The Great Clothing Sale ' Is On. The matvelous offerings during tho paet two weeks hnvo been so liberally responded to by our many patrons that wo havo been inspired to still ((renter efforts for the balance of tho month. Men's all wool suits $3.85 Men's all wool suits 4,85 Men's all wool cheviot suits 0.85 Men's fancy worsted and sorgo suits 7.85 Men's nil wool hlno serco nnd cheviot suits, single nnd double breasted 9.85 It will he well for you to remember thnt this isn January Clearance Sale and cannot last much longer. Hats. Hats. The latest styles and latest shapes at clearance sale prices. A Timely Warning. There nre eight more days in this month in which we will do business at Cut Rates Those of you who have not taken advantage of thiq golden opportunity must not regret it when it is too late, for we have warned you repeatedly that wo have been offering goods Much Lower than the market really justifies. There is no reason to believe that all fabrics will not be hiclier in future, for prices have advanced all nlong the line, and for people to presume thnt they can always buy goods at tho pres ent low prices is utter folly. We will not quote yon prices on special lines this issue, but bear in mind that there isn liberal reduction throughout the Dry Goods Dep't.j and especially on drrss goods, waist?, skirts, readyonade garments of nil kinds, underwear, etc. View our silent salesmen the windows. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. WEDNESDAY - - JANUARY 24, 1900 CO) Oysters m t.'rvcil In every htylc by A. KELLER. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The water commissioners will meet touiyht. Meetings continue nt the Christian church, with Rev. Goode filling the pulpit. The cordial invitation is still extended to the public. Members of Tent No. 20, K. 0. T. M., are reminded that n meeting will be held at the K. of I. hall tonight at 8:30 o'clock. It Is requested that a epecial effort be made by all to bo present. Regular meeting of tho A. O. U. V. at their hall tomorrow night. If mem bers want to mies an important occasion they will do so by nhFcnting themselves. However, it Is desired that all attend. Dr. Eshelman, Homeopathic phy sician and surgeon, is now located per manently in the city. Chronic and ob scure diseases a specialty. Oflico, Vojjt building. Telephones, office 193 j resi dence, 191. John is no longer "monarch of all he surveys," although ho holds his head WgJjeri tor n young man called at the .io:invJMr.and Mrs. Weigel this mom ink: to efAjm a lif interest in tho firm. We congratuTMo them on tho new arri val. At the Methodist church tonight Rev. Frank Spaulding and Itov. Wm. Ilosklns will conduct the services. Each even ing a renewed Interest is displayed and much good is being done. The sinning is especially good, while Rev. Hawk seems to understand just how to con duct a meeting to obtain the bejf results. About 10 o'clock this muring a de fective lluovln the ufldence of H. Gordion, on Btfventbetreet, caused a flight blaze an I'veryuociy was moment tiinaT Th their way informed U he needed aa the flro was out A fellow ie working Spokane with a new racket, He calls at a resldpnee, bairns to bo au inspector of sewing ma chines for some agency, nsks to examine t,,u machine, "finds" a broken spring, Uxes jt and demands from fl to ifu for doing the job. The ngents pronounce ''I'll a bilk, and the police are trying to "ahlilu,. He may visit The Dalles. Look out for him, Among the many magazines which tome to our table, we And one which I although not an old one is one of tho most entertaining. It is aptly termed Everybody's Magazine, for it interests nil. Not being filled with long treatises on weighty subjects which tiro those whose thoughts are busy the live long day, it, however, has tho beet of rending and that which is calculated to make the leisure hours pass pleasantly. The past few days have been .busy ones for the teachers in the high tchool ; much busier than usual, und that's saying n grent tleul. The promotion of. classes for tho now term hai caused a surplus in tho higher rooms, 113 pupils in the high school department, nnd fifty-nine, in the 8th II and 8th A, wit!: otlierB reciting in tho latter. Thus tho instructors are mt to their wit's end to preserve order and do their duty by the pupils. the alarm of (Ire the streets in a Jol urn bias made tho hlll.NiUt Acre soon it their servicesovould not "The Columbia river hot springs at St. Martin's place as summer," Mclnerny, w had a go id never a timer w Ve justas snyiLfii. hqTuVt BojrKing f good in winter Glenn and J. I', returned, having in. There is dozen guests are not there testing their healing piop erties. When asked if they thought any improvement would be made in the accommodations before next summer, they seemed confident there would. The hotel will no doubt be enlurged und new bath tubs put in, which would bo a needeM improvement. It was noised about town yesterday that a family from Sherman county, who hail scarcely recovered from the I sinallprx, was visiting friends tin the hill, w ho also have children, nnd that tho authorities should look into tlfu matter. Wo have learned nothing fur ther eoncsrning the matter, hut such carelessness should merit a just share of punishment. : ".Criminal carelessness started the disease at Wumic anil in other places, and if people are so selfish as not to consider tho rights of others, the luw should take their cases in hand. Tho past few days) havo been hodoos so far as Hro9 are concerned in every part of the state. Troutdale is the last lieard from, fire having broken out in J. Klipper's suloou this morning about" o'clock, completely destroying the build ing and contents, liranhum'e moat market was burned, but everthing of valuo was saved. Mickey's hotel also went, but everything had been carried out Only by the most persistent work ami the fact that tho wind shifted in their favor was the Lock block saved. Tho wind had blown fiercely to the oust, hut suddenly veered toward tho south and thus saved that block, and perhaps many others. Hugh Drown, one cf tho desperadoes who is now confined in the county jail, "got gay" this morning and just after, breakfast when they were in the cor ridor, finding that the other Drown was "in town," he began grabbing at him and finally tied his hands behind him and attempted to carry him Into a cell. At first "Windy" thought he was joking, but at length concluding he was doing the crazy act, began defending himself, nnd with the assistance of the other prisoners got him in the cell, when the jailer was called. It is thought Drown was playing craxy; but he'll not fool Fitzgerald, who is on tho lookout for tho likes of him. Theater-goers in The Dalles will be disappointed to learn that Clara Thropp, who so delighted them in tho "Doll House" about a year ago, cancelled an engagement hero for Saturday night. On account of tho smallpox scare throughout the upper country all her engagements in Eastern Oregon and Washington wee cancelled. We are, however, promised n series of firstciass plays in the near future nt the Vogt. On tho 8th, 9th and 10th of February "The Cyrene" will bo played; on the 15th, Barries "Little Minister" which is said to bo presented by ono of tho best companies on tho road ; on the 24th the "City of New York" company, which carries a carload of such scenery ns has never been seen in Tho Dalles, and on April 2d, Daniel Sully will appear. Everybody is nwure of the reputation which ho bears as an actor. Sumptor, Granite and all these mining centers of which we hear so much may Ik; all right, wo doubt not; but it would not ')( it great surprise to many if tho country in the vicinity of Tho Dalles developed into one of the largest min ing sections of Oregon ero long. For Homo tlmo past prospecting Inis been catricd on to a certain extent in tho Mt. Hood district, thirty-five miles from here.' A company composed of Wake field, Adams, FredenlK-rger, Curriu and others, havo been doing somo lively work in their silvnr mines; but not long since they discovered a t lull ledge of free milling gold ore, tho cropping!) of which Mr. Fredenberger says run $22.50 to tho ton. Tho ledge is a largo ono and runs north and south. Mr. Fredonbergor brought the howb down to Ids partners and returned today. More extensive work will soon bo commenced and in the spring they expect to see a rush to that section. Deferring to tho now I). P. & A. N. steamer, tho Telegram says: "Tho frame is all up and the boat will prob ably bo ready for commission by tho middle of March, Tho new boat will bo 130 feet in length and it is expected that eho will develop a speed of eighteen knots. Sho will probably bo med as an. exclusive passenger boat between Port laud and The Dalles, The steamer Dalles City, which has been undergoing repairs at Olsen's yard, was launched this afternoon and will be taken to the dock at tho Willamette Iron Works, where extensive repairs will be made to her machinery. It is tho intention to put In new pitmans and piston-rods and to place larger bolts In the cylinder heads, Tho eugiijes will he strengthened eo as to permit the carrying of 250 pounds of steam. The boiler is suffi ciently strong to stand the pressure, hut the engines will have to ho strengthened before the Inspectors will permit the carrying of to much steam," BURIED AT ARLINGTON. Tit Ilrmnln of Hltlnny Ilnwuon Inlinti to III lliimn Yentertlny, Further particulars concerning tho suicide of Sidney Dawson at Portland Montlay, are to the effect that Hawson had been drinking heavily for n week, but on tho fatal dny was perfectly sober, arid was led to the rash act by melan choly over tho disgrace und trouble caused by tho divorco proceedings nnd the circumstances which led up to it. He coolly shot hiuiBelf at his room In the Esmond hotel, leaving two letters, one to his wife nnd the other to ids brother at Arlington. Tho letter to his wife was as follows: "Pohti.ani), Jan. 22, 1900. My Dear Wife: That justlco may be done to you and the children, I send this letter first to Judge Cleland, to read nnd make known to the world I also inclose a letter I wrote from England in 1895, which will explain Hurlburt's being in your room during your sickness at that d tte. The same is also true of Lucile Hiwson. She is mine. "Now, how and why did I do what I havo done? I cannot tell, only that old Sydney is gone. Whiskey took him away ; but lie got back today, and is going to stay ns tie was in 1891. "Do not let. the children know what was tho manner of my death. Just tell them that I have gone (I hope) to heaven, and n ill look down upon them. "Forgive me, if you can, tho wrong I have done you. I truBt ami I know that you will do your duty by the boy and bring him up a man. All my papers are in my grip ki my room. "I cannot stand not to do my duty in tho matter, for it is a sin to put u stain on you, and 1 wish you had been n little more