V Dulles ul)f jfltfcli. VOL. XII THIS DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 22. 1900. NO 139 ecial Clearance Sale To Continue This Week. L Flannel wis. J'hey must go and go quickly, there fore these extraordinary reductions: i-iadies Flannel Waists -AT- 25 pep eent Diseount Just One-fourth Off Regular Price. The old prices and the mux. B Sizes from 32 to 42; bust, inclusive Children's and Misses' Jackets -AT- 50c On the Dollar. Just Half off the Regular Price. SiV.es from 3 to 12 ami 14 to IS voars. Note Prices: $1.25 Child's Jccksta Special $ .03 $1.50 " " " .75 $2.00 " " " 1.00 $2.75 " " " 1.3S 13.00 " ' " 1.50 ,$3.50 " " " 1.75 $4.00 " " ' 2.00 $4.50 " " " 2.25 $5.00 " " 2.50 0.00 " " " 3.00 $7.00 " " " 3.50 $S 00 " " " 4 00 .$10.00 " " " 5.00 All Lulles' Flannel All Ladies' Flannel All LadieH' Flannel All Ladies' Flannel All Ladles' Flannel All Ladies' Flannel All Ladled' Flannel WnistB worth $1.00, will by $ WaietB worth $1,2;, will lio WiiiHlB worth $1.60, will he Waists worth ifl.75, will he WniBts worth 2 50, will ho Waists worth $2.75, will ho WaletB worth $3.00, will bo to 1)1 1.10 1 .32 1.88 2 07 2.25 All Indies' Flannel Waists worth $3.25', will bo $2.3! All Ladies,' Flannel Waists worth .f3.50, will bo 2.02 All Ladies' Flannel Waints worth $3.75, will ho All Ladieb' Flaimol Waiete wonh $1.00, will be All Lad if h' Flannel Waists worth $4 50, will bo All Ladies' Flannel Waibt3 worth $5.00, will bo 2 S2 3.00 3.3S 3.75 A. M . Williams GO RAILWAY WAR IS ENDED Northern Pacific to Hart Clearwater Country. I Absolutely pure Baking Powder Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome BOIAl OHKINO POWOEn CO., NEW VOflK. MOHLER TO LEAVE THE 0. R. &. N. Northern Pacific to Have Trackage Down Columbia and the Union Pacific to Pugct Sound. Sr. Paul, Minn., Jan. 20. A ejiecia! from New York, gays: , The dispute between the Northern Pa cific and the O. It & N. Co., over tho right of tho respective roads to .extend their lines in the Clearwater territory in Idaho, hufl been settled, and tho North ern Paoifiu is master of the situation. Tim O. Jt. & N. Co., has withdrawn Its claims to tho Clearwater country, which i left in undisputed possession of the Northern Pacific, and the next move will bo tho retirement of A. L. Mobler from tho presidency of tho O. It. & N. Co., and his transfer to the presidency of the Kansas- City, IMttehurK & Gulf. formal announcement of the agree 'lent between the two roada will be do furred until February 6, when the oflloial t ino of thp Bx months' truce between them will expire, but the papers In the matter are practically ready for signa ture, the ll,rht is ended, and thtro will bo no more trouble. The termination of the Clearwater ditliculty mark-) the end font of the most' bitter railroad ware ever waged in thlf country. Kvery hase of railroad politic?, diplomacy and foicewas bronchi into play by tho lint's interested. The Union Pacific tiok up.tho quettioii in dispute. In order to facilitate an amica ble settlement the Northern Paeilk offered the uso of its Portlaud-Tiicoma line to the Union Pacific in exchange for similar track privileges on tho Col umbia, and the Union Pacillc was offered the alternative of accepting the proposi tion or having the Northern Pacific parallel tho lino of tho O. It. &. N. Co., from Lewietou to Portland. The Union Pacific has had tho oiler under considera tion several months, and It has finally decided to accept it, and to refrain from extending the O. It. & N. lines lu the Clearwater district. Suicide r I'rMuiit-r, Sai.km, Jan. SU. Joteph Willard, who was held at the county jill on o charge of murder, committed suicide at 10 o'clock this morning. Unfastening a muh cord of u closet window, ho tied one end to a waste pipe, and, making a noope, he slipped it around hit neck and leaped from a window sill. Ten minutes later his hody was fouud dangling from the pipe. Subscribe for The Chroui6!e. DEATH OF JOHN RUSKIN Great Art Critic aud Writer Passes Away. London, Jan. 20. John Ituskin died this afternoon of inflaenzi, aged eighty one years. He was born in London, February 8, 1810, Hi6 taste for art was early mani fested, and after graduating at Oxford ho studied under Ilurdiuit aud Fielding. From the study of painting ho took jp that of architecture.- His first work, "Modern Painters," was written in 1843 60. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and coida, It is unequalled for whooping cough, Chrildren all like it," writes II. N. Williams. Gentryvllle, Ind. Never .falls. It is the only harmless remedy that gives lit ned late results, Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles, Its eaily uso preventa consumption, Clark A Fajka drug stock is now, freeh and complete, THE BATTLE IS NOW ON Brilisli an! Biers M Near Laiysinilli, Result is UiiJteiiteil. STRUGGLE TO BE RESUMED Unless Dutch Have Retreated War ren's Force Pushing Its Way to the Uesieged City. London, Jan. 21. Tho war office short ly after midnight posted the following dispatch from General Duller, dated Spearman's camp, January 20, evening: ''General Clery, with a part of General Warren's force, has been in action from 0 a. m. till 7 p. in. today. By a judicious uso of his artillery ho has fought his way up, capturing ridge after ridge for about three miles. "The troops are. now bivouacking on the ground he has gained, but tho main force is still in front of them. "The casualties were not heavy. About 100 wounded had been brought In by 0:30 p. m, The number of killed Iiob not yet been ascertained," It is evident from General Butler's dispatch to the war oilico and the ad vices to the Associated Press from Spear man's camp that a big battle is now be ing fought. As far as can be gathered from theso dispatches, the mult remain undecided, and unless tho ISoero withdraw during tho night, the enayo ment on which hangs the fate of Lndj sniith, and which may prove the turning point of tho whole war, will ha iccuuird this morning, I'l-onres of tlio Itutilo. Si'KAHMAN't; Cami, Jan. 20, 11 :15 a. in. Tho firing of field yuns was heard early this morning on thu left. Evident ly General Warren has commenced tho bombardment of tho Boer trenches on Tabaumyana mountain. Theio was also brief musketry (Ire. Among tho prisoners captured Thurs day was a grandeon-in law of President Kruger. Evening Tho Boer trendies were shelled continually today. General Lyttleton's brigade advanced and oc cupied a kopji 2000 yards from tho Uoer position at Drakfontoin. A company of rifles advanced with a balloon In action, and was received with a heavy tiro from the Boere. The artillery and musketry fire con tinues from General Warren's position. The enemy has not shifted its position at the time this dispatch Is sent, and shells havo set Are to the grass. Lord Dundonald'a force Thursday sur prised 350 Boers. Tho Brltieh, who were posted on a kopje, allowed the Doers to advance leisurely before opening Are, The Doers did not reply, and a majority of them galloped od, It Is re ported that thu remainder surrendered. Itulilieil the Urave. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho Biibject, Is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes eunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Threo physi cians had given mo up, Fortunately, a friend advised 'Electric Hitters' ; and to my great jv and surprise, tho first bottle made a decided improvement. I ; continued their uso for thtco weeks, and am now n well man. I know they saved my life, mid tobbeil tho grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley & llouglfton's drug store. 5 Harvey Gut tloiirisineii. Cottage Geovj:, Or., Jan. 19. Frar.k Harvey, who was held in tho circuit court for assaulting Winnie Thorn, promptly secured bondsmen, and re sumed his former position as brnkeman. On tho witness stand, Miss Thorn Identl lled Harvey personally and by the clothing he wore. Sentiment is strong against Harvey and Patterson, Tho former has a wife and two children at Junction City. Geo. Patterson, who was placed under $2500 bonds, was un ablo to get sureties, and was committed to j.UI at Eugene. Ho waived exami nation. ' Ynur I'uoh Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak aud worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Dlood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillaa and so called purifiers fail j knowing thia we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Dlakeley & Houghton, druggists. l'miilletuii Won at lluiiuer. Hki-i'.nkii, Or., Jan. 20. A football game between Pondlotou and Heppner was played here today. The rcore was 6 to 0 in favor of the Pendleton boys. G. II. Appletou, justice of peace, Claiksburg, N. J., says, "DeWitt'a Little Early Risers are the best pills made fur constipation. We use no others," Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles,