The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 23, 1900, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
Ksdneys, Liver
and Bowels
r.EAN5E5 the System b
(.-s r. r r tL, i umllt,
bitual CoNSTiPAT'ON
1 1 wni ncnu amfkitiv
J' a WW .
fCi SUIBYC:C3l5Ti FSlCt S5t flRKCTlL
15. Sandman, cf Mt. Hood, is in town
today. ' I
F. J. Stark, of Antelope, came in from '
that place yesterday on business bent, j
11. H. Webber, the nursery man, left
on the train this morning for Portland.
Charles Baslev, who accompanied W. '
D. Giimore in from Antelope with his
daughter's bodv, has letumed to that
C. .f. Van Duyn drove in from Tygh
yesterday bundled upas if it were a cold
day. There are few coiu days for Charlie,
uowever, lor tie never gets lett. He is m
on a business trip.
B. R. Tucker came up last night from
hie plHceat Tucker, five miles from Hood
21 ver on the Jit. Hood roud. and is
tranac'-ng business in town today. He
returned the semi-weekly calls which
Tnu Uiiito.virLK makes at his home.
Jacob Obtist, of Fairfield, i
our visitors today. He env
'as among
he never i
saw it snow harder than it dd when lie
came down 3-Mile hill thie iorning, and
as the wind was blowingie trip was
not a pleasant one. Mr. Qrist fears for
the fruit in his vicinity The cherry
trees are some of them in bloom and
orchardists eny if a coldsnap comes if
liable to kill tho treesas well as the
A'iuul I'luy.
It was a great satisfaction to Dalles
people Inst night to again listen to a
good play, one which appealed to the
iiuuian heart and made all
feel that j
may uau auv.mcfcd. instead of retro
graced hy listening to us teachincs.
ITnmnn Ha,tJ' ! ..oil 4 ..: I
."V", , ;r""""u-loil"
tue p'ny is depicted all phases of that
Jnember of the human organization,
from the sweet innocence of childhood
to the black deviltry of the skilled vil
diati3 of both sexes, The'inevitable fate
of the faithless wife and the final reward
of those who follow the path of virtue
were presented in such a manner as to
f'UUJLS Ul UJ..I .
liavo the desired effect which the author '
evidently intended, and imnv of the'
'fiituaiions were beautiful, the climax in!
the final net vnrvlmr ,, .;, " , J
- V i"".'"'""t'.
is the entire absence of anything coarse j
hat h r" : n :r nUg,U ,
n,om.v..o..Q.i. ,. , , lie
tbTTT -n,
' ..v.c.
freelv an u 7 ,
freely, and jun as the feelings of the
audience were wrought un loth.. UM.eut
niih tnt, J T...U. i.. ' . I
'oimy s,; te i, , i Z cod I
J !
nA m,u Z .? T. V .. . I
.,, ,,et ,ccl Hiilltieu 10
..w 4UIU jrogan, or
uBeaainjtiauy, in the end we would
ana oureeivea aesignatitiR each separate-
Ijr. 6o auflici it to nay all were splendid
irncntrul lllundtr !
w,U olten cAtiae a horrible burn,
ecald, cut or hrulae. Bucklen'a Arnica
oive, me nest in the world, will
wmj pain ana promptly heal it. Curea
old aores, fever aorec ulnpm. imiia
Celona and nil skin r.,,..I. n .
on pflrih iiniif o , " 1
whit -V UID, 11 OX
jare guaranteed
KnM l... m.i.,i ,
feold by Blnkeley & I
Hoayhton, drujrgista.
1 of
J. Ii. Clark, I'eoria, III., eay?, Sur.
Ceona wanted to operate on me for piles
iut l cured thorn, with DeWitt'a Witch
Mazel Sahe." It ia Jiifallible for pllee
sad fklu diet-aeee. Uerara of counter-te,
Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Yon will not have boils if you take
Clarke A Folk's sure cure for boils.
Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
' proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Clarke A Fall: have received a carload
of the celebrated James F.. 1'atton
trictly pure liquid paints.
Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware
oi counterfeit and worthless salve ottered
for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. De
Witt's is the only original. An infallible
'cure for piles and all skin diseases.
G. H. Appleton, justice of pence,
Clarksburg, X. J., says, "DeWitt'i
Little Early Risers are the best pilla
made for constipation. We use no
others." Quickly cures nil liver and
bowel trrubles.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raisins of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet" plves immediate relief. 25 cts.
1 -PV -. T I -1. f. tJ,.. ,!...,
L. T. Travis, agent Southern II. II.,
Selina, Ga., writes: "1 can not say too
much in praise of One Minute Cough
Cure. In my case it worked like a
charm." The only harmless remedy
I that gives immediate results. Cures
, comrhs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all
! throat and lun trcublcs.
otlcc ti A'oters.
Under the provisions of the regislra
tion law all persons when registering
are required to furnish to the register
ing officer the following information :
If naturalized, the time, place, an 1
court of naturalisation. In this con
ncction, it is necessary to produce
naturalization papers, or declaration of
iicsidence must be specific; giving
precinct, section, township end range
if within tovn or city, the street, No. if
any, and No. of lot and block ; if in any
building where rooms are numbered, the
number of the room and floor must be
In order to avoid unnrcessarv delav
and inconvenience, every person desir-
I ing to itgister should be piepared to
i furnish the atiove information.
I Facilities will be furnished in eyerv
precinct in the county by either Justice
of the Peace or Noturv Public.
A. M. Kxi.say,
dec4-30dvs Conntv Clerk
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous eurfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for yeare, and
is a regular niescrintion. It is rnmnnwrl
0f the ) tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
" ' -1"0
combination of the two ingredients is
wht nrudnCPR RP.rll unnrlnrfnl rncnll. !
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chexey & Co., Props., Toledo O
Sold by di ruggists, price 7iic.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
a suite cuiti; run ci:oui
Te"t' - '
Y-an' CoiiHtunt Uo IVIlh
out n Failure.
Tin. !: t , ,
Tl)e ' ndicat.on of croup is hoarse
tbe approach of
thIa hoBr8eneea
an attack. Following
is a peculiar rouch
u?h. If OIberl.!'i Cough Remedy
given as soon as tbe child becomes
or even after .he croupy cough
appears, it will prevent the attack. It
1 18 U8ed in thousands of homes in
thie brond ,and and ne diBap.,oint8
K, ., . .. ",BUPI'0,I8
lu auxlous motuere. We Have yet to
lear" f B 8i"eIe inelan ln which t
- not proved effectual. .No other
Preparation can show such
n record-
twentv - fivf,
years' constant use with
0t a
failure. For sale by Blakelev A
L.V ' lMnMa ,ieaUh inspector of
i OhicaRO, eays, "Kodol Dveoenaia Cure
cannot bo recoinniPiulvil Inn l.n.l.i.. t.
- . V
cureameot severe dyspepsia." It di
gests what you eat and cures indigestion
ana Heartburn, and all forms of dva-
T,,e '" Mother
1108 'u ht her little
ones aro itu-
tiri)Vf.rl mnra tti il.a . c
w.w UJ uc fJitncuui oyruuoi
Ftgtt when ln need of u,0 ,Bxntlv;
a gentle remedy, than by nny other.
t,,,1,Uren e,W nu it benefits them.
T1,e trUB re,"edy, Syrup of Fipa, is man-
umuiureu uy ine isaiiiorniH Ji Byrun
Co. only. ' '
Clark A Falk'a drug stock ia
fresh and complete.
The Wife of rrr.iltlcnt Urngfr At
tend to All Detail of Her
Home JiMliililUlinifiit.
Mrs. Krtipcr, the wife of the presi
dent of the Trniiisvanl lej-.ublhvlM-h l:u
own cooking, although Iut Im.Muiiu
twenty-five limes a inilli. ::liv. 'i .
husband, Mho is of a frun'. dis-j n.
