For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'antltig, Ovciccilin- or I'nncj Vesting. 0 V. 7 , Klndty rail and examine my Mock of Im- . . i TiTtcd and Ilou:etlc Woolens." A tine stock to "ltarnadc from the lowest prices to the nigh est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. lUi: DAtLK' . OltEGOX. The Dalles Daily Chponiele. SCBSCIIIPTION ruicE. One week ? 13 One month SO One year 6 00 TUESDAY - JANUARY 23, 1900 OUT GOES ROBERTS. The majority report of the Roberts investigating committee will be adopted, and the seat to which he was elected from Uiah will be de clared vacant. This will satisfv the ! clamor of the people, and set a precedent that will be heeded by Mormon communities in the future. The minority report, recommending that Roberts be admitted, his creden tials being regular, and there being no doubt of his election, and that he j then be expelled by n two-thirds i vole, on the ground that he is a persistent and defiant law-breaker, suggests the better and more orderly proceeding, though it makes little diffetence which plan is adopted, so long as the desired end is speedily accomplished. In most respects 1 1 1 1 Roberts may very likely be a moie moral and otherwise n better man . than many of his accusers, judges,' and bouncers, but this cannot and should not avail him anythinp against the notorious and admitted fact that he openly, wilfully and defiantly violated not only the anti-polygamy law of congress, but the solemn compact of the Mormon church, in which he is a shining light, with the government. The people of Utah need just this lesson that if they want to be represented as a state in congress, they must send there a man who, though he may be a Mormon, is not a polygamous lawbreaker. Telegram. J'OOJl OLD II UAH. Mr. Hoar persists in the falsehood that the American troops began the conflict with the Aguinaldo rebels, lie disregards Aguinaldo's declara tion f if IVnr Hrtrl linn,c fnlon it.ltr.nco against General Otis because the , Jatter refused to be entrapped byjtution. D. B. Jolinston of Uiclunond, Aguinaldo's profession of peace, He J Ind., has heen troubled with that all quotes thu clitlerinrr adieetives nf , ment since 1802. In speabhiR of it he w a - - Aguinaldo's proclamation with de- lighted approval, nntl ignores the concrete fnets of Aguinaldo's deeds. He declares that the Filipinos won their independence from Spain, when it is known to all the world that their freedom was won by Dewej' nt Ma nila. He falsely alleges that General Otis promised the Filipinos independ. ence, although it is a matter of record that all Otis promised was , that the Luted States would seek to i establish a liberal government. Common 6ense nr.d common truth fulness are essential in denling with the Philippine question. Mr. Hoar exhibits neither. Hence it is dillU cult to be patient with hi in. Gray hairs cease to command respect when they are used to dignify slanders of the living and of the dead. In answer to Senator Bcveridge's state, soents of the matcriul advantages of retaining the Philippines, in the fnco of facts which must be nl least con sidered in determining the natton's course toward the island?, Mr. Hoar resorts to arrant blasphemy. Be cause the American people would protect the peaceful majority of the Filipinos against the despotism of the Aguinaldo oligarchy, Mr. Honr .. ..'ii. ni.j.i compares tnc naiion wuu vimsi, tempted by the devil. Can even, Mr. Hoar imagine for a moment that this will be auccptcd as discussion, as sense, or as truth by the American people? Mr. Horn's utterances, when they arc not blasphemy, falsehood, or slander, are mcie sound and fury, : t . Tt r-nnii irtnnno Signup nig iiuming. y auv-u he cannot rehabilitate Aguinaldo in the estimation of the Amcricau people, for they have had too much experience of the treacherous Tagafs manners and methods. He can only incite Aguinaldo