" hhimv' sum hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim sum rm iw ct wt-jt. viu " j a VOL. XIT THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19. 1900. NO 137 Special Clearance Sale Friday and Saturday. Lies Flanl Waists. Miss' il Cliiren's Jatt. They must go anil go quickly, there fore these extraordinary reductions: Ladies' Flannel Waists -AT- pep cent Discount The old prices and the neva. Just One-fourth Off Regular Price. Sizes from 32 to 42 j bust, inclusive Children's and Misses' Jackets -AT- 50e On the Dollar. Just Half off the Regular Price. Sizes from 3 vears. to 12 and 14 to IS Note Prices: $1.25 Child's Jackets Srecial $ .03 $1.50 " " " .75 $2.00 " " " 1.C0 $2.75 " " " 1.3S $3.00 " " " 1.50 $3.50 " " " 1.75 $1.00 " " " 2.00 $4.50 " ' " 2.25 $5.00 " " " 2.50 $(.00 " " " 3.00 $7.00 " " " 3.50 $S 00 " " 4 00 $10.C0 ' " " 5.00 All Lndies' All Ladies' All Ltdies All Ludiea' All L-ulies All l.adieb' All Ladies' Flan nt'l Flannel Flannel FlauiH'l Flannel Flannel Flannel Waieta wortli $1 00, will be $ .75 Waists wortli $1.25, will ho .01 WnistB worth $1.50, will bo 1.15 Waists worth $1.75, will he 1.32 Waists worth 2 50, will ho 1.88 Waists worth $2.75, will be 2 G7 Waists worth $3.00, will bo 2.25 All LkJUV Flannel Waists worth $3.25, will be $2.31 All Ladies' Flannel Wais's worth $'1.50, will he 2.02 All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $3.75, will bo All Ladii-b' Flannel Waibta worth $1.00, will ho All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $4 50, will bo All Ladiea' Flannel Waist i wortli $5.00, will bo 2.S2 3.00 3.38 3.75 A. JVl . Williams & CO M FOBTIIB 1MB TO CRE1T CM1L Clayteo Bnlwer Treaty Will Set Slaui in Ite Way. UNDERSTANDING WITH BRITAIN Since Negotiations for Abrogation of Treaty Failed and Since Agitation for Construction of the Canal Has Ucen Taken Up by Congress, a Discussion Has Occurred Between the Two Govcrunients. Vomc, Jan. 18. special to tho Herald from Washington says: It was taid tonight by a member of tho foreign relations committee that an understand K exists between tho United States and Grout Britlan under which this govern went can proceed will) tho conduction oi tho Nicaragua canal without reference to tho provisions of tho Ulayton-Uulwer treaty. There ia no doubt that since the n'aotiationg for tho abiogatlon of the Uayton-Bulwer treaty failed, and since the agitation of the construction of the cnal has been taken up by congress, a dlteusslon litui occurred between the two Kovernments, and it Is understood that Ur-at Britain lias given this country as surances that it need uot let the conven. tion of 1850 stand in the way of action. It lias been known for a year that ; Great Britian was willing to abrogato the convention on condition that she receive concessions in tho Alaska boundary con truveisy, and it ii possible, if tho has made the statement credited to her, flui has coupled it vith the understanding that l;er lights els'whe.'e will receive consideration in letutn for her con cession. Representative Sulz-r has prepared an amendment to tho Nicaragua canal bill, requiring that American labor ho em ployed In connection with the coustiue tion of the canal. ltoblx'il llu' (iav. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, la narrated by '.him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back nud sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Throe physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, u Irlend advised 'iSlectrio Bitters' j and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided Improvement. I continued their use for thteo weeks, and am now a well man. I knyw thuy saved my life, and robbed tho grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley A Houghton's drug store. 5 A Nt'W Caiulldale fiir Coiigrrw. Aldanv, Jan. 17. It Is learned from friends of Judge JJ. H. Hewitt that he has at last consented to allow tho use of his name as n candidate for congress. Judge Hewitt is u man of ability, and has many friends throughout this judi cial district. Hejwill undoubtedly go in to the congressional convention with considernblostrenglh. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch2o-tf DULLER HAS CROSSED TUGELA Crossings Were Made in Two Places at Pdigieter's Drift aM Five Miles Westward. WILL TURN ENEMY'S POSITION At Least (leu. Warren Hopes To It is Thought a Combined Forward Movement Has Ikguu. J.osolv, Jan. 18. Tho war office haa received the following dispatcli from General Huberts, at Capo Town, dated today ; "I have received a telegram from Gen eral Uuller, stating that one brigada and one howitzer battery have crossed Tugela river at Potgietor's drift. Five miles fur ther west, at Triehard's drift, General Warren has thrown a pontoon bridge over the river. By this means part of his force crossed yesterday. The remainder is expected by tills morning to be on the nqrtlt bank, General Warren hopes that lie will be able to turn the enemy's position, which is five miles distant to his right front, and it being strongly en trenched, There are at least two cross, lugs by which ho can bring up