'4 4 3i4 For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'antlng, Overc.-Mi'in- or Fancy Vcstlnp. v Li Kindly mil nnd examine my ttock of Im ported and DouH'ttic Woolens. A line stocfc to elect from. ... Suits made Irom the lowest prices to the Inch est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE DALLE' OllEGO.V ever, the Democratic national con vention did not coinc together until August 20tb. The Democrats were at sea that time, as they are today. They were waiting for something to turn up which would Rive them nn issue on which they could appeal to the countrv with some sliht sem blance of a chance to win. They j thought they had it in the hard and ' ineffective Opining of the Union I armies in the carty part of that year, j and therefore they declared in their platform that the war was a failure. The fact that Lincoln carried twenty two states in that year, and Mc Clcllan, the Democratic candidate, only three, shows what the American people thought of the Democratic party and its principles. The out look is for a similar outcome next fall. The counliy wants none of the foolishness of the pi eseut Democratic leaders. Statesman. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave anil are due to arrive at 1'ortlM. :ti I. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BCBSCUII'TION FKICE. 15 ' A Tlinuxniicl TiitiEUrn Could not express the rapture of Annie . Springer, of 1125 Howard st., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cared her of a hacking conch that for many years had made LEAVE. , 1 tires!.. Pnlem. Rose- ' I ours, Ashland, Sac-.-.. t m I ramento, Osdcn.Snn , .00 1 . M. Krnucis0( Mojave, I I.os Auceles.Kl l'tiso. l New Orleans and t East J c.-n i m HoMiburg and way s.t S.JU a. -m. ... rVIa Woodbura lor i Mt.Aneel, Silvurton, ; Daily If..... U......... V. . ....... tSCtpl 1 vUlc.Snrtneficld anil I SntirtnvR. I i.Muruu j i 4:30 P. M Daily except Sundays 17:30 A. M. (Corvallls (stations.. and way) 5:50 P.M. INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Daily (except Sunday). t;50p.m. rLv.. ..Portland ...Ar.) 8:25a.m 7:SOji.m. At. McMlnnvillc.Lv. S;a,m 'C..L.V.J s:S0 p. m. Indejiendence i;b0 a. in jast What You uiant. REGULATOR LINE. U- w7 V rnrr. lite a burden. All other remedies and One week $ ftna Ir.nntVi Tift One year. .'.'.!!"!!'.'.!!'.!!!! '. 7. ... 6 00 doctors could give her no help, but she j says of this Royal Cure "It soon re- I moved the pain in uiy THURSDAY JANUARY IS, 1C00 Daily. tDany, except feunaay. DINING CARS O.N OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at fim Krancisco with Occl dental and Oriental and Pacific mail xtcauiship Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on a plication. Rates and tickets to Eastern rointf. and Eu row. A!k JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU auC AUSTRALIA. All above trains nrrlve at and depart Irom Grand Central Station, Filth and Irving street YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Deiot, foot of Jetlerson street. ' Leave for Sheridan, weet days, st 4:30 p. m i Arrive at Portland, y:30 a. ni. ! Leave for AIRIJE on Monday, Wednesday and ItMrv at s:3o a. in. Arriv at Portland, Tuck- New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are show ing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion ereton effects at ordinary pricos. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant deaipns, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. XO WAR XE1YS. The absence of news from Natal from day to day means that as yet there is no good news for England. bays the Telegram. The British generals have been swift to send news of successes, even vhen the3' chest nnd T ran now sleep sound v. something I can aav.'iMirsUay and saturate it 3:00 p. m. scarcely remembedoing before. I feel I EPt Sunday. "Except Saturday, like sounding its praises throughout the j Ver' Asl't. o. pV'Kt universe." So will every one who tries , Through Ticiet omcc, 1st Third street, whert Dr. Kins?' ew DiBPovprr fnrnnv trnnl,1n I thronPh ticket), to all iH)ints in the Eastern .i V.S ' ;ewl,6,e0Ne1r.v "Oranj trouble sttltcs Canada and Euroj cau be obtained at of the throat, chest or lungs. Price oOc lowest rates from and .l. Trial bottle free at Blakelev & ! J- B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent Houghton's drug store; every bottle Guaranteed. 