Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels A, EAN5ES THE YSTEM vt cCDv?)FFFFr.TMA1 IV tDg FFFEGTLIALLY ' rr. v . OVERCOMES JyrrO ' UAU PERMANENTLY !TSBE.C.AtCT& BUy THE GENUINE MANT'D By IliI?KNIATGPSYRVP(2. rca sau etiic!;i'5S.5TSi fsm sfa ftRKtut. U. OF O. NOTES. What Oii'ConV htiiritint Are Doing at tin I'nl VlTsltJ". EntTon CmtoNtcLn: The most important event of the week was the Glee Club reception given by President and Mrs. Strong and the local alumni, at Villard Hull. A large num ber of the alumni, Btudooi body rm:i friends of the universitywere present. Prof. McAllister, '90, spoke of the alumni and its relation to the university. Dr. Strong spoke of the Glee Club, and its relation nnd benefit to the university. Prof. Glen gave an account of the club's holiday tour and its Eastern Oregon reception. The Glee Club then sang and of coarse wertvencored. The Treble clef club gave a well rendered selection, refusing to respond to the encore. The rough house ijuartet, composed of Messrs. Goodrich, as leader, Put Mc Arthur, sinking higher basso and Blytlie aucL Whittles', furnishing the discord, sang a "rooter's song" witli varuiioiis, accentuations, etc. Its dis cordant harmony was excruciating. At the weekly assembly the student foody listened to a well prepared address fay Mr. H. II. Hopkins, 'Oil, on the ne cessity of a thorough education. Rev. G. F. Hall, of Illinois, also made a few appropriate remarkB. The Pinlologiun society had an instal lation of officers Friday evening. lie new officers are: President, W. L. Whittiepy ; vice president, M. L. Applegate; secre tary, Arthur L. Gamper; librarian, V. G. V. Hushes; censor. A. B. Waltz: treasurer, G. 0. Itussel ; eergeut-at-arms, C. E. Gray. After the installation the so ciety listened to Piof. F. L. Washburn, who told of iiis trip through Spain in 1882. The lecture was illustrated with streopt'c in views. The professor showed and described the horrors of the hull ""ii "."a uitiiia'cuinu grace oi ne i i ...t.i i . . JVlhambra and the beauties of old Spain. 'The lecture was one ol the most inter esting uiven before the society this year. The Laurean Society was favored with some fine selections bv tho 'Varsity mandolin club, after which they de bated the question: "Resolved, That it is now time for the United States to -discard the protective tariff policy." The burden of proof was presented by the affirmative, who were given the -decision. Suturday evening theFreshmen de feated tho Eugene lliJn School in a game of basket ball, scoe 10 to 0. Studk.vt. To l'aruim and Htudmit of The UnlleH. I would say that there will be a le: ture delivered by Dr. Gelsendorffer on Uaotorlology, in reference to disease, under tho auspices of the Students Liter ary Club, in the city council chambers Friday night at 8 p. m. This lecture will he of practical bene fit to us in our every da life, nnd should lie well attended. There will also be a flhort program rendered, consisting of ! Aalujlnn k.. 11 I... i .nuno u a wen Known iiiiuefjuRrlot, liuiKorous readings, extompore speeches, tc mis is uie urm session cf the kind j lie club has undertaken nnd it promises to be one of great benefit and instruc tion to its members, and those who may attend. Program will commence at 8 o'clock eliurp. The hall is, well seated, and au invitation is extended to all, especially the parents of ecliool childinn. Remem ber this is fine. A Mkmiiek. WINTER TRIPS. For winter residence or winter oiititic idenl conditions will bo found on a very hand in California. Plenteous early rainfall has this season given to the 1 semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im petus ; the floral ofl'erings are more than usually generous and the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccean possesses new charms ut l Siwitn Hnrbitni, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Coronado