The Great Clothing Sale Is On. Tho mnivclotiB offerings during the past two weeks havo been B3 liberally responded to by our many patrons tlutt uo bnvo been inspired to etill greater efforts for the balance of tho month. Men's nil wool enlte $3.85 Men's nil wool suits -1.81) Men's all wool cheviot suite 0.85 Men's fancy worsted and serge suits 7.83 Men's nil wool blue sereo and cheviot suits, elnglo and double breasted ; 9.8.1 It will bo well for you to remember that this isn January Clearance Sale and cannot Inst much longer. Hats. Hats. i , The latest styles J and latest shapes I at clearance sale prices. A Timely Warning. There are eight more days in this month in which wo will do business at Cut Rates Those of you who have not taken advantage of this golden opportunity must not regret it when it is too late, for we have warned you repeatedly that we have been offering goods Much Lower than tho market really justifies. There is no reason to believe that all furies will not bo higher in future, for prices have advanced all along tho line, and for people to presume that they can always buy goods at the pres ent low price? is utter folly. Wo will not quoto you priceB on special lines this issue, but bear in mind that there isn liberal reduction throughout the Dry Goods Dep't. and especially on dress good?, waists, skirts, ready-made garments of all kinds, underwear, etc. View our silent salesmen the windows. All Goods Mnrkod in Plnln FlKuras. PEASE Sl MAYS w 44 4 . Af . . . i r.e uaues uauy unronieie. Tt'lcphonc No 2, Oysters K-rveil Iti every ntylu by A. KELLER. row WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will tm(! uilll Tru A A .Tuvtiu tn.nrirmtt .,1, There will be no band concert at the dub tonight. The members will meet for regular reheurEu! nt the Vogt. Tho Ladles' Aid Society, of the Con- Krmitional church will meot with Mrs. iiieiuiiK tomorrow anernoon. Mobt everyone has read Lorna Doone. imil u 111 1..., ...tti. ...... i ... .if .n 111 ... . . ui no uuiuur, mcntiru liincKinoie, wno pasted away at Teddington Sunday latt. The Kllekitato seem to havo iust dis. covered that its winter and put on their liite hoodH. Once before they threw a tliin fascinator over their heads, but it slipped off. Saturday niuht of this week the A. J 0- bowling team of Astoria will bo in The Dalles and bowl a contest game with the club. Having next to tho highest record in the preterit tournament, they will n j doubt coiuo with their war paint on ready for huuincHe. Letters received from Mr and Mrs. I- K. Crowe, who are irpending the win'er at tliu Arkansas ht springs, are t-'iithiifeiiiBlic in thelrWfseof tho springs d the acconiiiiodiiTdHfl found there. Mr. Urowo is iniproriK iiSJiuulth, and says he is "tralnlufc" with SliHkey, " lms been one of "the guests at the hotel where Mr. nud Mrs. Crowe are stopping. A letter from reintlvnn nt Wuuilp rn. ived this momlug, informs Mr. and Mrs. T. Driver, that although their ""lighter had been much sicker than tljMy surmised, she is improving rapidly, jf Ijreo other cases are reportedSelth Miller and one in the Knighton and Uenihigton families. All cases and those 'io have boon exposed have been liiarantined, I'ortlnnd has been visited by two wriblo fires today. This tuorulog the iron works of the celebrated firm of Wolir & Zwickler caught tire and al l"ou -Ii not completely destroyed, much (tailing WB8 donU( Th,g afternoon tiie Waiidnrd Oil Company's works, below Hie city, ar0 burning and from a report 'lch came as we go to press, will no "Quit be a complote loss, word rnHclicil l.o... i.i m.. . f.viv vuit U1UII.1UK tun , u b"ll' woman and a babe had , M 'ou,'d in a spring six wiles thii ol Condon thrae d.yi g0. A tele- phone message Irorn Arlington tliis afternoon developed no facts other than that it was supposed to be n case of murder and suicide. An ofllcer had been cent to investigate the case, and more definite- news will be given later. Our old friend the Chinook is a blow hard, and gave us such a bretzo last night about 11 o'clock that many wen; congratulating themselves that at that rate our streets would be dried up. ISut Jupiter Pluvious disputed hie sway and reigned supreme, making the streets, if anything, worse this morning. Con tentment is said to be the road to happi ness, and the best way for Dalles people to do is to travel that highway, leaving the mud beneath them. J. II. Baker, father of C. F. Baker, who was arrested here Sunday night by the slieritrof Umatilla county, as the man who was wanted there for forgery, informed us that it was a case of mis taken identitly that the man wanted was C. K. Baker, and his son returned yesterday afternoon. Baker tallied ex actly with tho description sent to the sheriiriiere, and his past record caused the mistake, if mistake it was. Mr. Baker says the man upon whom the check wan passed exonerated his bon. About a week ago, Mr. 0. M. Smith, who so delighted Dalles people with liiH wonderful bass voice upon different occasions, lefthucity fuSan Francisco, and in n letter tya frLeiid informs him that he lias decidtSliu locatu there, and has already ncceptinha position in one of tho largest cliurchesN. While wo are more- than tory to parPswllli such a musician, atfho same time wu realize a place the size of Tho Dalles cannot afl'ord the opportunity "such a voice merits. In Colorado ho was known as "the little man with the big baeu voice," and lie was well named, for none would believe a person of so small mature could possess such a phenomenal voice. His friends here wleh him nil manner of success in his new home. As usual In Tho Dalles, tho greater portion of the first act