The Great Clothing Sale Is On. Tho marvelous offerings during the past two weeks havo boen bo liberally responded to by our many patrons that wo lmvo been Inspired to still greater efforts for the bnlnnco of the month. Men's nil wool suits $3.85 Men's nil wool stilts 4,85 Mori's all wool cheviot suits G.85 Men's fancy worsted and sorgo suits 7.85 Men's nil wool blun sorgo nnd cheviot suits, single and double breasted 0.85 It will be well for you to retnenibcr that this isn Jnnuary Clearance Sale and cannot last much longer. Hats. Hats. The latest styles and latest shapes at clearance sale prices. A Timely Warning. There are eight more days In this month in which wo will do business at Cut Rates Those of you who havo not taken advantage of this golden opportunity must not regret It when it is too late, for we have warned you repeatedly that we havo been offering goods Much Lower than tho market really justifies. There is no reason to believe that all fabrics will not be higher in future, for prices have advanced all Blong the line, and for people to presume that they can always buy goods at the pres ent low prices Is utter folly. Wo will not quoto you prices on special lines tins issue, but bear in mind that there is a liberal reduction throughout the Dry Goods Dep't and especially on dress goods, waists, skirts, ready-made gnrnients of nil kinds, underwear, etc. View our silent salesmen the windows. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS Telephone No. 1. Oysters served In every Mylu by KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Thu water ommiHRiouers postponed A ilm'i'iulunt of Aununius will appear L in i oi'I mtnnrrou' nnrl .Niunrilin IL'IIIH. Another opportunity will bo given uiii uuiiKiiig piiHiry, lis wie oikw jiiu'iii in i mvt iiieir iiHiin Minn m nil icitmn in uviri' fir :rnuu' umvu The bill hoards today are not very i tin r ttifiur uitii.r-itanottiitti nvttfiiiiiiiii ft ri limn in mi nrinbnM in rm tiitmrnii Thu Hiilooiia ut loiiflt must be receiving ,1 ..t . A t 1 1 ,....1 f 1 t i i '"uit fuuwii: i rum me nnmuer 01 uruiiuu uu ru urrcHiou una innun to no oin- im .i !... 1 KI..4. l... -- i " n ii mo mci,iHUf,.vi itna uiuiiMiif,! The people of Baldwin precinct near t V . . .... nun uivur, uiurt vmi crotiH tho nraiiro iUtll tllMV irtir ii It fni tliu nuiunt uut'll fit.. ... I inni ...... J. K.l.l... ril'nl t.t M fl 1 .. l.-t.V u 4UL 111 rtl lb 1 11 11 111 1J Ll'i )1 IIIV.II 11 M III UI'.WI t iKiPit Im imln .innituiiili . -xu i i v. i iiiv III VMV w nnvitfi ... it...t ...ii' t i -I "mi iiuit MIHV lillU OUkVIUia tfc,v II I.II1IK) l lliu ktnot .at.lil.mla linttik n ii... i . i .v nuinu uuiur iiii'uiin ui uiuaoii At u tnvulini of tlio council nJl long innii it tt-iii i. ........i.n.,..! i,i i ,., J "HI UU lUlllCIUUUIUU J. I HIV tUC imHiiiiiB on I ho corflcr of Seccmd and 'l"re. It 1b n 45candlo power lit rap v but n half cent nu hour. No doubt 1 will be placod In by tonight. Tliie afternoon about a o'clock E. J. ... . -. - (Imvk lnformiiiL' lilnlftt tint onerA. 011 en his little son, vveh look place J" inornlng at St. VlWa hospital iu 'Jftliwid, wuu vorv iXceasfoJ. and that (!lt..... I .. W ... ... niuuiiu wmarwiuiy wen lor mid nirtmgiu. 41 no unioreeen i .--iiuuuo arise, oar. JiawK win re u" home tomorrow night. The newe I will be gratifying to their friends, who ' I f. I. . . t. ! imve inn extremely anxious concerning the shock to the nervous system of tho little invalid. "Taps" sounded somewhat, out of their usual hour today, and several times residents wore startled at ttie clang of thu fire alarm. It proved, however, to be but the resnlt of a trial of the new alarm boxes, which are boing put in. Tho same thing will occur for tho next two or three days and need not caute alarm, unless the bell rings vigorously. The boxes will bo placed as follows: On Second and Taylor, Second and Mad ison, Second and Laughlin, Second and Washington, Third and Lincoln, First and Union, and at the city engine house. Tuesday th Ciiuonici.i: mentioned the fact that the body of a woman and babe had been found in a spring near Condon. Though no minute detailsof tho afl'air havo beehvobtained, tje body of the woman is tlrat of MC Laura Kelsay, wife of CharleMvohrfty, of Athena. In vestigation profl that she drowned herself and at tJfeuno time her email baby. ShowaB nyirrieil to Charles Kelsay in Pendleton ffear or two ago. Whothenny domestic trohble gave rise to thaerrible deed could not be learned, although a report says she had been In Condon for the past few mouths. Tho will o Perry Gordon Uarrett, who died three weeks ago at Hood Hiver, has been admitted to probate. ,The estate valued at if 12,000. Ib bequeathed to his wife, Almeda Hedge liariett, and at her death reverts to their two grundsonp, who have been adopted by them, and the will biuniilcs a desire that the names of the boys bo changed from Howell to JJarrett. A gold watch la bequeathed to Kdward, the eldest, and a silver- headed ebony cane, on which are en graved the date and names of tho battles of the rebellion to Kdwln. The docu ment bears date of September, 17, 1809. Tho immigration bureau in I'ortland Is coustautly receiving requests for Ore gon literature, with assurances that a desiru to llnd homes in tho West prompts the request. No doubt the meetinu of tho National Press Assocla- t'iou in that city has had much to do with increasing the number of inquiries,, The editors who came hero from all over the middle West, from the Knst and South, are yet singing Oregon's praises. Another move to advertise our state is on hand by the delegates to the association, which meets In New Or leans in March. A beautiful souvenir is beliu; prepared to be given out in that city during the Mardl Gras, when peo ple from all over tho United btates are congregated there. This will ho ono of the beBt advertisements oyer given any state, and overy city and town of any note will be represented. An opportun ity 1b offered Tho Dalles to be Included among that number and should not be slighted. It will cost but a small sum and them Is ;io discount on the benefits which will he derived thereby. There was n warm time in tho county jull this morning. It wua an "oil"" tjine rather for one of tho prisoners Hugh Brown, who was spoken of yesterday as having attacked the "other Brown" in a vicious manner. He again began his tantrums early this morning and proved unmanageable, tearing about his cell like a mad man and attacked everyone who came near. Finally Deputy Sheriff Sexton and Jailor Fitzgerald braved the lion in his den and placed handcuffr on him, locking him up so securely that he can injure no one, where he lies in the corner of his cell sullenly. There is a diversity of opinion among the oflicers aB to his sanity. If he is feigning In-' sanity he is a splendid actor; but it iB just e'uch a trick as a man of his stamp will resort to. If considered necessary an examination will Boon be made; but the officers desire to move cautiously in the matter. Brown will be remembered as the desperado captured with Wilson by Dell Howell a month or two ago, and wanted on several charges throughout the state. BOERS CAPTURE WARREN. A report reaches us just as we go to press that the Boers have captured War ren and his entire army. No further particulars were given; but tho report, which comes from Portland, is given as authentic. A Keiiilnilrr of tile CIiciin. No one who attended the circus which visiteJ here last June will ever forget Kingling Bros., but will refer to it as the best show of tho kind they ever attended. A perusal of their annual Red Wagon fouvejiir, .which has been received, recalls many of tho pleasing features of tho performance here. It contains fifty largo pages, illustrated with pictures of animals, performers and circus Kenes, descriptive reading matter and stories. Some of the latter, which will prove interesting, we expect to publish at a later date. Another feature o( the fouvenlr is a diary naming every place In which it showed during IS00, from its start at Chicago in April to its appearance in New Orleans on November L'2nd. In It we find thu following: Tim, Ore., Saturday, June 10, Kd Miller, who was left ut Pendleton, caught up to us Sunday afternoon. Shaw and Breedy catch the two longest llsh hero that have rewarded the show's fishermen so far this season. Somewhere either on Ninth, Union or Second street, as far cast as Washington, a gold enameled pin ; crescent shaped. Finder will bo rewarded by leaving same at this office, or Mrs. Phillips' millinery Btore. j253t J. I. Bevry, Loganton, Pa., writes, t am willing to take my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the uso ot One Minute Cough Cure after doctors failed. It ulso cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles, Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. ANOTHER REASONABLE VERSION What a Cnrrmpnnilnnt In a Kclgtitiorlufc Town Think of the Matter. EniTon Dai.mch Chkonicmc: I note in a late issue of Tin: Chroni cal that tho Telegram has a method of dealing with the Smiths who get drunk and abuse their families. Tho Telegram's plan of the whipping post might have a wholesome effect on such. Yet there are some points worthy of consideration Tho liquor that Smith drinks and which is the acknowledged cause of bis bad conduct is sold to him by a dealer who has a legal right to sell tho same. It is a fair Inference that said liquor is a lawful drink. If so, (and if it is not a lawful drink, let the matter bo invest! gated,) then the authority that legalizes tho drink is biuml to euro for Smith while ho is under the influence of this drink, -It will not do to say that these authorities did not know that tho drink would have the effect described by the Telegram. Anybody who knows any thing, knows tho effect of intoxicants If there were any doubt, tho columns of The Dalles papers alone would eettlo it Nor will it serve to say that the saloons aro licensed to sell to only moderate drinkers. lie may be a moderate drinker upon entering the saloon ami immoderate to a fiendish degree upon leaving it. I again reler