and the enchanted isle !of the sea, Catalina where fishing, boating, rambling, riding, hunting and I loafing uny be enjoyed as nowhere else. Quiet little spots, snug and warm, offer themselves at Montccito, Xordhoff, Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Fall Ilrook and Palm Springs. For renewing health nnd vigor, here ' abound many hot springs, of widely varying constituents mid demonstrated merits; the dry, ant 1 tic, tonic air of I the desert may be enjoyed at Banning, Indio, tuna; and, even farther on, nt l Plmwnir Tunonti T1 "Prior nriato nnn. litions equally well indicated for weak throats and lumrs. Many think nothing in nature more attractive than the shimmering olive orchards of Suita Barbara and San Diego; others prefer the stately walnuts of Ventura and Los Xietos, or the lemons of Fernando; but for glorious fruit and graceful tree commend us to i the golden ornnge, first, last nnd always, una it exists m greatest perfection at I Covina, Riverside, Iiedlands and High I lands. Equally interesting is ti.e j scientific and tempting fashion in wl,!' ! the sorting and packing of the orange is hero accomplished. j. ne laiuimi were exnorteu to see Mecca and shuflle off; but. wiser gener ations will see California of the south pud prolong life. tf Catarrh C'nnniit ho Unreel with local applications, as thev cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh i a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is j taken internally, and acts directly on I the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and i iE a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with ! the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. .1. Ciiknky & Co., Props., Toledo 0 Sold by drruggists, price 7nc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 A SUHE CUKE FOK GKOUr. Twenty-live VeHrs' CmiHtant uut a Failure. Vhb AVlth. The first indication of croup is he ness, and in n child subject to tl disease it may betaken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar romh cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes j hoarse, or even after the croupy cocgh j appears, it will prevent the uttack. It is used in many thousands of homes in jtliisbroid land and never disappoints I the ansious mothers. We have yet to ! learn of a single instance in which it 'has not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a record ; twenty-five years' constant use with out a failure. For sale bv Rlakelev & Houghton. F. B. Thirkield, nealth inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia." It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, und all forniB of dys pepsia. Horses for riale. Thirty head of good horses, weight from 1100 to 1100 lbs. To be seen at Jacob McReynold's place, 15 miles cast from The Dalles. For further particu lars address, Stiiauiik Bnos., jan24-mv Tho Dalles, Or. All pereons wishing to take children, either boys or girls, for legal udoption or on indenture, should write to V. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Roys' ana (jirle' Aid Society of Oregon, ut roruunu, wiio can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All upplica lions muBt he tiled m advance. tf The Modem Mother Has found that her little ones are im- proved more by the pleasant Svrunof r - l .... " " r,B8i n neeu ot the laxutive effect of gentle remedy, than bv i-.n v othr. UhllUren enjoy it and it benefits them. I he true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Paint your house with palnta that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them, BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribe for Tiik Ciironick. Feed rye for sale nt the Wasco Ware house, t' Clark A Falk aro nevor closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Clark A Falk's drug stock is new fresh and complete. Clarke A Falk have on sale n full line of paint and artist's brushes. Uee Clarke A Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff fioin the head. You will not havu boils if yon take Clarke iV. Falk's sure cure for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke it Falk's nitre concentrated flavoring extracts. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke St Falk. Latest thing in cameras are Tin proved Magazine cyclones at Donnoll's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wosco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. inch25-tf Clarke it Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton trictly pure liquid paints. The modern and most effective cure for constipation und all livor troubles the famous little pills known us DeWitt'a L'ttie Early Risers. Size doesn't indicate quality. Bewnro ol counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve. De Witt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. G. H. Appleton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. Wo use no others." Quickly cures all liver und bowel troubles. Acker's Dyspepsia TabletB are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raisim: of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. '2o ets. nnd 50 cts. Blakeley it Houghton, drug gists. L. T. Travis, ncent Southern R. R., r'eMna, Ga., writes : "1 can not say too much in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. In my,' case it worked like a charm." The only harmless remedy thut gives immediate results. Cures roti'rtie, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Wrlti! 'I.uiiiiilrj " im the Svw l.cuf. In turning ovor the new leaf for 1000 hits it occurred to yon to try our work? People who have, say it's all right. Remember iliere is no cliurge connected with our collection and delivery syBteni. Ring up Condon 'phone o-ll,or long distance 902. Dai.i.ks L.u.vni:y Co., Cor. Third and Federal Sts J. i. uevry, Louanton, I'a., writes, j.,, am willing to take my oath tiiat I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use ot One Minute Cough Curejafter doctorB failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves aim cures cougns, coius, croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. A J rightful 111 under ;u often cause u horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Rucklen's Arnica Salve, tho best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils(f:orns, elons and all skin eruptions. Rent pile- cure on earth. Onlv 25 cts. a box Uiro guaranteed, bold by Jilnkulev & Houghton, druugists. l Cunli III lour OI-.fCKH. A 11 . an c-jiiniv warrants registomi prior to April i, ibho. win lie nam at mv office. Interest censes after Jan. Bin. iuo. U. L. riiii,i,ips, (Jonntv Treasurer. Acuer's Ji-nglish Remedy will stopn cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 23 cts. and 50 cts. lilakeley &. Houghton, druBgists. C'ureit Jleudachii Oulukly. Baldwin's sparkling efferveecont Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and' 'Jo cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. janL'4 Ow "L-U'.KD. W.WIUiON, .' AlTOltN K V-AT LAW, Ofliccovo,FirttNt.IlJ'VU'KH' UKa0M TIIK CI.KAN.SINa ANI iu; CATARRH UUE 1'OK CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Kasy and pleasant to im''. Contaliin no lu JurloiiB tlriig. Jt Uiiulckljr absorbed, OlvoHlUillefutoiice. It Oohdn Ami r!l.iiLAu $SfiSL2S5& COLD 'N HEAD EEBHmiffif i5 2ftf 81. cUU byill' O.R.N. IiRIMI TIMK seimiri.K. I'ltOM iHI.I.Kh. AllltlVK I'lMIM. Kll-t Mull 11:1.") . in, Suit t.uki , Denver. H. Kllt Mull a: lis in Worth. Ontnlm, Kan sas Cltv, M. l-onls CIiIciiki) mill 1 t. Ki iktmc "Hycr 7:05 p. in Wiillii Wiilln, PioWniic, Mlli!!i'niolls. SI, I'mil, iMilllth, Milwaukee. (Ihlciiifo anil Knst. rinnknnc l'lyer. I viO ii. in 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Know I'outhnh. Oram