bS TO Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r.EAN5ES THE 5Y5TEM K5TlPATfON . "UAL PERMANENTLY. ITS BEtj. ICIAL BUy TH GENUINE - MAMT'D By ..ilSVII-i .. rsivr.V l'EOri.E OV ALT. KNOW. W. T. Woodford left night for Sumpter. J. M. Powell, of Wapinitia, spent yes tciday in the city. Miss Annie Thompson, was among the passengers on the boat this morn ing bound for Porllund. C. B. Durbin was in town yesterday, on his way from Portland, where he lias been visiting his family, to his home at Antelope. Tlie"Human Hearts" company, eleven in number, arrived in the city last even inj from Portland and are registered at the Umatilla. Miss Frances Van Vt jffor went out to W. N. Brotvn'n ranch jftinday where sho will teach n private school for a few mouths. Condon Glfibe. J. A. Blakeley, deputy sheriff of Uma tilla omnty. who came down from Pen dleton on official business, spent vester day with his brother, G. C. Blakeley. Willmr Bolton came up on the train frnm Prtrtlnnil S.'ilnrilor rn mtaml Innernl nf Mrs." Boltou's niece. Maireie Gilmore, He left todav for Antalone. Dr. and .Mrs. G. C. Ehelman. who lave maiio their home in Duftir for some time, moved into thecity Saturday, naving rented a nouseon JMglitu street opposite A. it, Thompson. Mrs. H. P. Le, who has spent the pan few weeks at Good Samaritan hos pital in Portland, returned home last night, having passed through a difficult operation, and is now greatlv improving In health. Bruce Johnson is up from his home In California vi-jting his grandparents, Mr.nnd.Mr.It 15. Hood. Havinir been hut a small child when lie left" here, Dulles' people can scarce!? recouivze in Bruce the s.iiuc hid who plaved around, the streets of The D.ilk'S several veure since. O. ,. It. Nutlet'. Members of J. W. Neam'th Pott and all old soldier? arid veterans of the late He Tried a Sample Bottle Nearly every day people como Into drim o into drua rrcoramcn ' irtores and as k tuo iiriiL'Kista to i come medlcino for their trouble. Verv rt ti. . i . . . . uiii.ii bijL'v iu tu!l lu uu 6U' C, , . i rule, they do . not oeneve i: niake'nn0 I cention. how. BTiyonohas nconeh. mid fir throntlind lnnw m nf ,t I r ry trouble. "I always recommend Acker'n Knn Jls, Iwmedy, hecauso I know Just what it I 'brill tit f I.,.. .i T t i ii nun uurcu overy caso wnerc 1 liave seen it tried. It ii the beat expectorant nd tpnic I ever lumdlod in my 14 yearn' experience. I will givo juit one instance of gentleman who had been troubled for yp0 with a nasty, hacking cough. I ad Ucd Acker's Knglbh Itemedy. He tried a aniplo bottle, and was cured beforo ho fiad taken half of it, at no co3t whatever. This to an exceptional ca.o, howevcr.aaituauttlly takes two or three bottles." (Signed) A. 11. Cook llollefontaino, Ohio. field at 2.c. &0e , nnd &1 a bottle, through wit the I lilted Htatca iinil Ciinada! ami In Kuglunil, at Is iM . 'i. 3d,, re not watHlitd after buying, return the SIT hjiiiu w jour uruisgui, unu get jroux UiWluy HV authorize the above guarmtet! JT. U. UOQOm CO,, tmtktm. .Vcw York, KOIl SALE UY Blakeley & Houghton. . ,xsar.r r no i umlli, ( u 1 srrO CN -6 HBn . A war with Spain ure requested to bo nt G. A. R. hnll on Monday evening Jan. 22, at 7 :30 o'clock to participate in the joint installation of officers of G. A. 11. and W. K. C. Come mid join us in n grand Rood 11. L. Aikin. Tost Com. 