The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 26, 1900, Image 1

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I) e D ft 11 co
NO 142
MsaM Anns! Men Havo Arrived
in Frattort.
Cnnllict May Take Place Toworrow,
When, It is Said, Ihe Guebcl Ikm
dcrats Will Endeavor to Force
Action on the Contests Over Seats
in the House.
l itANicrciiiT, Ky., 115. A special
train buarinn mrirt ttmii 1000 met), curry
inn Winchester tilleB, arrived in Frank
furl this morning'.
Tlic nn'ii marched to the statchoUBC,
stacked tiit ir guns utid took tip positions
in giotips n 1 10 u t tho building. They were
till provided willi badges: bearing u por
trait of Governor Taj lor, which they
pinned en their breasts. Ailjntit nt-Ctt'ii-
cral Collier states liu hud no knowledge
thut tho men were coming. Many of the
visitors) nro members of tlio stute guard
Tho total number which arrived on the
special train cannot Iiei stated exactly,
lint the train had seventeen earn.
Ex-Secretary of Stale Fitih-y addressed
the visitors from the strips of tho state-
house. Ho Haid tho object ot gathering
wub to see justice done. A committee
was appointed to draft resolutions.
Stephen Sharp, of Lexington, wub chosen
The lower houeo of the legislature met
at 11 o'clock, unci on motion of Cuntrell
( Democratic leader I, ti resolution wub
adopted excluding all but ladies from
the chumbor and galleries. Catron (Hep.)
nuked consent of tho house to permit
nou-uiemberu to present n resolution,
hut Speaker Trimble ruled that uohody
hut a member could do go.
A rumor ia in circulation, hut persist
ently denied, Unit Judge Cuntrell, ol tho
local circuit court, has summoned all
Dumourutli: deputy sheriffs of tho state
to 1'rankfort. Commonwealth Attorney
I ranklin says ho knows of no such order.
c'niiHo or it ah.
Cincinnati, O., Jan. 25. A TIiiice
Ktur Hpeeial from Lexington, Hpeaking of
theuiovementof armed men from South
wont Kuntueky to Frankfort, udds:
"They are to bo present at Frankfort
toinoirow, when tho Goobel men will
attempt forcing action on the contests
over scuta in tho house. It is given out
that ilium) Republican) will servo notice
on Goubol members that they don't in
tend, seeing Republicans who have been
lioneHtly elected thrown out for Goebel
Democrats. This would causfl Speaker
Triinblo to order tho lobbies and galleries
of thu entire nttttohouso cleared, which, it
is believed, would procipitatou conflict."
Catarrh Uuiitiut be Ourrri
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to euro it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure in
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was wub prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular piesorlption. It is composed
of the beat tonics known, combined with
tho best blood purifiers, acting directly
n the mucous surfaces. The perfeet
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh, Send for testimonials,
P. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
'Sold by druggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
AMMUlt ou h Jniiaoeie.
Inuki'knuknok, Or., Jan. 24. Con
stable J. H. Moran took over to tho coun
ty jull at Dallas today, Willis Jordan,
who was committed in default of $100
hall, on a charge of assault with a danger
ous weapon. Last Sunday at tho Cooper
logging camp, n few mile below town,
Allen .Ionian is alleged to have given a
Japaneeo cook an unmerciful beating,
and while he was doing tho beating his
brother htoul in the room with a big
club nnd made the rest of tho crowd keep
0 IT. The brother who did tho beating
cannot he found. The other one did not
think the officials wanteddiirn, so made
no effort to escape. The boyB have been
in trouble in this city before.
Your Face
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health ad well. Impure
blood makes iteelf apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Fimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
wenk and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearanco yon should try
Aeker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsuparillos and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Plakoley & Hough t oh. druggists.
President Has a New Plan for the
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
the owner of several placers and aleo oi
a coal mine half way between Bennett
and Dawson. He states that the re
ported rich And of copper-gold quartz at
Great Slave lake, in which the Hudeon's
bay people were Interested, has turned
out to be fictitious. "Theresa no doubt
Empress Is Believed to Have j whatever," said Mr. Marion, "that the
mine is salted."
Forced Old One to Abdicate and
Nine-Year-Old Boy Will Succeed
jS"i:w Yomc, Jan. 25, A spiclal to the
Herald from Washington bays: The
proposition made by the Filipino leader,
Senor .Mnbini. for a civil commission to
treat with the Filipinos will not be con
sidered by tho administration until
Auuinuldu surrenders, and in ofiichil
elrelrs tho general disposition is to re
gard Mahitti's requeBtas another pluyl
lor dalay.