the neces sary reinforcements." Officials of the war office here are satis. tied that the tide lis 8 turned, nnd that news of more hopeful character from the British point of view will hereafter lie tho rule, instead of the exception. That the British udvanco i,n :t north easterly direction will be fiercely resisted is fully anticipated. The Boer etiength is probably euperior to the British, and dispatches show that tho burghers oc cupy strong positions. There is a doubt whether tho Sproen kop, occupied by General Warren, is identical with Spionkop. If so, tho British aro within a few miles of Actoni Homes, tho scene of earlier conflicts be tween White's foicea and invading Fiee Staters whence there ia a good road direct to Lidysmith. While General Warreu'a forco was crossing tho Tugehi river, tho Boers oc cupied a thickly wooded position one mile nortii of the river, and sent several volleys into tho advance guard. Tho British replied, and tho artillery opened on a neighboring kopjo. Aa the British pushed across tho river, the Boers found their position uncomfsrtahle, and re tired to tho hills. Immediately ufter the pontoon bridge was completed the whole British force crossed. It is thought probable thfit a combined forward move ment has since developed. In the meanwhile tho naval guns on Schwartskop have been persittently shelling the Boer intrenchments facing the kopj?s occupied by General Little ton's brigade. Must IteliulM Track. Lkwiston, Idaho, Jan, 17. Tho North ern l'aclfiu train service out of Leu-is ton is completely paralyzed. It is doubtful if another train will leave this point or arrlve'hero for fifteen days, No such utter demoralization has ever taken place in the history of the system from St. Paul to the Pacific coast, More than twenty-five miles of track has been washed out, and will have to be rebuilt at a tremendous cost. There is no wey of estimating tho lose, but it. will bp! enormous. Tho whole I'othitch valley j lias been washed clean by the Hood, and not a bridge remains to show where the ! roadbed once was. As an indication of! how complete n ruin lias been wrought, tho original profile of tho road has been cilled for by the contracting engineers before they can begin to rebuild. Andrew Gibson, chief of the construct ing engineers on tho Cl.arwator Short Line, has been ordered to annul all work on tho new lino and take a force of 1000 men and four completu work trains to tho scene of the disaster. SHERMAN TO BE THE CANDIDATE A SUHE CUIIK Flllt UKOm. Twenty-live Wars' UiiiiHtant Use Willi out n Fiillnro. Tho first indication of croup is ho.nse ness, and in tt child subject to that disease it may bejtakon aa a sure sign of tiie approach of an attack, Following this hoarseness ia a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as tho child becomes hoarse, or even after tho croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attt'ok, It is used in many thousands of homes in this broad hind and never disappoints the anxious mothers. Wo have yet to learu of it siuglu instance in which it has not proved ellectual, No other preparation can show such a recoid twenty-live years' constant use with out a failure, For Halo by Blakeley A Houghton. Tlmt TliriihhliiB llemtacho Would quickly leave you, If you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suiVerera have proved their matchless merit for Sick nud Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health, Kasy to take. Try Ihoin. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured, Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 The Choice of Republicans for Clerk. ' of the Senate. Clark A Falk's drug fresh and complete, stcck is new, New York, Jan. IS. A special to the Tribune from Washington says: It ia now believed certain that at the Re publican senate cauens to bo held on Friday, Representative J. S. Sherman, of New York, will be declared to be the candidate of tho party for secretary of tho senate, whieh.of course, is equivalent to an election, and that his formal ac ceptance of the honor will be announced. At one time it seemed aa If James H. Clatkson, formerly of Iowa, but more re cently claiming n le,jal residence in New York, might become the choice of the cuieiis. But if his candidacy was really formidable at any stage, it certainly re ceived its duath blow when tho opposi tion of tho older senators developed soon after the meeting of congress. , Tho Democrats hope to have the con ference conclude to retain the services of tho preaeut sergeaiiUit-iirms, Richard Bright, but tho Republicans, it is be lieved, will favor "Dan" Ranedall, of Indianapolis. The latter is a one-armed veteran of tho civil war, was marshal of District of Columbia under the Har rison's administration ; took a prominent pait in 'the management of President Harrison's campaign for reuoinination at Minneapolis, and combines with tire less energy nud great Buttvily the happy faculty of making friends wherever ha goes. Among Republican senators ha seems a general favorite, Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a pure concentrated flavoring extracts.