IS I 1 Acts gently on the Kbdneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System EFFECTUALLY . uu PERMANENTLY BUy THE GENUINE-MANT'D By IoPnia hr. Vypvp(. roibAUEfaior.i;GOiiTS rr.u SCc HRMUL "A Cheerful Liar." This now popular comedy was first presented to the public in New York city two seasons apo by that well known comedian, John Dillun, uhere it en joyed a suceessful run of nearly 1:50 nislits. Unlike the majority of plays of this uinu, A Olieerlul hiar" possesses an excellent plot, interspersed with n variety of funny situation?, specialties and laughable complications. The story in brief concerns one Hast ings Hussell, who, with a General Bertie Boomer, fought side by side in the army of the Confederacy. After the declara tion of peace they separated and went Isortli where Boomer became a wealthy Chicago real estate dealer, and Hussell, less lucky, became a country justice of the peace in a little town in Indiana, where, with his "boy" constable, Guy McGufiin, he manaued to scrape out a living by frequent indigencies in cheer ful lying. Boomer, a widower when the play opens, had a daughter, Flora, who elopes with Randolph Deirborn, the young people being followed on the nost train by the irate father. Flora and her lover cro to Hussell to be married, 1... . ct - . I. . I um mm uiai a lionise is necessary in Indiana. While they aro nor to procure one, Boomer arrives and the old friends ajrain reuottnizo each other. When Randolph returns IltiSH'l) olTere, for a consideration, to pacify Boomer and obtain hie consent, trusting to his shrewdness and lying abilities to woik hie point, but in this he is defeated. Later on Boomer determines that Flora miin ho married at once and offers her to Hussell. Tho Judge jumps at the chance and gops to Boomer's Eiinmier villa to pay his court. Flora, to thwart him, disguises herself in her Cousin ! lorn s clothes and tells her ancient admirer that Flora lias gone to town. Meanwhile Hussell learns that Randolph 'has arrived for a stolen interview, and 7r p , nK ,neSat)n,,eM,p i posed Ton) to I' ora. nrono-es that Tm shall , . ' . ...uctj.ic, oi.o aa ma euusill nild take a rise out of the rival. Flora is only two willing, and putting on her own clothes, receives her lover. The climax ia reached when Husel, to carry the joke on Randolph to its limit, marries tho supposed Tom to him. Of course, whtn the General returns, it is found that tho marriage is legal, and so the two old fellows make the best of a bad job. ROLL OF HONOR. Lilt of TIhimh Who Art) Faithful, I'unctual mul Pupils neither absont nor tardy dur ing tho term beginning fiept. 11, 1899, and ending Jan. H, l!)()0: EAST HIM, I'UIMAItV. Mins Cooper, teacher Maggie Davis, 6u?an Davis, Juinea Ferguson, Joe Hay ward, Helen Knechtley, Dalles Mc Cartney, Newton Sexton, Harold Ses- ton, V ictorla Thompson, Veda Webber, Venon Webber. Miss Roberts Adolph Huclilor, Albert Bartell, Delia Height, Alfred Ferguson, Frank Ferguion, Allyn Roberts, Haword Btllwell, Walter Scherrer. COUKT HTIIUKV HCIIOOL. Miss Douthlt-Grover Roup, Ella Han eon, Minnie Kaujjlimuii, Grover Keller, OVERCOMES ' tttS Ox I fill r-i r k i i in g s - v ; Gertrude Lougtnlro, Maude Robinson, John Stubcr. Miss Cooper Jennie Buchler, V. Ona Guthrie, Minnie Hex, Jvellie Kaufman, Nona Nnylor, Henj.uiiin l'nshek. Mies Martin-Delia Allon, Nollio IJoa tetler, Maude Kirby, Adelaide McCuen, Edith Mcl'herson, Viola Young, Ernest Wnlthers. -l t, -1 -. rjg Diiss ren i-iaurence .niuaier, vjiu , mel Bolton, Hoburl Booth, Henry Buch- &s 11 T.... 1? .-1.... A 1 tin I.. .. Tin. tin 1 lUT, 1.1111 XII11U, lllUU Allll.., Longnilre, Morris 1'milsen. ACAOKMY l'AUK SCHOOL. Miss I'hirman May Baker, Cora Bo zarth, John Bunu, Ethel Faulk, Edwin Halfpapp, Burton Jayne, Roy Jolmson, Paul Kreft, Alfred Mori,mtifleld. Miss Flinn Mury Bauer, Margaret ti . T i . n . r I ri..-.n T Ijiruiibun, -inn urunc, uitiuii v-m 1.13, ncic Martin, Willie Nitechke, Robert Pad dock, F'red Walther. Mrs. Roche Clara Bunn, Juisio Cutes Lester Collins, Geoigo Eaton, Wilson Huntiiijton. Albert Smiley. Miss Ball Pearl Baker, Roger Birg fold, Gertrude Crowe, R'ettn Eddon, Ernest Halfpapp, Dora Johns, Charles Kreff, Albert Kallar, Frnneis Luke, Euory LoiiRUiire, Drusilla Moody, Hurry Nttechke, Calanthe Reedy, Ethel Staniela, Jessie Smith, Marshal Young, Bertha Ziegeahageii. HIGH .11001.. Mrs. Baldwin Anna Bauer, Nora Borders, Miles Ferguson, Luurr. Haight, John Kent, Thursday Kent, Hazel .Huntington, Vina Nielsen, Arlie Steele, Sadie Young. Miss L. Rintoul George Baker, Salina Haight, Insa Lirsen, Lindsay McCart ney, Nellie Murch, Bess Nielsen, Earl Roberts, Guy Sexton, Leona Sexton, Joseph Snipes, Will Seufert, Margaret Stuben, Johanna Wnlthers, Delia Youuk. Miss T. Rintoul Martha Bartell, Pearl Bates, Arthur Drews, Constance French, Margerite Lnke, Jolin Sclierrer, Frank Seufert, Ray Taylor, Lulu Ward. Miss Michell Editli Allen, Emily Crossen, George Betts, Charles Collins, Nina Guthrie, Anna Godberson, Lota Kelsay, Sylpher Kent, Wasco Moiris, Lilly Ostium!, Hallie Rice. Evelyn Sand- rock, Elizabeth Wyss, Lennio Willig, Gnstav Walther. HIGH SCHOOL DKI'AnTME.ST. Miss Hill aud Mr. Neir-Anna Calla ban, Oscar Beck, John Cooper, Willie Cross, Bessie Eddon, Roy Emerson, Ptul French, Joseph McArthur, Dora Nielsen, Joseph Nitschke, Lulu Rowe, Dora Sexton. J. S. Lakduus, Sup't. A Sl'UR CUltK FOll CltOUT, Twenty-live Yean' Constant Uie Willi out a Failure. The first indication of croup is hoarse ness', aud in a child Eiibitct to that disease it may be'taken ns a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cougn. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will provent the, attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. We have yet to learn of a single instance m which it jhas not proved efleetual. No other preparation can show such u record I twenty-live years' constant use with out a failure. or tale bv Rlakeloy & Houghton. F. R. Thirfcield, health inspector of Chicago, eays, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di- gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and all onus of dvu pepsia. llorsm fur rialo. Thirty head of good horses, woM.t , . .. '. . ' w,-,",u iroiuijuu to uw ins. to be seen at Jacob McReyuold's place, 15 mifes east from The Dalles. For further partial lars address, Stuauhe Unos., janlM-inw The Dalles, Or. All persons wishing to take children, either boys or gi.'ls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardiier, superintendent of tho Roys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Iortlond, who can procure for them de sirablochildren of all itges. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not heln but euro dyspepsia and stomach trouble. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative ellect of a gentle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy It and it benefits them. The true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. ' ' Paint your house with paints that are fully Buarnnteed to last. Clarke &, Fulk have thorn. Subjcrlbo for The Chronicle. BUSINESS Subseribo for Thk Chiiosick. Feed ryo for sale at tho Wasco Ware house. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Clnrk A Falk'e drug stock is new fresh and complete Clarke & Falk have on sale n full line of paint and artist's brushes. Use Clarke A Falk'e quinine hair tonic to keep duiulrufl' from tho head. You will not have boils if you take. Clarke & Falk's sure cure for hoila. Ash your grocer for Clarko & Falk's puro concentrated flavoring extracts. Floral loliou will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarko k Falk. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnoll's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco varohous6, Finest kind of chicken feed. tncli2u-tf Clarke & Falk h.wo received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton trictly pure liquid paints. The modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver troubles thu famous little pills known asDeWitt's Little Early Risers. Size doesn't indicate quality. Bewaro ol counterfeit and worthless-salve offered for DoWitt's Witch Ilnzal Salvo. De Witt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and alt skin diseases. G. II. Appleton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DoWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others." Quickly curesall liver and bowel trilbies. Acker'? Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One Jittle tablet gives immediate relief. 25 eta. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. L. T. Travis, agent Southern R. R., Selina, Ga., writes: "I can not say too much in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. In my. case it worked like a charm." The only harmless remedy that gives imuudiate results. Cures, coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis aud all throat aud lung troubles. Wrllo "Jjiiunilry" on Hie New I.i'iif. In turning over the new leaf for 11100 has it occurred to yuu to try our work? People who have, Eay it's all right. Remember there is no charge connected willi cur collection and delivery system. Ring up Condon 'phone IMl.or long distance 902. Laumiuv Co., Cor. Third and Federal Sts. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough nt any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 23 cts. und 50 cts. Rlakeley & Houghton, druirgiats. Curex Jteiiilaelic Otilckly. ISaldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, norvoiisnesp, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 'Jo cents. Sold by Clarke k Falk, druggists. janLM Gw ITlltJJU. W.WILf-ON, V ATTOKNKY-AT LAW, THK DAI.I.1.K. OltKtiO.N Oihcenvei First Nat . li'in-. tit:: CI-:;.: no cvv.c j oi: it: io Ely's Cream Balm Kaiy and pleasant to iis. t-omaius no in. jurioDB dm". I' l quickly absorbed. (iivC3 Jtalief at (ini c. It Ojicna aud t'lcarmes All.ijra IrilUrniuatiou.' inn rnsnl kibjaik.. COLD 'N HEAD Ileila and 1'rotccU Ilia Memlimri 1lr.lnru 11. n rt'usoa of Tasto and Hrncll. Lame Size, 60 cents at Dm gfjistii or l.y mall j Trial Size, 10 cenU hy mall. Administrator's Notice. .P'iU."".lI'-'rsI.',1.t',i vllljf liecn aiipolutiil ail hi.'i ,,loeV,,u ,"' Joii'itlian JackH , dectU4td, iiiidurand byv rtuo (if an o-ileriluly nude ami entered In the County Court of I b HlateofOrwinfor Wawo County oil tn Jii.l day of Ptc'ember, lk,, nil pc-r s o 1 1 h J i v 1 1 1 u-, J n I n" aua nat wld catute are licu-hy iiotllliVrto pre- verified ut the olllcu of my attorney, Kml WlUon, In The Dalle, Orw.n within sli ""."""! !Hf,m. '10 f notice. Dated Tlie Dalles, Oreon, Jan. 18, i;. Jan '.'0-5t . 15. HAITJIAHHIli;, AdiiilnlHtrator. Notice of Guardian's Sale. Notice l hereby Rhcn that thu undemlffiicil he duly appointed and uvtlriK r mr lun oj coiko Kllmt, Krnnk Kllint, A niuu Joidiui? Ku' tic foiiian Hiid Mary Jordan, win irn. w II. rmn mill alter thu 17th rfay ot Fcbriii ry. Pjoo ieli ill tho rlKl.t, title and intoiei. at ! mu!id minors In and to tho nomh half ol he m,u heaVi e'a"trtw Mk,Ti "I',.!,1!: t,0ir"""l' ?Tffl tajt, , si thu tainu lw iik n thriK-'llftha Intor. vat' iaie1 U,kal'1 lH,"J' '" hi" U, it Dated January IS, 1'jOO, JmiZO 3t W1I.U.VJI JOUDAN, Guardian. CAJARRH SLRftML liiir.uvr Fell; Tin sciriiiiui.t:. KltOM 1MI.LKM. Ar.uiVK Fiuix. Knit .Mull 11:15 p. iu, Suit I.hU Denver, R.I Fun Mull us iw p m Worth, uiminn, Mia mi City, Ht. l-miiv OIiIpuku nail i:t. BiKiknne Wnltn Wnllii, flpnkime, Bimkaiio i'lycr Mtniiciivotls. St. 1'ivul, Vliur. 7:0ft p. in. i ii lutli, Mllwmika', 4:3) a. in Chtcngo mill Knit. 8 i. iu. 1 p. m. Fhom 1'or.Ti.ANi). Occam Htomiislil)"1. For Pun Frnniilsco Dcocuilivr -J. X, W, IS, :.) ami 8 p. m. 4 p. in. Kx.Muiuliiy Columbia Hv. Utnuncrs. Ki.miiuln) To Astokia imd Way Baturdiiy Imilliigs. 10 p. iu. tin. m. ' Wii.i.asikttk UiVKn. I:sap. m. Kx.buiulHyiOrcRiiii Cltv, NnwlH'rciEx.Hunilay Bulem it Way land's.. 7 a. m, ' Willamftte and Yam- ."1 :30 p. m. Tues.Ttiur.l him. Itivium. IMhiimWhI mid eat. Orciroii City, Dayton,, mul Frl. i mid Wiiy-Ijiiullncb. Oil. 111. WlLr.AMKTTK lilVRK. Tne..Tliiir, Portland to Corvallls, and Bat. I mid Way-ljiudliiir nanp.nii. Mnn. Wut mul Friday HNAKK ItlVKK. Uiparla to Ijwiston. I.K.WK I.KWISTON dally 8:'JU a. in. I.v Hliarla daily in. V rar.lcs deslniiK to so to llepnucr hhoill take No. -1, lcaviim '1 he Dalle.', at ":(X' p. ta niiikirie direct eonneclloiih at Hummer liiiietlon liuttirnlnK iiiaLliiRdirii'tniiiiicutinii at Heppiu'r junction uiuiM). i.arrivuiK at tiiu nutlets at ':5.'j . in. No. 'ii, throucht freluht, east IjouiiiI, does not carry pnssensers; arrives 'i:M a. in., dejiarts 3:it) a. la. No. 