Lot isiily npprnves of his vdfo't. t v. i r
.i'lnn of the kitchen votk, bi-,1 sa.Mit
i., her tiUty to do the w.l'k in rtlrr h
savi' esieiise. Xot only t!' i Mrs- Ki ti
ger cook, but she frequently ii.!ns
tin- clothlngr of the family nnd tcnibs
and rolls the clothes with the skill and
strength of the best of 1 hem.
She also insists, upon making her
own beds. This may be b-cause "the
Krugrr" needs a very troubled pillow,
n sheet wtlu.ut a wrinkle, to case him
from the arduous dutus i f selii-miii;,' to
make empires and millions, but If she
docs the rest of the hard work it is prob
able she makes the bed to iiUo save tho
penny or whatever the money is in
that land.
When there arc guests at the presi
dential table Mrs. ICrugt r personally
waits upon them. This duly she will net
intrust to n servant, for she sny.s her
husband'.-, guests must be scru-d. just
as if they were at their own lablcs. She
may be stingy in other things, but is
liberal to a fault in v. lint she sets be
fore friends. Kvery plate is heaped with
the best of well-cooked food, every
eiass is kept full to the brim with choiei
Ii is the pride of "Auntie" Krugir
that her household expenses never ex
ceed the sum appropriated by the volks
raad, .?2,M)0 a year. Not a cent of the
president's salary is ever used. It goes
nt o the bank or into in-, t . I mrnts known
to be safe and prcd'i'-li.e, nnd unless
the pcTidirg v.ith England results
ciisastrovr-ly the botr txecutive will be
one of the richest rrcn in South Africa
before he dies. X. V. World.
A Thoii:ir.d Tens net.
Could not express the rapture of Annie
Ii. Springer, of 1125 Howaid St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
Kiug's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a bucking
cough lhat for many years had made
life a burden. All otiier remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in ray chest and I can !
now sleep soundly, something I can '
scarcely remember doing before. I feel J
like sounding its praises throughout the.
universe." So will every ono who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
anil $1. Trial bottle free at Clakeley &
HvUjjhton'a drug store; eyery bottle
Ilolilird the Ciavti.
startliuK incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by him as followe:
"I was in a moit dreadful condition. My
akin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain contiuunlly in back
and sides, no appetite gradually .'row
ing weaker day by day. Three phvsi.
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
lriend advised 'Electric Hitters' ; and to
my great joy and surprise, tho first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." So one should fail to try them.
r..l.. rft.. " . - i . ... . .
whiv uui;, tuaranieeu, at uiuueiey ii:
Houghton's drug store. 5
"I am Indebted to One Minute Couyli
Cure for my health and lite. It cured
me of lunu trouble following irinne."
Thousands owe their lives to the prompt
action of this never falling remedv. It
cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe aud throat and lung
troubles. Its early use prevents con
sumption. Jt is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results.
All persons wishing to take children,
either boya or girls, for legal adoption or
on indenture, ehould write to W. T.
Gardner, superintendent of the Boya'
and Girla' Aid Society of Oregon, at
i ortiana, who can procure for them de
eirable children of all agea. All applica
tions must be filed in advance. tf
Paint your house with painta that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Uee Clarke Falk'a quinine hair touic
to keep dandruff from the head.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
CUltU l OU
Ely's Cream Balm
Knity and jilewant to
US'. CoiltafllA nn In.
jurloue clrui;.
it u qulcklv absorbed.
GIVL'll liUilh'f at mint-
It OlJftllB Atlfl fli.aiii.A4i
Heal and I'mli-cfM tho Mun.i...... ,.. . ..
, ci-T ttvnubucc New York.
nr.iuRT TiMr. scnr.iuiLK. Anmvit
JOH FROM llAl.l.KS. l'l-OM.
l'jist Suit I. nW . I'etiver, Kt. I'm";!
Mntl Worth, Oiiinlm, Ki'.ti-! Mull
11:15 p.m. mis City, St. Umls, C;M p in
Clilciigo imil Knkt.
Stxikntio Wiilln Wnlln, Siioknne, Sinkniic
Klycr Mlnm'ni)lis. St, I'iml, Vljcr.
