Por a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'antlnp, Ovorco.itin it Kimrj Vesting. gX Lx7f Kindly rail and examine my stock of Inv ported and r0vctlc Woolens. A tine stock to "aSumsdc from the lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring, i I 1 BE DALLE'., OliEGON". The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BCBBCKIPTION TK1CE. One week $ . 1 lo One month 50 One year 6 00 "WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 24, 19C0 TRESIDES T II A DL E Y'S VIS10S It is reported that President Hart ley of Yale has planned to suppress the trusts by having the American people ostracise the trust magnates, and that Mr. Bryan has approved the scheme. The idea is absurd. It -would be ineffective, and it is un American. Ineffective, because the directing minds of the great industrial combi nations have qualities which compel popular respect and admiration. Tour Carnegies, Rockefellers, Mor gans and Hills are intellectual giants and present a combination of brains, wealth and poiver which can not be ostracised. Mr. Carnegie, for ex ample, is endowing western cities with large library funds. Suppose he had given Spokane $50,000, as he has given other cities large sums for their public libraries, and should visit this place. How many people here would be boorish enough to treat him with incivility? As for "society," in its narrow meaning, the trust magnates care little for that. Their live3 are too "busy for the follies of tbe "four hundred." Balls, teas and receptions lore them, and almost without ex- ception, tbey ehun these forms of . entertainment Uji-Amciichn, because the Ameri can people bnve not been in the habit of settling their political questions in that manner. This evil of the trusts is a problem in political economy, which must be threshed out at the ballot-box. Few Ameri cans have been so nanow as to carry their political convictions into their! . , , . . ,. . , social relations. I he freetrader does not ostracise the protectionist, and the'bimetallst does not shut his door in the faco of the visiting gold standard supporter. Reeling has run high at times in this country, notably during the civil war, but the Ameri- vu p;une iiuve never uuopieu me i small expedient of laying a social! boycott on their political antagonists Tlie remedy proposed by Professor Hadley would Htrike unfairly the j Im,- liaB ,,een troubled with that ail wives, sons und daughters of the i ,ueut eince im' In B?akii-' ' H he would bo mean and cowardly. The hain'e Pain Balm. It acts like magic scheme is a vision of a dreamer, and j with tne. My foot was swollen and will be so tegaided by the nation ' f,ui"!n '"" very much, but one uood nn a , , J . , " - "Pphcation of Pain Balm relieved me. The American people will take after For sale by Blakelev & Houghton. the trusts, but they will strike at the system, not at the wives and daugh. ters ot the industrial Spokesman-lie view. barons.- TIIE VMTWAL BATTLE. The London wur office realizes that a critical battle is beinu fought to the west and south of Ladysmith, and for the first time Is exerting it self to give all the news obtainable of the situation, says the lieview. Dispatches indicate that on Sunday General Warren continued his tit tempt to drive the Boers from the ridges to the west of Lmlysmitu and met with more considerable resist , ante lhan on Saturday. As Warren CCtS into the hills he finds the IJocrs more stronelv intrenched and it tuny J . . " T . - l 1 be possible that reinforcements have 1 been sent theefenders. as there arc commands oi tnounicu itoers in uiuse touch with the forces besieging; Ladvsmith. Meanwhile Buller ap- pear's to be waiting nn opportune: ' nil . moment to strike a blow to the south of Ladysmith, near the Tugela river. He has advanced as far as the Boer intrenebments will allow. If War rcn can carry the da' to the west of Ladysmith. tlie British forces will then have tbe Boers between Warren on the north and Buller on the south. Warren being reinforced by the garrison of Ladvsmith, if he breaks through to that gariison. The brunt of fighting falls upon Warren, therefore, and upon his suc cess depends a comparatively blood less advance of Buller's main army. It Warren fails, Buller will still hold . .. .... uis vantage ground on ine norm sine of the Tugela and may drive through far enough to meet the Laitysmith garrison fighting its waj' south. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard Bt., Phil adelphia, Pa., when tjhe found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption hod completely eured her of a hacking cough that for many yetirs had made I life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "It eoon re moved the pain in ray chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I fed like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King'e New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug Btore; every bottle guaranteed. 