The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 24, 1900, Image 1

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    1) c Dalles
NO 141
Special Clearance Sale
To Continue ThisjjWeek.
Lies' Had Wait
Miss' ifflflra's J A.
Jlioy must go and go quickly, there
fore these extraordinary reductions:,
Flannel Waists
The old prices and the mux.
Regular Price.
Sizes from 32 to 42; bust, inclusive
Children's and
Misses' Jackets
On the Dollar.
Half off the
Regular Price.
Sizes from 3 to 12 and 14 to IS
gHnP7frPk 'IMIPh MlKw
jfttK fPfp
L ,
All Lidies' Flannel Waists worth
All Ladies' Flannel WaiBtB worth
All Ladies' Flannel WaistB worth
All Ladles' Flannel Waists worth
All Ladies' Flannel Waists wortli
All Ladles' Flannel Waists wortii
Alf Ladies' Flannel Waists worth
$1.00, will be if .75
$1.25, will bo .1)1
$1.50, VIII he 1.15
$1.75, will be 1.32
2.50, will bo 1.88
$2.75, will be 2 07
$3.00, will bo 2.25
Note Prices:
$1.25 Child's Jackets Special $ .
$1.50 " "
$2.00 " " " 1
$2.75 " " " 1,
$3.00 " ".' l,
$3.50 " " ' 1,
$4.00 " ' ' 2.
$4.50 " " ' 2,
$5.00 " " ' 2.
$t.00 " " " 3,
$7.00 " " " 3.
$8 00 " " " 4
$10.00 ' " " 5.
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $3.25, will bo $2.31
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $3.50, will be 2.02
All Ladies' Flannel Waists wortli $3.75, will bo 2.S2
All Ladies' Flannel WaiBta worth $4.00, will be 3.00
All Ladles' Flannel Waists worth $4 50, will be 3.38
All Ladies' Flannel Waiets worth $5.00, will be 3.75
A. Jff. Williams & GO
All on llic Tngela River-EMltr Has
Been Using Naval Gnus,
Lost Fourteen Men Killed and Twenty
Wounded British Loss Was Insig
nificant Bombardment at Swars
kopf Was Resumed Yesterday.
" Absolutely Ihjre
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Bonn Cami-, Upper Tugela Hiver, Jan.
23, The British now occupy three posi
tions along the Tugela river. Their naval
suns have been firing steel-pointed,
armor-pierclng shells.
Hwporta being received that 2000
British cavalry were attempting to out
flank us along the Drakensburg ridge, a
utroug patrol was sent to reconnolter.
Mistaking the signals, the ecoutB and
I'atrol proceeded to u kopje, from which
" terrific rifle and Maxim gun fire
suddenly opened. The Boers Joet fourteen
killed and twenty wounded. The British
loss was probably insignificant.
The bombardment of the Boer posi
tions at Swarskopf was resumed yester
day, chiefly with a battery brought
across the river. In the afternoon can.
iionadlng became excitingly brisk, and
"ler its cover their Infantry advanced
in tlireo lines to ascend u row of kopjes,
which they occupied at nightfall, hut
later they retired to their old position.
During the night a Fcoro of shells were
fired by the British, and a balloon was
sent up to By out the Boer position.
The i guns resumed the bombard
ment tliis morning from a new position,
but without results.
A HumlMy lluttle.
I'KiiTOitiA, Jan, 21. A dispatch from
Colesburg says that the Britisli attacked
the Boer positions there- this morning.
There was heavy fighting, but with what
result is not known. According to the
latest from the front, the Boers were
holding their positions.
A dispatch from Colenso, dated Janu
ary 18, says a patrol of 200 nun under
Field Cornet Opperinan, while scouting,
was surrounded, but succeeded in fight
ing Its way back. It is reported that
four men were killed and thirty wounded
and made prisoners.
"1 am indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life, It cured
me of lung trouble following grippe,"
Thousands owe their lives to the prompt
action of this never falling remedy, 'It
cures (ought, coldei croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. Ub early use prevents con
sumption. It is the only haimless
remedy that gives immediate results,
Ullllit Ainu Keneued.
Los Anoki-kh, Cat., Jan. 22. Eight of
the eleven men who were entombed in
the Third street tunnel by the caving in
of earth yesterday, were rescued un
injured today, John Dejoo is still en
tombed, and is injured, but it is not
known iiow seriously. It may tako
several hours to reach him, though lie
ImB been communicated with. Foreman
Crawley if doubtless dead. Many tons
of earth fell in the part of the tunnel
wli'tro lie was. It will be some time bo-
fori he can be reached.