Kti'iuiikhljis. I'nr Sim l'ritneIeo December !!, s 111, IS, 3! mil -. S n. m. 4 t. in. Ex.sumhi) Kx. Sunday Cdlllllllllll IlV, SIPUtlHTk.: To AhTOKtA imu Wiy l-miillngs. Sutiitdny lu p. in. ii n. m. Ex.huiulay WlI.I.ASIKTTE UlVr.ll. Oregon (Hty, Ncwherjj, siilcm A: Way Ijind'.",. liSOp. m. Kx.Muuilny 7 a. m, Tuei.Thur. nnd tint. WlM.AMSTTK ANIl YAM- IliitOi i) ii. in i..Vid him. Mmi., Will Orcpnn City, Dnytiin,! unil Krt. una wtiy-wmumKi, fin. in, Willamette hivnit. I l:"0 i. in. Tne.,Tlmr, I'ortlimd to Corvnllls,1 Mini. WimI una Snt, i unil Wiiy.I.tiii(lliiK&. mill 1'ildiiy Snakk Hivei:. nipuriti to LuwlhUin. Leave I.ewikto:! dally K:::0u. in. l.V dully 1 :'J J a. m. I'lirlles (leslrinc tn en to Ilcpmu'r hhould liikeNn. I, lemiiiB 'I lie Imlle.s nt 7:tWi ). in Hulking direct riniiiectinns ut lieppner piiietlini lleturnliic tniitliiKdlriM'tfiiimei'tiMii nt Ilei'pner pinetlou ultliNo. 1, urrlvliiR ut The Dulles at 'J:65 1, m. , No. Si, tlirnucht freltrht, oust bound, dues mil carry imsseiiKers: arrives a. in., departh 3 aiu. m. Ko. 'Jl, lneal freight, rnrrles ia"ipiir;er, cust bound; arrives t:)p. m depnrtK s.l.'i , in. Nil. -1, we.-t bniind IhnuiKh frulsht, iltwx not carry jia.vieiiKerb; arrives h:15 p in., departs j:3U p. in. No. 2.1, west bound local freight, carries pas eiiKcrs; arrives 0:16 p. in., departs H::!U a. m. For full particular)! call m O. It. iV N. l.'o.'i agent The Dulles, or address W, II. HU Itl.l'.l'ItT, (icn l'as. Act., I'ortlaud. Or, Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3lrM 33S QNV anion Jlf UKIUKNDOUrKKK Physician and Surgeon, BjiccUl attention given to nursery, oouumouaz;, Telm vt Block 5 ft 4 !!l. I 'A I I 2lii! 21: l 6 1 fitTirztttiiitiTrtiitfiritiTvtiirriirttf5 JJILSIMUJU r-ujii uniiL t i 'tjiLujatiiuuitijALiiiiiiiiiiri ..Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Mines. Huts, dips Nnllmis. for W. 1.. S'loe. Agt. Telephone Sn. ss. nit'iuiil St., Toe Dalles, Or. C. S. Smith, Tin; Up-to-date Qroeer Fresli Eggs and Creamery Butter u specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. H. SCHKNK, President. 11. M. IlKAI. , OiHlilei First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BuBirieno transacted DepomtB roceivod, subject to Sifht , Druft or Clieck. Collections made und jiroctseda promjitlj remitted on dnv of collection. Sight and Telegruphic Eschunge nold on now xori:, him i-runciBco unc "orl land. DIKBOTOKS D. P. TllOMl'HON. .Ino. S. Buhkmck. Ku. M. Wim.umh, Guo. A. LiKiiii, H.M.Buau.. ' PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANtlKAUTOHKKH OK Pine Lard and Sausages Ctirersof BRAND HAMS & BACON IUF.D BEEF, JOTC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANBAOT A KNKHAM1ANKINU 11UHINE8 LetterH of Credit ieaued avHlluble in the R, ,. KBtem Statea. Trannfera Hold on New York, clicaKO, bt. Louie, San 1-raneiBco, I'ortlaud Oriv Ron Seattle Ward, and 'varioue ,,oS in Oregon and WaHliinKtrta. tvOllHCtloilH Hindi, ul ..11 orable terms. ' ou ,ttV" JJg. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllco over Krunoli 4 (Jo.'h Hank f" THKJAU.Kd,OltKaON , r, Mcoue, JOHN UAV1N MOORE & GAVIN, AiTOHNKVB AT UV. Uoom. au mid W, over U. 8. UnH oillec Tie Coluiia Packing go m fa fa The Chronicle, The Dolled, On. Job Printers. Ii NOTICI5. Administrator's Hale of ileal Estate. Notice is lii-rcl)- kIvcii that ttu1 u mti-rnlffnti .1 I'ercucson, ailutliilstrator of t ic tWti l.vdni A ItlcliimlMin, dcecasu I, In jmrr itunc( mii older of tin' Ilniuirnlili' County ( ourt ot it statu el Orn;on lor asco county, didymrt and cuicri'd on tliu Itli day of Jnuunrv, 1 :.). i! from and alter tho l.itti day of l elirunry, l)i jiroeeeil to sell nt private sale for cash In tuoi all of the followltn deserilitMl real i,htnti.lMhri . Iiik to the estate of said lA'dia A. Itlclianltoa, (iiTeaeii, to wu: i The northwest quarter ol th" niiul'iwcrtqw