'H, local fflfitit, carries ))aieii;cri, cast boiiml: arrlvex l:;)n. in., i li' i. in. No. Ul, west bound through freight, dues not carry passcngera; arrlvct 8:10 p m dciarts p. m. No. 2.1, west bound local freight, carries pas tviiKern; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs 8::M a. in. For full particulars call on O. It. i; N. Co.'i rgent The Dalles, or address W. II. IIUItl.llL'ItT, (Sea l'us. At Portland, Or, ft Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, Kmha THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, Ono Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. ' PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. '3W 33S OMW aiAinn JB' OKIHKNU(HrrKIt Pliysiciau aud Suieou, Hixiclal attention glvun to urery, oomsiii aua2z, Tal.ittg Vogt Iilock ind Embalmer iaji i a i d ii 4 h f i1 f 'i (i aiviiJ,'JMiL'tutH'i'j;iuiuiniiituijitiju'LajiiutiitmtT'njiff iiiVtTritriiiiriiiitiTiiiiirfiiiMiiiir;iWiiiikiiiiiiiiiViritiliTlTi C. F. Stephens ..Dotilor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. limit.", Klines. UatM, ' ilk, NolioUH. lor W. I,. Doiij-'las Shoe. ARt. Tule)ilioni! No. h. The Dalles, Or, ft'.fonn m., i( C. S. Smith, Tin: Jp-to-dateQroeer Fresh EjgH end Creamery IStittor a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. H. hCMKNK, 1'rthidoiic. ii. il, IIIMI. , Castile; First National Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Uiuikinj; liuoineae transacted Deposits received, subject to Kiht Draft or Cheek. Collections iilade and jiroceode promptlj remitted on dav of colloction. Sinht and Telegraphic Eschanite noid on New York, Han Francisco anJ Port land. DIK'aOTOKS p. P. TllOMI'HON. JxOtti. ridllKMOJC. Eu. M. Wiu.uyH, Gko. A. Likiik. H. M. Bkau.. ii PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOh'ACTUKKUHOK Pino Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD HJiEF. JCTG. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. TKANHACT A KNKtlAl. HAN KINO 1IUHI.NKH I-ottom of Credit IbruoiI Bvailable In the omftt;r.mndeat " PltH on f.v. IJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllco uver Kruncli & Co.'a Hank ''"""0 f THK DA1.1.KS oitKUON , r. mcouk, JOHN riAviw MOORE & GAVIN ATTOltN'KYS AT LAW. ' JioomtNaiidM.ovor U.S. lind Olllcc. Hie Coiuiia Po 111 I U.( tmUmM U mMUiuml The Chronicle, Tho Dalles, On. Job Printers. XOTICK. Administrator's S'ale of J!oal Katsti. Notice Ik hereby ulvcu that tin' uiiilcnintl J K l i.Tni'Min. iidinlnUtriitor ul thcouml I.vdla A KIcIoikIkoii, drri'tiif I, hi nirMiiij an onlcr oi tin: lloiiornlilu Coiuiiv roiirl dV mate of omroii lor Waxco county iliilrnsl and cnturt.'(l on tin) Itb day of .lauiiarv, WW. ill frmn mill idler the lath day of l;, 1 pioi'rcd to m:1I at private hale for rath In iiul al: of the loliou ho: ik-crlliol real lot; to the i.'Hlnte ol Mild l.ulm A. Hltlutiul lUeeiined, to wit; Tlio northwest iniarler of tli noiit!iwotiKl ter, ami iouth hall ol the nor'httvit quaiKiril Die Miiillnveitt iiiarler ol the iQi':l of H'l'tlon thtee t.i) ill towiiNhln dim (I) ml3 ) I raliKu inirtuen eatu 1 1 inu nirtmBUcnira I f tt ii. in Waseo couutv. Oreiron also thnt cmN j,pllT' or imrcel ol laud piirtleulaily lumvoaliJ illied lib lotlnwK CoriimeliulliK -IMi U!y ieel wchl ii: lliu MiuiiieaM corner ci i I Miutliwest quiirtur ol Million three (Jilntdi: hlilp lour (I, nmtlli ol riiuue tiiirtecli (U)u; tne n: mnncuc uiuriuiau in naco ctiunir, con, and run iiIiik thunre uorlh onululi: tlicnce wi.'Ht W) iihIh and !' Ivct. llicncc otit'-lnilf mile, mid thi'iicu en.-1 M rmliisl feet to the tilaeu of ln'iiliiiilin. nin e inidiw therefrom four lots Iu ItiiibnnlNoa Aililtal t ie I own of IvkIi. which liui liein hmlch sold ami ri)iiccd; the trnct nliovc ileicnttfia clililliii! allof mild KIchHrdnon'ii Addlllun blii Tout: of Tyrtli, hh laid nut and plitttnlwtk coiiien iu i in; iieeoros or iktih rur m ciiuuty, Ukkoii, Mild real estate above ! eoutaiuiUK .in ucren, nioru or I'.'bh. A n v iiorMMidcxlrliiK n formation wltlirtfrrd in nnlil real eiitatu xliould call on orinltlrruEil luncllon City. Oregon, or my nttoruejs, . v .ni-iiuiee, ai l ne naiies, uri'Kim. Dalcil tliMJth day of Jaiituiry, 1M. J. 8. I'KIKII'KsO.V. Adirliilhtratorof thu Ktateo( l. U.i A, tiki unison, oeceantii. Dri rii .v .M:.vkit.i:. Attonicyii for Adiiilnlittrator. W SUMMONS. I.V Til K I'llttlMT tidl.UT (iK TIIK STlfi in uieon, lor the Cimiity of Winee llelle Medreevy, ,lniitlir, ThomiiH Metlreevy, di'lclidimt. To ThoiiiiK, .MeCirecvy, defendant Itt till? Xllllln nf tin. Kiiit., .if llriM'iill. Yna I lieieliy reiinlred to iiinar mul annvur hW illnt llled i KiiliiHt yon In thu aui' tM mill ttllllln ten ilnvk IriiMi rlie ilule of lliOKft of thli- Miinitiiinn iiimiii on, if Kerved wltol thin County; or if oeru'd ulthln nnr oWI I'ouiitvnl this Htale, then within Hinitf 0 from the date of lliu Mrvliiu ol tint KiiciukI niionymi, or 1( served iiihiii yon h imbllotWI thereof, then on or lnfiiii ilu. lust (lav of fa I tlltii' iiii'M'rlhi'd in I he order lor iniblioWj i.i ir, on or nelorenlx ueelit Irimi uieoK the Hint imhlleatlon hereof mid il u Wl' iillKiUT, for want thereof the iinlntlfl apply to the Court for the relief pwj'l r in iter complaint, to-vlt, that the imirrnt" li-nef intiv ..vuiii... i...i ...... . .i ..... i il' mid vm feiiilant Im ioruvur dli.ohed ami that pll ne iiHanied tluiexdlUHlvi! miNtody an iiiemw uhlldrcn nl ploini III und defendant 1 hi hiimmoiiH Im mirved niiou oii liyput'i" Hon thereof, piirhtiant to the order iiImUJK iilili Court. iiiiideniKl entered on Hit I'JthW .lannary, llfi), reiiulriiiB the iiuhlliatlniili; for nix eoiiK'entlvo weiiUK, (.Miniineiieliig J .v, ijw, inu nine oi mo nrM iiiinneain" 11 11 VVI'l V .T,V A iellilM. jan to r,t Attoru'eyH for rial"'11 NOTJCE FOR PUULICATIOS. (iHolutod Trnct ) I'ubllo Land Unii ornce at Thk onwosj .Ian MJj Notice Ih luirobyKlveii that In puiuo liikltn.ilif.ti i.i..... I tne IT? ...-.......(wiin infill VIIU lailll IIIIIWIivi Trt jmil laud (illleii. under mitlioiity votol In hy neetlon 'JIM V. K. Ituv.riliti.. as Mili'll'""'! thu net of uoiiKrunx npiinived Feliriiurjf ';, WO Will liroencii in nll'.ir ,it tmlilll) ill eoli w". day. Ilu- rtti day of rVhtnary mm of 111 o'elonk, ,i, in , ,it thin olllee, thu foIM i oi iiiiiu, tun ii -,,v'l it I.Stc. Ultima loin 1 and S, titv .U,T.1- ii'y iiml 'all (Miriioiu iilaliuliiK' ''''tt' w.., u i.vnuiioeil IIIIIOH lliu nuiura "V. ibKI liiiiiiiHiuiiiiiNouiuoonor naioiu deilKimted for thuooiuinuncunient i r uiuurwiao inuir riglita will hu loriiiiveu. JAY I' I.UCAB, Kinlstcr, JaiiKM OTIB I'ATriJItHO.S lUt'e'1'"' g ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run overy (hy excopt HamiH Tlphon 201. W. A. GATES, Prop.