The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 18, 1900, Image 1

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    eh c On
r ' M A uttrJ'
cial Clearance Sale
Friday and Saturday.
Lits Fll Waisis.
ThoT must go and go quickly, there
fore these extraordinary reductions:
Flannel Waists
The old ppiees and the neuj.
Regular Price.
Si as from 32 to 42 ; butt, inclusive
Children's and
Misses' Jackets
On the Dollar.
Half off the
Regular Price.
Sizes from 3
to 12 and 14 to IS
All Lidics' Flannel WaistB worth $1 00, will bt $ .75
All Ladies' Flannel Waiets worth $1.2.5, will tu .91
All Ladies' Flannel Waiets worth $1.50, will be 1.15
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth 1-75, will he 1.32
All Ladk-b' FlaMiel WulMH worth i'2 50, will ho l.8
All Ladies' Fliinuel WaistB wortli $2.75, will bo '2 07
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth ij.'I.OO, will he 2.25
Note Prices:
$K25 Child's Jackete Special
5.1.50 " " "
$2.CG " " "
S2.75 " " "
$3.00 " " "
$3.50 " " "
$4.00 " " "
$4.50 " " "
$5.00 " " f "
$0.00 " : "
$7.00 ' " "
$S00 " " "
$10.00 " " "
? .03
2 50
3 00
4 00
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $3.25, will be $2.31
All Ladies' Flannel Waiets worth fUO, will he 2.G2
All Ladies' Flannel Waists wortli $3.75, will ho
Ail Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $4.00, will be
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth $1 50, will be
All Ladies' Flannel Waists worth. $5.00, will ho
2 S2
R. yi. Williams & GO.
One Snail Message Frill General
French Scores a Victory Boers At
tacked His Advanced I'ost and
Were Repulsed With Twenty Killed
and Wounded.
London, Jan. 17. :33 j. in. Public
anxiety regarding the advance on Lady
smith remains uuappeased, and the
vague rumors that a general engagement
is progressing, purporting to emanate
from Durban and Pietermailtzburg, are
based solely on the belief that Buller'a
arrangement to advance would be com
pleted Monday or Tues-iay at tlio lateet.
The war office this aftemoou posted this
"The following telegram is the only
news which lias been received In regard
to Buller'a operations near Springfield."
The telegram then proceeds to report
the death of u private from dyseutory at
Springfield bridge camp January 13, and
the wounding of another private iu a
reconnaissance toward the Tugela river
January 15.
Oeueral French's luccrer, though con
soling tothe'llritleh, it recogn'zed as be
ing only a side lame. Tin country is
gratefu' to learn that tho Uritisli losses
in tho engagement were only six
killed and five wounded. The news that
two transports with troops have been
ordered fiom Cape Town to Elizabeth
indicates tbatsubstantial reinforcements
are on their way to General French.
Victory for French.
London, Jan. 17. The war ofiice has
receivid the following dispatch from
Lord Roberts, dated Capo Town, January
10, evening:
"On the 15th the Boers made a deter
mined attack on French's advanced poet,
held by the New Zealand mounted rilles
and a detuchment of the First York
shires. The Boers were repulsed, having
twenty killed. Their wounded ore esti
mated at not less than fifty. The attack
was preceded by a long-range fire from
one gun. Otherwise tho situation is un
changed." Cuturih Cuiinot be Currtl
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the Eeat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
iu order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catsrih Cure is
taken iuternully, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians In this country for yeure, and
is n regular piescriptlon. It is composed
of tho host tonics known, combined with
tlie best blood purllloi s, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
tTVy '. J. Ciiknkv & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold hydrrnggitH, price 7fic.
Hall's Family fills ure the best. 12
lloriu Unhid ltllrlt.
Junction Citv, Or., Jun. lO.-Wllllaw
llurbe, who has been here several days
Iu the employ of the Oregon Telephone1
Company, was drowned in Lancaster
slouch, near this place, yesterday after
noon, lie left here on horseback to go
to Harrisburg. The water being high,
he probably missed his bearing and got
in too dteu water. Tho horso returned
in the evening without a rider, and n
searching party left early this morning,
returning tonight with tho recovered
body. He was aged about thirty-five,
and had a wife and three children living
iu Salem. Ho was a member of the' A.
O. U. W. lodtfe, of Salem.
U heeler H Out at (lie Army.
Fi.ouknck, Ala., Jan. 17. Tho first
absolute news of the intended course of
General Joe Wheeler, representative In
congress from this, the eighth distiict of
Alabama, came in a private letter to
Hon. William J, Wood, state tax com
missioner, and a personal friend of tba
general. Tho letter was mailed in Manila
on Decoinber 2. In it General Wheeler
states his intention to return to Wash
ington, and referring to a bill affecting
the miueral lauds of Alabama, ho says:
"I expect to leave in a few days for
tho United States, and will devote my
self to getting tho bill through, which. I
think I can do. I could have left hero
while the campaign was on without be
ing tubjdi-ted to severe criticism, I have
resigned my position in ho army."
As a euro for rheumatism Chamber
Iain's Pain Halm iVgaining a wide repu
tation. II, B, Johnston of HichinondJ
Iud., has been troubled with that '
ment since 1862, In speaking of it he
says: "I never found anything that
would relievo me until I usod Chamber
Iain's Pain Halm. It acts like magio
with me. My foot whb swollen and
paining niu very much, but one good
application n( Pain Halm relieved me.
For sale by Blakeley A Houghton.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Waacu warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken (jcf, " uieb25-'t(
He Will .Not Be Allowed to Remain
in Congress.
Washington, Jan. 17. Tho special
committee of the house to investigate
the case of Roberts of Utah, today
reached n final conclusion. On tho
polygamous status of Roberts tho com
mittee was unanimous, and agreed upon
a formal statement of facts. On the
question of proceduro to be adopted the
committee was divided.
Tho majority .consisting o( all members
except Llttlefleld and Dearmond, favored
exclusion at tho outset. LittleStild and
Dearmond will make a minority toport
favorable to seating Robertson his prima
facie rights and thon expelling him.
The committee, In its statements, finds
that about 1878 Roberts married Louiso
Smith, his (Irstand lawful wife, by whom
he had six children ; that about 18S5 ho
married as a plural wife Cella Dibble,
who had ever since lived as such and
has borno him six children, of which
last were twins born August II, 1S97;
that some years after his marriage to
Cella Wjbble ho contracted another
plural marriage with Margaret O, Shipp,
with whom ho has ever lived in habit
and repute of marriage.
Chairman Taylor was authorized to
prepare the maj irlty report. It will be
ready In a few days and prospects are
that the subject will be before tho house
early next week. Dearmond will sub
mit the views of the minority.
Nrly llurl.d Allvu.
Chicago, Jan. 10. A special to the
Chronicle from Indianapolis sajs :
Mrs. Kllen Crosby had a narrow escape
from being buried alivu in Crawford
county. Sho was pronounced dead, nnd
preparations for tho burial were being
made. While this was in progress her
daughter, nineteen years old, worn out
by exhaustion, lay down to rest, but her
eyes had fcarcely closed before she
sprang up and peremptorily insisted that
her mother's body bu returned to tho
bed. She remarked that her mother had
called to her in her sleep, saying : "Mary,
don't let them bury mo alive." The
undertaker complied w ith the daughter's
request, saying it was but a dream, but
tho daughter stoutly claimed the con
trary and would not lie denied. Nearly
eight bonis passed when Mrs. Cro9by
slowly opened her eyes and looked at her
daughter, who had remained by her bud
side, constantly watching for a return to
life. Mrs. Crosby is now considered in
a fair way to recovorv.
quarantined in their own houses. There
have been n i deaths from the disease.
a siiitK ctniK ron citoirr.
Twenty-live Year' UmiHtant Use Willi
out ii FhIIiiiii.
Tho first indication of croup is hoarse
ness, and iu a child eubjtot to tha
disease it may betaken as u euro sign of
the approacli of nu attack. Following
this hourseness is it peculiar rough
cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is given us booh as the child becomes
hoarse, or even after tho croupy cough
appears, It will prevent the attack. It
is used, in many thousands of homes in
this broad land ami never disappoints
the anxious mothers. o have yet to
learn of a single instance in which it
has not proved effectual. No other
preparation can show such n recoid
tweuty-llvo years' constant use with
out a failure. For sale by Blakeley k
Mlillios AltHlllIK 111 .Horn.
Mono, Jan. 10, Thu so. called small
pox or chicken-pox that lias prevailed
iu Moro this winter is abating. There
are ft few cases yet, but they are closely
1 liut Throbbing lli'iulaclio
Would qu'ckly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
oi snilereis have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pine blood and strong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. 1
Another Or cut Fire nt Piuvson.
Tacoma, Jan. 10. The steamer Faral
lon brings the brief news from Skagway
that a largo part of the business portion
of Dawson burned last Wednesday night
Tho loss exceeds $500,000. No particulars.
The steamer ?eft Skagway before the de
tails were received by wire from Dawson.
Uobbfil tliu (liuvti.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by him as follows:
"I was iu a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day, Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
friend advised 'Klectiic Bitters' ; and to
my great joy and surprise, tho first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for tlueu weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim," No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, at Blakeley A
Houghton's drug store. 5
Wliui'lrr UiiiiiIiik llitmu.
Manila, Jan, 10. General Wheeler
will return to the United States this
week, making a stop at Guam on his
way thither. Three additional cases of
bubonic plague have been reported.
Asli your grocer for Clarke A Falk'a
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.