5 ' or N. WHEALDON. Your Face Shows the state of your feelings and the State Of VOllr llP.llth nj woll Tmrnirn t,.A , : .t. . w tui0itjHii iuC oimaiiuu, ui blood makes itself apparent in a pale were mistaken in it, in order to do so; and while Eoberts and Bu.'ler may have determined that it shall be a real and decided victory next time before the send home any cood and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance, yon should try . Acker s Blood Elixir. It cures all blood i diseases where chrap Sarsaparillas and news, yet the' will lose no time in i so nailed purifiers fail ; knowing this we sending such news when they arc sure Eeu every bottle on a positive guarantee, that it will be genuine. j Blakfcley & Houghton, drncgists. Iso modern war has been con- j "One Minute Cough Cure is the best ducted so secretly from t:e world :! remedy I ever used for coughs and 1 1 . 1 r. .... have the movements and 11 19 ""quailed for whooping cough. Lhrildren all like it," writes H. in none have the movements and designs of the armies been so little i known and understood in the world's 1 i news centers, ror several days ab solutely nothing has been suiely known of the operations of two great armies; all is guess work. This is partly due to the situation of the country where the war is going on, and partly to the iigoious and un precedented censorship maintained. The safest guess is that the British are maturing and probably by this time carrying out a comprehensive plan, which, though necessarily cost- -V Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results, CureE coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pneu monic, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousands owe their lives to the prompt action of this never falling remedv. It F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & LanEln. Ttone 157 NOTICE. Administrator's Sale of Ileal Estate. Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned, . b. Fergueson, administrator of the estate of ..GflAS. mM- Butcher's and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA 11EEK, ncknowl. edited the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come In, try it and be convinced. Ato the Finest brands of Wlues Liiuor and Clears. Sandrjuiehes of nil KlndB nhrnys on band. Dalies. Poriisnfl & Rsloria Hcij. Co. The Steamers ol tlii ItcRUlntor Lino will run n per tliufol IowIub M'ludulc, the Company teservLiK the rlsht to chniiRO schedule without notice. Str. RcKiilfttor. (Limited Landings ) S DOWN, hU Dalles M HtS A. M. h' Tuesday . . . . S Tlmtsday H Saturday . fc Arr. Portland at 5 r. M. vr. l.v. l'ortlaiul at 7 a. M . . Monday .Wwlnesnay . . l'ridtiy Atr. Dalles at o P. M. Ship 3'otir Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. (TonchliiR nt nil Way Point.) IXlW.V. l.v. Dalle at 0-30 A..M, Monday WidiRHilay Friday Arr. Portland (iiut'crtnln) 5 FOR COMPORT, ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ! Travel by the Steamers ot the. Iteculiitnr Line. The Company will endenvof to Rive its pat ! rons tlio best setvlcr pusslble. For further lulorinatlon nddrcsn S. Portland Olllce, Oak Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Ant., The Dalle. til. ' l.v. Portland ,5 at 0 a. M, . . . Tuesday " Thursday ,5 Saturday Arr. Dalle (uncertain) ,! 