For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Pantlnsr, Ovcrccui'ln- cr Fnncy Vesting. Kiiidlv rail nml examine ray stock of lm ported and Domestic Wooleus. A tine stock to select from. . guits niRdc from the lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE DALLE!-'. "ItEOON. The DalleS Daily ChFOIliele. ! ! BEitsciuriioN rniCE. One week ? 15 1 For win'er residence or winter outing One month 50 1 ideal conditions will be found on every 0ne year 6 00,hand in California. Plenteous early 1 rainfall has tins season given to the 3I0XDAY - - JANUARY 22, 19(10 HOAR'S COMPLICITY. uww.muuui. iu;.u vuuj for w lirPil-inrr in imnii tlin Tnrml lor is ureauing in upon the 1 agal assistants in the senate. Mysterious incidents were connected with the Budden breaking out of hostilities : ,01lIlnB ua-v "e enpye" as nowliere else. aoar Manila last" Februarv, but the! Jf liU!e sPf warn, , . , I offer themselves at Montecito. INordhofl, administration was not connected ; Pa8niluna, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, with them. As the treaty drew near ' Fall Brook and Palm Springe, a vote, Agoncillo kept the wires hot! For renewing health and vigor, here with Hong Kong nnd Aguinaldo's ' abo,,nd ma"-v tot BPriB-a. of widely camp. It seems that Senator Iloai's 1 vry'g constituents and demonstrated . ,' .... 1 merits; the dry, turf j tic, tonic airof violent argument against the policy the desert may be enjoyed nt IJannin?) Of the government was telegraphed i Indio, Yuma; and, even fartlieron, at to the Tngals at unusual length and ' Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, esists con heavy cost. Gieat restlessness and j ditio,ls equally well indicated for weak an aggressive spirit was the result 1 th;ats a"d !nnKS;, . . t ..,,,, , i Many think nothing m nature more among the lagals. Before the treaty j attractive than the shimmering olive vote was taken they ctowded upon j orchards of Santa Barbara and San our outposts and firing began, j Diego ; others prefer the stately walnuts Knowing what would happen, Agon ! of Venlura ml Le Nietos, or the cillo hurriedly left Washington and !f, F"aV but for B,lorio"s . . . , i frult a"d graceful tree commend us to went to Canada over the shot test J the golden orange, first, last and always, route. The offensive Tagal tactics t and it exists in greatest perfection "at were based on the news received 1 Covina, Itiverside, Kedlands and High- from the United States. They knew I perfectly well that the orders of Otis i were to keep the peace if possible. The speech of Hoar turned the scale at the critical moment and the war began two days before the vote that ratified the treaty. It is a striking case of retribution that Hoar nnd Pettigrcw, while call ing upon the "overnment for docu ments relating to the era when hostilities with the Tngals began, i should bo confronted that the assistants me senate are res opening battles around Manila last Pebruary. The administration has nothing to bide. Its instructions to alio commanding general were to strike only in self-defense. Its vital duty in both the national and inter national sense was to ncrfoet tho treaty with Spain nnd carry its obli- ' and charitable consideration for the; FiliDinos. lint. .n(l,,nn,l h ,i. ' "J speech of Hoar, the Tngnl leaders decided to push on their forces at once. No doubt they thought this wouhi noip defeat the treatv. fori tlinir U-nnu.lo,l f i.t .1 lUOir Knowledge of this government, aud of nil free covcinmcnt. is ' i::..i tr .. ... I limited. Hoar is getting the light he ! needs, but not the kind l.r. nsknrt fnr ' ", j South Carolina, it is estimated ' rnnl r.vt ( nr..i , i wu iunssm;iiuauus m me number of its cotton mills, nnd ex pects to lead Massachusetts by the end of 1900. This is not exactly the sort of a future for that locality to which Cnlhoun, McDullle nnd the no ui mc i iumuuo ntate s repre sentatives in congress looked In the old days. Yet nobody in South Carolina regrets the change in the conditions in that community. South Carolina is larger, greater and wiser , than sonic of her distinguished citizens of half a century npo sup posed she would be by this time. The change in her condition is one of the marvels of the century. An olliccr on the battleship Oregon writes from Dagupan, tlio raihvn' terminus and port north of Manila: ''In two hours and twenty minutes over 2000 troops were landed. It. was simply beautiful to see horses and mules brought ashore with har ness and wagons wailing, and with L'OO Chinese coolies ready to land stores." Yellow critics of "Grand ma Otis" never mention such circum stances. Our army losses in the Philippines covering the whole period back to the beginning of hostilities with Spain are ;Gf killed, 203 died of 1 wounds and accidents, 783 died of disease, and 1S92 wounded. The total is 3242, or about one-third of the Uritish losses from bullets, ri'e"se and capture in South Africa, WINTER TRIPS. semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im- , petus ; the fbral offerings are more than usually generous and the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccean possesses new charms at s Bnrborn. Santa Monica Lone ! , ",ruar?' -aiua .uonica, Long j Beaeh, Coronado nnd the enchanted isle I of the eea, Catnllna where fishing, boating, rambling, riding, hunting and j lands. Equally interesting is the scientific: and tempting fashion in which the sorting and packing of the orange is here accomplished. The faithful were exhorted to see Mecca and shuflle off; hut wiser gener ations will see California of tho south and prolong life. tf As a cure for rheumatism Chamber lain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. I). 15. .Johnston of Richmond, Intl., has been troubled with that uil ment since 1802. In speaking of it he 6a-'s: 1,1 ,U!Vt!r fou1(1 anythitig that For sale by Ulakeley & Hoiinhton. J. I. IJovry, Louanton, I'a., writep, i am willinu to take my oath tiiat I was cured cf pneumonia entirely In the me j ot One Minute Couh Cure after doctors wiled. It aleo cured my children of tvhoopinx couh." Qulcklv relioveH amj ,,res u0,,t!,e' c0'ds. oup, grippe , , , t F'01.'01'0'' "-ill cure wind chapping unu sunburn ii Falk. Manufactured by Clarke Urvintr m'cmirntion.s fiimnlv dnvn?. J -V tulwnus u'y ry up tno sccretiona, willc" n'11!ero to tho mcmbrano and decom- pose.causiiigftrarmorohoriouHtroublotlwu 'hoo.r,1,ilj:iry tn of catarrh. Avoid ull dry. '"K uihalnut.?, fumes, Biuokes and bnuirw "! use that which cleanses, nootlies and "c'1ls - .Pi''H Crcnia liulm i.i Huch a remedy aim win euro catarrh or cold in tho head uuwiy ami pleasantly. A trial size will bo ?ft 1 !. !m10i?e"V'' A11.uKRits soli tho ." "arron ht., X.X aho uaiin cures without na n. doei itliout Iinin ilnnn tw.t irritate or cattso HneoziiiK. It snreada Hnnlf over an irritated mid angry Burfaco, rollov iuk itiiijiediately tho painful inflammation. W ith's Cream JJalm youaro armed against Kuiul Catarrh aud Hay i'over. ONE FOR A DOSE. B'mr"e Pimple., Prevent jPILLS u-ttli tl.n omnt wo"'" relieve tne until l used Chamber- UK , ' 1 11 u.'-'1'1"4""1 J1 Willi Uie lirOOI I wl Ihis hummons s served iiikiii vnn iv t.nioir.,,. 1 P. f ,. ,i l,a,ns 1 rtln "aim. It acta like magic ! " thereof, pursuant to the order of cald CMr- K ponsible for the , pairunir me very mui-h, hut one trood for Mx cousecutlvo weeks, commeucinK January ' K (III JliCttLIIJU til I .1 1 1 1 I!IMI ft luffiil rno I V l.vy, HIV HUtU Ml lilt" I rL I 1 1 1 1 llCjlllfl . EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route of tiik Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leave nud btc due to arrive at 1'ortlMiil AHMVK f. OVKKLAXI1 KX-) ;ss, Snlem, Hose- iiress liurc, Ashland siimim, PRC- 1 , Ogili'ii.Stm I o, Mojave, f 9.13 A. M. ;;00 ,. M i nunc Los.' ' rnuiento, 'rauclsco .VtiKeles.KU'aso, New OrlemiB anil I 1. Knst ,' c.n i r I.OM'burg anil way Ma s.ou A. M.!tltm(l 'fVta Woolhiira fori 4:30 I'. M Dally except Sundays. Dally except Sundays I I .Ml.Alipul, Hiivurion, i West Sclo, llrov.ns- vllle,Sirlngllold ami -! I, Natron ,' 17:30 A.-M.! uSi"!. . .'IVar J ':' I.SDEPENDKXCE l'ASSESGKK. Express train Dally (except sunuay;, t:50p.m. d.v. ...Portland ...Ar.) 8:25a. m ...Ar.) 8:25 a. I.v.S fi:M, c.I.v.) 4:fOa. 7:S0 d. m. Ui Mo.MinnvlUe, 8:30 p. in. (Ar.. Independence. Dally. (Daily, cieept sunaar. DINING OAKS ON OHDEN UOL'TK. PULLMAN BUFFET SLi'EPEUS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAKfc Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at fcan Kmncl'co with Occl dental aud Oriental and Pacific mall xteamshlp lines for JAl'AN and CHINA, falling dates on at iilicatlou. Kates and tickets to Eastern point"! mtd Ku row. Aim JAl'AN, CHINA, HONOl.l'I.U auc Al'STP.ALIA. All above trains arrive at and depart Irorp Grand Central Htwtlon. Fifth aud Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger DejiOt, foot of Jederson street. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. in Arrive at Portland, U;S0 a. m U'ave for AIKLIE on Monday, Wednesday aud FrMay athiSoa. in. Arriv at Portland, Tue dav, Thursday and Saturdcj it J:l p. ni. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. P.. KEL.u:n, iUiiiuer. (!, It. MAKKHAM, A-st. G. F. A Puss. Act Through Ticket Ottice, 181 Third street, wliort through tickets to all points In the intern SM CSiCHlmi)l, Hud K urojie can b e ob tai md at lowest rates from ! or N. whe'aldon."'' T1CiCt A"cM' F- S. i 'Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & Latin, Tfcoue 151 SUMMONS. IN TIIK CIIICIMT COUNT OK TIIK STATU ol Oregon, (or the County of Waeo. Hello McGrcevy, plaintiff, vs Thomas JlcOrecvy, defendant. To Thoma-, JleGreevy, defendant: II) the Iwimu of thv StHtn nf rrifrin. 'm, an. hereby recpiired to appear and ni.siver the ecm- plaint Hied tKainst you In the abovo eutit'ed Milt within ten days, from the date of the tervleo of this Summons upon von, if terved within this County: or if served within miv niii,.r County ol this State, then within twentv days from the date of the cerviee of this Summon upon you: or if served upon you by puhlieatlou thereof, then on or before the hist dav of the time prescribed in tho order for puljltlon. to wit. on or before six weeks Irom the date of the tirst publication hereof, and if mhi full so to answer, for want thereof the p'hiintlil will apply to tho Court for the relief pmu-d for in her complaint, to-wlt, that the marriage con- tract now exlstlnn between plaintiff and lie- fendant ho foreVLT iiliilvi-.1 ninMlnir ,,t,.i...n, iijvarded the e.xrlinlve custody o! the minor I iH'.NTI.Sti'lON ,v WIlOX. ,iin '.'0 Ot Attorneys for l'liintill 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE bt El I RACE MARKS JCSIGNS Copyrights &c. Ansrono JcnrlliiK a alictrh nnd dencrlptlon rna quickly ascertain our opinion free whether u1 invention s probnblr luiteiitablo. f.'oiniriuiilc tlfins itrlctlrcuiiildciitial. Handbook on l'nlontt jeiit rrco. Oldest iiucncjr for necurlnir patents. I'atoi.ts taken throuuh Alunn & Co. receive tV'tM rwtler, witbout clmruo. In tho Scientific American. A handomoly lllintrited wccUlr. iJireoat clr. iiilatlon cif nr (cienttun Journal. 'J'ernm. ta u J'Y, ''' Bold byull nownilealero. MUNN&Co.3G,D'MiNew York lirauch Oflice. C2i If HU WathiUKto" JJ. e turolia Hurness Oil Is the best P.L.f.V111 vo.of "BW leather una tho host renovator ol old leuther. U oils, hoftenn, niuck ens una jirotecw. Vae . Eureka Harness Oil on your btt hanioM, your old bar. mm ' yo"r ''""'"' 'ul. d they ..... uiirr uui wear loiiKr. bold everywhere In cans-all lies from Imlf pim, 0 tyVKaUoua, UH. ll KTiSUiltO ua 10. RED. W.W1LHON, A1TOKNKV.AT LAW, Til IT nut ifli Just What You otant. New idens in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced n ninglo otoch. Heul imita tion creton ell'ects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prires. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, youro for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. ..GflAS. mu- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLCMHIA 1IEKU, aeknow;. edged the best beer In The Dalles, at the usual price. Come In, try It and be convinced. AImi the Finest brands of Wines Ll iuor and Cigars. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds nhvayo on hand. BL1ELEY & HOUGHTOH. Wholosato and Retail Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 115 Second Slrect. THE DALLES s '3 1 P : H 1 1' P M ! U ! I u' I ! ! ri V' " , tr" C 1 id il GK.VKltAI. V Wngon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. ' Third and Mstm, Pii0!ic:i59 II kills I '1 AND MAWI-IOOD Cures Impoteney, Night Eraiwsionf; and wagtlng discas'.-c, all 'jlfecta o Helf. ubtise, or exceua and indis cretion. Alien clonic and blood builder. Urlntfa the pinK glow to paleciieckBaiu reHtoreH the lire of voitth. By mail fOc tier box: boxes ior jk-.ou; with a wrlttciii Ktmnin tco to euro or refund tlto money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It i artificially digests the food and aids lature in Btrernzthnnin n"".!?8 tructloRthe exniU8ted6dlFe.stlVeo: tans. It is the latest, ri I ant and tonic. No other proMratlon can aDDroach it, In AmXoVr',0" tantly relieve and permanently cures therrwultionm"ffi . Prtparad by E. C. D.wltt Co . Chl"ii DRUGGISTS BiacKsmiins ; ...AND... 'ih it m k.1 I nuluGDllUGIa 1 N It Str. RuKulntor. (Limited LaiidliiKs ) Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. t IIOWN, 5, l.v. Dallrn re. l.v. Portl.intl at 7 A. it. MoiiiIii.n WedneMlny Friday Arr. Pnlles at r l'. m. M Ml At . h' Tuesday .. .. P. ThuiMhiy K Saturday, h Arr. Portland r ni r, p. si. 1 1: FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, $ Travel by the Steamers o( the Itcuuliitor Line. d r)Il4 till! I 'CM CUI ILv JXIISIUIU PortUnd Oltlee, Oak Street Dock. Ta rj.T.i.T-j.Txvx.'r vxtjtj t.iviviv.1 VA. - ffl Impulse -MAKlFACTl'ltLI) IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, an'S TIIK DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY from ?.7 to ftl.OO per uallon. 4 To 15 ytmrn old. ) " IMPORTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to f 12.00 pur u-allon. HI to L'6 yeHrSTid. ' OALirOENIA BKAUDIEB fioin W.'Jt, to Kl.tlO per irallon. (4 to J 1 yeurH old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on dritiiKht, and Imported Alo and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. WasccrWarehouse Company r i Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. : Headquarters for Feed Grain ol ? 11 kin g - Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. ,3 ixm. i I n t' .Hi's Tfw k Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle - A -vm mi .... LUIi JJ lO UI iniHi-iour ih manufaetured exiirefioly for family Ur, , . , "flt': every fiaek is Kuarunteed to kIvo flatmfaction. call ,mfl t 8 lmT,tlm" 'y '"" i the trade, and if you don't think M urn ami yot cur iirieea and bo eonvineed. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat Barley and Oats Grandall DKALKKfi IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies PIONEER BAKERY. - I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepar d to su ly every body wlth Bread) pies and Cakee Algo all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pione oer. Dalles, PortlaM & Ostoiia h. k The SteainctM of the liegulator Lino will rim iih per the fnl.' lowing uhtdnlc, the Compiiny rwervlng tho right to cliniigo schedule without notice. ' Str. Dnllos City. (Touching at all Way Point,.) now'M. l.v. Dallea at 1:."0 a. u. Monday.. Wiilneiday Friday Arr. Portland (uncertain) l.v. Portland J at t a, m, j Titwilayf Tlmrwlny ! Hiitutilny Arr DallM (Ulieertalii),! .l The Company will endeavor to Rive 11k put-,! l tn I il l tiivi limn mituwu mimvnn W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Afft., The DmIUm, rxsr.t.r - i.'r.j.wj jr.LTi.Tj ,T..--r.i.'-rTATT,T,i,T.,..f and Motors Vnl lilatr and Olvmpm Beer In hottlM - ncin n k- una ua miiui vi jxoviJ., KJX1U1 UO, of MILL VEUD .. & Barget Robes, Burial Shoes Etc.