ZE" . r-rr. -Vl ,. UZ 1 march ns p.-mors, and SNvJ T'J wvs. lum, sS : best man, with SSatJ- .5J? lJ$.jp i to witness the ceren 5SSSS?S-- .-jp ' Mis? M. HARBIED. the home of the brid, on East trie winding Tl.l-l ......... I'k.w.rlo,. Ton 1C1. , C o'clock, Frederick Dee anif Mrs. Anns' J01ill?on, justice iayRni imiciaiiiiK Jobnson nlaye bridal pary entered the lison acted as M Henry l,auretson, ar ffStnd, bridesmaid. xre present se of ,ered A. E. Tierson, Johnscn, Messrs. L. Comini i core on earth. Only zo cte. a dox. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Biakeley A, Honphton, drnpgists. 1 1 BUSINESS LOCALS. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver amd Bowels " " - - - - tioniaw ..aMSES the system are requi --r---T,,A, iw inceffice; el .EFFECTUALLY it uat, Clark & Fnlk nre never closed Sunday. IXin't forget this. F;oral lotion will cure wind chapping ind sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke f: Falk. Latest thine in camera? nre Itn proved Magazine cyclones at Djnnell's drug store. T i . . ........ r 1 i 1 . t-rli I II till IV11I1L Hurt' mill 111-711 uiukj VI. and W.Frank. Bounteous refreshments , nn ur tl)em at th(J r 0 ijlarraary, were served and the festivities closed !.,...;. ,-,. rn,ir!tfrir(. Clarke & Fnlk hayo received a cnrlond tie nd SINvJac 1 trlnds ; lAVli . .,1, I I. V. V am was reav wh'ch a musical prpy bv Mrs. Bunch, 31 rs with dancinc. IUKD, At Fairview, near The day. .Ian. Is, L of J. E. and months. Dalles. Thurs- E. Ohriiit, infant srn F. B. Obrist; acd 10 Notice to Voters. overcomes krrO 1 jrZl, H4B,TnALC0NSTPATION 1 i--MU DCDMAMPMTIV biirmMbniiii IGIAL GEN'JIME MINT D By syy THE f?RNiATGPSWP. CRVCS-T-i rrii s:t nut rcoriuE tciu all know. A. B. Craft is dovi n liom Mcro. . C. H. Southern, of Bovd. is in the citv today. Capt. Slierman returned to Portland today. J. M. Powell came in from Wnpinitia yesterday. A. E. Trask Under the provisions of the registra tion law all persons when regtstennir red to furnish to the register- r the following information : tnrallz'ed, the time, place, nn 1 this con-produce declaration of intention. Kesidenee must be specific; Riving precinct, section, township and ranee; if within town or city", the street, No. if any, aud No. of iot and block ; if in any building v here rooms are numbered, the l.nmber of the room and rlaor must be given. In order to avoid unnecessary delay, aud inconvenience, every person desir ing to register should be prepared to famish the above information. Facilities will be furnished in every precinct in the county by either Justice of the Peace or Notary Public. A. M. Kej.sav, dec4-30dys Countv Clerk. Catarrh Cannot be Cured I with local applications, as they cannot Catarrh sease, and in order to cure it yon m'ist take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on ! the blood and mucous surfaces. Ilali's i Catarrh Cure is not a ouack medicine. reach the seat of the disease. . v,l 1 , . 1 last ninh:. Thus. Henneghan is registered at the ! Uniatilla from Antelope. j Mrp. W. A. JclinMon rftnriipi! lust.: tiii. ii ui nn. iu i uiuauitt i r. , . -i at hi t x- i . " -wis us ureitriueu iiv one 01 me nesi Mrs. nl. T. Nolan was a returninu , passenger from Portland on last night's ' l'".vlE,CInns ln country fur years, and boat. " j is a regular prescription. It is composed Eugene Looney, one of Mitchell's j of the bost lonics kn0'-Tn. combined with prominent men, is doing business m ' the best blood purifiers, acting directly town today. jon the mucous surfaces. The perfect Miss Maie Barnett went down on the j combination of the two ingredients is L c? " - - ..... ' .1 k mwmuw; v.UllUCIiUI tl'SUUS 111 Portland. I n,,.i. t.v..i t-.. ..: Miss Kathryn Sargent, who has spent free. Eeverfll weeks vijitini? friends in T'nrt- f V I fnpvrv t.- Pi r,.- t-i-.i r - - ... v.ik.11.1 u uy,, iiwii:,. lyicuu V, uu,iauiucu uuuio me. uijiui. aoiu oy arruEtiists, price 7oc. F. M. Cone r, U. S. Indian acent. 1 Hail's'Famiiy Pills uro the best spent yesterday in Tim Dalles, leaving on this morning':) boat for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. I). 11. Welch, well known resident? of Astoria, came up on last evening s bcaf, returning home todav. At of the celebiated James E. Tattcn trictly pure liquid paints. SIzo doesn't indicate quality. Beware ol counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt's Witch Uhz-.-I Salve. De Witt's is the only original. An infallible cure for piles and alt skin diseases. Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did mo more good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach trouble. G. H. Appleton, justice of peace, Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. Wo use no others." Quickly cures all liver and bowel troubles. F. B. Thirbield. health inspector of i Chicago, says, "Kodol Dispepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It i cured me of severe dyspepsia. " It di gests what you eat and cures indigestion and heartburn, and nil forms of dys pepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are s -U on a positive guarantee. Cures he-.rt-turn, raisiug of the food, distress after eating, ' or any form of dyspepsia. One little ! tablet gives immediate relief, zo cts. and 60 cts. Biakeley & Houghton, drug gists. All persons wishing to thke children, either boys or gir!s, for legal adoption or on indenture, Ehould write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' mid Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for tbein de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed m advance. tf Write "Laundrj" on the Sevr Laf. i AT THE VQGT OPERA HOUSE. One Nirrht Only MONDAY, JAN. 2 2d. wi If If $ JS "5HILLIfRCIT THJT WEAK IN W PfOT Of Ti'X CLAD IM Nil HIM? 6i That grand and beautiful play, Tho Idol of tho ArUansaw Hills. HUMAN HEARTS." The companion ami successor of Shore Acres. Directed by W. K. Nnnkvillc. An exceptionally strong company', with sjieeial scenery for every act, am! exactly .is produced at tbe Fifth Avenue Theater, New York, 300 consecutive nights. PRICES 50c and 75c. Scats on sale at Clarke & Falk. 1 j t)KP.ir.T time snicbvu. ARKivr I roi; j Izjx Uallus. I vim. 1 1 1 Fnst : Mnil I sxiwuxi tut ii iixiiiAiiAixiLiiittitirAii t4M.iti ixiiiiltiflniiixJ 11 n &xiiij.riuiiiijn J 2 1 nTt nr iir ittin .1 trpim.mifimnrin' ifnf .cttti rrmrtTT. mtr-ni'.tnifihimiTHi TirtTr,rrmitn rrrr cnlt I.nk' , Denver. Ft. Worth, l:iiahn, Ki rcs City, fat. l.r!ilf, Chiciigo i.nd i.'u.st. Sjol Klvcr 7:05 p. in ntaneWuiln Wallo, SiioUanc, M!niieiilf)!ts. fct. 1'ruI, i) u 1 u t h, Mllirnukvu. Chicaso und Kr.tt. Siotmic 4:21a. in e ;. 12. ' Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gay, of Salem, who have made a shor vnit with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson, returned home on the afternocrti train. A L. Gnde left on this morning's train for Portland. He is on his way to L' s three wetks with his parents. Frank IcFarland, a former Dalles boy, and wljo is aluavs welcomed here, is in town in the interest of tbe 7ew York Life Ins. Co., which he rer-resents. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber j Iain's Pnin Balm is gaining a wide repu tation. D. B. Johnston of Richmond, i Ind., has been trsubled with that ail ' ment since ISO:.'. In speaking of it he says: "I never found anything that 1 would relieve me until I used Chamber .Iain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but one food relieved me. on. (uiiiiuj iiie very inuen, out ( application nf Pain Balm reli For sale by Biakeley & Honshu Paint your house with fu ly guaranteed to last, have them. paints that are Clarke & Falk t A i-ilgtiUul lllundrr Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, In turning over the new leaf for 1000 has it occurred to you to trv our work?i People who have. Eav it's all richt. P.emember there is no charge connected with our collection and deliver- svstein. Biiig up Co'ndon 'phone 341, or lonn distance 962. Dalles Laumjby Co., Cor. Third and Federal Sts. J. I. Bevrv. Lozanton. Pa., writes, t.. am willing to take mv oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use ot One Minute Cough Cure .'after doctors failed. It also cured my children of whooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. Canti In iour Ct-.tcl.s. All countv warrants registered nrior to April 1, 1SSG, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 8th, i ihiu. u. L. Phillips. County Treacurer. L. T. Travis, accnt Southern Ii. I... Seiina, Ga,, writes: "I can not sav too much in praise of One Minute Couirh Cure. In my case it worked like a ,' charm." The only harmless remedv Fitusi ror.TZ.ANr. Octan fetetitn&hisis. For Fan FrunrUprt December X. !, 18, li, : and 1 p. c S ti. m ' I . Ei.tunday Columbia l:v. Sttamor'i.'Ei.suna'ttj ,iu amuhu una ar Saturday I-aullng-,. 10 . in. d B. m. ; WlLLiSTETTB KlVEB. j 4:J0 p. Q. i.s.suudny ortBoii Oily, NcwIj-tr, Ks.Bunduj; , Halem & Way Ijitid'i.. i a.tn, tWiLLAJli.-TTE and Yam.' 3:30 r. iuej.Tbur.. niLLKiVEK. ' Moil, Wed imn :hi. orepon City, Duyton, and Ftt. ! and Way-Iiuditigs. f. ,1 rn Tue..Tlj'ur and Sat. ' Willamette Hivkb. ' i:0n.m i'ortlHDd tn Corvallit, Mon. Weil ; aud Vy-LaiKlliiBs. land Friday i -----7--.-. -w. . J " , lVIJC, LUIfaC) . . - frkras and all skin eruptions. Best pile that 8ives "uu:il3'ale rwulte. Cures i-uuus, corns, croup, uroncintis anil all Lv lilparlc daly ; !:'.') a. in. I Snake IUvki:. Klpaiia to iwlttoa. Leave Lewisto.v dully b:39 a. in. ft Si 5J 4 Tho Dalian, Of. CI 3 The Chronielc, Job Printers. IS I '3 'isfiod'sGoodBlessfRa" " I feel that God has blessed Dr. Acker with special knowledge to prepare that grand med.cinc called Acker's English Remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles. It saves children every time when they are attacked bv croup. . a Ii i. , .1 1 ... .. I t x-ii i.Ubiiwi auvuiu ivuuw auuui it, and I will tell about my expe rience. I ha la darling boy of four years to die with croup. My doctor did all he could, but the child could not be made to vomit. That was before I knew of Acker's Eng lish Remedy. After I did hear of it, I got a bottle. When our little eighteen - months - old girl was ctricken with croup, I gave her thia medicine, and insideof twenty iiiiuuUs she vomited and was bet ter right away. During the win ter she had croup four times, and it brought her through each time all right. I, myself, had bronchitis pretty bad, and Acker's English Remedy cured me comcletelv. Before I close, I want to tell you ot my gor s boy, named Jobe Nana. Ho had bronchitis, too. He got worse all the time. My husband went over to his house and told him about ray case. I hen his mother went to town, got a 50-cent bottle of Acker's English Remedy, and he took it. He came over to our house a few days later and said he was all right, and also said two doses relieved him from the start. You can un demand by my etter why I think so much of Acker's English Remedy. I re peat that God s blessing must surely have been bestowed upon Dr. Acker." (Signed) Mks. John Yeacer, Rochester, Pa. Sold at 25c., 50c. and $1 abottle, throughout the United States and Canada and in England, at is. sd.. as. 3d., 4s. Gd. If you are not satisfied aft wbu vim return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back a"erbujing, 11V extorter the vhwt guaranUe. IF. U. HOOKER i CO., Proprietor,, .eu York. For Sale by BLAXELEY & HOUGHTON. 1 r v throat and lung troubles Complete of Drtis at . M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Fartii-K doirms toco to Ueupt.cr liould UieNo. 1, leaving 'J lie t)nlls ut 7 u. in maIiiL' direct councellons ut Iteiiimer lunetlon Ituturtllni' tnul-III,. rt I r.w. 1. .'11 ..... Juuetlon Hitbo. l.nrriTiug at Tbe Uallisut -:a in. No. !i, throucbt freight, enht bound, does not carry jur-engm; arrives Z-M a. m., dctiaru U'uvii. in, -No at, local freight, f:arrief- iiRjuenirm, tatt bound; arrlvts l;M p. m., deparu hits p. m. No, J, ww bound through fn-Jsnt, Umi not carry pnhstDgvrs; urrtvea s:15 p rn., di-partu y;.w p. m. No. 23, west bound taal frdKht. carries pas stngm; arrives 6:11 p. in., departs t-:jt) a. m. rf Ji'll I'rtlculrfccall on O. Ii. & N, Co.' useutTbeitaUw. oraddrem W. If, IIL'KLI'L'KT, C.cn fa. Act.. Portland, Or. C. S. Smith I J. 3. BCHENK, I l'rcsldfiit. 11. M Hill.. table) ' ...STEAM... Wood Saw Will run every day except Sundav. Rates Ifeatonable. jS Telephone 201. jj W. A. CATES, Prop, i FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANBACTA K.NEKALBANKINO BUfclNKo Lettere of Credit issued available In the Eastern State. Sight Exchange and Teleitranhic . 7, " "'r" "11 VMIQUKO. bt. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore jjon, Seattle Wash,, and various point In Oregon and Waahinuton. Collectinna mill, ai ull .ti. . orable terms. TIIL iip-to-dateCJroeer Fresh Eggs and Crcauicy flutter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. 11 C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoot, fih(K. Hntt. Cup.. Notion,, ,Kt. for . L. lioufc'Uia ftbov. Jlf UKIHRNIMIlt KKKlt Physician and Surgeon, HfKxilal atuntlon Klvtn to iurcry. oo ins 21 and a, Tc)i S2i Vf Et JJ)c( k JJ. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Ottlce over Krcnch 4 Co.'n llauk ,,h0"e c- TH K VALUES, OHKGON U.e Clarkedc Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the bond. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OHE00N A General Banking Business tranuctd Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt!; uittfi awl v-k tn vf ia! I nni Inn iVUliLlOU Ull UBV IJ1 UUllUL,LlUUi fik'ht and Telegraphic Exchange soldci iiew zora, nan rr ancisco anc in land. niHvrvrnwi D. P. TliOMPBOW. JMO. B. BcHMCIj .u. M. Williams, Gso. A. Lixbi. H.M. Bkall. THe columDia PackingCs.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF M ANOKACTUUKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND 4RIKD BEEF. ETC. B HUNTIKOTON TTlIVTIVflTflkf A. It'll CIIV 11 A110KNKYK AT LAW, .,,. Ottlce over Flr.t Nat. hank tr Ufnuu muttakXtf MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOHNKY8 AT LAW. Kooini 89 aud 40, over V, S, Land OUlcf.