It ia the purpose of President McKin
ley io inaugurate a civil government to
enpersed') military rule in the Philip
pines at the earliest uossible moment,
and he ih favorably inclined toward a
commission in lieu of a governor-general,
and is discussing the question of avail
able men for such a commission. If hie
present plans are carried out ttie Filipinos
will have all of tho commissions they
want to confer with, for in addition to a
commission for the government of tho
islands, it is not unlikely that congress
will appoint a joint commission to in
vestigate tliu islands next summer and
report to the next session as a guide for
future legislation.
linlilicd Hie Onivt'.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by 'him us follows:
"I wiib in a moet dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, u
triend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; und to
my great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed tho grave of another
victim." Ko one should fail to try them.
Only 50e, guaranteed, at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. 5, Jan. 25. The impel iid edict
istiied yesterday says that owing to the
emneroi's poor health he is unable to
conduct the business of tho state, and
appoints Put Sing, son of Piince Tuano,
Ill's heir. The emperor apparently has
been compelled by the dflwacer empress
to abdicate about Chinese New Year,
though it is understood this will meet!
with considerable opposition In certain
court circles. The 'dowager empress,
however, intends to carry out the pro
gramme which she' bad been planning
for yeare. '
Washington, Jan. -o
minister heie has received no official iu
formation as to; the appointment of a
new emperor. When the announcement
huh shown tiie members ot the legation
by a representative of the Associated
Press, considerable eurpriee was ex
pressed from f he fact that the names
mentioned, Pdt Sin, the reported new
emperor, and Prince Tuano, his father,
are not known to any member of the
legation. Chinese officials here say they
are certain! not prominent in public
-The Chinese
Tneuty-tlve Wars' 'Constant Use With
out a Failure.
The first indieat'on of croup is hoarse
ness, and in a child subjtct to that
disease it may betaken as a sure sign of
the approach of an attack. Following
tiiis hoarseness is u peculiar rough '
cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy j
is given as soon as the child becomes
hoarse, or even ufter the croupy cough
appears, it will prevent the alhisk. It
is used in many thousands of homes in
this broad land and never disappoints
tho anxious mothers. We liavb yet to
learn of a single instance in which it
has not proved effectual. Xo other
preparation can show such a recoid
tweiitj'-live years' constant use with
out a" failure, tor sale by Blakeley &
A frightful Uluticlur
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in tho world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sore, fever sores, ulcers, holls.corns,
elons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on eartu. uniy cts. a oox.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghtau, druggists. 1
"One Minute Cough Cure is the best
remedy I ever used for coughs and
colds. It Is unequalled for whooping
cough. Chrildren all like it," writes H.
N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never
fails. It is the only harmless remedy
that gives itruediate results, Cures
coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu
monia, bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles. Its early use- prevents
JiiUrjiemlriice Wt Hide Hold.
Ikdbi'KXDUnck, Jau. 2-1. The West
Side, one of the local papers, has been
sold by E. 0. Pentland to J. W. Craw
ford, a Portland attorney. Mr. Peutland
has been very desirous of making a sale
for some time.
lleuth 1)' Cailiullu Add.
RosKiiuitu, Or., Jan. 24. Ida, wife of
Fied Gabhert, of Myrtle Creek, drank
carbolic acid with suicidal intent at 7
o'clock this morning, dying in a few-
minutes. It is thought the woman was !
mentally unbalanced from the elfectB of
serious illuess a year ago. She left a
husband and two young children. Tho
deceased and her husband belong to two
of the oldest families of Myrtle Creek.
The coroner is investigating the cuse
this evening.
"I am Indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life. It cured
me of lung trouble following grippe."
Thousands owe their lives to the prompt
action of this never failing remedy, It
cures coughs, colds, 4 croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. Its early use prevents con
sumption. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results.
F. B. Thirklold, health inspector of
Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cannot be recommended too highly. It
cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di
gests what you eat and cures indigestion
and heartburn, and all forms of dys
pepsia. Reports should it Dliouuutrd.
Vancouvkb, B. C., Jan. 24, The re
ports of fabulously rich quartz strikes in
the north should be liberally discounted,
says J. A, Marlon, of Dawson, himself
For winter residence or winter outing
ideal conditions will be found on every
hand iir California. Plenteous earl."
rainfall has this season given to ti e
semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im
petus; the floral offerings ore more than
nsualiv generous and the crop of
southern fruits bountiful and excellent
Old ccean possesses new charms at
Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long
Beach, Caronado and the enchanted isle
of the sea, Catallna where fishing,
boating, rambling, riding, hunting and
loafing uay be enjoyed as nowhere else
Quiet little spots, snug and wann
offer themselves at Montecito, Xordhoff,
Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto,
Fall Brook and Palm Springs.
