The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 19, 1900, Image 3

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Yoa see a
Han losing
his pocketbook
you fool justified in telling him about it, even if you
haven't been introduced. Wo possibly don't know you
personally, but wo do know you nro losing money in
buying your clothing, at any rato you aro not making
nil the money you -could which ia jitet the same thing.
The way to make all the money thore is in Hint line, is
to buy your clothing of us.
Boys' Alltxiool Suits
rroni 1.85 up
Men's all-wool suits from 3.85 up
Hoys' overcoats and ulsters from 1.50 up
Men's overcoats, ulsters and top
coats ironi 4,85 up
(Xle have
been offering
you black and colored dress goods rctunnnts
for the pnst week and perhaps nil of you hnvo
bought, but still wo hnvo u few left, and in
conjunction with those remnants that wo
hnvo on hand, we will offer you u choice lot of
Pattern Suits
nt a much lower prico than you ever pur
chased anything to compare with them before
in your life. This is n brond assertion to
make and a liH..miou9 thing to do when you
know full well how fabrics of all kinds have
advanced in the past couple of months, and
yet they have not reached tho elevation they
will eventually attain.
Silk, Satin and
Velvet Fancy UUaists
will bo sacrificed during tho present
week, as the following prices indicate:
$5 08 Waists $."5.75
5.00 Waists 4.1!)
$0.02 WaiBts 5.00
!f; 7." Waists 5.10
J7.00 Wnista 5.25
7.f Wnistft 5,85
jfS.OO Waists 0 75
Waists 7.50
All Goods Marked
In Plain Insures.
Another Opportunity Will
Our t'eople to Secure a
lie Olreli
The Dalles Dairy Chronicle,
JANUARY 19, 1900
served In
tyle by
Geo. F. Hull
At the Baldwin tonight,
"Jiappy Homes How to Get Them."
Go where you can get the worth of
jour money. A. M. Williams: Co. are
telling tiiclr entire stock of ladies' flannel
wahts at a fourth off the regular price.
The meeting of the Students' Literary
Club cannot fail to bo iuterestlKK to
night, ii" this is the date set ,cr the
moot ff note. They invite all interested
to be present.
The following .books hare been added
to tliu library : "Ten Thousand a Year,"
l)J' Warren; "Aetoria," Irving; "Tho
Adventures of F.rancois," Mitchell;
"Wix," N'orris.
Y -u may now teleet any child'? jacket
'ro'ii A. M. Willinme A Co.'s stock
worth ? 3, and they will wrap it up for
)ou f .r '--50. Any other jacket tho
ime way; j,iBt halfpiice. .
Tomorrow afternoon tho taxpayers
are to hold a mcttitnf at tho brick school
liouHion Court Htreot for the purpose of
levying a tax to run tho schools for tho
coming yrar. Tho room should not be
able (.j contuln tho crowd.
Have you been one of thoeo who have
metered a kick regarding tho taxes
J'O'J pay and do you now caro to improve
Nie opportunity nfforded to have your
in the matter of school taxes? If,
Mi go to the meeting tomorrow and ex
P'tee your opinion, or forever hold your
The tax levy for 1000, at determined
tho county court is us follows: For
We, 0 1! mills ; school, 5 mills ; G. A. K ,
1 10 county, 11.35; atato bounty, h
mi le. .Making a total of 23 mills. It is
"I mated that a levy of 11.35 will raieo
'otlicient funds for tho running expenses
01 the county, which are $30,000 a year.
John .Myers, who died in Portland
wednutdny, was a brother of Clay
NMi of this dtyV Ai M Illness was
01 fhort duratlon,yf brother knew
"otl.lngollt unnoecelved a tele.
ru'n nnnouuclrrfilds death. Mr. Myers
a Pioneer of 1800, and a man highly
SM in tho co,nmunity where ho
Win, McCorkle, of Tygh Valley, who
a staunch friend of Tub Oiiuonici.b,
to nfornj u hy etler Uut we
mistaken regarding the caie of
ma )0XtttTyghi Hb wy lhw-BOt
v 6 ,f "lckle of any kind In Tygh.
.bt the two case, at Wanuc are
j respotifiblu for tho error, tho names of
me pmces ueing contused.
in -spite of tho beautiful weather which
Dalles ipeoplo aro enjoying today, tho
presence of J. P. Jonue is our city, ad
vertising the Southern Pacific, tho Suu
set route, cannot fail to entice one to en
joy tho baauties of tho SonWiern Califor
nia climate by taking ii trip over that
line and -stopping here and there as they
A very largo crowd attended the club
dance last night at tho Baldwin, and the
presence of uany visitors, including the
Salem bowling team, added inueii to the
pleasure of the evening. The guests
were enthusiastic over tho musk and
highly pleased with the party. Xo nicer
dancing parties ire given in any city of
its size, than those which Dalles society
people aro enjoying this winter.
Miss Anna C. Smith gave a "Hearts"
party to a number of her friends Mon
day evening, in hoinr of her visiting
friend, Mies Virginia Mardeu, of The
Dalles. Mrs. M. Koed received lirst
prize for tho beet phtver among tho
ladles, and Win, Davidson first prize for
best player among the gentlemen. Sup
per was served at 10:30, after which
dancing whb enjoyed for a couple of
iioure. Glacier.
The Hathbono Sisters had a pleasant
session lust evening, when tho following
oflleers wore installed : Mrs.T. Driver,
M. H. C; Mrs. Nellie Wiud, H. S. ;
Mrs. Cluik, K. J. ; Mrs. Stubling, M. of
T. ; Minnie Gosser, ,M. of .It. and C. ;
Mm. Gavin, M. of S. ; Mrs. Chrismaii,
P. O. T.; Mrs. Patterson, G. O T. ;
Mrs. Phillips, Trustee, Thu installing
officers were .Mrs. Croseen, .Mrs. Vaueo
and MrH. Thompson.
Kvery one who happened
eyes towan
lug of last w
the prluo rUiftn was
of smokln
f ore elio passed away. Although suffer
ing terribly at first opiates were ad
ministered, and stio was not conscious
of pain toward tho last. Later this
morning Mr. Gilmore started for tho
city w-ith her body, and the funeral will
tako place at tho Congregational church
Sunday afternoon.
WouJd you breathe the air of Arkansas
hills, and minglo with tho simple honest
folks who live there among and sympa
thize with the nfllictions that full on tho
homo of Tom Logan, an honest but much
wronged blacksmith. If so, attend the
performance of "Human Hernia" at the
Vogt opera house Jan. 22. Not alone
Borrows mark tho play, there aro tears
in plenty, hut also a generous supply of
incidents which provoko hearty, health
ful laughter. All who have seen the
play will welcome its coming and all
who have heard of it for Its several
successful seasonB have made it a popu
lar favorite will await will) eagerness
tho performance of next Monday night.
Itev. .Jim. Do FnrrcHl'ii Kticce".
I n (... .l.fti
LMt. HoodVrrUnpjflavIevhif.-'
OilGfi was lyfilty oi tho uc
GSror uiwu iiiii miirifii noiri"
jymKf smoitMur uneir wpor
yw to thoufetjranlumlujul.
Kinu mssipaiinjf inrw aiinjwpuere
K)ko frouilio Bfitck qLjnn
i on und closed the
truly interesting whilo
st rem.
liko 811,
scene, w h!ch
It lasted.
An exchange truly says: "Kvery
pound of print paper, every pound of
job stock used in a newspaper office is
costing today 25 per cent more than it
did eight weeks ugo, und there is no
prospect of a reduction. Yet newspapers
neither ask nor riceivo one cent more
for their production in any of its forms,
The prico of tho paper to readers remains
tho same, advertising rates always low,
remain low, und cut-throat competition
makes profit to job work exceedingly
Last night about 0 o'clock S. Ilolton
received n telephone message from tho
doctor at Antelope, saying that lie feared
Miss Maggn Gilmore, who was burned
so severely the night beforo, would not
live through the night. This morning
another meesBko told of her death nt 4
nV!ni-k this morft. nit. Mr, Gilmore ar
rived at her bedsftle abauKvvo hours be
The Denver "Eye" has the following
article concerning tho success of Itov.
Do Forrest in his new field of labor:
"Tho new rector of St. Peter's church
on Second avenue Is doing a splendid
work. He is fast removing tho obstacles
which have in tho past stood in tho way
of tho growth of tho church and brought
tho society into a cheerful present with
a prof pect for n more hopeful future.
"Uev.Do Forrest eumo hem from Port
lam', Oregon, a fhort time since on ac
count of his wife's henlth. He has taken
clmrKO ol St. Peter's church nnd is well
liked and his good work thoroughly ap
preciated. Mr. Do Forrest is assisted in
L lua church work by his wile, who has
Hor years sang in her husband's church,
and Mies Adel'e, n talented soprano,
formerly a student of the celebrated
Georgo Sweat of New York, and later of
Fisher Powers, of Denvor.
"'I ho hope is generally expressed
among tho members and friends of tho
church that Mr. Do Forrest and his
charming family may remain long
among them and continue their good
Now Sellout Turin.
Glasses will bo organized in tho first
primary grado at the Court Street ami
Academy Park schools at tho opening of
the now term, Monday, Jan. 22, It is
desired that, as far as possible, all be
ginners enter at that time und start
with the new classes, as no other classes
for pupils first entering school will bo
organized this year.
Owing to the crowded condition of thu
rooms there will bo no now class started
in the Kust Hill Primary school this
term. It will be better for first primary
pupils in the eastern division of tho
district to wait until next September to
enter, Or If parents deem it best they
may come down to the Court street
school or Academy Park school,
J, S, Lakukks
Clarko St Falk'a flavoring extracts aro
the best. Ask your grocer for them,
So often have tho nowspapers of Tho
Datloa uiged upon tho citizens tho
woolen mill question and such a con
tinued story has it become, with no
further results than a short conference
with various representatives who hnvo
como here with propositions, that wo
almost hesltnto to ngalu broach tho
subject. However, having referred to
it yesterday by way of warning, wo feel
encouraged to proceed.
Whatever may have been the defects
in previous propositions, which have
caused our people to refuse to consider
them, tho very fact that this is not a
new enterprise but ono which has been
successfully carried on in another lor-al-ity
to such an extent that they now seek
a broader field of trade, should incite
tho business men of Tho Dalles to glvo
it more serious consideration than any
previous proposition.
For somo time the secretary of the
Commercial Club has been in corre
spondence with a number of persons to
whom tho promoters referred them,
and very satisfactory replies have been
received as to their reliability and busi
ness character. Ab a lesult, in a short
timo they will visit tho city to determine
what is the sense of our citizens concern
ing it. It is sincerely hoped that this
will be an exception to tho general rule,
and that instead of allowing one or two
citizens to throw cold water on tho
proposition from the first, tho matter
will be thoroughly investigated and all
have a "ringer in the pie."
The idea of tho company is to doublo
the capacity of their mill, making it a
six-set miil, employing nt least 125 men
imagine tho advantage to 1 lie Dalles ot
having a pay-roll each month of $3,500,
At least 2,000,000, and perhaps 3,000,000
pounds of wool will be handled each
No idea has been given as to what
will be expected of our citizens, but it
has been surmised that no subscriptions
will bo taken, as heretofore in such
cages, a certain amount of stock being
taken in the enterprise. If tiie proposi
tion be nt all reasonable, it is hoped it
will hi looked upon with favor in The
Dalles, and tint before they arrive a
disposition to do what is best for the
city's interests will have been engen
how comes naturally, and their visits
aro always enjoyod.
At the closn of tho games all repaired
to the Baldwin and joined in the danc
ing, after which tho team was enter
tained nt tho Umatilla House.
The scores by games were as follows:
M 2nd 8(1 Ith Totn
McNary 44 39 30 27149
Hughes 23 30 33 33121
Hoyt 32 39 35 25-131
D'Arcv 04 01 -50 41-200
Mlnto'. 47 2-1 33 34138
Barker 37 38 30 59170
Totals 247 231 218 219
Bradshaw 42 35 20 44147
Baldwin 37 51 44 34 1C9
Kurtz 30 35 40 00171
Houghton 33 41 41 42159
Mavs 24 32 30 39131
Schmidt 30 39 49 44102
Totals 190 230 238 2C9
lands. Equally interesting is the
scientific and tempting fashion in which
the sorting and packing of the orange i
hero accomplished.
