IPS! Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r,EANsES the System EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES lrriJ I i umu PERMANENTLY ,T5BtHEr,c,IEfFECTS Buy THE GENUINE MANT'D By (AUlvRNIA pG rSVRVPS fCHSAUEYimCKUGSiSTS PCKt 50i flRWttlt. Ailvcrtlxort Letter. Following is the list of lettera remain ing in the postofiiee lit The Dalles un called for January 20, 1900. Persons calling for the same- will give date on which they were advertised: GCNTI.CJIKN. Alihett, Ernest Alarv, Koek Brink, T J Brocks, LT Chnrclimnn, W P. Campbell Bros. Foster, Jasper T Gilee, Lawrence Jonee, Clyde Kellur, Joe Lawson, Win Miller, J G Martin, Vick liichards, S E IMiinson Bros Alexander Ahnett, M Herbert Brock, C M Calard, J Chezik, Fred & J Chapman, E D Fmlajsoii, Murdo Garwood, L D Johnson, Geo H LArcuna, .losep Lynch, Willie Mucer.L II Parsons, Morris Eohisnn, Joseph Tee, Geo B LADIES. Crawford, Mrs B I Tronk, Jefsia I'otte. (.Jraue Cosjier, Mrs Ora Tlli?nn, Mrs .Mnry IliL'liHinith, Efiiu Uan-ui, Flora Mnliitic, May Roifeip, Mabel Wilkins, Agnes9 H. Collins, Mrs Mary Dantry, Dizzie Garwood, Nellie Harris, Mrs J E Hathorne, Emma PiViffer. Mrs J S Shaw, Eliza II. Riddell, P. M. BUSINESS LOCALS. Feed rye for sale at the Wasco Ware house, tf Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Clark & Falk's drug stock is new fresh mid complete. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Use Clarke & Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dnndruff from thejiiend. You will not have boils if. vou take Clarke d: Falk's sure cure for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's puro concentrated flavoring cstracts. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke &. Fnlfc. Latest tiiinu in cameras are Itn proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of cbickfn feed. mcli23-tf Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton tnctly pure liquid paints. The modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver troubles the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Lewis Dennis, Balem, Ind., says, "Kodol Djnpepsia Cure did me more good thnn anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help wiu cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware o! counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. De Witt's Is theouly original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. G. H. Appleton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, N. J., Hays, "DeWitt's niiue liariy itisera are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles. If you want pure and fresh drugs you can buy them at the P. O. Pharmaev, Clark & Falk, proprietors. fc'ubacribe for The Chrunieje. LOBSTERS RISE IN PRICE. Thour Who Are Pnnil if llir Crn tncennv Will Wive in lnj- More Inr Thorn Tit In Vi'iir, "This year people who arc fond of eating loh.-ters will have to pay dearly for tile privilege of indulging their ap petites in such f-en food, for the reason that the crustaceans nro scarcer now than ever before," said n wholesale deni er in fish in New York to the writer a day or two ago. "Live lohs'i rs arc nt present selling nt '20 cents per pouinl, and as only comparatively unall catch- , es are daily reported by the fishermen of Stonington, l.loeU Island, and r thcr ' well-known lolistering grounds as far east as l'ortlnnd. Me., the indiritions are that a further advance of from live to ten cents a pound may soon be looked for. "Ten years ago almost any iiunntity of fine lobsters could have bean pur chased in New York at the rate of five 1 cents a pound. The average sir.e of live j lobsters that then (mine to market was J 20 inches long, not count hip daws. The i largest average now is not more thnn half that length. There uned to be plenty of 14-pound lobsters and I have seen them weighing IS pounds. A lob ster as large that would have to be :if) years old at least. This shellfish grows slowly, and at three years old is not much bigger than a crawfish. A lobster under five years old isn't fit for market. I but thousands of such youngsters have ' to pass muster on our fish stalls nown- days. ' "The present dearth of lobsters in New England waters is largely due to the enormous number of undersized ones that have in the past been caught and sold for ennnirg purposes in Mnine. Millions of small sbelHUh thr.t should have been allowed to develop and breed were thus annually exterminated, and the result lias been that the supply of eatable lobsters has dwindled from ,'ID. 000,000 in 1SS0 to probably less than 5,000.000 in 1S09. "The regulations concerning the cap ture of lobsters in New England waters are now as stringent as any game law. "No lobsters are bring canned if: Maine icr the rcns-jr iht the sh;"-t lo ster law has lulled the hie-inrrs in thrt state. The eanners do not find it profit able to luiy lobsters nt the present hicli rate, and they cannot purchase short ones or shellfish weijjhintr less than ten pounds. "For the last four years energetic ef forts bave been made by the United States iish cd'.mnission to restore lob sters to their former abundance by planting millions of lobster fry from Fisher's Island sound east along the coast as lar as .Maine. Meantime the chief supply of live lobsters comet- from the Lntish provinces. The shellfish are snipped here in steamers especially fitted with wells that have a cimncitv for noitiing irom l.j.ooo to L'O.UOO lic lobsters. These steamers touch at Bos ton and New York, and from these two cities the lobsters are shipped by whole sale dealers all over the United States." Washington Star. TAKES MORPHINE IN PUBLIC. How tlu Dciiluriililc Illlt ,rn Wash ington lielle V.'ni Aprlilcnl nll.v DKfincri'il, "While I was in Washington last month," said a C'hicngonn the other night, "I taw something which fairly gave me cold shivers. We were sitting in the street car, and in the seat jurt hi' sit'.e me sat one of the hnndr.omchi vo-:i in r.U Washington, a tall, wtll dcvelcpcd, well-groomed creature oi perhup.i ::o, wilh larlt-rin::i'. d eyes and bronze-tinted hair. 1 knew her for tin widow of a man who was unmet hine- or other in the state department under the Cleveland administration, I believe. I know she lives in n dainty apartment in the newer nnrt of the mirth v.i. ' quarter. 'J here v.na a man with inr on U.i car, a mere boy of it fellow, and lie gazed at her with admiring eyes. There wnu u hint of chilliness in the'tr, and the woman shrugged htr hand nrvivie shoulder.'!, " 'My!' said she, 'I'm afrnid I'm tak ing cold.' " 'Crn't I get you something befon we Hurt ?' asked the boy, anxiously. "'Oh, no,' rhe unswend. 'I'll juM take sonic quinine. J always carry it with me a habit I learned' out in 'In diana.' 'O.I,.. .. , . j.ii- muiY 11 milled ll.llll'r irflTll IH1' purse and ojiened it. She emptied 1 lit' white powder it contained upon her tongue. it h an odd way to take quinine. ihniit.- sue ham, with n smile. 'It'stlu way they do out in Indiana. I don't r.-.ind the taste nt nil.' i neu me car start ed, and the empty pupvr iiiiuiTwi into my lap. Just u lit tie oi him while powder clung to it. unite without any purpose whatever, I rubbed my finger ngnlrnt the paper and touched my fougtic with an in finiteidiual quantity of the powder. The woman turned and looked 'i',t me just then, and as our eyes met she blushed. It was an odd way, indeed, to take, not quinine, but morphine." Chicago Chronicle. The Mud urn Mothur Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant Kyrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a Kentle remedy, than by nny other. Children enjoy it and it beneflte them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man- nfnetured by the California Fie Syrup Co. only. ' ' l'roi.oxalu for Itefnntlliia- WMnr Itnniln, Ilnllc City OrrRon. Sealed proposals will bo received by the board of water commissioners of Dalles City, Oregon, at said city until 8:110 o'clock p. in. of the day of Feb,, 1900, for twenty-live thousand dollars; and twenty thousand dollars of refund ing water bonds of said city, ms it is not settled us to whether the total amount of bonds will be frltf 000 or $'.'0,11(10) au thority is extended to the said board to issue refunding water bonds in the sum of -f'Jo.OOO, but if found not to be neces earv, the issue will lie for no more than $20,000; and at a rate of interest not ex ceeding four pur cent per annum pay able twenty years from date of issue, interest pnynule pemi-annuiiHv, piinci pul and interest pavablu in gold coin of the United States, at any city therein, nt the option of the buyer. The bonds mentioned will bo issued tinder the provisions ot the several leg islative acts of the state of Oregon, up. proved Feb. 25, 1SS5, Feb. lit, 18S0, and Feb. 14, 1S03, and in pursuance of an or dinance adopted by the common council of Dalles City, npproved January 21), 1900. The proposed refunding water bonds are intended for the redemption of outstanding water bonds in the sum of $25,000; but in case the board of water commissioners prefer, it will issue re funding tionds for $20,000 only, therefore bidders umv make nroposula for both $25,000 and $20,000, and in the denomi nation of $500 each. No bid will be entertained for a rate Icbs than par value of the bonds. Prem iums and rate of interest will he taken into consideration in passing on the value of all bide. Bidders must deposit with the presi dent of tliu board a duly certified check on some responsible bank equal to 2 per cent of the uirount of bonds bid for, or accompany his bid with cueli of such amount as ill equal such per cent of his hid, and such certified check mnde payable to the president of the board of water commissioners of Dulles City, Or., as liquidated damages in ease the bidder shall fail or neglect to receive and pay for, at the office of the city treasurer of snid city, the bonds awarded to him on his bid, on or before the first day of March, U00. Attention should bo given the fact that the hoard will not issue and (.'impose of more than $20,1'00 of such refuuiliiiu bonds. unleSH it shall bo deemed neces sary to do so, but otherwise, if th board shall find that it is necessary to issue bonds in the sum of $25,000, it will then offer and issue the full sum, ($25,000). The riuht to rnj ct any and all bids is reserved by the said ' board of water commissioners. Bids should lie addressed ,to the presi dent of said board, or to I he city record er, Dalles City. Wasco conntv, Oregon, and noted "Proposals for refunding' water bonds. By order of the Hoard of Water Com mission, bv and Willi the consent of the