firm, and at tho same time shown some pity when I asked you a mouth ago. Your husband, "Sydney G. Hawson. "MoBt of my troubles can be put of late years to the Wasco warehouse, and F. T. Hurlburt fighting me and ruining me." A. C. Hawson, the brother, arrived in Portland yesterday morning, in com pany with Mayor Deardsley and W. II. Calwell, prominent Knights of Arling ton, and A. A. Jnyne, of this city, who was his attorney. They passed through this city last night with the body, and the funeral took placo today at Arling ton under tho auspices of the K. of P. and Masonic orders. The Itoncl Question Settled. Mayor Kuck presided at a special meeting of the council last night with Councilmen Keller, Clongh, Stephens, Gunning, Shackelford, Wilson and Johnston present. Tho mayor at once announced that the object of tho meeting was to consider the mayor's veto to ordinance 31S, which provided for tho issuance of $20,000 wortti of water bonds. The ordinance was then placed on final passage over the mayor's veto; but was lost. Gunning then introduced special ordi nanco No. 319, providing for tho issu ance of $25,000 worth of water bonds, or if the full sum is found not necessary for the refunding of said bonds, by rea son of the water commission concluding and determining before tho sale thereof that said hoard shall contribute the sum of $3000 toward Jtho payment of said bonds, then the city shall only issue $20,000 worth o' bonds. A vote being taken the ordinance passed. On motion of Wilson, tho matter of strengthening the floor of tho engine house was referred to tho committee on firo and water, with power to act. Grocery Department. Special Coffee Sale For this Week. PENNANT ROAST, n fine blend Cofi'eo; 30o regular. Special 25c per pound. ENSIGN ROAST, a fancy Costa Rica Coll'ee ; 20c regular. Special 17 l-2c pr pound. YOSEMITE COFFEE lie per pkg. 10-oz package Charco, a substitute for tea and cotlee 5c per pkg PEASE & MAYS l'EOI'f.K YOU AM. KNOW. A. N. Reed came down from Pendle ton yesterday. Goo. W. Massarnoro came in yester day from Hay Creek. Dr. and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland will leave on this afternoon's train for it short visit in Portland. Will H. See, merchant at the Warm Springs agency, came up from Portland last night and left this morning for thn agency. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wakefield will leave on this afternoon's train for Mon mouth, whero they are taking the body of Samuel Nealy for burial. Ned Wicka, who has been suffering greatly vfrttrheumatism for some time pant, leftVis morning for Portland, where hiwiUenter the hospital. Rev. U. F. Hawk will leave on the, afternoon train for Portland, having re-j colved wortl thnt the operation on hisj nine son win in periormeo at w o ciock tomorrow morning. Thnt Throbbing flenrtnche Would quickly leave you, If you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suflVrera havo proved their matchlee merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Dlakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Situation Wanted. A young man wants situation in a sheep camp. Address, H., jan20-lw The Dalles, Ore. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your trroeer for them. IOHN. At PleasafytJJidge, Monday, Jan. 22d, to Mr. and Mrs. Del mar Martin, twin boys. ' in tins city, Wednesday mornine. Jan. 21thvtJ Mr. and Mrs. John Wehjel, a son ; wentht UJj pounds. leg I'u 01 lo School)). Assignment of teacher3 for the spring term, 19C0: EAST HILL I'ltlMAKY SCHOOL. Miss Nan Cooper IstA, 2ndB, 3dB. Mies Emma Roberts 3.1 A 4:hA 5th A. COURT STItEET SCHOOL. Mies Mary Douthit IstB, IstA. Mies Ella Cooper 2ndB. 2odA. Miss Catherine Martin 3 IB, 31 A. Miss Etta Wrenn 4th B, 4:hA. ACADEMY 1'AIIK SCHOOL. Miss Salina Phirman IstB, IstA. Miss Maggie Flinn 2ndB, 3dA. Mrs. Kate Roche 4thA, 5thB. Miss Else Ball 5th B, 5th A. HIGH SCHOOL. Mrs. Ellen Baldwin GttiB, GthA. . Miss Louise Rintoul OthA, 7thB. Miss Tina Rintoul 7thB, 7thA. Miss Minnie Michell 8thB, 8thA. HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Miss Melissa Hill Assistant. Mr. Justice T. Neff Principal. J. S. Landers, Supt. If yon want pure and fresh drugs you can buy them at tho P. O. Pharmacy, Clark & Falk, proprietors. 'f P -FREE- i if Iff W I, LJ With every one dol lar purchase at our store during January and February we will give a chance on a $50 Aluminized Garland M Steel Eange. ho I I 5 pi !fj Sf i jttr 4 Beaton SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. W Q H H w m Q w A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and t Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowell's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaflir Com, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Rose Potatoes, Bnrbarik Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brown Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at tiie Feeu, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. w H d CO S3 H d SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. ! ' I I 7i:TAx.A:rxrA"Ar.A.yAyA-r.vw or' the Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, yffajestie Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Iiomombor that wo are soiling tho samo from $45.00 to $60.00 "Whioh is a saving to our customers of from $lo to $25 a over prico charged by peddlers for inforior ranges. Writo for pamphlet, "Majostic Evidonco." MAYS & CROGUE. rlxlglv trlv ijMJir y iir Y-Uciyfcu tutu