Tho faithful were exhorted to see
Mecca and shufflo off; but wiser gener
ations will tee California of tho sonth
and prolong life. tfc
Tim Modern Mother
Has found that her little ones aro- im
proved more by the pleasant Syrup of
Figs, when in need of the laxative effect
of a gentlo remedy, than by any other.
Children enjoy it and it benefits them.
Tho true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only. '
Clarko A Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Tho Itinvlliig Contest.
"Turn about is fair play," so evident
ly thought our bowlers when they beat
their Illiheo guests three straight games
last nijht. It did not, however, look
encouraging for a change in luck when
tho visiting team came out ho far ahead
in the first game, nor anything to brog
of in the second ; but the. two last told
tho tale, and showed that Dalles bowlers
had not lost all of their cunning.
D'Aicy, of Salom, was high man and
did "handsomely;" Kurtz high for the
homo team.
Hio audience was not so large nor
quite eo enthusiastic ns that which-
witnessed the games last year, and yet
thoro was a good attendance and interest
in bowling was somewhat renewed.
Somehow tho Salem and Dalles bowl
ers nlliliuto remarkablv well, and a
lasting friendship has sprung up be
tween tho two teams which will bo
carried into every day life nnd move
most pleasant for all concoined. Beside
thip, Dalles people have n very kindly
feeling for tho Salem team, which some-
For winter resilience or winter outing
ideal conditions will bo' found on every
hand in California. Plenteous early
rainfall has this season given to the
semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im
petus; the floral offerings are more than
usually generous and the crop of
southern fruits bountiful and excellent.
Old ccean nossesses new charms nt
Santa Barbara, Santa .Monica, Long
Beach, Coronadoand the enchanted isle
of the sea, Batnlina where fishing,
boating, rambling, riding, hunting and
loafing may be enjoyed us nowhere eif.e.
Quiet little spots, snug and warm,
offer themselves at Montecito. Xordhoff,
Pasadena, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto,
Fall Btook and Palm Springs.
For renewing health and vigor, here
abound many hot spring?, of widely
varying constituents and demonstrated
merits ; the dry, antiseptic, tonic air of
tho desert may be enjoyed at Banning,
Indio, Yuma; and, even fartheron, at
Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con
ditions equally well indicated for weak
throats and lungs.
Many think nothing in nature more
attractive than the shimmering olive
orchards of Santa Barbara and San
Diego ; others prefer the stately walnuts
of Ventura and Los Nietos, or the
lemons of Fernando; but for glorious
fruit and graceful tree commend us to
the golden oiange, first, last and always,
and it exists in greatest perfection at
Covina, Riverside, Kedlands and High
With every one dol
lar purchase at our
store during January
and February we will
give a chance on a
Steel Range.
fiiaier & im
ItJ i
Grocery Department....
Fish Sale
For One Week.
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed I!ye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Stowell's Kvergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn,
Kafiir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose Potatoes,
Burbank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brown Grns?,
Ctieap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancv Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close prices for CASH "nt the Fee.l, Seed
and Grocery Store of
1 lb tin Broiled Muckcrol, in tomato
Banco 15c
1 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, in mustard
sauco loc
1 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, soused in
picos 15c
2 Ih tin Broiled Mackerel, In tomato
sauce 25o
2 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, in mustard
BIU1CO , . , 2iJ0
2 Ih tin Broiled Mackorol, soused in
spices 25o
C, A B. Kippered Herring, per tin,. .20c
O, A B. Yarmouth Bloaton?, por tin. ,40a
Scotch Kippered Herring, per tin. , . .2.ui
Beardsly's Boneless Herring, per tip.lOo
Young Mackerel in oil 15c
Gold Label Sardines in muyounaisu
dressing 12 V
Soo window display of Salt Salmon,
Salt Mackerel, Whole Codfish, Boneless
Codfish, Codfish Middles, Bloaters, Her
ring, Smoked Halibut, etc.
The Great STEEL and MALLEA
TiOinombor that wo aro soiling tho saino from
$45.00 to $60.00
Whioh is a saving to our customers of from $lo to $2o
ovor prico charged by peddlers for inferior ranges.
Writo for pamnhlot, "Majostic ISvidoneo."
JWRYS 8t COttlE.