ter, and south hull of the iMi'liHest i,u:itler 'J the southwest uniirter of the uorlheiiiit unirw o section thtee ( t) In linvnsliiii four (I KutbtS runce thirteen (l.lj east I the llhiniettc inctH Ian, In Wasco county, OreitMii nls Unit cerMl) ! iileci or parcel of land partlculai ly linmidwl not , de-cillu'd us folhms comine iclin; .'ItuAiMl ij'.. leei Mest o: tins souiiieast corner una smitliiU'st utinrler of section three (.1 lutotfr ship four (1 south of rmnro thirteen (lll!t! the Ulaiuettv uiuridlati 111 Wasco county.Uii I Koti, and r it r 1 1 1 1 1 1 ir thence norlh one hull ralic, I thence u est M lods and I1., led thenit'weil otie-luill inlle, and thence east iki n Kin una C) feel to the idiieo of Ih'kIuiiIui; save and nty therefroiu four oln In Illchiinlsoii s AiiJIlloou the 'I own ofTynh, which him hwn hcretnta sold and cone)cd; (he ttnet iihnve deserlMto cludlnic all of said Itlchardsou H Addltlini tulV Tou r, of Tj'Kli, as laid out and platied anilfr eoided In tin; ltieonls of Hcvd-i for m t'otinty, Oteirou, said real estate ahoiedwrnbrl contiilntiiK 'll) acres, more or less, A n y jiersou deslrliiK iiforuintlon with rcerm lo said real estate siiould call on or mldreMine Junction City, (ireiron, or my ttoruej.liulB iv .'icueiee, in i ne imilH, uri'Kon, Dated this 12th day of January, 1WI). j. s. Adu lnlstratorof the Kslateof Ljdhi A. Ki allium, deceased. Hrri'ii A Mr.NKi'Kt:. Attorneys fur Admlnlstrutor. 13jaa'4 SUMMONS. in Tin. nncuiT loritT ok tiii: awn oi uickiiii, inr tliu County of uw. Ilelle McCircevy, plitlntlH', 1 hnmim Mcllreevy, ilcfeiidimt. To Tlinmiih MetJreevy, ilefendnut In the .Siime nf tlioBUteof UrvK'in Yea w hereby ieiiiliud to tipiicur nnd in er tin' cm Ididtit lllett i-KiiltiHt vim in Urn ntiove mtU'ri Milt Mlililn ten diih from tliodnle of tliesgnln nf tliU MiminiiiiN ilium (m, If M'rvcd wltMn this fdutity: or If herved lthin iniy olbrt Cimiityoi tli winte, tlien wllliin t my dJ frnni Ilie diitc of the hcrvlee of tin (iummimi ti)in on or If hcrvid iioii yu bv jittblleiitioo tlierciif, then on or before the hint dny ol time iiicKcrlbed In tliu order for (Milillciill lo wlt. on or before six Meek innn tuc dle " thelltM jinblleiitloii lieiuof und il urn full m ii'lhuer, for wiitit thereof the tiliiliitlll l!l "PI'ly to the. Court for (lie relief ini)i'J I In lier coinilnliit, to nlf. Unit the. iimrriiiKcnM tinet now cMhIIiik betttirn plidiilllt' and fendiiiit h forever dlsMilvcd nnd tlmt iilulnlH be iiivinded tlicc.vcliiMve ctiHtndv ol tliemw cb (lien of iilnlnilll'iinil (lelenditnt 1 lllh nlllinniiiit Ik k....' tit..... win !r (iltlilKi tlon thereof, imrMiiitit to tlm older of MiliW "no (.(mil, iniiuc und entered on tne ininim" Jnmiiiry, lut.'(i, ic-ijulriiiK the imblleiitimi h" fornix coiiM'ciithn vcek,i'omn elni! JiiiioJ W, l'.HW, tlio i,itu of tint llrnt iitllilleatlim. , JUINT1NOTON A J'lll '( Tit Attornevh for rlnlnllt KOrJCK FOU (iHoluted Tract )- I'UDLIOATIOiV. -Public Lund Sale. I.anii ornuK at Tins uam.kk, onwo." .Inn. n, IIK. I . otlcels lieteby kIvuii Hint In piuMiHiice w IiiHrnctioni. fioin tliuooinmlieilnner of tlio P"; ontl hind olllei;. under nilthorlly vei.te.1 In kg by Mdtton JIM U. H. linv. Htm., lis uiiu'inll W the net of eoiem'tiH iiiirovcd Kubrn ry 'i w ;u nni imiuti i io oner nt iniuiio mue im hiy. tlie lith day of Kebrtiiiry next, at Hie of 10 o'(! (aik. ,i. in., ,111,1m nillce. the filloWlli tract of land, tu-uli . K .5" !.'." -'!"nu iiHN 1 mill V, dec i '' -1 i r... . M. Any and nil .ori.oun tilalmliiK jMl-ffcCly I . " .MIIl.O fill' ,!,.,," " - 1 clalniHlii tlilHiilllcooii or befoio the ? .b?.V (leu k'llntwl f,,rll,... I i.f lll(l ll otherwUu their rlKlil will lie forfeited, JAY 1' l.UClAv1. IWKhWi JmilO l 0118 l'ATTKUHON. Keccivcf. ..STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sunday ItitteH Heauouuble. Telephdrie 201. W. A. OATES, Prop-