of last ulght'H play was completely spoiled by the con tinued arrival of the audience, It gen erally takes a little time to become ac customed to the voices and the surround ings, but last night those who were there at a reasonable time were exasperated beyond measure as they endeavored to catch but a few scattered words of the conversations which generally form the nucleus of tho play. Now that the storeB closo at an early hour, there is little excuse for tardiness in arriving at entertainments However, many may have been uncertain as to the hour when the curtain would rise. In the future Tin: Ciiuonici.i: will endeavor to publish the hour when the play commences, and it is to be hoped our people will soon be gin to consult the pleasure nf others as well as themselves, aud he more prompt. Keferrlng to the case of Winnie Thorn, which has caused such wide-spread horror and indignation throughout the state, after censuring the brutes who perpetrated the dastardly crime, the Cottage Grove Nugget warns girls of other towns and aptly says : "The young girls of tho various towns can profit by the experience of Winuin Thorn, of Latham. These men may be the angels they have tried to impersonate, and no matter how the court may deal with them, conclusive evidence has been ob tained that some railroad men may be tho perpetrators of dastardly crimes, as well as other people; but when a girl takes it upon herself to frequent the depot grounds for tho solo purpose of flirting witli the employes of the road bIio not only lessens her stand in the community in which she lives, but she has started on the trail that may almost any time lead her into the vicious hands of men not unlike the brutes who brought disgrace and shame upon the heads of father and mother, shocked a good commuulty, "set a blister" upon the fair namo of the victim, and knocked tho rust oil" the hinges of tho. peni tentiary. Girls cannot afl'ord to run these risks." , Kidney IIuwsiiu Kult-idex In I'ortlnnd. The Hawson divorce caee, which has been brought so prominently and of fensively before tho people for some time past, has ended as manycuch cases do tragically. Last night Hon. V. It. Ellis, wlio passed through the city on his way to lfeppner, brought the news of the suicido of Sidney Hawson by shooting- himself yesterday afternoon about 11 o'clock in the hotel at Portland. Sidney Hawson 13 well known in Gilliam county, and for Hint part throughout Eastern Oregon, having been a member of tho legislature some years since. Of late years ho has been man ager of tho Moody warehouse at Arling ton, having lived there since lSIil. Nino years ago lie was nianied, and for the past live years there lias been continual domestic trouble, his wifo charging him with excessive drinking and ill treat ment of her and asking for the custody of two children. He in turn accused her of infidelity. For somo months the Arlington Advocate lias been airing the family troubles, and since tho divorce case came up in Portland lust Thursday, the Oregonlan has given It prominence. Full particulars as to tho suicide have not been obtained, but no doubt the un fortunate man grew despondent over the state of affairs, or may havo taken to excessive drinking which caused the terrible deed. Write "i.uuuilry" ttn (lie New Leaf. Ill turning ovor the new leaf for 1000 has it occurred to you to try our work? People who have, say it's all right. Ilemember there is no charge connected with our collection and delivery system, King up Condon 'phono 'Ml, or long distance 002. Lau.nduv Co., Cor. Third aud Federal Bts. Uatli lu lour Vlmclfi, All count v warrants registered prior to April 1, 1800, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 8tli, 1000. C. L. Piiimji'S, County Treasurer. Subscribe for Thk Ciihonice. HUNG HIM8ELF. Hntnuct Noilly Hueceeilii In Freeing; Illm. nelf Pro in Suffering. When F. II. Wakefield reached his homo on Tenth street last overling about A M5 o'clock, he wlas met by his daughter with tho startllnd news that her uncle had hung himself in tho barn loft. Hurrying to tho less body of 8 brother-in-law, ha Quickly cutting tl to find whether body, but in havo bpon cj Mr. Nealy, who1 man of 78 years, ha! er for twenty-live y benefit his health, nd the life Nealy, his from tho rafters. xpe ho endeavored was any lifo In the for the deed must d about 4 o'clock. was an unmarried been a great suffer- r8, and, hoping to our years ago Mr. Wakefield brought him hero ftom Mon mouth. He improved, but lor Borne time hiiB suffered terribly with rl.euma Usui. A short time einco ho resorted to a mustard plaster for relief and directly after began rubbing his back with Wizard Oil. This combination blistered his back and side dreadfully and added to the pain drove him almost distracted. A physician was summoned, but he im proved but slightly, and growing melan choly often wished ho were dead. Everything was done to help and en courago him, but seoir.ed fruitless. A few days ago ho took bis gun to tho barn, and fearing something was wrong, tiiey watched him and finally discovered him just in the act of killing himself. He was afterward watched closely, but yesterdav afternoon succeeded in his desire to be rid of his suffering. He leaves, beside Mrs. Wakefield, a sister, Mrs. Jane Wolverton, of Mon mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield will leave for that place tomorrow, taking his body there for burial. The coroner's inquest, held this morn ing, found the following verdict: In the matter of the inquest held over tho body of Samuel W. Nealy : We, the undersigned, jurors empanel led by W. H. Butts, coroner of Wasco