I) c Dalles t)vmuk. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27. 1900. CAVALRY FOR SOOTH AFRICA As a Result o tta AtoMonciit of Scionkop by ibeBrilisl,. POSITION TQO HOT TO HOLD Iixprcss Great Tears as 10 ihc Uhimatc Fate of Ladjstnith Warren Criticised. LoxiioN, Ian. 20, Probably as an im mediate effect of tlm rccalpt of news of th abandonment of Snionkop by tlie liritleh force under General Warmr, orders have been sent to Ahlershot to have the Fourth cavalry division in readiness to embark for South Africa eurlv in February. London, .Ian. 20. It is impossible at present to suy w bather tho British suf fered a revoreo or tlie movement was dictated by Ktratenic reasons. Obviously the position whb useless unleFB guns could tie planted on it, nnd, discovering this was impossible, Warren may have decided it was unsafe to hold tlie position any longer, or perhaps he is peeking a more profitable ascent elsewhere. What' ever uiuv be the explanation of the abandonment of Spionkop by the British, it will doubtless have the same tempor ary moral effect ns a reverse. It appears to have been bo entirely unexpected at the war olllce, thut Hol ler's dispatch cauted something in the nnture of consternation. The lobbies were soon crowded and there was evidence on all sides that the news was keenly felt. The only ofhctal comment was apparently that "Warren's position was too hot to hold." Nowhere, in spite of the general de pression, is there the least sign of abate ment in detHrniination to carry the war to a successful issue. Military circles made no olTott to con ceal their chagrin, expressing the gravest fe.irs as to the ultimate fate of Ladyemith. Such authorities ib Major-General Carr ing, whoia underorders for South Africa, and Lord Giirord, who won n Victoria cross while scouting for Lo'rd Wolsoley during tiie Zulu war, would not he sur prised to hear of tlie capturo of White's forces within a week. Gifl'ord, who knows the country like ti book, could not understand how in the world Warren ever got to the top of Spionkop without ascertaining what positions commanded it. The poorness of maps, it was pointed out, could hardly be an excuse for this, us there must be with Warren several scouts, to say nothing of ofllcers who at one time or another have served ut Ladyemith and whose mere hunting expeditions would have given them a knowledge of tlie country. While Warren is not blamed for re treating under what is supposed to have been a heavy shell fire, he is severely criticised for occupying a position to which he could not bring up his artillery. Your Vac Shows tlie state of your feelings and the Htate of your health ad well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale nd sallow complexion, Pimples and S'dti Eruptions, If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsanarlllas and ho called purifiers fall knowing this we Hell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakoley & Houghton, druggists. ltuuawajr Frnlgbt. Wii.kkhuaxkk, P., Jan, 25. A freight train on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, coming dowu the Wilkesbarre mountain, this afternoon, ran away. At tho foot of the mduritsln, near the Ashley oidlng, the cart left the track, and were Piled high in a big wreck. There, was dynamite in one of the cars, and it ex Moded with great force, The shock w.i nVAl Baking USOUUTEEYtolJRE Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome norm kkiwo powntu co., tttw vowk. felt for a distance of twenty miles. Tho windows in nearly every houeo in the town of Ashley were broken. Three men, all of them, braketnen, wera killed, two unknown men were fatally injured and several others were badly hurt. The dend are: Frank McLaughlin, of Mauch Chunk, aged 27 ; Michael Bird, of Ashley, aged 22, and William Buckley, of this city, aged 28. A I'rlctilful Itluniler Will often cause a horribld burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bncklen's Arnica Salve, the best in tho world, will kill tlie pain nnd promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child bscomeB hoarse, o.1 even after tho croupy cough appears, it will prevent tiie attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints tho anxious mothers. We have yet to learn of n single instance in which it lias not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a recoid twenty-five years' conatant use with out a failure. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. :F0R DEPARTMENT clous and all skin eruptions. Best pile enr'j on earth. Onlv 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley Si Houghton, druzgista. 1 OF COMMERCE "New Yoi ilie Herald 'in tlie Phi! i'lilllitluo War U Kmlrri owe, Jan. 20.-A dispatch to 1 from MatiilU says: Tiie war iippiues is fiver. No further surrender can bo hoped for. The danger in the present situation is thai a bloody feud may arise between the American army and the Filujiinos. This danger can be greatly leseeiied by action by con gress1, which is nowimperative, outlining tlie policy of the government in tlie Philippines. It is likely that manv in surgents are still holding out for the very terms which congress will bo willing to give. Tlie time is ripe for a conciliatory policy, allowing tlie Filipinos to have some Fay as to tlie nature of the govern incut under which they will be obliged to live. v Catarrh Cannot 1 Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach tiie seat of tlie disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrli Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with tlie best blood purifieis, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tiie two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in cuiing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciiun-kv & Co., Prop., Toledo 0. Sold bv drruggists, price 75c. llull'o Family Pills are tlie best. 12 lilt; l'rlce fur Hlitei, I.NDi'.i'KXUKNCi:, Or., Jan. 24.- -Ono farmer of the Kings valley country re fused tills week $5 per head for life entire flock of sheep. Several in that vicinity have refused $3.50 per head. Probably tlie highest price paid for sheep in that vicinity this year has been paid by Frank Gilliam, who gave $5.50 per head for fifty. Goats nro also selling in tills pait of tho country for $5 per head. The farmers have just begun to find out how profitable stockraising is. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never falling remedy. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents con sumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results, F. 1). Thirkield, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot bo recommeuded too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all forms of dys pepsia. A HlUttt CUHR FUU CHOUl. Tweuty-U Year' 'Constant Vie With out a failure. The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, aud in a child subject to that disease it may betaken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following Fish, Railway, Labor and Many Other Important Commissions and Bu reaus May I3c Under a New Cabi net Officer. WAsin.vor j.n, Jan. 20 The question of establishing n department of tlie government to be known as the de partment of commerce, with a cabinet officer at its head, lias been discussed ut considerable length by the eenate com mittee on commerce. Tlie discussion was based upon a very complete report on the enbj'vt prepared by Senator Nelson. It is proposed to include in the new department a bureau of manufactures, and to transfer from he treasury depart ment the lifesaving, lighthouse, marine hospital and steamboat inspection eer vice, the bureaus of navigation, iminigra tion, statistics and coast and geodetic surveys ; to transfer from the interior de partment tiie commission of railway, the census of lice and tho geodetic survey and from the Elate department the im real of foreign commerce. Tho de partment of labor r.nd tho tisli commis sinn are also placed under tins super vision. THE BOA WILL STAY. BRIGHAM ROBERTS SENT HOME House Voted Not to Admit the Ulan PilHamisI, MAJORITY RESOLU TION WAS CARRIED Closing Day of the Debate Votes on the Two Propositions Result Re ceived With Cheers. An ICdlot of Fnaliloti la Wruin nnd Drrialiu; fur the Ni'oU. . Whatever changes the future may bring1 in tiie fntdiions, we are pretty sure to remain faithful to boas, nnd tlie most chnnninf,' ones lire preparing, not to succeed feathers and furs, but to lie worn with them. They are larger and more Important, hut have long ends, tho fjrent novelty in them lieinfr tlicclicuillc trimming. A very pretty large ruflleof ehill'on had not. only the edges lipped with chenille, but long- netted ends of coarse black chenille. Soft silk is nlsn being- prepnred for ruffs, edged witli narrow white semicircles of fur or mar about, and some exceedingly pretty marabout bona in gray and white nro made with any number of tails. Oilier new boas are composed of lenllets of soft lisse, edged witli black and white Ince. Many of those nifties are com posed of very full lioiiillonnes of lisse, with n frill of lisse, edged witli lace, also very full, put over thcni, long stole ends of the lace-edged lisse falling in front. Constant changes nro rung on this idea of bouillonnes and hire-edged frills. High folded white silk collar bands have attached to tho center of tlie front a tie, ns though it was fastened in n sail or knot of soft blue-bordered silk, so gathered that one long end droops in the center, the shorter ends curling be hind it. This is curried out in blue, red nnd many other colors, green nnd dark blue nnd yellow and white being n fa vorite combination. A very pretty col lar band of the same sort lins high points under tho ears, and the t lickings of which It is formed lire run with red silks, thu bow in' the 'center of -the front being tucked with the same red lines. lirooklyii Eagle. Washington, Jan. 25. Tlie case of Brigham H. Roberts, the Mormon representative-elect from Utah, which lias occupied so much of tho attention of the house einco the assembling of congress, was decided today by the adoption of n resolution to exclude him by a vole of 2CS to 50. The exact language of the resolution was as follows: "That under tlie facts and circum stances of the case, Brigham H. Roberts, representative.elect from the state of Utah, ought not to have or hold a seat in the house of representatives, and that the scat to which ho was elected is here by declared vacant." Tlie amendment to expel Roberts with out seating him, offered by Lacey, was ruled out on a point of order, and the house only voted on'the resolutions of the majority and minotity of tlie com mittee. The latter to seat and then expel Roberts was defeated, 81 to 244. An analysis of this vote shows that 170 Republicans, 72 Democrats and two Populist! voted against it, and 71 Demo crats, six Republicans, two Populists and two silver Republicans for it. Roberts was preetnt throughout the day, aud left tlie hall after the result of the last vote had been announced. As lie did so, lie gaye out a statement justi fying ills retention of his plural wives, on the ground that his moral obligation was more binding upon his conscience that technical obedience to statutory laws. Niitlcu to Voters. The modern and most effective cure forconitjjpatfon'aii'd 11 liver troubles the fnaoua'lttup Jls known aslDeWitt'a Littfe arjy.Rjwri,. .- , Under tho provisions of tho registra tion law all persons when registering nro required to fnriiieli to tiie register ing oflicer tlie following information ; If naturalized, tiie time, place, mil court of naturalization. In tills con nection, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, or declaration of intention, Residence must be specific; giving precinct, section, township and range; if within town or city, tlie street, No. if any, mid No. of lot and block ; if in any building whore rooms are numbered, tlie number of the room and floor must be given. In order to avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience, every person desir ing to register should be prepared to furnish the above information. Facilities will be furnished in eyerv precinct in tlie county by cither Justice of tiie Peace or Notary Public. A, M. Kui.say, deo4-30dys County Clerk. Tlie ill oil r a Mother Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when m need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co, only, Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded, 25 cts, and 50 cts, Blakeley & Houghton, druguists, lluriei for dale. Thirty head of good horses, weight from 1100 to 1400 lbs, To be seen at Jacob McReynold's place, 15 mllea east from Tho Dalles. For further particu lars address, Stkauiiu Bitos.,. jan24 inw The Dallee, Or. AT 'Williams & Co.'s TODAY something of interest for the men folks. All Smoking .Tuckets, Fancy Vests and Bath Robes left over from the holidays, will be sacrificed Saturday ; to make room for spring goods. No better chance will present itself to get a nice Jacket, Vest or Robe, at such prices. You can depend upon that. Therefore, you'll be around if you know a good thing etc, etc. Smoking Jackets. An even dozen only; these sizas nnd prices : One each size 36 and 41 at -to. 00; Satnruav $3.60 Two sizs 38 and one 40 at .6 00; .Saturday $3.90 One each eiza 33 and 40 at $6.50; -Saturday $4.18 One each size 40 and 42 at $7.50; , Saturday $5.25 Two size 40 and one 42 at $10 00 ; Saturday $7.40 Nothing nicer than these, if you woild, enjoy home-comfort, Fancy Vests double breasted styles, in the various popular silk-mixed vestines; principally in dark fancy weaves, offset with a small bright colored figure iti silk. Some with and others without collar. A very few also of that very swell English Golfing material, in subdued plaids. These are made in single breasted with collar. To make room for our spring styles we quote the following reductions for Saturday: $2 50 Vests will be $1.00 VeBtB will be 15 00 Vests will be $5 50 Vests will be .$1 25 2 25 . 3 25 . 3 50 $4.18 4.37 5.00 6.12 $6 00 Vests will be $6 50 Vests will be $7 50 Vests will be $8 50 Vests will be Also two bnvs' fancv vests, for ages 13 and 14 vears; $250 one, $1.78 j !j3 50 one, $2.6S. Bath Robes. A half dczan only left over from the holiday rush. Two of each size: 364042. Comfort-loving men won der how others get along without a bath roho. No need to be without at these prices : $5.00 Robes..., $6.50 Robes . . . . , $9.00 Robes $10.00 Robes. . . . .Saturday only $3.50 . . . . Saturday only 4 50 ... .Saturday only 6.40 .. .Saturday only 7.00 These prices are for Tomorrow only. A. M. Williams & Co. STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey win to wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. The Maine point is quality1- and the MejTitt f ov work is such that people go Miles to patronizo us. Our prices aro not Hobson's choico, but tho standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customor of ours. Corner of Third and Federal Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle.