The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 20, 1900, Image 3

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You see a
VIan losing
his poeketbook
vnn fpnl instilled iu telling liim about
haven't been introduced. Wo possibly don't know you
personally, but wo do know you aro losing money in
buying your clotliinir, at any r.Uo you are not making
nil tho money-you could wblcb ia jnet tho same thing.
The way to wake all the money there is in that lino, is
to bnv your clothing of us.
Boys' All-uaool Suits
Krom r. $1.85 up
Men's all-wool suits from 3.85 up
Hoys' overcoats and ulsters from 1.50 up
.Men's overcoats, ulsters and top
coats from 4.85 up
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JANUARY 20, 1900
..rvcl In
blyk by
Call and inspect the line of golf and
traveling capB at Pease & Mays.
Pease fc Mavs have received a full
line of novelties in golf caps, etc.
Judging from the flattering notices
Kiven them by newspapers in cines
where they have appeared, the "Human
Hearts" company is a good one.
This morning J. H. Preston, who was
held on a charge of larceny, was released
from the custody of tho sheriff, friends
having far niehed the $250 bail.
The lady friends of tho club arc in
vited to bj present this evening and
witness the contest bowling games be
tween the Y. M. C. A. of Portland and
uur home team.
Contrary to tho usual custom, services
wi'l ho held tonight at tho .Methodist
church, and tho special meetings will
continue tomorrow and tho entire week.
A special invitation is t'.iven tho public.
to tomorrow's services.
At tho request of Her. G. Hushing and
many others, Dr. Hail, who lectured last
night at the Baldwin, has been induced
ti remain over and will preach tonight
in the Christian church, taking as his
mhj-'it "Tho Advantages of Being n
Christian." No admission will bo
charged, nnd ail are invited to attend.
It iu said that a congressman the other
day asked lirigham II. Roberts how
inuny wives he had, when the gentle
man from Utah answered: "Enough eo
that I don't bother other men's wives."
This lends one of our exchangee to say,
that thin in more than some of our law
makers In Washington can truthfully
ey of themselves.
The Y. M. O. A. bowlers must be
"crackajacks." ,At any rate they sue
w 1 In doing up every team with
which they come in contact. LftH night
i Portland they beat the Illihees three
uut of the four games. Tonight they
meet our team on the club alleys, bowl
lux to begin at 8 o'clock. The personnel
oi the team we have not been able to
It is a graat satisfaction to Dalles peo
ple. Whn rn
Orittenton, who visited our city a few
veurs since aud conducted a series of
meetings here, to learn that ho is ro
covering from a serious lllueis in Mio
ni'polls, which it was feared would
prove fatal. The world cannot afford to
use such men as he, whose efforts in be-
half of the fall an and tin utnt an
; u mo lauen ana uown-trouuen,
have saved hundreds from dishonorable
tile have
been offering
you black and colored dress goods romnants
for tho past week and perhaps all of you have
bought, but still wu have a few loft, and in
conjunction with those remnants that wo
have on hand, wo will oiler you a choice lot of
Pattern Suits
at a much lower price than you ever pur
chased anything to comparo witli thorn before
in your life. This is a broad assertion to
mako and a hazardous thing to do when you
know full well how fabrics of all kinds have
advanced in tho past couplo of months, and
yet they have not reached the elevation they
will eventually attain.
It, even it
Silk, Satin and
Velvet Fancy GUaiscs
will bo sacrificed during tho present
week, as the following prices Indicate:
?5 00 Waists
$5.00 Waists 4.1!)
G.OD Waists 5.00
(i 75 Waists 5.19
$7.00 Waists 5.25
$7.60 Waists 5.85
iS.OO WnistB 0.75
$8.25 Waists
lives and Btarted them on the path of
Some time sinco the Lutheran church
in The DalleB extended a call to Hev.
Win, BrenrWr, of Oregon City, who has
been filling to niffpit hero at intervals
for several mqkjfhs. Tho call has now-
been accitpueii rtud two weeks from to
morrow hjf will enter upon his duties as
DaBtor. Mr. Urenndfcis a young man,
and possesses that energy that will make
his work successful.