'THE ALASKA COLLECTORSHiP Still Held in Abeyance Oregon Says She Should Have Been Consulted. ,' Washington, Jan. 20. The selection f a collector to succeed Ivey in the Alaska district is still held in nbeyaiier., ! and it is underetooa awaits such repre ! sentation as Senator McBrldo desires to , make to the president, There iB con 1 siderable eeline engendered over the matter in the Oregon delegation. Me ride and the house members feel that hould have been consulted before recommendation was made by Senator Simon. On the other hand, Simon says that notwithstanding this j appointment ' years to Oreg lias been given for many Oregon men, it was in no sense an Oregon appointment, and it was promised to him a long time ago by tlie ! president, without any euggestion as to having the Oregon delegation agree upon i it. That was when the charges were I first made against Ivey. Afterwards ' when Ivey came here and it became an 1 parent that there should be a vacancy I the matter was again taken up between j the presideut and Senator Simon, and i in accordance with the promise prov iousiy made, Senator Simon made the recommendation. There is talk about how the members of the delegation have previously agreed upon appointments of Oregon men, but it is also recalled that Governor Lcrd was appointed solely upon Simon's rec ommendution, none of the other mem hers joining him. Notice to Voters. Under the provisions of the registra tion law ail persons when registering are required to furnish to the register inc officer the following information : It naturalized, the time, place, an court oi naturalization, in tins con nectiou, it is necessary to produce naturalization papers, or declaration of intention. Residence must be specific; giving precinct, section, township and range ! if witllin towu or city, the street, No. if any, and No. of lot and block: if in anv building where rooms are numbered, the number of the room and floor must be given. In order to avoid unnccessarv delav and inconvenience, every person desir ing to register ehould be piepnred to furnish the above information. i'iiciiities win ue inrnisiieii in eyery precinct in the county bv either Justice of the Peace or Notary Public. A. M. Km.s.vv, den-J-oOdys County Clerk Catarrli Cannot lie Cured wun local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and iu order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and nets directlv on the blood nnd mucous surfaces. Hull Latarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best phymeianB in this country .for years, and is a regular piescription. It is composed o( the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiets, acting directly on tjJ(J ,mcoug 8Urfa(.e8i Tll0 j,erfect uuiii uiiiitLiiiii in I mm rvvn iiirfrirfintita u . . i . ; .in . what nrorliifPa snoh tvnn,!.,,.! : w ' " o . - ' . - . n curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, fre(Jf ?iseyoneto I .J.'p"s Co., Props., Toledo 0. tako a patent i f,01'1 "' drruggists, prico 7oc. medicine oi i Halre Family Pills ure the best. 12 which tbcydo notknowtlioi A rJBiitful isiumlnr j Will often cause a horrible burn, clan" ra.Ycal(1'cut or bruieL'- Bucklen'a Arnica nesss to nrc-1 Salve, the best in the wnrl.l will i-m tho ,,ain nnd Pmptly heal it. Curea oiu sores, lever sores, ulcers, bolla.corns, felonB and all skin eruptions. Beat pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Curo guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. F. B. Thirkield, health inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dvepepaia Cure cannot bo recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia."' It di gests what you eat and curea indigeation and heartburn, and all forma of dye pepaia. The AloUeru Mother Has found that her little ones are im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Fige, when m need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any othor. Children enjoy it and it benefits thein. The true remedy, Syrup of Fige, Is man ufactured by the California FJg Syrup Co. only, BUSINESS LOCALS Clarke & Falk have on ealo a full line of paint and nrtist'a brushes. You wi& not have bolls if you tako Clarke & Fulk's sure cure for boils. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'e pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Lntest thing in caineras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnull's drug store. If you want pure and fresh drugs you can buy them at tho P. O. Pharmacy, Clark it Falk, proprietors. Clarke & Falk luyc received a carload of the celebrated James K. Pat ton trictly pure liquid paints. Size doesn't indicate quality. Bewnro ol counterfeit and worthless salvo ufl'urcd for DeYVitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. De Witt's is the only original. An infalliblu cure for piles nnd all skin diseases. Lewis Dennis, Salem, hid., says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me mote good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets arc Hold on n positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. Onu Httlo tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. L. T. Travis, agent Southern H. 15., Selina, Ga., writes: "1 can not say too much in praise of One Minute Cough Cure. In myj case it worked like a charm." The only harmless remedy that gives immediate lesttlts. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. a sirui: cti:i: roit citoi i'. Twonty-llve YiMtV Constant Uo V, llli out ii Fiiilurc The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, and in n child subjtct to that disease it may be'taketi aa a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following title hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, it will prevent tho attack. It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. We have vet to learn of n single instance" in which it has not proved eflectunl. No other preparation can show such a record twenty-live years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Blnkelev & Houghton. All nersons wishine to tako children. either boys or girls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Bovs' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf Acker's Enulish Itemedv will Eton a cough at any time, and will cure tho worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cte. Blakelev & Houghton, druggists. Those 75 cent waists at Pease & Mavh' are all right if you got there in time. Ihereuronot many of them, eo hurry up. Paint your house with naintE that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Full: have them. J. B. Chirk. Peoria. 111., sovs. "Sur- geons wanted to operate on me for piles, but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infalliblu for idles and Skin dlSC.-mw. Hc.rnr-. nf cnnnli.r fits. Complete Cipe of at M..Z; DON NELL, THEiDRUOGIST. AT THE VOGT OPERA HOUSE. One Night Only MON DAY, JAN. 2 2d. The companion uml successor of COIDDII PRICES 50c and At'.KIVC I'llOM. Fast -Mull U:I5 p. in, Suit Liiki , Denver. Ft. l'tin Worth, Oninhn, Kmi- Mall s:is City, Ml. l.ouli, Si;.y i ill Chic.igo uml Knst. 1 Srokniie Flyer 7:05 p. m, Wnlln Wnlln, Kpokuno, Siuiliiuie Jliui!eii)u)lls. Kt. 1'mil, riycr. 1) ulut li, MIHwiiiUiv, t: a. in ClilciiEo nnd Kits:. S p. m. 1 p. in, I'uom I'or.Tt.Asn. Oi'iiiu .StciiiiiatilpM. For f?nn Frnm:lfM PccomliLT 11. S, 13, IS, inn! fl p. m. F.x.suiHluy fiiltllrilnv I p. in. Kx.huiidii) Coltinihln ttv. KtenmcTh, To AhTor.lA una Way 10 p.m. 1 l-nucllnyi. f. n m I lt'. 1.... i.ha. I.x.hii!i(iay!OreKoii (.'lty, NuwhurB.'Kx.aunduy uiv.ii unit n, ,r ' a- 'Vi ILLAITK ANJ YAM- IhOT p. m. riics.lhiir. Jlll.Mttvm:s. ,JIuii.,Wiil mid hut. 1 Oickoii City, Diiyton, mill Fri. j mid Wtiy-UuiUliigi. 1 ., C"U3- W IM.AMKTTn lllVKIt. luc.Hiur, roriliiml tn (.'orvallio, mill Sut. I mid Wiiy-ijuidliiKi. l:W)p. in. Mm, U'. ,1 Hid I'tiiluy S.VAKK ItlVIili. Iilpurla to Jitvixtuu. l.KAVK I.IIV.'IHTOK ihiily H:'M 11. in, I.v lilparln diihy 1:20 n. in. per",l'axllai (inlnnKtocn to Ilvpinifrnliould litkp .So. I, leavlnu 'I lie Dullus lit 7;0,1 p. 1:1 l.etiiiiilng inaliliiKcllratconiiwtinii nt Ik-ppnc r A.'i.'r ltll)" "ltl'NlJ l.urrtvlnc nt The Dalleunt No. throiiKlit IrclKlit, unit bound, docs not e.-trry pasicniiurai iirtivcs 'J:iO it. in., duparts A !f.n ft m wSo'i".'' '"f".'1 'r'nti carrlen pusnenguw, east NO. til. IVPrtt liiltllnl (lipi.u..l. tw .1 ciirrj piisagnKurb; arrives b:15 p m dcparti. No. ssi, westbound local frclKht, carrloH pas ""n""! n.i'j p. in., iuptittisM:.;ua. m. Fnr lull Tinptlnt.l.ri. .nll .... . t. I. 4...n u.iii 1,11 j. ngeiit 'rue Dullen. or ofMrvbs A N. Co.'b w. 11. hit in iii'iit (ien las. Act., Portland.' Or, ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run overy day exeept Sunday. Kates Keasonable. Telephone 201. W. A. CATES, Prop. I FRENCH & GO., BANKERS. ri'.ANHACT A KNKUAh BANKING 1IUH1NKH Lettera of Credit issued available fn the bitfht Evnhanirn urwl 'P..1,. i... 8t. LonlH, San Francisco, Portland Ore- kuii, Vuo nun., anu varloua points In Oregon and Washington. I ;n 1 1 t nti a ... r , ..It . ! . . ... "-f v u iiuinie.on iav orable terms. IiEV.VUT TIM!'. SCIISIICI.K. ion i'UOM D.IM.CH. 1 I J-iaman Hearts.. That grand and boautiful play, Tho Idol or tho Arkansaw Hills. HUMAN HEARTS." .Shore Acres. Directed by Y. K. Nunkville. An exceptionally btiong M 1 .1.. lilt 1,i puny, with special scenery lor every act, una exiicuy ns promiceti 111 inc rum Avenue Theater, New Yoik, !10l consecutive niplils. 75c. Scats on 3 1 tint iilttitttJllliltilt&illiliilttiiiillltl'niKk'aiiiiiitiiiiitijraiiiixiiiiiiiMli nnritnniimrTMmtnium-riimnirTfnmmT; mitrttnirnrnnnmiiUTnTniiiTrTfnii niutmnruirnntirtfl 1 sr 1 'A '3E ft ft ft ft t ! Si1 1 SE I 25 I lab I ft f j "irnrtti t tit it C. S. Smith. iJp-to-dateCJroeer Fresh Ks and Creamery Butter u specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. ...Doalor In... tpy Goods, Clothing, Cents' Futtnishings. SfaSSSgR TUB Dalles. Op. jQH' UKlNKNItOllKKKIt riiysieiau and Surgeon, HKll iittcntlon Blveu to nurnery. Hf. STUHDEVANT, Dentist, Olllco over Kruncli dc Co.' Panic 1'1'"' . .TIIKDAI.l l.-l4 MW UClIVt1 Use Clarke & Kalk' ..iu uuir ionic to keep dandruff from tho head. sale at Clarke & Falk. .1 to is: to m to The Chronicle, The Dulles, Op. dob Printers. s 35 it 4 I1"- It ! llr.iL . tusblei fust mom Bank. i THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bunking Business transacted uejioHiis received, numuct to oigui r ik -ii. . i. vimi ur uiiuec. Collections made and proceeds prompt!; SlL'ht and Telegraphic Exchange aoldci New York, Kan Francisco and vorl- i :aua. D. P. TiioMrsoN. Jno. B. Suhmix C.U. M, Wii.liamh, Geo. A. LlBDI. H. M. Bkall. 'I PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUBKKt) OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JBIKD BEEF, ETC. B H HUNTINOTON TFlINTINfi'mw a. UMiu.v XX ATiOKNKYti AT LAW, ,..., THK llAhhEH, OlteUW OlUce over Hmt Nut. huk , F. MCOHK. JU1IH OiVI MOOKE & GAVIN, ATTOKNKYB AT LAW, Itoonii ail ud 40, over V, B. iJiud Oitlcc. TfiP nnlnmhlQ Danlrinn Rll