Common Council. This 25th day of January, 1000. T. J. SnuruKT, 1-S J President, of Hoard, ArriCT: Nun H. G.vrr.s, Recorder of Dalles City. Wrltti "I.HUuilr.; " mi tlm Snw Lent. In turning over the new leaf for 1000 has it occurred to you to try our work? People who have, say it's all riyht. Remember there is no charge connected with our collection arid delivery system Ring up Coudon 'phone Ml, or long distance 002. Dai.i.ks Laiwdhy Co., Cor. Third and Federal Sts. "usli lu lour CtiKCI-.H. All conntv warrants registered nrior to April 1, 18W0, will be paid at my onice. Interest ceases after 8th, 11100. C. L. PiiiLi.ti-s, Conntv Treauurer. I7iit:D. W.WII.f.ON, i1 ATTOKM:y-AT LAW, Tin: iiAi.i.i.H. ni'j-criv; Olncc ovei Fhsit .S'ut. ll'iiis. AXi JJJLIAl.r.va CUUK I'Ol! Is Ely's Cream Bains Lasy and pleasant to us-. C'linlafiis no in jurious lni". jr tsqmcKiy altsorlted. CilVC'B liclluf Ut (IIICI-. It Otiurift nntl t!li,nri.ii LULU 'fyHEAD IIcalB and I Protects the Alcmbranc. Itcetores the bUIltiefi Of Tfldtn find Kn'fll T u.. n - ... ifiVii ! iVim'i' avle JU ccn'" y ma v Ly BUOTUUltS, CO Warua BUeet, Kew Vork. Administrator's Notice. J!.."".,lor!,l.!.",eii ''hvIck been appointed tit inliiltitriitcir of ttteeutito of Jtuiialiiin JhcUkoii, I ilmusttl.uiiiloriind by v rttie of nn c.d.'r I 2 Z'l'l?, ..i"t.ul'a V.'. 11,0 i1:'"""- Umtt of tliu I i .!. '." " i-ouiiiy on till) rhtl Ss Jill ."s";'. ' iw''iii"tviii oiuiii; " 1 - vw.nj am jiuiLtiy noil ctl Id ltru. wilt tliowuno with the projKir vouclierh and tfulv won I h it m , w,V,l' "S Hi. WU"1U nix Dated The Uullcs, Orcitou, Jan. i'k.'imjo. '"' J0'"t Adnihiltitratiir, Notice of Guardian's Sale, Notice Ik liurclu tU--tm tu,tt o... i . 1 ,,rViiV. lm " " !K.. K'."trdla.i ,,f i wu joiuau hiiu Jiary Jordan, rrluorH. will, from and after t tu 17th day of Vcbim rv inlii 1 1 1 1 .. Mia rlKht, title ana iifiwo. 1 f ' u8il$i m,ntd Minor III and to tliu mintli l.nir ... Shi "'V lQ. ....... , n,u niniii, Alliuu JOIIlllII. Kil. ;iurtrof 'neotlon lh, township a north, range 3 eaKt, W. M., the time bi;liiB u tltroi-II thililti.r. vitCMift t0""d 1U"d' f0r C"s1' 'Wft' yated January IS, JW0. lTt I f . r J',u--ust Ouurilliiii CATARRH ' Ar.r.lVK Fl'OM. Knst .Mull lt:l' p. in Stilt 1 .iik , Denver. I t. Worth. Uiiinliii, Kiui fii (Illy, St. lillli", ChlciiKO anil l'.nst. I'll-t Mnlt y.,v p in Siiiikatic Wiilln Wnllii, fiiKikmic,! iMllilii'iii()ll. St. I'tiltl,! i)ii I u th, Milwaukee, Ki'iikiilio VI) or. l;l!0n. til Klycr 7:0j. m. UlllCllEO mill l.MSl, 8 i'. ni. I p. in, FnoM rorvn.ANli. Orcttn Sti'iuiiHhliis. For Sim Friilinl'-eo December .'!, 8, i:J, IS I n ml 'Ja, 8 it. m. I p, in. Kx.Sunilii) Kx.suiuliiy Columhlii Uv. Sti'iimer.i,: To Astoria hiiu Vny Snturiliiy lit i. m. i .nmiings. r n. ni. Kx.Sumltiy Willamette IttvEn. I -lino p. m. Ori'Rtin City. Nowlit-rs, Ei.Huiulny Hnlein it way Ijuid's.' 7 a. m, Tues.Tliur, unil hut. Willamette anii Yam- :i:".n n. in. hill Kiveiis. l.Moll.,Vli Orcftna Olty, Daytim,! mid l'rl. imu iiy-umuiiiRs. fin. m. Willamette luvnr.. Tiii:.,Tliur, I'ortlaiiil tn Corvallls, (.so p. m. Mini. Wi (1 mid Sat. anil Vy-1 jtinltiiKs anil Frlilny SNA KK JtlVEtl. Ull'iirln tn Ixiwlbton. I.KAVR I.KVISTON (hilly S;:a. in l.v Itlpa:iii rtnhy 1:20 n. in. I'lirik'K ileslritiK in en to IIciiiuht sliiiuM take No. I, lt'iivlnir 'I lie Dulles nt 7.0,'i p. m mr.klni,' direct niiiiit'cllinif nt lli'iipuur jiuietinii Jtc'tirnliiK liiiikliigdlrectciiniiet'tion at Ileppuer Jnni'tlim with No. l.arrlvlus at The Dalles at 'J:f ). in. No. S2, thrmiKlit Irelitlit, east lieuud, duos not carry passengers; arrives lh50 it. in., departu 3:10 a, in. No. HI, Ideal Jrelitlit, carries ptiBUMtuers, etnl liouud: arrives 1::!U p. in., (lvpitrtu h:I."i p. m. Nit. Ill, west foimui! tlirouRh freiitlit, iIim not carry piibseiiKerK; urrivcs S:lfi j in., depurts v: p. in. Jin. L'3, west hnuntl liK-nt trelclit, carrlch pas ht'inturb; urrivcH 0:15 p. m ilepurtu 8::;0 a. m. For full piirtlnaliir.s eall on O. II. it N. Co.V t'Keiit Tliu IMlli'K, or udurcbs W. II. liuiu.nintT, (leu 1'as. AKt.. 1'ortlmiil. Or. Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Stroot, One Block Back of French &Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. aw 33s onv awoo jyH' UEIHENUOUfFKH Piiysiciau and Surgeon, Bpeclal attention glveu to iurery. oonu2Und8l, Tul.B Vogt Ulouk nr.r.iHT I time sniKtt!i.K, roll 1'IKIM IUI.I.KS. and EiiilmliiiN 1 h 4 ft ft ft ft A iiui.i'IUJiuMiXJ.Ui.Lituji.Xttuiiiilii'ilLitllLUJitUt 'I'ltiUll'LUJUiUiJUJlUJJ'llJlHitUi tut 14 1 it, ii: U' MiiitrtiTiiTirittftifiififTTrixfiiiititiVifiittifiiiiiitiiiriitiriTftifttvriiittifJ 1 ..Doalor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. llootn, Sliooh. IlatN, ( aph. Notions, for W. U DoUKltt'i .litiL-. AKt. Teleplitilif No, H. 1:1 1 scemiil tit., tPhn Tlnllnn fin i lib uaim, m, c C. S. Smith, TIIK iJp-to-dateQroeer Fresli Kj:i;h and Creamery Uutter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J, 9. SCUKMt, 11. M. Heal , CuiMci rrettldeut. first National Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Bunking Buoineas transacted uejiositB received, aubiect to Siirht Draft or Cliccl;. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. SiL'lit and Teiejjrapiiic Ksctmno nold or New York, Kan Francisco auJ por( land. 1)1 KKOTnww u, i: iiioMi-tiow. Ell. M. WIM.IAVH, Jno. ii .ScHi-Ncit r-.. a " - '" - '" - - II. M. Bkau a itiic. 11 PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFAUTUKKKaOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKaNBACT a kkeiui.hankinu uukineb Lettera of Credit ineued available in the blKht Ekchance and Telwaphit I rHimlun an). I r... XT r . . r"'v 7.:,"," " "it now I orK, UIllCHttO. bt. Loula. faan J-ranciHuo, Portland Or Kon. Seattle Wa8h ftd 'varioue poffi In Oregon and WaHhinctoa. omhKlr.Uladeat H" P0,UtB 0nfttV- 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllco over Kronen & Co.' Hunk C' Tl'K UALLKS, OltKOON . r. McoBc JOHN UAVIM MOORE & GAVIN, AlTOltNUVB AT LAW. Wooiat 31) and 40, over U. 8. liad oillce. Tne GoiumDie PacKino Co mm The Chronicle, Th Dellen, Op, Job Printcfs. I NOT1CK. A.1...I l...(,..o U..I.. ,.r !..! l.-l.i. .ii null inn mi1 o cuii. ui j.vni i.niuii;, Notice Ik heuby clveii that the tiiidcn! , .1 .1. I erpncMiii, titltiiltilitrator of Hh" titaic l.juuiA uiciiariiMiti, iicei'11-.e', in inirsuausi an Hitler of the Honorable (Uitinty ( oitit tt stnte of Oreittiti for Wnmi etmiily, diilyciS and ctitertil on tin.1 Ith dnv of Jitirinrv. laui.i! iroin aim aiier inn i.nn nny in i coriiary, it tiriifi-iil liihflliil tirlviili- fcnli. fttr I'ltklt in h,-' till nl the folloulii'f ilt'scrlbt-il ri-ul cslati' li.'kti iid; to tliei Htate of Mtdd I.mIim A Jilciuititti ili-ceiiMd, to wit: Tlie nmtiiMt-Kt quarter of th KmilJnvi'itimi' tel. and Miuth hall of the iinr'huut iiiiiutirrj i-i I--,. '-..,- ittivt " in i"w iinwiii null i niiuui' ......... (I.I,,...,., rl'li ...... . r .1.., II iM.n..ii...i . 1'iruu ill 1MIH-1.-1 oi iiinii iiitriiriiuiriv ii'iuhuvuh . la'i. lei't wi'M o: tlie Miiillic.'tiil I'tiriicr ol riiiiitiiiiii ill n' ill i ii ill 111111:11 11111 ii'i-ii iiji call inu 11 :ii!iuii'iiL meridian 111 " nscn coiiiiijr,i Ik"ii, ii ii' iiiiuiiiiii iiiuii' u inn 111 "iiu jinn uiir ineiici! west ihi rods 11 (l I't. leei . 1 it'iireinis oiic Hall mile, and tlieneu eatt M rtl naf, leui 10 tuu iiiiicu 111 iK-Kiiinini;, Mireuudfxw u.i.-u-iriiiii lour nun in iiiciitiiuhuu h luqiiicciu 1 in: iiiwii 01 ijkii, iriiieu 111m uern ncrtnn Mild and cmiu-nih the tract uliavr ilrscrltolli cliidlm; all of Kald UlcliHrilMin n AddlUnu tub I'm' 1 'I i.l. .... I..I.I .in ..t.H ..I... 1. 1 I'uiuru 111 nil- ju'riiriin in j-it-iik lur i ciintaliilm: I'll) ik'ii h, more or lu, A ny perwiideiilrliiB iiforintitlnti with rrfnw to Mil il 1 nil I'Muti.' Klmiilil cull on iiriiddri'Minri .iinictlnii I'lty. (ireiton. or my nituriiv)a, iv .iieiieitv, at 1 lie liullen, urvituu. Dated tlilk lith day (if J iinuury, lMW. .1. B. rUIttlt'h'aOK, Adii lniiitnitiir of the Khtatuof l.iilln A. U niilMMi, dtvftind. DCIl'lt it MKKfKEt:. Atttunejd for Adiululntrntor. iU$ SUMMONS. in tiii; ciuftn'r 1:0cm' or the swn ol Ori'Kon, lor tliu County of nsea Ilelle Mclireevy, philutllt', VK 1 hiiniuii McUrcuvy, itefeudtiitt. To '1 hoiiian .McUtvuvy, ilelendiiiit In the Nitineof lliuKtiilenf OreKoii, hereby rcqiilnil tn appenr Hint 111 mht tlienn pliiiul II led t-Kiilimt you 111 the nbe v i'BIH Mil! i lililn ti n ln is from thudiin til llio mrrUs of this MimiiiniiN upon vou, If H'lii'd itMi till Cinniiv: nr if kunvtl nil'. In tiny olir !,;i"'"tyiil Uil state, then within mtiity oJi - from die dnlo of the cervh'c 01 thi-. (iiiiiimM iipnn you, or II kervei ! mtvi'iI 11 nun von In litlMlMtfH llieri nf, tlii'ii 011 nr lii'fuie the hiht dnv ol W I time pri'M-rlbcd In the order for publican I ti Hit. nn or before tlx week litnn die ot the lii-t publh'iitliin heienf mid 11 MiufallMj atiNUer. for want tliim-iif the 11I11111IIB . 'il'pt.v to the Unitt for the tellei puow M In hci eoiiipialnt, tu-wlt, thill tlii'iniirrlawwj triiet ii'iiv e.vlkilni,' belueon pluuiliil' ft filldimt bu forever (llMilvel mid Knit bu 11 win (It'll theexcliiKlvu eilhlody ol the inln eblldieii 11I philiiilll'iihil defendant 'J hi Summoim it, nervel upon )ou byi'"" tlon Ibeiiiiif, purruiitit lo the onle of mill 15 cull Court, inado and entered nn the IDH'W January, l'.Hl), leiiulrlliK the piibllciilliiiili lor hlx eoiiM'i'iitho weeK, eoiiiini'lii'liiK J"W -11. 1: II II I. I 111. Il.tfit ,il .lift I fkl .ll lllll'll llllll. 11 11 v'.'i k . '-. iv .1 uimoS. Jan '.'0 5t AttorueyH for l'lidiiil NOTJCK FOIi 1'UDI.ICATION. (Isoluted Tract ) Ptihlic Lmiil Sale. J.A.V1J Ol KICK AT'J'IIK I)Al.l.K1Oll'll'!' Jail, H.Mft I 1 , Notice In hereby Klveu that In VU'mJ. ln&triifiiiiiik t .1... ....... ,.,i.ji,nr nf the ftn (mi lima uiiico, muh'i .... .' .....in ,.lf. ..U uy MHHum u. H. till llllf llf fiitiir..t,u e III ptnuui il to niter at public nultf ' WW' (lay. the 171I1 (iy f Kehruuty next, at tli W of lUii'elnek.ii, m.ntthlH nince.tbu W tract of hmil, tn Hit , d "hot l.Bee. Jlptud loU 1 mid S, Sie '-M, f.'"1 ' ll! K . IV M ..''''.."""r11. v'" i! , .wHi.iuiMi inuu. inn iiiiii"' , " -ijitft chiluihin thin olllcu oil or before tUi'M S ileMKiiiitcd for theconiiiioiiouini'iit of ww w" oinerwiiiu their 1 lililn will bu 101 liwi. JAV I' I.UCAS, IteKlntiifi JanlO-l OTIS 1'ATTKKBOX, KecelW- .STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every dy except Sundy Ktttea Keasonahle. Telephone 201. W. A. GATES, Prop. ,UIII .ii.""..., - 1 a autiioilty wmcu in Kuv. HtiU., iik iiiiivi"., ......... ...1 l...l.i-ni)rv Uli. n,