Nightwatchman Phirman is a good
friend of the boys, although they may
not be old enough yet to appreciate the
fact. Last night finding an 18-year-old
boy playing cards iu one of tho city
saloons at lO-.UO o'clock, he walked him
over to tho city jiil, cave a night's
lodging therein and this morning lie was
given a wholesome lecture; one which
should teach him to better employ Ills
youthful hours in the future.
Last evening Miss Lily Seufert icnter
tained a number of her friends at her
mother's residence on Fourth Btreet, A
timiihiT of L'amuH were nlavcd until a
late hour, when a most tufniitlfig lunch
was served.
Viler It
a foweelectionB
redand then,
on the piano wi
hoping that the
t evning would
soon be dupli
fowlng guests
denaited: DurTie MorriB
losea Lei be,
Hemic Se
(follng, IV
Joles, Rote
mail! Harris
iVatca Morris,
Mamie Huchler, Frank
'Seufert, Hubert
Stewart, IV, to Nick
:6on, Hex Want,
Mil, Claud Martin,
llllll 1'IUIIUll, I'll, ,T
Silvoy Kelsay.
!.-.. 1 If. ....!, tf. o.l w
If the lessons taught last night by
Hr r:(o. ll:iil In Ids lecture at the
Baldwin were heeded and put into
practice iu every day lifts by thoco who
listened to him, thuro would ho a trans
formation in many homes of our city.
The doctor is a speaker who Itears evi
dence of learning and at tho eamo time
is of that typo of lecturerB who believe
in choosing subjects of interest to his
listeners which please and not puzzle.
Ills delivery is cx-ielleut ami Ills im-nursonationsSflrst-cIusB.perhaps
the most
pleasing feature of his address being the
impersonation of the mother's Inllauy,
which was beautiful, being enhanced by
the sweetness of his voice, His ideas of
what constitutes a happy homo woro
well chosen and, being interspersed with
nleaslng anecdotes and witticisms, round
much favor with tho audlenco. This is
not his liret visit to Tho Dalles, and all
who heard him hope it will not bo the
Those who mako a practice of attend
ing the meetings of tho Students' Liter
ary Society not only onjoy the meetings,
but receive a groat deal of bonofit there
from. Last night a moot U. 8. senate
neon nlHil the citv hall und at the open-
in of tho session "Senator" Gourlay
I ii (mil lie ml a bill, the object of which
was to open tho Cascade Forest Reserve
In Eastern Oregon to the pasturage of
sheep. Hon. John Michell acted as
president pro tern, and the following
"senators" took part In the discussion!
no.irlav. Gavin, Taylor, urowniiui,
'uourmy, um, .
O'Leary, Anderson, Dufur, Barneit,
Hiddell aad Northrup. The discussion
was extremely interesting and con
ducted in an understanding manner.
The ability of tho younger inembere of
tho senate was remarkable and gratify
ing to tlioso who listened to the ideas
advanced. An absence of lobbyists and
a woman or two working up the euffrage
question, was all the session lacked to
make it tho "real thing."
M. J. Anderson, tho village black
smith and Populist statesman of Dufur,
thinks he can see as far into n Repub-
J lican millstone as the man who picks it.
While in town today he Btrongly de
nounced tho present smallpox scare as a
deep-laid scheme of Mark Ilanna and
the McKiniey administration. "It is
notorious," said Mr. Anderson, "that
only Populist precincts havo got this
Filipino itch, as they call it over iu
.Sherman county. Moro, a Populist
stronghold in Sherman county, has got
it bad. So lias Wamic iu this county,
which is almost solidly Populist. Tygh
is badly threatened, and Tygh is
Bryanequo to tho core. Antelope and
Hood River, two Republican strong
holds, have not a single case. Neither
is there a case in ThoJ)alIes. This
allows beyond controve that Mark
Haniia ia at the bottom of tho whole
business. The affected districts havo all
been quarantined, and thus prevented
from registering ho that they may not
beablo to vote at the next election."
It's a cold day 'vlieu Anderson gets left,
however. In tho absence of a doctor,
and without n proper instrument to
scarify tho flesh, Anderson lias inocu
lated every Populist in Dufur, using a
curry comb to start tho blood and in
jectlng the patients with a virua ob
tained, ho Bays, direct from Lincoln,
A Slid llimio-t-'oiiiliiK-
Thl9 afternoon about 1 o'clock W. D.
Gilmore, accompanied by two gentle
men from Antelope, arrived In tho city
with the body of ins daughter, Mangle,
having been on tho road sinco yesterday
morning. Brothers and sisters and
other relatives of tho deceased were hero
to meet them, and It was indeed a sad
home-coming; doubly so from the na
ture of tho accident which caused Iter
demise. The remains wero taken to her
homo at tho old Gilmore place near
Grand Dalles this afternoon, whore tho
funeral will trtko place tomorrow after
noon at '-' o'clock, tho iiiterement being
made in Odd Fellow's cemotxry. .
Mr. Gilmore says his burden was
made lighter by tho kindness of frluuds
at Antelope, prominent among whom
was Mrs. Hiiiklo, who did all in their
power to render assistance and sympa
thy. Then on the long, sorrowful jour
ney iu to find such tender hearts ami
loving hands us wero met oiSlierar's
Bridge and Bukeoven, when Mrs. Slier
ur and Mrs, Burgess wero kindness per
sonified and untiring in their efforts to
bo n comfort and help. These ladies,
with many others, equally as kind, ho
says, can iiover be forgotten.
Subscribe for The Chronicle,
With tho IMiaaia Alt About U
Hliuulil Uan Mora l'recnutlun,
While it is tho general opinion of
Dalles people that we cannot well escape j
the Bumllpox, which is now prevalent j
throughout the neighboring towns and j
along tho lino of tho' railroad, at tho
same time very little precaution eecms
to bo taken. So far as wo can learn few
have resorted to 'vacclnation, and if a
case should develop In tho city tomor
row, no place would be in readiness to
receive thorn. A room should be fitted
up in the pest house, so that any
stranger coming into the city and taking
ill of the disease, could bo cared for.
Whiio we do not advocate tho idea of
"shaking bands with tho devil beloro
meeting him," yet it does seem as if The
Dalles should use a littlo judgment in
tho matter and be prepared for its in
roads. Tho fact 'that the disease is, in
most cases, of a light nature, should not
mako us less precautious, for a case in
Snoktno which was contracted from one
of tho lightest cases, has proven to be of
the most malignant type.
ThocaseBof Mrs. Kennedy and Sellh
Miller at Wamic are of a light nature
and confined to ono family, tho latter
making his home with Mr. Kennedy's
Although it is a difficult matter to de
termine to what an exent tho country
is infected with it, the following clip
ping from exchanges will give a slight
"While there is but one cass of that
dreadful disease In Grass Valley, our
citizens are taking every precaution to
prevent its epread. The public school
lias been closed for tho present, people
are being vaccinated and disinlecting
their premises, etc., and it is thpught by
tho aid of a strict quarantine the epi
ilfinin will not onlv be confined to one
house, but entirely wiped out."
"A number of cases of smallpox are
reported at Waitsburg, as a result of
which schools havo closed and public
meetings prohibited. The cases, how
pipr. aro well in nana nnu iqu auiiior-
itlPH nrn iisini? ever precaution for the
suppression of the disease.'" W. W
"Pnvsicians who at first were Inclined
to doubt that the present disease is
smallpox have gradually come to the be
lief that it is a modified form It is of
almost harmless character. As yet no
deaths havo been reported and none is
looked for. Despite the fact that there
havo been thirty-two known cases of
smallpox in the city, and the number is
dailv increasing, the official records of
Health Officer Potter show that in only
fifteen instances has he made any effort
at disinfection. They also fail to snow
that quarantine has been established in
any case." Spokane Review.
"A well known citizen of Pendleton,
who came in from Baker City Wednes
day morning, says that a very serious
epidemic o( smallpox is raging in that
city. Ho reports that there are sixty
cases in Baker City now, that up to
Monday the type of tho disease was mild,
but that on that dBto a very violent
case was sent from tho hospital to the
pest house. Several blocks aro under
quarantine, but the quarantine is not
strict and tho disease is still spreading.
Strange to say the public schools have
not been cloeed in Baker City, though
in tho presence of sixty cases of small
pox they ought to be. No inkling of tiio
condition of affairs can bo gleaned from
tho nowspapors of Baker City, but if tho
dlseaso is raging there as reportod, it
would bo tho part of wisdom for Pendlo
ton authorities to keep a sharp lookout
on visitors from linker City to prevent
anothor outbreak of tho disiasj hero."
