if E-f fit! il For a Nice Suit of Clothes. !tire- a-d Hear h-ve b iccW EAST and SOUTH vta - JQSt "What then to Tioroc! actioa. The Shasta Route, :r rx 8 & ! ) it r r m r t. -3- ! 'V v- f-4 .t r-jutse J. A. Eberfe a The fart-en ho rI lu is the : r..i.:i i wt).vu I. a 1- rfr i.'orteaate tikis year. The crop of 50111118111 PaGHlC bOmp Jf. Mi-aesota. North Ds-eU aad Sooth tnia a!tD. ,.( im : rvc i DaVota ii esiiatatid it aboet 15.- ,000.000 beilel. asd the ptke it C-iet'o hxi reached 1.4 per saS." 'ba.beL Tb . hive probably .AoSS.; oUi-I over a dollar a bcihet fcr ' ' 1 " SSS,'K5 1 :'' the rop. Tvro o: three ex- Eg : pbavJoBi for the ec-iGiIJr high j-it T1".'1 tint 'oac spec-Utor voc-td p ?Te U5SrSi sJS. Yoa tuant. ; PI a x..TjrrT-TaTTjir";- REGULATOR; LINE. Dsiico, Foruana & Hstoria Hev. Co. f - f ta Rrcolitar Mnc wltt run atnt IfctM.'i . g Crar rcjtrvl s t.V tUt to ha' Sir. Rtgala'.or. Ship yonv Freight via Str. Dallos City. (Toachics t '.t Wr rolnitj ? -. ... Regulator Line, "fea aSK.1 ill i itSr'V. (UDcrfUln) (act.ttili;,! Kg Regulator Line. V'tead S r. (BBcrftalo) FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, me n.lL!.K k OCEC03C. One i . Ose monlh One rear.. FATURDAT poet iXJi the Stisdi.'d Oil COdfaBJ t:J! -UJf. "SSS i v. r. KVii imita. 5 rv tl."5ot.t.ojli rut tarlh.r Infotaalloa lUre. T ic beca fca-vic- c? 411 tJie ilx re tvnrt.rvB.-'-PL-ilSS'-S. t.-,, tni two crto eti : ordis-r price,'. J R,-uj''O-.0i5:T'I V. C. ALLAWAY, Con. ARt., Iht Dli, ,1 rj -rffw a' fo- th rv-vwe of &.?icy . GoxS papyri i: ehwp parr pnew. 5 i rtjstiins crcihior eoxrlitors in the oil bcii-1 :3rl. it" SeaisaTiiv U . ' or joiiiJ trie, a: oc: :or ca Third Ji iM uke their en! tf JiffJ it.t. Alo - fall li-e o! hcru ri-t.. - " I 1 co.ne.Sr-lllbelo- priced ne: 'SrjwcTX. D- W. VAUSE, Third St. JtSllifc: ImnilUn iea.500. ?rLir.v- Bcnrsr nJSJ JWf-Ht. IllllllllXti . v-i JTTOVMLL -LMN' - ' .T 1 1 U U I W U lUtri in in- BWHt 1 . rrKrc v. - r . . vi- ' ' . '--- 1 r 11 ( - 111 ii Bit - r mi m m t h WINTER M . . . J. -. ChjM- . ) . UJ - f The Dalles Daily ChFomele. x.mom .i s!Sa.a iu- .. srs- hind is CaliJor-ii. Piea'.i xito aPjls, china. i...v.ii.CC - 'S frtc; tbe f r. cdwicz! r ssors this ' . oCO-Riciilr jrGrec; iai :se crop cf ! setters trcit bsctis. 6xc?:ilaf. Old ccn . chi.'zj; ' Bticb.Corsaido -d th eachac:'! iiJt Zn'i iz-txr. ;iartr. JANUARY -S, :&:o vP.TAL A;i tiiwt tnls-i irrire t: iiai nzl frc 5niiCi. Jttc Irrx ittt TAltHiLL Drns.O". L.T Icr AI2U oc XootiT. vreie-.i .: ISTEUPERJLTE OPPOSITIOS. , Cit-Uca There Sihis?. x..- - - ..i:. vn-.:- .-J ji?;. 'i..-.ariM.4j. . y...f .i0vdA. w.w. u "With -H the erphiiii -cd the ieaStJir te tKved Tere e-e rti Tt OdC. IM Tifcr. stTKU Tbtrt J. 3. KIESUSn. TfcS A? cr y. -rH.VS. eloqaeace -t hi; co-d. Seaitorj Q-i I'eltiare- decbtred z rpzzi deb-teicc-rr tfr!rri : Jloatecito. Ko.-dhcf. ia the Unite.! S'-lCf icnite tltii 'P-i-Jea. Hrtw MocaUia. Sia Jxcinto, eek, ttt the wldieri trader A2ci- S:ici 3:ii pte ''T ' .Ido were fis&bog for - nghteo-i r a t0. .rfif c, Mrf . O. States were uragicg sa enhoiy war. osrit-; :hed.-r, at.e?:ic, aiiroi VClQIlllCt He dedsred dr-t:Hv. that if he 7 be eaiojed it Biaa D Til and Farmers .. Exchange. . 5wt?T4 imrht :t cirj!f ! lixke:a SEEK. en-:. -il ia Tie (hUo, ts it snal ?n- Coci: n, srj !t tad fc rtx.i .:-'l. A tte Sanduiiehcs cl tit Kiait Uvayi i t-l. and Motors X ANCTACTV&CO BY lipino, he 0!d S.ht te..Yaa; "d.eren farther e. t , rcoraix, Tcaa, El Pi io, exiiti cos-: -ggreiiio- of the tailed d;;6,; n eU fa4kaSed 5r , BLflKELEY & HOUSHTOK. , I AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, I ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circular and particular furnished on application. 1 F. S. GUNNING, Agent, ar3 THE DALLES, OREGON were a a g-ir.it the SUtet ccti! hi- hsir gray The Spokei!.i3-Revh-- iiizcrm iad Icar;. iayi: il-av i't: acthia; ia more , There is bat ose cositrcctkm these interaperate ctteraDce. ittreti7e rbsa the hirsaierac; o5:7e creasrc; ol iin'.i Btrbari aai Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Wholesale ana Retail pgftj u.-c-j.i.: tji ctjuii ai grew h -egzicg" ca the eaerate. of o VeoiK-'tad Ix-:" Kietw, cr :hei hli cocatry. lie ii iac-itiag the leraoc, o Ftrd; sot fcr gVsrbci' Dealer IF! Blacksmith SUDpHES. Filipinos to shoot O-r Siy to tatters ; ra:i acd ?fi.ciai tree ecraraead as to and kill oar soldiers. Xr.d ia tbe Men oaze, 5ri:,ls:aadal-ir5,! i . aad i: tsiiti ia greirei. perfectloa a; v3 LCilSSU-. TLiBc- ID . DRUGGISTS Csrrj the Lartit Stcck ol Corisa. River isde, R'i'.aad aad Hi.h- i . face of these niter-rices, he has tbe cu,uulK ws - UItAti J' ar-ii. Ei-saHr iau-r&niag ii the' onr foldiers is on the head of the ideatife lad temMinr fhSca ia bieh ! ttewrtta? and pisiia? cf the craare h f n2trlT ,or,T of tiiv ,t ,-e C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate Americin Liquor 'Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. SUMMONS. president. Pettiarew siories ia hi iacendiarv h6re acttamplijbed. Tre f-nhfal rre fzaorted lo i-re S1 litdrwrr, yumns. Druss and Druseists' Sundries u j WHI3-SY from '-' 75 to tj.00 pr italloo. -I to 15 yi-ars old. I i?0HTED COGNAC (mm 7.00 to i!-.00 per jfatlon. 11 to 20 years old.' ! OALirOBBIA BBA5DIES fon. i3:tb to lfi.10 ir eallon. (4 to 1 1 veare old. Ia Eiitera Orevoa. 115 mi THE DALLES i Mecca aad ihcr crT; be: wiser ctaer- j runsi MtGrWrr, dtftnit-- scutiraenti. The spirit of opposition J 1 . A VI . . .. a unuucu m 10 ie lenousness or -;n ,t .1.. .v. .. . ... bta conre. He is boasting of hts : ad proloa? Hfe. tf is n :i kuii ortpsa. roa are ' fnendsbip for the m-nrgeat enemies, A iou,d rccton s-i-i-- fJmt r i .sit'.i ..ft,;, i.. . I ; nJlt sriifa its i4Ti f:o tiircr U ttirlfe 1' oi nis coaairy, jnst as the copper-1 Conld aot exptta the r4nr; of Aaaie tai. s.oi ojx tu. j jrTi vi:c.7- beads of the civil war touted of ' Sprinjer, of 1125 H.rd .. Phil- ;fS?5"S . :bwiSo'?-"fr1n S' adelplia, f'2., hea the foccd that Dr. 'V Jt,!f . I"l '3? 1 1' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. at-"2 OLYMFIA BEEE on dran?ht, and Val Blatz and Olynipia Beer in bottle BROS. liaj)Ort:d Aie and Porter their sentiments, and wore badges oi fUir l.i't ,i.r i : f mE ' LuscoTery ior uoun rapt ion "-. rata 00 or tswe toeir Lre-i. teaimg the iciignia c . . . ., .... , , 1 sue wr4! is it a coppeineao snaKe. Jiat lucre cae .., t j. . tt tr.i tuitiva i-tj n t. f' ,r .; t li Uj- rf tie j 5 jii mdf 1 lt 11,1 ly :eof twl ii too f: to ! V a uay wuen iney ceatu to ocau ol , Iie a oor-ta. AH other remedies and it'j- u the coan jo.- t ruk vr.rej jor , 4 their copperhead sentiments. There I kom eoald give her no help, La: ihe !S?5SIS'S: ; came not deGince tault earnest ltl ..n,,w. 4l r .1.. Tl .1! ! " Wi ..ur ia me i ciiip- cf thfttbrw., ceit or Ion?;. Vrce 50e pin. Opposition to the retention asrf TriJ bottle free at HlakelerA BHSilDS il a day v.ben a a the ncitbknd , t3; C! r-.T2i to:n re- ViS::5: ' Tt.r"" ! f fri.iJ,.mi,iu,.. - 5 moved the pain in ray chest and I can j 't4rea K ni iffa U4tKlnt ' i cne harjg. conld be seen laopsn m .13 seoadlr. Eoraethin? I Cin '. .71iJ i tri c, jot: tr P-iie. : P, , .1 , i - ' , . " lotwx, Mmi-: to tot "i-ltt tji t ir- 01 ine union canse. r fTnfmn? Mn! iwima t ci jfni- ... .... is not fotmd hire -ith ' Hte mcmIIs? iu priisfei throozhoat the , i?i-':'tt lTb;-,tl..V'.T'! i' and temperate criticism of j .So will ry oa rto trie-'''-",;':;!''7S " V t: tKwrerr ioranvtroai'ft ,- . t 1 ' k ...AND. oisesooe is 4 -5 -5 3 JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Wagon end Carriage Work. Fish Brothers Wagon. 'ill. . ... . of the !.!dt is oftanl, and is en- an eTfcry WMt titled to respectful consideration.! J That is a grave flaeilton, and much ' m,?"'-' I"BWn' pa Xfi,-el' I b i c..,, n,. raucj acJ .jj!jB2 totakf rny o.'h that I vras may be said on both sides of it. lint ! n,red cf pntaraoaia eatfrely by the Bn ' that is very different from the In- oi One Minut CMizh Cure laher doctor temperatf and incendiary speeches ! '-Htd- It alto cored ray children of of I'atitfre-, Hoar and other ' hv' coogh." (ictly reliever When Dewey'i .qokdron destroyed I .f CId!', "oap; gr5pw .u c 5 t . i-on ue.iro ed ; ani tbroat 8d iaD tro-jjfc; Children the Sfnish warships, the nation con-1 all like it. Mothers endorse it. tented by acclamation. When the ! '! . army and the navy took Manila from ' Uryhtx prcpanitlons tiaply derel-, the Spaniards, not an objection as- dry catarrh; they dry ap the uxrtiiotut, rJic.r., -r. ,t . . . . .. ""hich tdhtrrs to the laeobraas aad decora- onered. Lp 10 that point men of all i,caiu.aBsr.rraxreurra3trcfiletia parties concurred In the military ' bt wdO" f catarrh. Avoid all dry. , , , . rag ir.r.H, fwaes, rxncVee aad tnn5 poaelon or Manila and naval and t-d ate trt ni.-.-h cicar.ct-8, toothte nod ailitary control of the surroundin" lib&' .p. 6 f:' Bxa ii etich a remedy .,,, "1 aud T-.Jl care catarrh or cold ia the head , counlrJ ' I easily aad j,:..-M.ar.t!y. trial eize -rill be We eent then a peace commission i Sf11 r?,f a,t5- A" f.7B'' U the . . . . ' e.ie. Ely brother-, 0 Warren St.. K.Y. w x ine, 10 meet the ispanlsh com- , iXe JJaha care rithwit pain, doeg not ! Buioncr, and they ne treaty which delivered the Wands to the United Stal. ir. . "."f ,J.J' ,Vrfc!"a. J,al.ra. J00 L"o armed . , . , , ' aairi-iiau.iatwxntaailoy FeTtr. beld by the president in trust, for , f-lure disposal by congress, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE l Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail k-n is. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinda : TMrt mi mn. YmiW Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tmu Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- CDUKTA U?ZKM' ton j? lour. irliea U i'tiAHO MAWHOOD5 ca Tha.c Marks J-.isns CCfT RIGHTS AC. n! lr UK.TU.Ti tri ci vja free Letter tat-.t -n i tf t,t ;t '.'.tt.!. rr 3toer.k- vt-.t Ire. OUt,! ifcritT f jr teccns;iilu. K.ti.' tun ttrwirli JIbcs Cj. rf.n -iiir rl, -itva ctr, la Im Scientific Jlmericatt. A hinivrselr i;!cnrtKl wkJr. J.rcett dr. la uwi rf unj t etrtllc yrsruJ. 'rerun. 12 a rt. f-rtir Rr.t, L brMbjiM riewitffcler. MUNN&Co.T. New York toatic. 0V tSS ? EC V.'Llotltu. L). C Cures Inpotency, 2iij:ht Em! V.ca- and yasting dUeas.3, cil ctfecti o self- J3Qfj -buse, or czcces and indls 1 mffaa crct-cn' Acr'otonicainl j K Idcod nuilder. Drltitp the j pink g!c to pale cheeks an( , WaViEy mail COc per 1or;JjGxe3; . lor i.nO; with a written truant!!- DEALKK-fs I.V , tec to euro or refuad tho moaey. 1 NERViTA MEDICAL CO. jHIl KinCIS 01 Funeral Supplies This Floor ia rnanafactured exprersly for foroil : tel. onr poodg lower than any house In the trade, and if you don't tlunkeo 11 and .el cur jirice and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. "Otia! rl ! ,mulle f C1,M .eaag. it tprcads ittelf jua. .u u sn frrittfi -4 aa-, BTJrac,f xeut.T. I'hilirolne ia? JmiaediaUly the Tlaf ul inflamrnation. I While tbit treaty was before the United States senate, AguinaMo's army, in lamed and indignant because it was not jiermitttd to loot the city of 3Inila, attacked our eoldiera; and ever tince that attack men like Pet- ONE FOR A OOSE. f ft nSTT"" Wnv: IV-ret F I X. urillditll64)j,pn,i, IMMiW EureUa ilttraeu Oil li the beet aud the lt renovator ol old leather. It olli.fcorteii, hlack eat and vroUcU. Vis Eureka Harness Oil enjuur lt litrotM, yoat fcM har , and your cariiKtOi, aud li.fr will not buly look ltu-r tut wear longer, hold every a iei Iu cn all Un Iroiu liair lot to Hv ar-'-it. IEKW. W.WILHO.N, 1 AlTOitMjy.AT LAW, Oftlce eve, Vr! W AUJa' 0KEi0W Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artlfleUlly digests the food and aids Jr ir"ening ana recon tructimrthe exhausted dlKetlTeor. It U the Jabet dltcorered dlgeit- ( ant and tonic. No other preparation ' can approach It In efficiency. It In"' tanUf relJe-e and permanently cure i DwDepsla.' IndlKMilon, HeartburD, o--c.uMtrigia.t;ramp,nd allotber reaulUof Imperfect diveatlo-u Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. 0 GEORGE RUCH, Pion oar.