5 Notice to Voters. Under the provisions of the registra tion law all persons when registering are required to furnish to the register ing officer the following information : If naturalized, the time, place, and court of naturalization. In this con nection, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, or declaration of intention. liesiuence must ue speciuc; giving precinct, section, .township and ranee; if within tnun nr pltv tli atroot Vn if n wiliun ton or citj, tlie street, Zo. li any, aud No. of lot and block; if in ar.v , , ," building where rooms are numbered, the nnmhir nftlinrnnm anrl flnnr mnit i.u nuraoer oi tne room ana noor must ue given. , , . . , , , In order to avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience, every person deeir - ing to register should be prepared toitle1"t,tnernutiextof kin of (ieorge Kllmt and' r,,--,.!, ti.. :. . Frank Kllmt and suid William Jordan, father furnish tlie above information. Facilities will be furnished in eyery precinct in the county by either Justice of the Peace or Notary Public. A. M. Kei.sav, dec4-30dys County Clerk. . , . ,., , jNastil Catarrh quickly yields to treat - ment by Ely'c Cream Jlalm, which is agiec- ably aromatic. II is received throuch tho nostrils, clonuses and heals the whole eur- ' faco over which it diffuses itself. Druggists ( Bel1 tho c0- SIZOi lml Blze hi' Ulull 10 , cents. Test it and you uro turo to continue, 1 tha treatment I Announcement. ' To cccoimufcdnto thobe who are partiol to tho uso of atomizers in applying liquids into tho nasal passages for cutnrrhal trou bles, the proprietors prepare Cream lialra in liquid form, which will bo known as Ely's Liquid Cienm Unlm. Price including tho t sprnyinf; tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies tho med- """i"i'w-v" " """" As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. li. Johnston of Kichmond, J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur geons wunted to operate on mo for piles, but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch HhswI Salve." It is Infallible for piles and skin diseases. Beara of counter fits. DR.fillNN'C ONE FOR A DOSE. Ems n dull DtfesMrr uuraiukan. To cud. nmo i;implf, Pr-wot H.i.DnuauneauuiJaiH)MA h,'h'ii'!Tui,"i ,h0, b7 moC Ju iTo, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THE n:: Pnmn'u SOUtheM PaCSlIC lOlTip )f. Trains leave mid arc due to arrive at I'ortUiid LEAVE. Aunivr. OYEKLAKn EX--) burc, Ashland, Sac ramento, ORdni.San Francisco, Mojavo, ,..w r M i '.1.15 A. M. IX)B Angclcs,i'.i raso. New urleann and I East ) : 1E.-iliiircr anil wuv fctll1 ,:S0 AMiltion. ... , 4:30 1 M rVIn Wnnlhtir? fori i Mt.AiiEi'1. Sllvcrtoii, i Dally Daily except Sundays I West Sclo, Browns- 1 except vlllo.Sprlngfield and Sunday. Natron J ICorvallis and way) ij.jo Pi j, (stations I 1 " 17:30 A. M INDEPENDENCE I'ASSENGEK. Express train Dally (except Sunday). 1:50 p. m. (Lv. ...Portland ...Ar.) 8:25a. m 7:30 p.m. Ml McMlnnvillc. .l.v. 6;Nia, m S:30p. m. Ar..lndepedcncc..l.v.) 4.f0a.in Dally. fDaiiy, except Bunany. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. I'PLUMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at fan Krauclsco with Ocel dental and Oriental and 1'aclflc mall steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on at plication. , , Kates and tlctcts to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU unC AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive at and depart from Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Deit, foot of Ji-Uonun street. Leave for Sheridan, weet days, st 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m. Leave for AIKLIE on Monday, Wednesday and FrMav ath:3Sa. m. Arriv nt Portland, Tues day, Thursduy und Saturdaj it 3:05 p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. R. K0E.H.1.EK, Manager. (1, H. MARKHAM, Asst. G. F. it Pass. Ait Through Ticket Ollicc, 134 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. H. KIHKLAND, Ticket Agent. or N. WHEALDON. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & Lanslii, 'Phone 15 GUARDIAN'S NOTICE. TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THK STATU 1 of Oregon, for Wasco county. In the matter of the guardianship of George kllmt, Frank KlImt.Am.ieJordan, Katie Jordan ana .uary .loioun, minors. Now on this Dth day of December, came j VjiiHm Jordan, the duly iippoiun-d, ualllled ami uetingguardiun of the above named minors, ! mid presented his petition praying lor an order , authorizing and directing lilm to sell tht Interest 1 of said minors in certain real property herein llftt.r described, and it appearing to the court I from said petition that it Is necessary and bene- 1 licinl to said wards that their Interest in the south hull of the southeast quarter of section , tefiS &:..He and next of kin of Annie, hat e and Mure : Jordan, and all tiersous interested In said estate, i ' iiiipvar iiuiuru inis i:ouri ai me eouri room mere- of In Dalles City, Oregon, on the nth day of , January, 1UK), at tlie hour of two o'clock p m then and there to show causu why a lieense I should not begiauted for tbesaie of sueh estute, ! uuu inui mis orner ue puuiisni'd in tuasi itirce IsmcessHe weeks In Tlie Dulles Chronicle, a ' L-t-Kij- iir.w siu)k.t iriiiitii m saiu eoiiiuy, i Dated this Utli day of Deeemher, iswi. , noiiEitT mays, dwl3-' County Judge, SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE w TRADE MARKS JE3IGNS Copyrights 4c. AtiTOno sending a sltctrti and description mi' fliilckly ascertain our opinion free whether u' luvmitlmi Is prohnlily tnitpntnb'o. Omimuiilrfc. lions strictly roiitldciitlul. Iliiiulliookonl'atenti lent f roe. Olilust niiaiiey fur securtng uuluuts. Patents tukvn throuuh Jlunu & Co. receive tptcial notice, without charBO, III the Scientific flmerican, A handsomely lllnitrnted weekly. I.nrecst clr ruhitlon of any sdunlliln jiuiruul. 'l ornis, t' a year i lour niunths, tL Bold hyull newsduulors. MUNN&Co.36'0"""1. New York Branch Ofllco (35 I' ft. Wanblnuton. D. r Eureka Harness Oil Is the best preservative of now iuiiu,r und the best renovator ol old leutlier. It oils, softens, black ens und protects, Ut6 Eureka Harness Oil on your liest harnen, your old bar. tiess, ami your lurrlunc top, unci they will not only look IwttiT hut wear loiiKer, bold everywhere In cutis nil Ues from iiulf pluU lo live uulluiis. Ul4t 1 UTiMliUO Ult tO. II H IIUXTIN0TON H 8 WIL80M HUNTJNOTON dc WIL80K. ATIOKNKYS AT LAW, Office over First Nat. llmik Jast What You uiant. New IdeaB in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of liouee paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. ..ghas. m- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMI1IA JlEElt, acknowl edged the best beer in Tho Dalles, nt the usual price. Cotno in, try it and be convinced. Alo the Finest brands of Wines, l.lnior and Clgurs. Sandwiches i ui nil villus 111 tTu j nun unuu, BLHKELEY & HDUGHTOH, Wholesale and Retail Carry tlie Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 Second Street. THE DALLES TJIXXI AT XI A.1J I BROS ? i 'J' O'ENEKAL 1 ...AND... is Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. jr Third aud Jetlcrou. Phou059 r.taloi VITALITY . LOST V'GOR 1 AND MANHOOD, Cures Iinpotency.NiEut Emissions and i wastinp: diseatiea, all 'jtl'ccts of self- abuse, or excess and Indls- cretion. A nerve tonic und blood builder. Brings the pink glow lo pale cheeka and restores the lire of youth. By mall 50c per ho:: boxes lor m-.ru; wltn a written trimniii. tee to euro or refund tlto money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL, Kodol DvSDBDSia ClIP A v Diaests what vnn n It artincially digests the fooa and aide jsature In strengthening und reCon BtructinRthe exhausted digestive or- IMS. Tt, la thn Inf ant ilon...V...j j... "I ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in" tantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea iii A?" "".'-"""'lo.'-iruinps.ana all other results ot 1 mperfect d iKestion. Biacksmnns Horseshoe v v v - - r t Str. RcRiitntor. (Limited bindings.) Ship your Freight via S now.N. , t'f. t., l.v. Dalles Lv. l'ortl.md C at h A. 51. 'I'." A.M. Tuesday .... Momln) R Thuisday Weilne-dsy l Saturday, h Arr. Portland R, at S r. M. Arr. Dalles Ultt at 5 r. x. l FOR COMPORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ! Tnivi'l bv tlio Sti'nnuT nt tho l.rei.Utnr l.lno. Portland Otlbc, Oak-Street Dock. W. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Grandall DEALKUS IN I All kinds of UNDERTAKERS t$ EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. ; Funeral Supplies .MA.NTrACTUItEIJ II V AMERICAN IMPtJLSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING G-ENERATOKS AND STABflP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, u-G THK DALLES, OliKOJi C. j. STUBLING ' Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour WHISKEY from ifL',76 to iflJ.OO per gallon. rTto ffi yeMrs old.) I IMPORTED 00GNA0 from 7.H0 lo $12.00 per yullon. (H to 20 years old OALirOENIA BHANDIES ln.ni VU'Jo to ijO.liO per bhIIoii. (4 to 11 years old ' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. ! TTru. ! rL3C .fI,A. PEER ," ''muKht, aud I lu,lrtea Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Compan; !Head(luarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. 'Headquarters for Rolled Grain, kind : Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, sftff"A xieaaquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. Thl8 Flour 18 mauufactured expresily for tajj waaii, use; every Hack ia Huarauteed to give BatisfaciJ; ell Z IXXXtiT " " dn'1 Highest Prioes Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats, - - m mjovt v vmw. .1 Dalles, Portlaim & Astoria ui Go. The Steamer of the Regulator Unci will run as per ttiufnl.'S lowing schedule, the Company reserving tho right to change 'j schedule without notice. (5 (Touoiiiuk at nn way Point.) i liowx. Lv, Dalles lltfillKI A. M. Monday Widnesday . Friday Arr. Portland (uncertain) l.v. I'ortliuid j nt 0 a. m. i Tnroili... k Tljursdny I Siitnrilny S wi Arr, wnutl' (uncertain), Th( Company will endeavor to rIvc it put C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt., 1 ho Dallo. 4 & Burget Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. and Motors Mash Whiskey. " Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottlM 3