQUOBS SOLD. PmSfiPfAiBEE?,?n.druK,,tt n(1 imported 'Ale und l'orter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. REGULATOR LINE. J Dalles, Portlaim & flstori U. 6o. HUninciK of tlio HcRiilntor Line wilt run iih per lliu fo. 'j IowIiir schedule, tho Coniiiiuy resiirvliiR the rlRht to change '3 scheitulo without iiotleo. S Str. Dnllos City. '3 (Touching nt nil Way l'oltitx.) H HOWS'. I.v. DnlleH nt lllilil A. l. Miiudiiy Wednesday . . 1'rldav Arr, Portland (nlieertalii) Lv. I'orthuid ,8 nt n a.m. 3 Tuesdny 3 Thiimilnv N Hatiirdny fl Arr. Dalles 3 (nncertuliij.a The Company will endeavor to give Its pat- A Kor furthur lulormatloli uimress C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Aftt., The Didlei. A --"-j and Motors & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. Seed Grain of ail kinds. Feed Grain ot,? n kin drnin nil kinds. Bran. Shorts, S?SS Val BUtr and Olympia Beer in bottlf