1 ifer Imnnloo y VlW IIIIUUIOU BLRKELEY & HOUGHTON, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS Lydia A. Hichardson, deceae I, in pureuance of an order of the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco countv, duly made and entered on the 4th day of JamiHtv, l'joo, will .vi4, iimu iiiid uiv iu.u mi) ui reuruary, i'juj. , proreeu to sell at private sale for cash in hand, i , all of the following described real estate, belong-1 i .us .i nit iniuiu ui tnia i.vuia a. i;icnaruson. u I deceased, to-wit: C I The northwest ouarter of th southwest miar. C ier, aim suum nan oi me nor'nv.est quarter and ; j : quarter U south of Carry the Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries In Eastern Oregon. 175 Seconft Street. THE DALLES cures confhs, colds, croup, bronchitis, i of section three c:) in townstiii. fou-(ij so pneumonia, grippe and throat and 1 troubles. ItP earl v use tireventR mi,. ! I'ltc'or GENEUAL and Motors .MAXfFACTfnni) I1V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO ETC SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, -G , THE DALLES, OREG'ON C. J. STUBLING-- Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liqtior Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from L'.7o to $0.00 per lialloti. (4 to 15 yeaTa old.) -" IMPOETr.DOOQNAO from 7.00 to ll'.00 per paTfoti. "(ll to M yearn old.' OALirOEKIA BEANDIES from .'.'6 to6.00 per gallon. 1.4 lo 11 years old?" ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LTMPIA BEER on draught, Imported Ale and Porter. and Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottlea JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. p OreKon; also that certalu I sumption. It is the onlv li arm luce 1 Jv, will he successful, and that the 1 remedy that gives immediate results. "I , ,"''""' " raimu uiirieen u;!, east of (.i. .iiouKiw mriiiimu ill iihco countv. Ore iut.0 i mm. and ruimliiL- thenr- nnnli mm i...i,' ...n... i thence west 0 rods nnri II. ,),...,,... .,.,! I one hnlf mile, and thence east &i rods and -I1.. narcel of land tuirticularly bounded and iieicrlbsd as rollowb: CommeneiiiK 'l rods and :K 12,'2 feet west of the southeast drner of the ! S' southwest ouarter of sir'tlnn ihtmu t ! JJocrs will soon begin, if they have not already begun, to slowly, stub bornly and sullenly retire; and that' this movement will be the beginning of the end, which will be the coin-' plete conquest of the Transvaal. i uu win nui nave: DOl 19 it vnn Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Bianliis il .AND.. I 7S ClRSKRaJRi J h ESS B "Em Km hS 7 . e T....0 at a u f . CIU OKI r. ,K M 1". i l i XliYAX FA VOliS FllEE WOOL. a uispatcu reports William J. BuidbdriMiSt, JSryan as saying that "in the event of his election as president" he would lavor a duty on wool. Mr, Lastcns to repudiate this statement and as-erts that he has not changed his views, nnd still favors free wool. He may be nominated but the event of his election will not occur, in "which case there will be no free wool admitted to destroy the American -wool growing interest. The wool growers have had a sad ex FILLS ,,i,u "en 7 la ne.'Mjoar reista. DR. BOSiWKn rri oVnV !V ww.i iinf-a Horsesiioe ONE FOR A DOSE. Dryinir itrennrntions simnlr itnvnT. I r... t. nn t 1 . . .1 .1 , .. I lll'fl,. ,t........w lirvan , v.i. i. A),nrc, ,n , , ,, ' . Attorneys for Administrator. i pose,can3iii''flfuririorctcrioustroii1ilntlin i jueurumuryiorasoi catarrh. Avoid all dry ! lug inhalants, Xuiucb, siuobcs and tmutrs j ami uao that which elcatiRes, Boothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will enro catarrh or cold i easily and jileasoutly. A trial size will ho mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho COc. size. Ely Brothers, CO Warren St., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without paiti. does not irritate or canso snoozing. j feet to the jilace of hesinnliiR: save and except i the lown of Jygh, which has been heretofore ! i , sold and eomevud: the trnnt nimm .i..t.,.n.,i i.. k-j eluding all of said Ulehardsoifs Addition to the C, 1 own of Tygh, as laid out and platted and re- 1 corded iu trie Records of Deeds for Waver, h county, OrtKou, said real estate above described I contaiuiut' 210 acres, more or less. : V Uoj1 i Third and Jelrmn. PhnnnlM Junction City. OreBoti, or my attorneys," Dufur B ' Menefee, at '1 ho Dalles, Oregon. j tuaao trv!xAxi rli tlxl.vlvlvl xlxlstix uaieu tuis j.'in day of January, l'.OO. J. s. rKH(;i'i:o" I Adiriuistratorof the Kstateof Lydla A. "itlch Wasco Warehouse Company f llHeadquarters for Seed Graii of all kinds. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. 13janrt Notice Is hcreb oi tne state 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE over an irritated and ancrv surface, rellnv. xpciience 5nK V""1.0,01' tho painful inflammation. with Mr f. f.o ,i !... . , . . "'ut you aro armou ..... . u w. .iuui iuuuj, ugaiusiisasai catarrn aud liay Fever. and for which he voted in congress, says the Union. They have had an ' opportunity to compare it with the1 better policy of liepttblican pro-' lection uuder which they have seen 1 their flocks grow, and the prices of their wool advance nearly a hundred per cent. Wool growers especially will, in their future political sailing, steer clear of the free wool nnd free trade party. Executor's Notice. creby given that the county court Of Ori'f.lin f,ir ll'ii.nn ........... ,.: probate, has duly Issued letters testamentary to the unders eiit'ii us tin. i.v....i,,r .... , ,.. J., lust will and testament of Calub llrooks, de ceased, and to administer upon the estate of the said deceased. -All arsons having claims agalii.t said estate are required to present tlio same to meat tlm nn-.iiii,.;. ..r ..... It spreads itself 'lon- . Illes Cltj, Oregon, with proper vouch. w..., ......... n4 .uimuijd iwm mis ume. December 2J, lM'J. KOLANDO G. HltOfllv-R. i-xecutor of the istute of Caleb Jlrook. .in. Aocording to Chairman Joues, tho Democratic nntioual convention may eeton July -1th. It met later than this more than once. Jn 18C-1, bow- Trace Marks Jcsigns Copyrights Ac. fi'i''.T "s?ur"",i our opinion frco whether ivcatli.n s prnlinblr patoiitalilo. Comiiiiiiilc ibi t free. Oldest aiioaoy fur securing puteim. ipial notice, without cbro, In the e-ulTS Scientific American. A Jinmlimnolr llluitnited nccklr. Ijirewt dr. MUNN & Co.30Bro.dw.y.New York ceased JiecKMI Euralfa Huruesa Oil la the t and the best renovator of old leather. It oils, soneiis, blacV ens and protects. Uhe , Eureka Harness Oil un your tat ImrneM, your old bar ami your carrlagetop. nU thfy will nut only liailt bettt-r but weur loiiuer. rxildeyerywhereln cans-all Izes from bulf pint to Ave gallons. 4 I.J KTiXIIAmil uu 10. rlortu VIV AL1TY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency.KlphtEroiKsion!: and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and Indie crction. A nerve tonic nnd. blood builder. Brines the pink f,'low to pale cheeks aiu restores the fie of youth. By mall COe ner box: boxes for $2.50: with a written trinirini- teo to euro or relund tlto mouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clintor. & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. i I Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. r: tt ' ,ieaaquarters tor Bran, Shorts, SfndM?KnEdED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr ThiB V0UT 18 anufactured expreesly for farnlly .,n 1 , use: every Hack ie Rtinranteed to give satisfaction. pii Jn 1 r ed8 owi!rlt,'a,1 a- lwiwe in the trade, and if you don't Think eo call and eel cur priiMti nnd ho convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. FRED. W.W1UON. ATTOKNEV-AT LAW, OfUcc ove, Fint K.t SSS. 0KEa0N Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. wS52f Wi dig??.t8 t.he ,00d and alds wV.UvVuK mid cimu8iea digestive or fns. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. it in rtantly relleTM and permanently cures 1 Grandali&Burget DEALERS IN AH kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. ' The Dalles, Or. ' 1 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooer e. GEORGE RUCH, Pion w.... mt w. wrmr.: p en., GQI iica