For renewing health and vigor, here
abound many bot springs, of widely
varying constituents and demonstrated
merits; the dry, ant j tic, tonic air of
the desert may be enjoyed ot Banning,
Indio, ltiina; and, even farther on, at
Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con
ditions equally well indicated for weak
throats and lunge.
Many think nothing in nature more
attractive than the shimmering olive
orchards of Santa Baibara ami San
Diego; others prefer the stately wilnuts
I of Ventura and Los Nietos, or the
lemons of Fernando; but for glorious
fruit and graceful tree commend us to
the golden oiunue, first, last and always,
and it exists in greatest perfection at
Covina, Riverside, Redlauds aud High
lands. Equally interesting is the
scientific and tempting fxshion in which
tho sorting and packing of the orange is
here accomplished.
The faithful were exhorted to see
Mecca and shtiflle otr; but wiser gener
ations will see California of the south
and prolong life. tf
Itnrli'il at Arlington.
Washington, Jan. 24. The remains
of forty-three soldiers who died of yellow
fever in Cuba, were interred at Arlington
today. The exercises wore conducted
according to the rituals of the Catholic!
and Episcopal churches. President Me
Kinley, Secretary Root ami Attorney
General Giiggs were present. The
burial was with military honors.
L. T. Travis, ngent Southern It. R.,
Sellnu, Ga., writes: "1 can not say too
much in praise of One Minute Cough
Cure, In my. case it worked like a
charm." The only harmless remedy
that gives Immediate results. Cures
roughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all
throat and lung troubles.
Cure lluaduclie Quickly.
Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue, 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24 Uw
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets'are eold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. Acker's English Remedy will Btopa
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts, and 50 cts, Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists, j
Horse Cor dale,
Thirty head of good horses, weight
from 1100 to 1400 lbs. To be seen at
Jacob McReyuold's place, 15 miles east
from The Dalles, For further particu
lars address,
Stuauhk Bitos,,
jan24 mw The Dalles, Or.
'Williams & Co.'s
something of interest for the men folks. All Smoking Jackets. Fancy
Vests and Bath Robes left over from the holidays, will be sacrificed
Saturday ; to make room for spring goods.
No better chance will present itself to get a nice Jacket, Vest or
Robe, at such prices. You can depend upon that. Therefore, yoq'll be,
around If you know a good-thing etc, etc,
Smoking Jackets.
An even dozen only; these siz?9 nnd
One each size 36 and 44 at 45.00;
Saturday $3.60
Two size 33 and one 40 at 1 6 00;
Saturday $3.90
One each size 3S and -40 at $0.50;
' -Saturday $4.18
One-each size 40 and 42 at $7.5Q;
Saturday $5.25
Two size 40 and one 42 at $10 00 ; '
Saturday $7.40
Nothing nicer than these, if you would
enjoy home-comfort.
Fancy Vests
double breasted stylep, in the various popular
silk-mixed veslinc; principally in dark fancy
weaves, off-iet with a small "bright colored
figure in silk.
Some with
and others
without collar.
A very few also of that very swell English
Golfing material, in euhdued plaids. These
ure made in single breasted with collar.
To make room for our spring styles we
quote the following reductions for Saturday:
$2 50 Vests will be
$4.UU Vests will be .--'o
i5.00 Vests will be 3 25
$5 50 Vesta will be 3 50
$0 00 Vests will be
$6.50 W'sts will be
$7,50 Vests will be
$S50 Vests will be
Also two bnvn' fancv vnts, for ages 13 and 14 years;
$2 50 one, $1.78 ; r $3,50 one, $2,63.
Bath Robes.
A half dozen only left over from
the holiday rush. Two of each size:
3640 12. Comfort-loving men won
der how others got along without a
bath robo. No need to be without at
these prices :
$5.00 Robes
$0.50 Robes....'.
, $9.00 Robes
' $10.00 Robes.
, .Saturday only $3.50
, .Saturday only 4.50
. .Saturday only 0.40
.Saturday only 7.03
These prices are
for Tomorrow only.
A. M. Williams & Go.
Dewey white wash? Yes, rtiul wash whito. You can
Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronizo us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to
C-U-B-A customor of ours.
Corner of Third and Federal Street,
'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR.
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