T! illllutli, Mllwniikee, 4:2u. in
Chlcnco nnd l'.nt.
S p. la. 4 p. m,
Tnosi I'or.Ti.Aim,
OCCIlll StCllllslltiH.
For Snn l'rnnrl'-co
Decotnticr : s. 1". IS, 2.1
unci 'Ji.
S p. m. 4 p. in.
Kx.auiiday Columlila llv. Stcnntcrs. nx.biuidit)
To Astoria nnd Wuy
Saturdiiy ljuidlngv
10 p. m.
f. n. m. Wim.amktte Ilivr.R. I 4:30 p. m.
Es.Sunda.v.Ort'ROii City. New bore, Kx.Suminj
Salem A: way Ijiud'h.
T n. m, Iwiu.amettk aki) Yam- 3:."0p. m.
Tucn.lliur. iiii.i. Ktvai-.s. lM(m.,Wii
and Snt. Orepon City, Dnytoii,1 und Frl.
nnd Vn--ljui(lInk.
I '
On. ni. ! Willamette l:ivi:a. 4:30p.m.
TucThur, Portland u Corviilllh, Mem. Wed
nnd Sat, und Wiiy-UindlliRs. and Friday
I.v Pljiarln Illparlu to .swlht(m. I.ewibto:.-
rtuliy dally
1:21 n. in. S:B0n. in.
iiF Turtles dcslrnit; to en to Ilcp;it'Fri.limiM
tnkeNo. 4, lcnvlnc Ihv Dulles at T:0.r) p. m
making dlnct ooniicctloiiJ. nt Hcppncr Junction
lieUiriilitf; iiinkliiBdirectcoimectiou nt lU'ppnrr
Junction with No, l.arrhing nt The Dalles nt
'J.Kip m.
Ko. S2, throncht freight, enst bound, doe, not
er.rry imkbciiRers; urrtves ":M u. m., dvpurU
3:N)u. m.
No. 21, loenl frclcht, carries iiahsentrcrs, cjl,1
hound: arrives l::Kip. m., departs s:lf p.m.
No. 21, west hoiltid through frciclit, doc not
carry passengers: utrlves k:1D p m., departs
No. 23, west hound loenl frulfrht, c.irilus pas
keugers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs 8:30 u. m.
For full iiarticulars call on O. It. d; N. Co.'t
ngoiil The lialles. or ndd'ebH
W. II. Hl'KUIVltT,
Oeu I'as. Act., i'ortlaud, Or.
S ...STEAM...
Wood Saw
Will run every day except Sunday.
Ilalee Reasonable.
Telephone 201.
W. A. CATES, Prop.
letters of Credit issued avnilable in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange nnd Telegraphic
Transfers Bold on New York, Chicago,
St. .Louis, San Francisco, I'ortlaud Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various Jiolnts
in Oregon and Washington.
Collectiono ma 'Jo at ail point e on fav
orable terms.
K you want pure and fresh druuH v,..,
can buy them at the 1 0. Pharmacy
Clark & Falk, proprietors.
:j C. F. Stephens
...Doalor In..
Dry Goods, Clothing,
llaotK, Allocs. Ilntk, I ii t Tm.IIhi.
fur W. .. liuu'.is .'hop.
5 Tuloplimip No. ,SS.
3 1H1 bceond St.,
m Dalles, Or,
C. S. Smith
Up-to-date Qroeer
Fresh Eggs and Creamery
Butter a specialty.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
J. 3. Kcheke,
, M.ilKAl. ,
First national Bank.
A Gonerul Banking Business transacted
DcpoBite received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made und procetulB promptlj
remitted on dev of collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Erchango sold on
Now York, Sun Frauclaeo aud "ort
lend. - DIRItOTOK'l
D. P. TlIOMl'BON. Jko. i
Jiu. M, VS iLLiAi'.o, Geo. A. Likuk.
. M. JSKAt.U.
Tftg coliifiia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
Omco over Fint Nut. jiVak lJA,'LEb' 0KKGJN
i r, MCOHK,
Iloouu 83 and w, over U. S. Ijind Oillce.
