The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 20, 1900, Image 1

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    3l)e Dalles
Special Clearance Sale
Friday and Saturday.
Ladies Fll Waists.
Miss' ni Clita's Jaciets
The' must go and go quickly, there
fore these extraordinary reductions:
Flannel Waists
The old prices
and the mux.
Regular Price.
Sixes from 32 to 42 ; bust, inclusive
Children's and
Misses' Jackets
On the Dollar.
Half off the
Regular Price.
Sizes from 3
to 12 and 14 to IS
Note Prices:
$1.25 Child's Jackets Special $ .63
$1.50 " " " .75
$2.00 " " " 1.00
$2.75 " " " 1.33
$3.00 " " " 1.50
$3.50 " " " 1.75
$4.00 " " " 2.00
$4.50 " " ' 2.25
$5.00 " " " 2.50
$0.00 " " " 3.00
$7.00 " " " 3.50
$8 0 " " " 4.00
$10.C0 " " " 5.00
All Lidies' Flannel
Ml I.Kllius' f'llltllH-1
All Ladies' Flannel
All Ladien' Flannel
All Luiii'H Flannel
Ail Ladies' Flannel
All Ladles' Flannel
Waists worth $1 00, will 1)
W'HictH worth $1.25, will lio
Waists worth $1.50, will be
Waists worth $1.75, ill be
Waists worth i'2 50, will bo
WuiBtH worth $2.75, will he
WaiUs worth $3.00, will be
f .70
1 .32
2 07
All Lidhs' Flannel Waists worth $3.25, will bo $2.31
All Ladies' Flannel Wais's worth $'5.50, will he 2.02
All Ladies' Flunnel Waists worth $3.75, will ho 2.82
All Ladles Flannel Waists worth H-00, will bo 3.00
All Ladii-H Flannel Waists worth $4 50, will be 3.38
All Ladies' Flannel Waisn worth $5.00, will bo 3.75
A. jVL Williams & GO.
S3 Says Remil.
General l.yttlcton's Force Supported by
Artillery Fire, Made a Demonstra
tion in Direction of HreaUfoulcln
Kopje, the Boers Retreating.
Lo.noo.v, Jan. 19. It was rumored on
tliu stock exchange this morning that
alter eighteen hours of fighting, Lady
'itli had been relieved and that Gen.
Warren was killed, Nothing wub ob
tainable, however, tending to verify the
minor and it hud no appreciable effect
on slock.
N'hahman'h Cami-, Natal, Thursday
eveniiiK,Thu Uoor trenches liave been
I'ertiBtently thellml by naval guns all
dy long, Small parties of Doers were
' at intervals, nnd a largo force from
ttie dlrt'cll ;n of Ladysmlth was seen re
treating to the northwestward of the
"ritlsli position. A balloon did good
eervleo in observing.
tienorttl Lytlleton's forco made a
enicnbtrfttloii ti,B direction ot Ihu
"reakfontuin knnt.a f.,,, , .,r,rti. nf
. I 4 t W M I tllffV HVItM
,u llrltisl, position, under cover of
heavy artillery lire, to which the Boers
did not reepond. Oil tlio lelt General
Warren's troops aro now in possession
of two prominent kopjes behind Spinkop.
There were porno Uoer toilping, but it
was ineffective.
Tho Graafrienet Doers evacuated I'ties
ka Jin. 10, and returned i.orthward
across tho river.
Will' Move Oulclily.
Lonijon, Jan. It). 2:22 p. m. Mes
sages from thn front appear to confirm
the general impretsion that events in
Natal will now move quickly, though
hardly as rapidly tu tongu s and pens
of rumor-mongers. There is nothing uj)
to the present to eupport the storv that
the relief of Ladysmith is an accomp
lished fact, but it is learned on excellent
authority that the situation is now re-
yarded by tho war office with entire
coulidence, and that tho beleagured
town is considered practically relieved,
nltliniiL'b there is no attempt to under
rate the danger and ditliculty of General
Duller' taek.
Vuur Face
Kliows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a paie
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you art) feeling
weak and worn out and do net have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Kllxlr. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparlllas and
so called purifiers fall j knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positlvo grantee.
Dlakeley & Houghton, drngglste.
Illew up f lie Nitre.
Ki.lknsiiuku, Wash., Jan. 18. The
office of Tj iseem A Son, millers, three
miles from town, was burglarized last
night. The safe was blown to atoms,
evidently with nitro-glyeerine, and all
Its contents taken. Tim burglars se.
cured 300 In cash and about the same
amount In checks. In uddition they
lock or destoyed all tho papoia in the
fafe, many of which wore valuable.
Pieces of the fafo were picked up 40 feet
away. A typewriter was wrecked, nnd
ollico furniture badly damaged. Tho
sheriff w as notified by telephone and
immediately set to work on the case.
,l'ut:irrli C'ttDiiot bo Uiirtil
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal lemedles. Hall's Catarrh Cure ib
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quad; medicine.
It was was prescribed by ono of tho best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular piescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrugglsts, prico 75c.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. 12
All Mutt 1) Vaccinated.
Dakkii City, Or., Jan. 18. The city
council has ordered that every person in
this city, over the age of six months,
shall be vaccinated. Failure to comply
with the order will subject the offender
to punishment by a fine, at tho discre
tion of the police judge, Health Officer
Hayes and Ills assistants aro directed
strictly to carry out the order, which is
prompted by tho prevalence of the light
form of smallpox in this city, from
which no deaths hnvo resulted in 60
Acker' Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee, Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief, 25 cts.
and 50 cts, Dlakeley & Houghton, drug
Disease Has Ceased to Attract Muea
Total was but 49, of Which 40 Proved
Fatal Much Interest Has Hcen
Aroused by Publication of Secret
Decree by Empress Dowager of
Yokohama, Jan. 3, via San Francisco,
Jan. 10. The plague ceases to attract
much attention, only a few sporadic
cases showing themselves from time to
time, The whole numbor of cases thus
far thioughout the empire has been on
ly 40, of which 40 proved fatal, Tho
chief injury sustained has been to the
business Interests of Kobe, which has
suffered severely, and also by railway
companies, passenuer travel having been
greatly deterred by stringent quaran
tine regulations,
A lively interest has been aroused by
the publication of tho secret decree of
the empress dowager of China, in which
she shows a becoming appreciation of
the danger which threatens the empire
from foreign aggression, and holds the
provincial governors to etrict responsi
bility for immediate defense of their re
spective provinces, should attack bo
mado upon them.
''Tho various powers," she savf, "uie
casting upon us looks of tlger-liko vo
racity, hustling each other in t heir
endeavors to bo tho first to seize upon
our innermost territory. They think
that China, having neither money nor
troops, would never venture to to to
war with them."
Speculation is, of course, rife as to
what has Imppenod to In hit: out this
decree, eminently suggestive ns it is of
this stiffening of China's backbone, 1
Some attribute it to an understandinc
with Japan, it being repurted anew that
ex-Minister Yank Ib to return there as
Japanese adviser to the tsung-ll-yamaii.
Others seo in it an assurance gathered
from tho relations with the United
States government, which, it is thought
wero indications that tho new power in
the East has provided for tho protection
of its trade interests In China, by show
ing strong sympathy with the empire in
its present evil plight.
I'lirNtlnn Sclcucu Victim.
Council Butts, la., Jan. IS. Mrs.
P. K. Yates, of Tabor, la., against
whom the grand jury has returned an
indictment for manslaughter in oocnec
tion with tho death ot her daughter,
Kthel, in this city January oth , was ar
rested at her home today and is now iu
j iil hero awaiting tho perfecting of her
bond iu tho sum of $3000. The girl died
of appendicitis after the physician at
tending her had been dismissed and ehe
had been for several days uuder the care
ot a "divine healer."
Will Go ! Court.
Washington, Jan. 18. lloberts of
Utah announces that he will light his
case in the courts if lie is donit-d a seat
as a member of the house. Huberts has
been making his contention on the
ground that the constitution prescribes
certain qualifications for a member, but
he ought to know that the same consti
tution allows the house to be the judge
of Hb own members, No court will un
dertake to set aside a decision of the
house on such a question, especially as
it would have no power to enforce it.
F, D. Thlrkleld, health inspector of
Chicago, says, "K01I0I Dyspepsia Cure
cannot bo recommended too highly. It
cured mo of severo dyspepsia," It di
gests what you eat and cures indigestion
and heartburn, and all forms of dyspepsia,
Amtu lriiii Soldier A tttmjiteit to KlllUtU.
Ciuc.voo, Jan. 19. A special to the
Uecorrt from Victoria, 15. C., s.iys: J. P.
Mulera, who arrived from Manila, tella
of an attempt on tho life of General
Otis. In conversation in reference to
the eituatiou there, he said that General
Otis once appeared on the tiring line,
when a shot from the rifle of one of the
soldiers whizzed uncomfortably closo tu
his head. As to who tired the Bitot no.
clew was discovered.
l'utliiiHU Conductor Vcus Oat,
Chicago, Jan. 18 In a circular
which has been posted on the walls of
the Pullman suboilice at the union
depot, a reduction iu the wages of sleep
ins-car conductors is announced. The
amount of the cut is said to be in many
cases as much as 20 per cent. Whether
the reduction is to bo mado among alt
employes of tho company or is to be en
forced only on hoiiio lines is a question.
"One Minute Cough Cure is tho best
remedy 1 ever used for coughs anil
colds. It is uuequilled for whooping
cough. Chrildren all like it," writes 11.
N. Williams, Qentryvllle, Iud. Never
fails, It is tho only harmless remedy
that gives iirmediate results, Cures
coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu
monia, bronchitis and all and
lung troubles, Its eaily tiso prevents