tho reader to the daily papers for confirmation. In view of the above, it wouid seem that tfie community that has licensed the sale of intoxicants and that has pocket the license fees to be used in city improvements, cannot in justice turn on tho hapless, thoueh disorderly, Smith and publicly beat him at the de grading whipping post. Smith has simplv drank of the lawful cup furnished to him by themselves. Nor if he obeervo the law which may Heaven grant! can the community hold the saloon keeper responsible. The only thing under the circumstances the com munity can do is to feeil and c.iro for Smith until he sobers up sufficiently to get out ol jail and get drunk again and abuse his family a3 before ; and feed and care for this helpless family to the end of the chapter. There is another method which has already suggested itself to a minority of the citizens of The Dalles. That is to furnish Smith with no legalized intox icants. (If secured without the consent of the community the latter cannot be held responsible.) In a majority of cases, Smith will then work steadily nnd support his own family. He will also gradually accumulate property and pay taxes. Thus he will become a produc tive factor in the community instead of a dead weight upon it. J. M. M. l'EOI'f.K YOU ALIi KNOTT, Goo. Davis, of Tygh, is in town on business. E. Hamilton, of Prinovllle, enmo in from that place Yesterday. Bert Rogers came In from Antelope on a business trip yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Stewart camo in from their homo at Prinovllle yesterday, W. II. Wilson returned yesterday afternoon from Moro, where he went on official business. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Filloon and son, who have spent tho past few days In the city, returned to their home at Moro yesterday. II. A. Stewart, representing the "Cheerful Liar" Company, is in the city today arranging for tho appearanco of his co.npanv tomorrow and Saturday night at the Vogt. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Beach wood arrived in tho city from Tacoma yesterday, and are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Nolan. Mr. Beachwood has interests at Cape Nome and is just down from there on a visit. VOGT Opera House F. J. Clarke, Manager. A ! rightful lSluiiilur Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Curi'B old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, clous and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 5 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. 1 ShsI) Im tour CIivoKh. All countv warrants registered prior to April 1, 1890, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. Stn, 1000. O. L. Piiii.i.ii'8, Countv Treasurer. Grocery Department. Special Coffee Sale For this Week. PKNNANT ROAST, a fine blend Coll'ee; :!0c regular. Special 25c per pound. KNSIGN ROAST, a fancy Costa Rica Coll'ee; 20c regular. Special 17 l-2c pr pound. YOSEMITK COFFKK lie per pkg. 10-oz package Charco, a substitute for tea and coffee 6c per pkg. Friday & Saturday Jail. 20 0 11 Engagement Extraordinary A Gheerfal Mar That Tliroliblnc nendnche Would quickly leave you, if yon nsed Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suirnrors hnvo proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong; ner,ves and build up your health. Easy to tako. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Situation Wanted, A young man wants situation in a sheep camp. Address, II. Delto, jan20-lw The Dalles, Ore. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your crocer for them. I I iTllll. fll Mil I h i - -FIEE- I Howling, Side-Splitting, Screamingly Funny. 200 Nights in Chicago. 250 Nights iu New York. 1,000,000 people have seen it. PRICES: Ganeral admission !55c Reserved seats 50c Children 25c Reserved seats on sale at Clarko & Falk's drugstore. . 1 With every one dol lar purchase at our &Jtore during January and February we will give a chance on a -$50- Aluminized Garland Steel Range. Jifaler ft Beaton i PEASE & MAYS SEEDS. SEEDS. SEIJDS. m Q W m w P w A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grase and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed O.Us, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philio Corn, Stowell'a Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn'. Kallir Corn, Egyptian Com, White Hominy Corn, Early Rose Potatoes, Burtiank Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brown Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close juices for CASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of SEEDS. J. H. CROSS. SEEDS. d Ul GO d SEEDS. I The Great STEEL and MALLEA- $ E BLE IRON RANGES, I 5' "j Jflajestie Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ' ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. t Ronioinbor that wo aro soiling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 1 Vhioh is a saving to our customers of from $15 to $25 ovor price charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. Wrilo for pamphlet, "Majostic Evidence-." VIRVS & COCUE. 1 :s 5 3