1 1 ii m it ii II t-iirt s ."
Do not miss seeing ono of tho greatest
of melodramas, one that takes posses
Grocery Department....
Fish Sale
For One Week.
1 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, In tomato
sauce Rms
1 lb tin Uroiled Mackerel, in mustard
sauce l&c
1 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, soused in
bdIcob l&c
2 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, in tomato
sauco -u
2 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, in mustard
sauco "oo
2 lb tin Uroiled Mackerel, soused in
spices -5
C. A B. Kippered Herring, per tin... 20c
O. A B. Yarmouth Bloaters, per tln..-IOo
Scotch Kippered Herring, per tin....25o
lleardaly'a Boneless Herring, per tln.lOo
Young Mackerel In oil 15u
Gold Label Sardines in mayonnaise
dressing P-'jo
Koo window display of Salt Salmon,
Halt Mackerel, Whole Codfish, Boneless
Codfish, Codfish Middles, Bloaters, Her
ring, Smoked Halibut, etc,
sion of tho spectator and moves him to
tears ond to laughter with equal skill,
namely, Hal. Reld's "Human Hearts."
It will lie given at the Vogt opera house
on January 22d by n company of capable
players who present the play in u man
ner seldom equalled for
Christian Scienco meeting in email
K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at
11 o'clock.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B.
Clifton, pastor. Regular eervlce3 at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people'e
meeting at 0:!I0 p. m. Sunday school
at 10 a. m.
Christian church Ninth and Court
streets, P.ov. G. Rushing, pastor.
Preaching morning and evening, at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. in. by Kev. U. v.
Goodo. Sunday fchool at 10. a. in.;
Christian Endeavor at 0:-15 p. m.
Morning subject, "The New Theology."
Evening, "Man's Supreme Need."
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. U. F.
Hawk, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. rn. Sunday ecbool at
10 a.m.: class meeting at the close of
morning service ; Junior League at 3 :30 ; ;
Epworth League at 0:30. Morning sub
ject: "Walking With God." Evening:
"The Value of a Soul." All are cordial
ly invited to attend services.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor.
Morning Eervico at 11; Sunday school at!
12:15; Junior Endeavor, 4 p. tn.;
niiriwtijn V.nflp.ivnr. fi :30. Eveninz
service, at 7 :30. Morning snbject : "Man j
Second Only to God". Evening an
illustrated talk "Tne Eoy Far From
Home." Musical program in the morn
ing: Offertory, violin solo, by Clarence
Gilbert ; anthem, choir. In the evening
the offertory will be sung by the male
G. A. II. Notice.
Members of J. W. Nesmitu Post and
all old Boldiers and veterans of the iate
war with Spain tire requeued to be at
G. A. R. hall on Monday evening
Jan. 22, at 7 :30 o'clock to participate in
the joint installation of officers of G. A.
R. and W. R. C.
Come aud join us in a grand good
time. R- Aikix.
Post Com.
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed O.its,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Com,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn,
Kailir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
A magnificent stock of
which will be sold at close
and Grocery Store of
J. H.
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
Itomombor that wo aro soiling tho sumo from
$45.00 to $60.00
"NVhioh is a saving to ouv customers of from $15 to $25
ovov prico charged by peddlers for inferior ranges.
Writo for pamnhlot, "Mnjostic Evidonco."
Tliat Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, If yon used
Dr. Kinc's New Life Pills. Thousands
of stiff-rerfl have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They mako pure blood and etrong
norves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Monev back if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. 1
Slttintlnn Wanted.
young man wants situation in a
sheep camp.
The Dalles, Ore.
Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts aro
tho best. Ask your grocer for them.
With every one dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February we will
give a chance on a
White Hominy Corn.
Early Ro3e Potatoes,
Burbank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brown Gras?,
Ctieap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
Staple and Fancy G-ocerie. all of
prices for CASH at the Feevt, Seed
i $
la nr
, r W P V js
'I' ;f
11 Aluminized Garland ff
Steel Eange. 'i
i i
I paler i Beatoa