county, Oregon, to inquire into the cause of the deatli of the body now be fore us, after hearing the testimony and evidence produced herein find tho facts and come to the conclusion following, that is to say : That ttio name of tho deceased is Samuel W. Nealy, whoso age was "8 years, and whose residence waa The Dalles, Oregon, that he came to hia death in The Dalles, Or., about tho hour of four o'clock and thirty minutes, p. m., on the 22d day of January, A. D.. 1900. That at tho aforesaid tirao nud place, the said Samuel W. Nealy, while ter ribly suffering from rheumatic pains on his body, and being greatly depressed m his mind thereby, came to his death by his own hand, and purposely by strang ulation by hanging himself "by "the neck witli a rope until death relieved him from his sufferings : Dated nt Dalles City, Oregon, this 2M day of January, A. I)., 1900. E. M. Wingatc, C. F. Stephens, C. A. Sohutz, J. L. Kki.i.y, H. D. Paiikixs, F. C. Sexton. Tho KiiIrIiIh Knjoy TheniHulve. The Knights probably didn't sin it to their wives before they left home last nitiht, but nevertheless they didn't "go homo till morning." But then, this is not a common occurrence with the Knights of Pythias and they wcro no doubt forgiven, as the extra occasion demanded it. The aforesaid occasion Grocery Department. Special Coffee Sale For this Week. PENNANT ROAST, a fine blend Cullee ; !10e regular. Special 25c per pound. ENSIGN BOAST, a fancy Costa Rica Coffee; 20o regular. Special 17 l-2c pr pound. YOSEMITE COFFEE lie per pkg 10 oz package Charco, a substitute for tea and coffee 5c per pkg PEASE & MATS was tho visit of their grand officers Grand Chancellor J. P. Kennedy, of Portland; Grand Vice Chancellor W. L. Bradshaw, and Grand K. of R. and 8. L, R. Stinson, of Salem. J. II. McKib ben, editor of the Senator, was also present. Beside theso there were a host of visiting brothers, Boine from Hcppner lodge, five from Pythagoras lodgo of Cascades, and Wncoma lodgo, of Hood River, delegation consisted of Messrs. C. Stranahan, W. E. Sherrlll, C. P. Rqss, Wm. Graham, G. S. Evans, F. H. Isenberg, Bert Stranahan, M. II. Nickel sen, J. R. NIckelscn, Geo. Coleman, C. E. Markham, F. II. Stanton and Geo. Prather. Work In tho ranks of Knight and Esquire occupied tho time, there being two candidates. This is considered a good night's work, as that of either degree consumes much time. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so at the close of the work the guests were entertained with a smoker, a nice lunch being spread and tho best of good cheer prevailing. One after another joined in the jest and story telling, while, wo arc told, Micliell sang "Annie Laurie" to the amazement of the crowd; Chas. Phillips also insisted on Dinging "Auld Lang Syne." There was no discount, however, when Rev D. V. Poling favored them with a solo, which was greatly erijjyed. Tiie visitors seemed highly pleased with the evening's session, w hile Friend ship lodge felt highly honored by their presence. liasal Cnturrh quickly yields to treat ment by Illy'e Cream Balm, which is agree ably aromatic. It is received through tho nostrils, cleansea end heals tho whole sur faco over v.-hich it diffuses itself. Druggists sell tho 50c. sizo; Trial feizo by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are suro to continue tho treatment. Announcement. To accommodato those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into tho nasal passages for catarrhal trou lks, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Trice, including the spraying tubo is 7.1 cents. Druggists or by inail. Tho liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of tho solid preparation. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at tho Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed; mch25-tf Feed rye for sale at tho Wasco Ware house, tf Subscribe for Tne Chronicle. Tlmt Throbbing flenilache Would quickly leave you, if you nseil Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousand of sufferers havo proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.. Thoy make pure blood nnd strong: nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents Monoy back if not cured. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 Situation Wanted. A young man wants situation in a sheep camp. Address, II . Dei. to, jan20-lw The Dalles, Ore. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. -FIEE-I ! 1 With every one dol lar purchase at our store during January and February we will give a chance on a -$50- Aluminized Garland Steel Range. ilaier & Ben i SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. A H W W Q W H W A Splendid Assortment of Ciioice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowcll's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaflir Corn, fgyptian Corn, White Hominy Com. Early Rose Potatoes, Burbank Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brown Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple anil Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH 'at the Feed, Seed aud Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. Ul H H O Ul DQ H d Ul SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. rxw rrATrA.'TXT7!-A-tvcrjCT'jrAre!7trrATA-rwrAirA,T3i i ata riTKjAi Ai'JCr jrrT2 irAT The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, Vtajestie Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Romombor that wo avo soiling tho same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whioh is a saving to our customers of from $o to $25 ovor prico charged by peddlers for inforior ranges. Writo for pamphlot, "Majestic I5viilonco." JVIflYS & couiiE. 5 if 3