to new atrocities. Yet in the end he will change noth ing, and he knows it. The American people are resolved to have America peace in the Philippines, and will not swerve from their purpose because certain ambitious Tagals and their foolish friends object to it. The American people love peace so much that they are eager to fight for it. They know that freedom follows their Hag. They are resolved that their flag shall stay in the Philip pines, and shall stay there to the real and lasting benefit of the people as well as to the honor and advantage of the "United States. Statesman. WINTER TRIPS. For winter rcsideftce or winter outing ideal conditions will be found on every hand in California. TJonteous early rainfall has this season given to the semi-tropical vegetation wonderful iui' petus ; the fljral offerings are more than usually generous and the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccean possesses new charms at Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Coronado and the enchanted isle of the sea, Cntallna where fishing, boaiing, rambling, ruling, hunting and loafing uay be enjoyed bb nowhere else. Aniut littli Dimto cmrr nn il rrnrm ,. , , ., , ., u ofiar themselves at Montecito, oruhou, pttgaiinai Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Fail Btook and Palm Springs. For renewing health and vigor, here auo,,nu ma" ,;ot enr,,,Ps' 01 Iuei varying consiuuenie biiu ucuioiiuinuuii merits; the dry, ant 1 a tic, tonic air of the desert may be enjoyed at Banning, Indio, Yuma; and, even fartberon, at Phoenix, Tucson, El I'uso, exists con- dltions equally well indicated for weal; ., . , , tliroate and Junes. JIanv think nothinc in nntii-p more .uanj inmu noinini, in natu.L mort attractive than the Bliimuierint; olive , , , r. , . , c. orchards of Santa Barbara and San Diego ; others preler the stately walnuts , , . ... , of entura and L03 leto!, or the lemons of Fernando; but for orions fruit and graceful tree commend us to the golden otange, lirat, last and ahvnvs, audit exists in greatest perfection Covina, Itiverside, liedlands and High - . . , lands. hqiiHllv lntereating is the scientific and tempting fashion in which the sorting and packing of the orange is licre acconiplislied. ine laiinini were cxtiorieu to see Mecca and shullle off; hut wiser gener-1 ntioiiB will see California of the south ' and prolong life. tf i I Ab n nnrn fnr rhutl niiinaui f .Ii i tv, 1 ict. - ,nln.8 ,., llallI, :9 :,.:..,, a widu ........ eays: "I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamber Iain's Pain Balm. It acta like magic' wit ll tliu f 1 (rft tn a a it-nl Ion ntwl ' puinint; me very much, but one Kood application of Pain lialm relieved me. For salo by Blakeley & Houghton. J. I. Bevry, Loeautun, Pa., writep, t am willing to take my oatli that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the ueo ot One Minute Cough Curejnfter doctors failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves mm uuico Luuguc, uuiub, croup, grippe um tbroat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it, Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and euuburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Dr.QUNN'S ONE FOR A DOSE. Qll I A llraore Plrap'lei, IWent I'll I m A inciTeinot of the Iw!hT kolFfiSiSSS!! EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trnliis leave nr.d nrc due to arrive at Portland LKAYK. AIUIIVK OV1 A'EKLAXI) EX--) press. liurr. K, Ashland, Pim ento, Ogden.San I nclseo, Moiuve, ( 7:00 P. M. I ramunto. Franetseo, Moia J.15 A. M. l.osAnRolcs.EU'aso, New Orleans and Knst J ,a., , v illosclmrg and way fctn-l S..i A. u.,n,iu 1 4:80 I'. M I fVlu Wnnjlhnrn fori Dally esccpt Bundnyg Mt.Alicoi, Slivurum, miuy 1 Went Sclo, Browns-i expupt vIlle.SprlngtK'ld Hiid tiunUiiyit. (, Natron J 17:30 A. M (Corvallls and way) vMll'.M. jstatlons i ! ' IXtlF.l'EXnEXRE PASSEXGEU, Express train Dally (cxccpt-Sunday) 1:50p.m. (Lv. ...Portland 7::iOn.m. Jai. McMinnvli: i'.'