For a Nice Suit of Clothes. rantlnp. Ovcrcos;n-1 r Taney Vesting. Democratic slates will known. vote of be tbe the Southern lightest ever j EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Brynn says the United States is fit the parting of the ways. That was trueinl$9C. In November of that; year the nation choso its load and is not in the least disposed to regret I the decision. or THS Just What You uiant. Southern Pacific Comp'y. . Trains leave and arc dec to arrive at lYrtli nd it i iL CZZi Lord Roberts, as the London Times remarks, has a "tangle problem" to deal with. It is the greatest military ' difficulty he ever confronted, and to' settle it satisfactorily will give him a high place in English historj. j r. m. OVERLAND KX-1 1 pre, Salctn, Koc ' burc. .Ulilsml, ac-1 1 I raraento, ORden.Snn ! rranciseo, .Moiave, ixis Anpclcf.Kl fa-vo, j New Orleans anJ i '.East .' ' m i m Hoseburg and way ta--u a. -m. Upns f Via Woodbura for i n.iiT- MuAncel, Silvcrton, al wr t tcio, Browns- .except , 1 ,- cnrin-aeld and , (Natron ) Sundays 1". A. M. sc p. it Pally except Sunday. KJiitj U LiATUxC IdiNE. Dalies, Portiana & flstoiia Kay. Co. The Sttamris nf tlio Hejjulator Uno will tun as icr thefnl. lnwii:R schedule, the Company tP.crvliiR the tight to ctiniiRo'3 M milMIl' lllilUMl. tlUlll.V. ! Str. RoRtilntor. (Limited Uml rc ) Senator Peltigrew continues speak of Aguinaldo's scheme as to "a 17:30 A. M. South Dakota will rorted and Politic Woolens. A fine stock to sister republic. "cJf.iUJA.. ( t,.Wn .,Hnr tn tl hlph. ! Pill ill tl?J tVl'lll Tflffll fit t hf Pfl tl IP tt ! 1 '59 n stETade' opportunity and allow the Hong Xew ideas in Wall Taper here. Such (Corrallls and way 5 50 P. M. ' wide variety as we are showing never be- rotations 1 I tnra nrat4A a citmln ctfnl: l?unl tmlta. 1NDE1-ENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train ! tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Pally (except Sunday). ! Good papers at cheap paper prices. Lv. .Portland ...Ar.) f 3i.n E eeant desicns. tasteful coiormirs. vonrs :30p.m. JAj XleJlinnville. Lv. SMa.ra , (, orr,u . , cinril n Thlnt I S:50p,a. (Ar..lndcpendencc..Lv. 4S0n.n r ',,,,. ,r" i street. Also a fall line of bouse paints. K h POWN. 5, Lv. l)allc k r.t S A. l. H-Tiiovliiv .. . 5. Tlmtvlay Saturdav, . h Arr. 1'ortlniul ?. at .' r. m. IT. Portl.iml ni 7 a. M. Mondnj .Wolnc'flay . . Krlclny Art. Unites nt A r. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalloo City. (Touching nt nil Wny I'oltitu,) tunvN. Lv. Duller 1 nt 0 TO A. M. I Moniliiy V(lneslHy . . 1 Friday j Atr. l'oriUiiil (inirertnlii) Lv. rortlnml $ ill 11 A M, Tneilny Saliirilay'S Atr. DnllcH (uncertain) ,5 FOR COMFORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Trnvrl tiv ihf Steamer ot the KriruUtnr Line The Comtmuy will endeavor to clve lis rial , e. ror inriuer inuirmniiiiu aiiums tons the l-est ervico p;Mlhle. Portland ctr."e, O.ik Street Dock W. C. ALLAWAY, Oon. Agt., The Dnllw n.T 4 -r.lV i VfTA TiT-.,T . i X T-UT.t-T.tTl A iTIT tTW kTMXJril tl TA J, A. Eberle Fine Tailoring, j Kodc junta to monopolize his entire time. THE HALLH , (IliEGO.N. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SCBSiCRirTION PKICE. One week 5 15 One month 50 One vear 6 00 FRIDAY JANUARY 19, 1900 ESGLJXb'S DANGEROUS TIOS. POSI- England's attitude on the question of the seizures of American food products in South African waters threatens to foim a precedent which may be embarrassing to the United States in tbe future, and which is A Thousand Tun(ur Could not express the raplure of Annie i E. Sprincer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil- i adelpHa, Pa., when she found that Dr. ' King's New Diicovery for Consumption j bad completely cured her of a hacking ! couh that for many years had made j lile s burden. All other remedies and ! ; doctors could give her no help, but she ' J says of this Royal Cote 4,It soon re-! raoveu tne pain in my cnest and I can 1 Letvefot AIRIJE on Monday, Wedr.edaT and now Sleep sonnuiv, something 1 can ' rn.iav a:; na. n. Arnv nt rcruaaa, iuet- scarcely remember doing before. I feel l h.c: imuuguuui tue , K K.Ei-.iVR, i;, H. MAKKHAM, universe." So will everv one who tries 1 -ManEter. Ast. g. V. & ptt. Art Dr. Kinc'- VeivDiecovfrv fornnv trnnlilp Through Ticket Office, VM Third street, whert Utl .; Zu . 1 " " Joranr troutiie throt:ch tlcict!, to Rll lKint6 ln :l!e Eastern, Ot the throat, Cbe:t Or lung?. Price oOc tatc, Canada and Eurojie can te obtained Rl ' auu iriai uottie iree at lilakelev i I tow et; rates iron UuUihton s drug store; every bottle' guaranteed. 5 Pally. tDaliy, except Sunany PINING CARS ON OGDEN ROCTE. FCLLilAN BCFEET SLEEPEKS AND 5ECOND-CL.iSS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Throuch Trains. Direct connection at tan Krancisco with Occl dental and Oriental and Pacific tcah tecinshtp Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. SalliLs: dates on uj plication. Kates tnd tickets to Eastern points and En roll. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anc AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive at and depart iro:r Grand Central Station, Fifth and Imns street YAMHILL DIVISION. I'asseaper lepot, foot of Jefitrson street. Leave for Sheridan, week dayr, tl:30p. n Arrive at Portland, 9:S0 a. ni. !D. W. VAUSE, Third St I dav, Thursday and saturdai it 3 to p. a. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. J. B. KIEKLAND. Ticket Acent, or N. WHEALDON. Your Pace , - ,m Sho'vs the ?tate of your feelings and the e- state of your health as well. Impure i w.wv m - ikcii ui'i'rtjci.L iu ii Unix: almost certain to sive EDsland her-land sallou complexion. Pimnlea and ..ghas. mM- Butchers and Farmers jP&r Imnnlcp v:c m-maw iiiiijuiwu ..Exchange.. Keeps on draucht the celebrated COLUMBIA BEEP., nckiiowl edRcd the best Iwer in The Dalles, at theumal jirlee. Come in, try it Rnd be convinced. Al'O the Finest brand of Vlne, Ll-juor and Cicarst. Sandrjuiehes of all Kinds alnay; on hand. and Motors MASPPACTCKED 11Y self a good deal of trouble. Her answer to a request from "Washington for a definite expression respecting the principle on which she intends to act is that neither flour nor any other food will be considered contraband of war if shipped to a neutral port, as Lourenzo Marquez, unless it is intended to be used by the army of the enemy. In the meantime the articles which have been seized have been released, and the owners or con signees are to be recompensed for all that gives immediate results. Cures damage due to tbe detention of tbe i conphs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu ooods. ! monia bronchitis and all throat and Shippers ikm Eruptions. If you are feeling weak anJ worn out and do not Lave a healthy appearance yon should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cnre3 all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail; knowing this we ! sell every bottle on a positive guarantee, i ry.akeley & Houghton, druggists. "One Minute Cough Cure ts the best remedy 1 evir used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Chrildren all like it." writes H. X. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Xever fails. It is the only harmless remedv Gunning, BLRKELEY & jUHOl, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Wholesale ana Retail DRUGGISTS lung troubles, consumption. Its early use prevents Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. ' Cor. Second & Lailn. Ttono 157 NOTICE. Administrator's Sale of Iteal Estate. Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured Notice is hereby riven that the undersirned, ' , r , , J. s. Ferguson, administrator of the estate of 7n SRflflllll fslPfir.l Lydla A. Klchardson, decease 1, in jiurs-uance of . 1IJ """t'liU UllUul. an order of the Honorable Countv Conrt of ihe State cf Orcpon fur Wasco county, duly made ' uiiu eiiitTvu uu ine iu uay w junutiiy. wi I I rota ana alter tee ijtn any or l-enruary, liiOD, 4 (irin-t-ru 10 ai private tuie ior oai-u in nana r me 01 lung trouble following grippe. , "fitt.c lolloping doenbed reaiestute, belong- ? TV,.. r,ric ,i ,t i- . .1 : Jiiit to theotate of taid Ldia A. lUthuidtou, V thousands owe their lives to the prompt deceased, to-rit: ?, r'er of tl s-outhwct 'mar. i- appear to be satisfied "with this decision, for it protects them ugainst loss, but a principle is involved which may cause trouble hereafter. In case of war between r.nin..i 1 -.1 . . .ufiiauu auu auy uiuer great nation, action 01 tLls never lai nrr remedv. Iti ine northwest qua; -r- , , , , . . . . . , . . . tcr. and tcuth hall of the nor'huen inciter mirl x.Dgiana WOUIU SUUt Itself OUt against cur lUE, coins, croup, Dronchltis, t ihe outhest quarter of th.. northeast quarter any chance to get food from abroad I pnenmoma, BnpPe and throat and lucg !ruhirtn for Vnoln,l ..0v n i troubles. Its early use prevents CO.- ; lan-in Waseo county, Orecon; aln that certain lOr England, Unlike trance, Germany snmntinn. Tr U th r,.,! , I'l or parcel of laud iwrticuUrlv U.unded and ad tbe other continental European j uedy that gives immediate rnltS. J Jg" uthpt'.ricrc? "".e j nations, abuts against no other coun- j Yon win not have boil if von ,ckn'$"ifv try, and the difficulty for her in get- j Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. " ; VM ; 1 vrxrxt-jzrKrMx-KTArxrn AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, un2G TilE DALLES, OREGON C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from f..7o to U.(0 per iwllon. .Ho 16 years old.) ' IMPORTED 00GN AO from 7.00 to L.00 per trallon. (11 to 0" yearo o!d.' OALirOEKIA BBAKDIES ftoin iX.'Jb to ti.W per yallon. (4 to 11 yeara old. " ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. GENERAL ONE FOK A DOSE. ting food from the United states -which would be shipped to any ; country near by, and thence trans- fcrred to her own ports on her own ,v"u: "w,u ue muuu greater man k.ib pop . p,.Tent it would be for France or GermaLy 10 ouiain 11 unuer similar circum- a" stances, ui course in that case the United States would be hampered in its dealings with England in such a situation. ihus hngland, bv the LIS position ; Drying preparations Eimnly devel op dry catarrh : they dry up tbe secretions, which adhere to the membrane and decom pose, causing :. L.r more serious trouble than tlie orOmrj- lur- . f catarrh. Avoid all dir. tt Kids and 4'- lett: tlietii-v wiuth 'ti half mile, und tlieiiee vai-t t roUi. iuiH' feet tuthe iilace of beslDiiicz. save aud except ' t:.erefrom 1'iur lit iu Kiehatdwa Addltiou to the! oh n ofTypli, which has ixn heretofore wld find con vjvl : the triict abo e desctibod iu ':uJinglIo!taidi:ichardKin'B Additidn tn the' T"Wj. i.f Tjch. s liiid out aud jiUtted und re corded in ttie llecords of lewl for Waco ciuutr, urepou, said real ette above detenbed cohtsiuing no teres., more or leu. Arvjr!.ondesIriHsnfonitatiouwithrcferencf 1 toknid reul ettate mould call on oraddronnu a: Jut.ctloa City, OrwroH, or ay attorceyt, Uufur ! i Menefee, ot The Dalle, Oregon. 1 I lJted thUlithdayof Jtauary, ISO). , . , , . . J. S. FEUOCE-ON, Adiriniktratorof the Ektate of Lvdla A. Kich 1 atd-'on, deceased. ' liiTfi: & Mens fee, ! Attornejii for Administrator. lSun'jt Horsesnoeis t Warjon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TMrfi aM JBlriiD. FEone 159 1 ! J! 'S 3 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, Imported Ale and Porter. and Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottlee JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, XtklnD Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- "fSSffif-l ton Flour. This Hour is manufactured expressly for family Itlu,. Donlf Sc. ton ,... I 1 - . ' 1 : . ! n i p 8 ,ow?r 'l'a " bouse in the trade, and if you don't think bo which she is apparenth takin" todav ! ing lubalai.t-5. fumes, Kusobes and EnutTs istirnnnrin,, trhlo Pn' ltv men cleans, Eootbes and i o epanng trouble for herself for Leals. OVs Cream Balm is Buck a remedy 1 Notice it hcrebv t?rv future and giving aid to all of I V"11 ,car,e cata7h or coldthe Lead obateVha, Suiv! & nellW easily and jileawoUy. A trial aize Trill be 1 the uideFiitSS w tb Executor's Notice. the her possible enemies Many En". mailed lor 10 cents. France cretion. blood builder. Brings the ! pinH glow to pale cheeks am : i. - . ., , 1. ' . r ... i TTiafl WW nnr lirtv ii lwv- 1 ior .yj.HO; with a written Kiiitrati-! " O I'l'ivuuauiSVU I ' "WW" VI VUIIUrjIl IV I DTI TMtt f rmm m..f'.....l A . 1 would ffirtnlnl k,. i over an tmtated and ancrv surface, reliev. ! ??nv'" M8"? Ortwn, with j.rowr vouch- w iwauu utu jiiuuu). ,-.v wt Ufc nu . , er. wiioin ix inonthi, irom thi date. ea that the conntv nmtt I con Jor Waeco unntr. In illUed Illtrk tclnrnftnl.. tr. ' uuutrr, ziira I, rn uvutu tr ... -.1... . -m. All drugriets 6ell tbe ! ,a!t "ill aud teu:uent of Caleb Kroote. Je-. Wi IMVKm fi W. fa lostvgor k i L a AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency.KiphtEtniss.'or.s and . cal1 and sut cur Iirlg-S aad h couvineed. wasting diseases, ail effects o self- TTiD.r.oCt Ti i3, , . abuse, or excels and indis-; "wo QXU- vv uai, caney anQ UatS. A nervo tome and lishmen expect trouble with France 1 50c' size- E'i'Brotbers, 00 AVarren fit., K.Y. faMkf!Uhiai''r U"JU 'fee t.,a,e ?'',,be at some dav in the I f Z I JAi --j juiuic. iwuttwui vauso toueeiauK. J-l Enrcaos itfcelf . iiutr io ioe ai it.e law o cu of rnnrfnn a- t'nn. vrltfaninnn . . ' "u""o as cumjiareu wim England if tbe latter intends to maintain the position which she appears to have assumed in this case. Theoretically, England's diplomats and statesmen are supposed to have fifty or a bun dred years hence constantly in view. It is evident that their provision has been abandoned in this instance. For the sake of a doubtful benefit in tbe immediate time they are estab lishing a piecedent which promises to seriously impede their country in the future. Globe-Democral. If all tbe Southerners who are for intr immediately tbe naiuf ul inflammation AVith Ely's Cream Halm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh aud Hay Fever. I December a, lhw. ' , . . . KOLA.NDO O. BKOOKS. tietaior 01 ice ttte of C uleb Jirooki'.de- NERVITA MEDICAL CO. ceased. DecB-ti i Clinton Jackson Sts., CHICAQO, ILU. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 7. expansion and way from the against silver keep polls this year the Trace Marks Designs Copyrights Ar.. jjnTone tenawa a tetc!i and detcrirtWn ma onlclclr ocrtatn cmr upuikm tree wl. ether u" hivfiitlon ii probablr pitMiuble. Communis. tloiiiatrictlrrantldeiiU&L Uaadtxiokou l'uu-ut VMit tree. Oldcut avencjr lor mcuiw patent. 1'atei.t taken tbruuirb Wunn 4 Co. recelrt j(la( natlct, without cbarse. la tbo Scientific American. A liandtnmplf lllonratKl wntklr. Ijireet dr. riilatUm of nnr irtentlBo lnurcal. avrni. 13 a i-ir.v!2SriT5t12til' Sold bjf all newdealeri. itiaodi ornoa, aveu 'a.biiitt" ill EureUa ilarness Oil Is tbe lt preservative of nn i..,.,i,.,. und the lest renovator uf old leather. It oils, softeun, black ene und proteou. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your It haroeaa, your old bar. tie, and your carriage toji, aud they will uot only look Letter but wear longer, bold every here In can all. froui half plnti to Uveifallou. ti4 i muiuut OIL 10. FRED. W.WHios. ATTOK.NK V-AT 1JIW. Til V mi i Uci OBlce ovet rnt Btni', Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artlflchUly dieestH the Nature in Btrenfftbening and recon-1 structlng the exhausted digestive or- v oiueittiesiaiscorereddicest antand tonic. No other preparation . , , j Grandall & Barget l?obes, ' fill kinds of to . . aL undertakers Banal Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dallos, Or. iwwvamn permanent y cures DspewIa, IndiKestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Ktamrh nrlv..!.' B 1ickHesdache1GMtralgla;CrampTn3 iJlotner reauluof Imperfectdlgeitlon. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pion