Jll'UKIHKNDtlltrrKH "
PJiysieiau aud Surgeon,
Hlioclal attoutton Klven to urcry.
ooinatmi(jW, rulm V4..IMI.-.1,
Onicti over French. & Co.' jaUk
i'houe C,
1'HK UALUB, oueoon
Job Printers.
Administrator's Sale of Estnlf.
N,.Uoe ! ht'icljy Ktveti Hint the unit nlp-M,
J .. H'rpiu'i.i), r.dnilnlfttiitor of t 'ie cMittd
l.ydlnA KU Ii,iriln)ii, d( c'uc ', In iutunntiil
n older el the lloiinrablo County ( mrtollii
ill... ,.f l .......... .....,. hl.M..
mid cotirtrt on the till diy of Jtuiunt'' r.0,n
j ir.nn n nn pncr the lilh unyoi iwj ,..ry, 1ft
I iircwM-l to koll nt private Milo for eh In hsal,
l ' ., n . f il... r.oi .u I,,., ,1,.... il.., l.l-.
, ....i. .... ,.-..'. '.. HUH"
i i tfi llio c-lnlti nf buhl l.illn A IdcliaKlu,
; 1 uut'iiMU, lo wit:
II Tln tnutliv,et fitmr'cr "1 Ih nniivwtgi
i 1 trr, mid Milith luili oi the ii'.nhuu.t .tmitoiri
i ! tin- MtitliHifit iitinrlcr vl tl tiMitht iot iurs
i ui tectum inrve t ;) lu lowiuuip rnur (i) t.umi
l mi kc tlili Ucn (t.i) cnKt f thi; Williina-UniacrJ
1 1 inn. in iik'o eiuiiiiv. urtcon ui-! inni cma
di'K'rlliwl n follow),: Cotnt.. ml-Iiic 21 roCua
IVI.: Tf.,'l HT.I .1 t,m .111, I 'II. ilk, f IMII'F 1.1 II.
i.ti f Ii ,i f.kl nf Li.j.Hnti tlinill Inli...
kill,, fmlr li k.iti ftf PMtu.n flitpftH'ti rl ,yA,lri
the llliiiiuttu incridlnii In Wnsco coiitilj,te
roii, t.ud running thenco north one IimIi tsllr
tlll.ILl- lll.l LAI IfHll. I1IIU " lll . 1 lll.'lll: fl QJ
fctt to the nlnco of Ik'sIiiiiIui:. have iitntrtrai
thi-rcfrom lour lots lu Hlchnriton b Ad'HIKs
tho Tom n of Tvirli. uhlrli linn Ih.mi'r'
mid nnd rotucjcil: tho trnct iihovo dm-tlM!
iuu oi igu, nt mill out nnci iiiittcil snan
cotdcil In tin? Hicordi. of liwii fur Wis
luuiiii , Lri'L.iii. nuu ivsti t'naiL duuvi UL'krriaa
cotituliilin; i'10 ncn-!', more or Ic.
" li ".i. uiciiinh i, I, ii i uiricua
losidd rciil olato dhould cnlloti oriiildrrticn
Junction City, orceon, or my attorney imle
iv .Metiflce, lit Thu liiille, Oregon.
Puled thltl.'Ih day of January, I'.OJ.
J. h. ri'iK.t'i -nx.
Adii'InMratfir of thu lUtute of I.jdlu A. lUti-
iwiifou, uireaeij.
Dircii .V Mj:ni rr.r..
Atlorne; for Admltiltriitor. ISJmll
is Tin: tor.NTV ( Ot'ItT OF Till. ST11I
l oi urcson, lor Wilson county.
lu the mutter of tho KUaidlniikhlii of Own
K.ltut. I'nink Klliiit,.iii.ieJordiii,K-Mi Jctta
nt. a .Mary Jonlnii, nilnurt,
Nmv on ihU uih duy of DcooiuIji r. 1 o, nut
Uiliiam Joidiin, tho duly riii'ilutiil, i-MU
mid ut'tinif (iimrdliiiiof thoiibovo iiiuiuilinlnon,
and i rcsr:itO!t hlh iK'tlllon p'njlni: I iron oris
iiutlioifiil'igHtid dln-i'tliiKlilin ton Ut ii Inftnit
or mid inlnnit In cerl'ilu icul . rtv lirnln, mid It iiiipfarlnK In 1! rourt
from mid in-Iltion Hint It ) tnttn.ii'y ki
llcliil to ild vatd that their I'.t t In tie
hotittihair of the houlhi'iiKl niinrn-i- i uttln
It, tow tiklilji j norlh, niHK" U iat W iUin
udd; thi-IUolu It lkiiiiVrml tlnit 1 Ihmi b KIibL
i'"" i.iiiui inni ktiiu tviuiam joi ui",
and lust of kill of Amur, K'hII- ml U'J
Jordiiii.aiidall tierkoim Intoroktcd in niilntniti
ajijivor bofore thin court at the court ' ' an Ibov
of lu Dalles city, Om-jjoii, on the (.Hi cfjy
Jiuiuury, Hiit, nt the hour of two ocifkjin.
then and Itit-ru to kliovv caiike uht .n Hern
hould not liuKliinled for thekuloof Michit
mid Unit till nidrr bo witilMird nt lead t&n
utiKTkklve necks in Thu DmIIih t limliU'lfi
wivkiy ni'kiiiK'r prlnl(l In kald county.
i)n ted thin Uth day of Jicci'iiihfr. is!'),
dccJ3-l Cotuiiy Judtc.
(Isolated Tract ) l'ubllc Land Sale.
Land OmtK atTiik lMH.i,Oiir.ooi(
I.... k HH4I I
otl('' u hereby Riven that In pu nuance t
liiHriiclloiikfioMitlio(:oiiinil!.lomTof the (in
urnl land oIIilt, undtr imthotlty vented Ink
by kvctlou l!ri3 LT. H, ItfV. HUl., ilk Ulilflidwl,
the act of coiigrun hi. proved KeliriiurySi'il"1'
u w ill prow d to oiler at public kiile on MM';
day. thi' 17th duy of February next, at the '?"!
of 10 o'clock, a. in., at thin olllce, the folloW
inn i oi ini.ii, onvil; ,
r.1;"1 ht' -'l:n,Ml 1,,u 1 n"i ''i Sd's' T',fc'
A, ... .....4 ..II . .. -...I I ...l....raf.l. tht
iiuu f.n iivik'Mia uiuiiiiniK mil' r ii i.
above di-kcrllmd 'iandii mu advined In 1 1 " f
f'luliiia in thu oitico on or twfoie tin- duy,,0."
dvkliriiHtvd for tliucoiniiiuticumciit of kuW '"
otherwlBo their rlelitu will be forfeited.
JAY I' LUt'AH, JteKWcr,
JitnlO l 0118 1'ATIKKSON, ItecflVff.
Administrator's Notice.
lliouiidorklmifd Imvli'.K boon iipHt;tJ J
lnlliUtrator of thuokUtu of Jonathan ffft
dmiiktd, undorand by virtuo of an " W'Pi l
iimdo mid cntcruij in tho County Court of J
htute of ouitou for Whmjo County on !'!'
dllV lit ll.4ll.t,,lu. ull m liilVlllL' clalu11
"ivv...u, .riff, mil Wl. . .
tiKMliiKt Mild (,'nuto aru imrvby iiullllid tF7r
wilt lhuiiaiii"( llh lliv proiicr voucheik aW
yiTiiiouut tlioollliu of inv uttoruiTi y.
wilkoii, lu Tim Duiiw, Orcxoii, wit""1 '
moiltlin from the date of thin not lee. ,
iated TIio Dttllen, Orogon, Jan. IH. I'M,,.,
Jau-JO.Ot ''"''
Lenin Deniiii, Kuleui, Ind..
"Kodol Dyapepuln Cure did me '
good than unytlilng I ever took." 11
dliretta w hut von out ami pan not M
but cure dyepepiia and itomach trotiM