The theory advanced for tho ctiuee of
t ho tunnel caving in is that a sewer broke
over the place where the men were
working, and water, satuiating the earth,
caused it to becomejieavy and fall,
Street Inspector Lomble, who was
so badly injured, died this morning.
Your Fmcm
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsapnrlllas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee,
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists,
Two Exhaustive Reports Filed in Con
tested Election Case.
Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind,, says,
"Kodol Dyapepsla Cure did ine mare
good than anything I ever took," It
digests what you eat and can not help
but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble,
Washington, Jan. 23. At tho open
ing of today's session, Senator Turley
(Tenn.) reported from tho committee on
privileges mid elections the resolution on
the case of Quay. The resolution follows :
"That Hon. Matthew S. Quay is not
entitled to take his Beat in this body as
senator from the state of Pennsylvania."
The resolution was the judgment of a
majority of the committee. Senator
Turley called'the attention of the com
mittee, which was to the effect that
Quay was entitled to a seat in the senate,
Both resolutions were accompanied by
reports in their support.
The majority report opposing the
seating of Mr. Quay was signed by
Senators Cafl'ery, Pettus, Turley, Harris
and Burrows, the last-named being the
only Republican signing it. The minority
report bears the signatures of Senators
Hoar, Chandler, l'ritchard and Me-
Comas, all Republicans, and advocates
giving the seat to Mr. Quay. The ma
jority report first reviews the circum
stances under which Mr. Quay's ap
pointment was made, Including the fail-
urojof the Pennsylvania legislature to
elect i senator.
Itultlitul tho (Jruve.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by liim as follows;
"I was lu a most dreadful condition. My
ekfu was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
friend advised 'Electric Bitters'; ami to
my groat joy and surprise, tho first
bottle made a decided improvemtnt. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed tl.o grave of nnother
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. 5
Sternum- To win en it IVirokeil,
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 23 A special
to the Times from Tort Totifend says:
The steamer Cottage City arrived today
from Alaskan ports. Site reports the
total loss of the steamer Townsend near
Haino's Mission on Tuesday night.
Sho also brings news of having found
tho overdue steamer Citv of Seattle on
Sunday morning anchored lietween
Point St. Maiy and Point Bridget, with
her propoller missing. Tne Seattle was
in a very dangerous position. She towed
the vessel to Juneau,
IteTOlutlotmry l'lut Nliiel In the Hint.
Nkw Yokk, Jan. 28. Advices from
Carncas, Veuezuela, announce the im
prisonment there of Manuel A. Mattos,
who was minister of finance under Presi
dent Andrude, and is one of Venezuela's
wealthiest men, by order of President
Castro, on tho charge of conspiracy
against the government. Documents
found in his possession show that he was
in communication witli General Jose
Manuel Hernandez, tho rebel leader.
A few weeks ago an export Unit of this
city received from Senor Mattos an order
for 20,000 Mauser rifles and 5,000,000
cartridges, It is presumed at the time
that they were intended for tho
Venezuelan government. His arrest,
however, has caused the belief that the
supplies were meant for the use ot the
Senor Mattos is well known liorti and
was at one time a member of the lirm of
Scliollz, bauchez & Co,, of this city.
Lan;e Force of Filipinos Defeated
at Taal.
Manila, Jan. 22. Two companies of
the Forty-sixth infantry, under Major
Johnson, and three companies of the
Thirty-eighth infantry, commanded by
Major Muir, defeated SOO insurgents at
Taal, province of Batangas, Saturday,
taking the town. The gunboat Marietta
also shelled tho place. The insurgents
had four cannon, two of which were cap
tured. Two Americans were wounded,
and ten dead insurgents were found on
the Held. .
The plague statistics now show a total
of fourteen cases and eleven deaths.
American Occupy Hunt 14 Cruz.
Manila, Jan. 23, 9:5n a. m. The
Americans haveoccupiod Santa Cruz, ou.
Laguna de bay, Laguna province. It
was reported many insurgents were con
centrated there, but the town was found
Tharoilitirv regulation requiring the
streets to be cleared of natives at S:30 p.
m., lias been changed to 10 o'clock.
"One Minute Cou,'h Cure is the best
remedy I ever used for coughs and
colile. It is unequalled for whooping
cough. Chrildreu all like it," writes II.
X. Williams, Gentryvllle, Ind. Never
fails, It is the only harmless remedy
that gives in-mediate results, Cures
concha, colds, hoartioss, croup, pneu
monia, bronchi tit) and all throat and
lung troubles, Its euily 11 no prevents
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