.u'.l C..1.V.) RiSi a. m 6;N) a, ni 4:M) a. m 8:30 p. ru. (Ar..lndcendencu Dally. fDany, except Sunday. 1UXINH OAKS OX OGDEX ItOBTK. PUU..MAX BUFFET S1.EEPEP.3 AXD SECOND-CLASS SI.EEPIXC- CAP.H AtUiched to all Throueli Trains. riir.,t pn,nppt!nn nt Hun Frinipiseo with Orel dental and Oriental and Pacific mall kteainshlp lines for JAPAX and 011INA. riallliiK dates on at plication. Kates and tickets to Eintcrn points and Eu rope. Also JAPAX, UHIXA, HONOLULU HUC AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive at and depart Irorr Grand Central Station, Fifth and lrvniK Btreets YAMH1U. DIVISION. PasscuKer Deiot, foot of Jertcrcon street. Leave for Sheridan, week days, t 4:S0 p. m Arrive at Portland, U:.T0 a. m. Leave lor AIKLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Krirlav at 8;3S a. m. Arriv-- at Portland, Tuew dav, Thursday and Saturdnj it !!:Qu j.. in. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. 11. KoEV.lER, !, II. MAUKHAM, Manaier. Asst. O. F. -fc Pass. Act Through Ticket Ollloe, Third street, where throuch tickets to all points In the Knitters States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates from J. 11. KIKICLAXD, Ticket Agent, or X. WIIEAI.DOX. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & Lannln. Tiione 157 SUMMONS. IX THE CIltCUIT (JOL'ItT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Wasco. Uolle McGreevy, philntill", Vf Thomas McGreevy, defendant. ToTlionias McGreevy, defendant: : in the Name of the .State of OreKon, You are' hereby required to appear and 111 swer the ccm- , iiIhIiU lllt'd ,'L'iilnst vnn In thn iihttvn i.ntllli.H Milt within ten days ironi the date of the service of this Summons upon vim, If served within this County; or If .soned within any other1 ' b ounty of this State, then within twenty days 1 ( fr()m ,Jlc,Illtcof tliu mtvIcv of this tiiimmniis I upon you; or if served upon you by public.-.tloii , thereof, then on or before tliu Inst dav of the 1 Ume IirC5eribi d in the order for publication. I I?""1 ,"!1'!r1(b.uf,'!rL' fil wo,is 'v'w ,1"'1I,!,U !)f I i the lirst piiblientlou heieof : mid It yon full so to . answer, for want thereof the plnintllt will! mZJt xlU&j?. lattiilll be awarded the exclusive custody of the minor i C,TS 1 .V,1 J!1"'1, ,ll!rMlllVt 5," '"''er of said cir-; ! null (Joiirt, niadeiihil eirtered on the V.ith day of l ' Jimuiiry, lUH), reijulrliiK the publication hereof ' ISJS ; , J0 S " t'NTlN (ito wilhon, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE nr TRADE MARKS JESIGNS Copyrights Ac. Anrnno oihIIml' n nkctrli mid doacrlntlnn nin- nulnklr a.ifuriiiin our iipliimn free wliotlmr , iiivi-iitlun Ii iiriiljnlily tmtcntiilile. Ci)mniiinlc. tlmiH Htrlctlr fiiTitiaontlal. Handbook on 1'iUunl lout Ireo. OMost aucney (orvcurltiKlatent!i. I'.itni.ta takun thruuu'li Munu & Co. rccclvk rjJCCUU 71UCICC, KIUIHUL umrc, III luo Scientific American. A linnrtaomnly llliintrnted wnoklr. Ijirccut elr. rillullon n( liny kc-ilmiiIMo Joiiriml. 'lfrma, t'i a Tears four moritlis, (i. HolU Lyoll nowdPnlerK. MUNN & Co.3-. New York Uranch OtJIco, (23 V HU Waihliwton. U. P Kureliii 11 uriiess Oil in the lit preservative of new leutliur und tliu lut renovator ot old leutliur. It oIIh, Hoftons, bluuk etiBund proteuta. Uto Eureka Harness Oil on your bent liamtas, your old liar, iiexs, and our carrlaKc top, and tlicy will nut only look ltu-r.l,ut wiur lonuer, bold fc very wlit-re In vuim-all Ufa from liulf ilnti to live uulloua. h naunu oil lo. IF JIKKD. W.WU.KON, ATTOKNEY.AT LAW. Ofllcc ove, nnt Nat. ffi U"A' KEU0N Just What Yoa uuant. Now idoaB in V'all Paper horo. Such wido variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yourH for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. ..GHflS. FMM Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught thu celebrated COLUMBIA IIKEU, iicknnw: wiped the best brer In The Dalles, nt the usual price. Come In, try It ami be couvlnccd. Alto the Finest brands of Wines, Ll-juor and Clsara. Sandwiches of all Kinds always on hand. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTOH. Wholosnlo and Retail Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 SecoM Strait. THE DALLES i tTJrana.-Txra.-fTCTM-t? i B$OS Cii:.VEl!AI. ...AND. is Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I TIM aua jBimran. PHon059 1; brlrxv:lixZrrl.-,lid II lull IB I fc'fcAND CVIAWHOOD Cures Impotency, Kifiht Emissions and waHtinj; diaeascs, all effects of self- ubuse, or excess and indis cretion. Ancrvotoiiicitiid blood builder. LirlnifB the pink glow lo pale cheeks anr restores the lire of youth. By mailCOc per box: O boxes ior $5J.fiO; with a wrlttwi K'iu'an- ico to euro or rclund tbo jiiouuy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. j It artificially digests the food and aids "i "wupuening and recon fltructlnRtho exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and ton c. No other preparation can approach It In cmclency. It in stantly relieves and nernmnr.nfiif Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Ffatulence, Sour BtomachT Nausea BlckHeadache,Ga8tralgla.CrampBna allotber results of I mperf ect d IsestioD. . Pnpun4 by C. c. OeWI Co.. 1". wjjy M DRUGGISTS BiaGKsmims Horsesnoe K " . Thu stnimcts limine Miliolulf, ...i..ittlf. ttlitiitut Str. RoRtilntor. (Umlted iJindliiRH.) Ship your Freight via nmvsi. t'l'. I !, Lv. Dalles Lv. at s A. M. 'i, i n d.i... . . .Mnmlav I III1'!'!, . . - ' Tlmtsday Wdneny Hatnriiay. ... ridiij Reffulator Line. Arr. Portland Arr. Dulles & P. iitf, p. M. at 5 r. M. I FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, t .r. , .... ai,..,.r nl thn Ucctilntor Lino. : rims the best service poshlblc. fl Portland Olllcc. Oak Htrcet Dock. W. Leu .MA.sfFArrt'P.i:i) nv AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, uu2G THIS DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY riH-- 10 (i-00 ',,!r I-'"110"- $ t" Tri VarB old.) ' IMP0KTED 00GNA0 from 7.00 to 11.00 per gallon. (11 to -'() yearH old.' OALIPOEHIA BRANDIES from M.'2t tu Stl.00 per gallon. (4 to 1 years old. " ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, and Imported Alt) and J'ortnr. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. si I Wasco Warehouse Company a - - f Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Jj Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin n iHeadcmarters for Roll fi-rpn'n ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts' fttia XT on nnn (i"0 ' T) x T- HI-, Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOU FlOUr I,Iour la "iMiufaeturtid expressly for family , ' UHo ; evtiry imek is guaranteed to give Hatislactioii. a soli our t!oods lower than any house In the trade, und if you don't tliinkeo call und ot cur prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for "Wheat, Barley and Oats Crandall&Barget DE A I JiKS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS The Dallos, Or. funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepa r to su ly every body with Bread, Pies and Cakei. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grrocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pione cer. mNr r ttti J Danes. Portiana & flsloria Hav. Co. or tin, KCRilinior i.iuo win run as ir uiu mi- I the Conimny rexervliiK tlio rlfilit to clmtiRo'3 notlro. Str. Dallos City. (ToucliltiK nt all Way Point,) DOWN, l.v. Dalles at i'p:"() a. M. Mondiiy Wciluesday , , Friday Arr. Portland (uncertain) hi. ,1 l.v. Portlaial , at r, a, m. ) . . TucKdny Thursday J Arr. Dalles (uncertain). The Company will ondonvor to Rive its put 3 l or liiriner iniorinaiion iiuuress C. ALLAWAY. Con. Afft., TheDalli.s.q and Motors and Retail Val Biuti and Olympia Beer hi bottles Robes, Burial Shoes Etc.