PEOTLK TOD A LI. KNOW. COUNTY CLAIMS A SCKE CORK FOR CROIT. Jannkrr Term. G. A. Ward is in from Kinssley. F. B Stimson came over from Golden dale yrjtsrday. iT-. , ' C F stepnens, jcror inq Jackson Fred Guinthrr went down on the j Dohertv, " " " boa: thi morning to Portland. 1 q Rorden, " ' " O. B. Hartler and wife were visitors i Vanl, Esen " ' " in fjvru today from Hoed River. F:5her ied Gates " " " Jam?? Bishfney was a passenger on Geo Cozsl, witness " " the Ixiat this tnorcicj-. for Portland. x Ward, " " Co!. E. W. Pike wos a passenger on j JVni Michell, this morcin?'a stage for GoldendaTc. I J H Jackson, - , . c , E G Grover, conveying prisoner. . H. tee, of the W arm Springs I j Glisan, fees and expenses, sctncy, came in from that place yester-1 sate vs Simmons dn?. j E J Glisan, fees and expenses, Miss Edna Glenn returned last even-1 state vs Bowman inc cfter a week's visit with friends in , L BThomaf, fees stale vs AUl Portlsnd. i ton ..,, , , ,1 GTPrather, feesstatevs James Mrs. Roht. May, Jr., of Antelope, C E Bavard, fees state vs Brown left this morntnc by boat for a short i c E Bavard, fees state vs Kotz visit in Portland. ; tRa " E. Jacobsen left last evening for Walla ' C E Bayard, fees state vs Osborn Wnlia and will alsa make a trip into C E Bavard, fees state vs Brown Eastern Orppnn. ! and jlson Miss Caroline Ketchnm is np from Portland, visitin: a; the home of her father, D. P. Ketchnm. Mrs. E. H. Smith arrived in the city from Pririeville yesterday on her way to j visit her parents in Portland. " I Mr. and Mrs. Frank RnSner and familv were returning psssensers on the beat iast nipht from the metropolis. Wra. KetcUum, who has jat retcrned frrtn u trip to Chicazo. where he went to tiehv.-r stock, says Chicago is not behind when it comes to cettinc its share of Allowed by the County Coort at ttaf Twenty-fire r Conntant Ue With- out a Failure. 00. 00 00, 00 , 00 1 The first indication of croup is hoarse ness, and in a child subjtct to tha disease it may heltaken as a sore sicii of the approach of an attack. Following 1 this hoarseness is a peculiar ronch congh. If Chamberlain's Conch Remedy is givf n as soon as the child bc-comes ! hoarse, or even after the cronpy cough flnnpnrs. it will nrevpnt tlin nltncic. It ii r1 ' ' is nsed m many thousands of homes in 24 90 broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. e have yet to a single instance in which it r ' has not proved effectual. No other , ?, 70 1 preparation can snow tucn a recoru 1 50 1 50 1 Xt i 1 JU 1- oo iearn of ram ; but like the rest of the country she is receiving a good soaking. Dell Howell, fees state vs Sim mons Dell Howell, ftes guarding Bow man Dell Howell, fees and expenses, state vs Greer Eli Hinman, fees state vs Wal tin F S Olincer, fees state vs James Frank Hitl, fees state vs Kotz man Frank Hill, fees and expenses, state vs Brown and Wilson. . . FranK Hill, fees and expenses, state va Oiborn If. o i- k;m fann nn,i ...... 5 10, 5 55 4 U5 5 30 12 SO 2 50 15 00 G 00 13 00 2 03 II 50 twenty-five years' constant use with out a failure. For sale by Blakcley A Houghton. ' BUSINESS LOCALS 70 i Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Clarke Fulfc's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Fiuest kind of chicken feed. mcb25-tf Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patten trictly pure liquid paints. S'ze doesn't indicate qnalitv. Beware ot counterfeit and worthless salve offered AT THE VOGT OPERA HOUSE. One Night OnlyMONDAY, JAN. 2 2d. tsffe&r'' 1 ' k fj Wl $$r U&r iHlliFHCiT T11:T Ht AC Ifi Ti FSaiE Cf Til; CM l Kill Hifl? state vs Brown 2 03 i fcr DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Dc- 3iai:i:ied. Frank Hill, clerical services 05 00 Anna Lens, care Mrs Wi.Iiams.. 24 00 u i) jiartin, services supervisor u Jo Witt's is the only original. An infallible j cure for piles and aii skin diseases. .Lewis uenn.s, saiem, mo., savp, 4t the M. K. church in thi.' citr. 1 Lalles Lumber Co. lumLer 12 10 hre.-y eH?iS' v"- Lf:.ftt -1 5H' ! IP- H''' gra,vel ?ount-v road 1 I "Kodl D.peps!a Cure did me more ' 4 50 ii That grand and beautiful play, Tho Idol of tho Arkansaw Hills, HUMAN HEARTS." The companion anil successor of Shore Acres. Directed by W. E. Nnnkvillc. An exceptionally strong coin pan, with special scenery for every act, and exactly as produced at the Fifth Avenue Theater, New York, 300 consecutive uights. PRICES 50c and 75c. Scats on sale at Clarke & Falk. lsaoeiie need. i c L Morse, gravel county road The groom recently cime to this state Ed sharp, map Dalles City from Chicago, while the bride has been koad sfrrcvisoKa. a resident of Sherman past thirteen years. They their home in The Dalles. F La Pier. . . 00 countv for the'-' F Armour u 'J Harbinson. .. . IZlUike r. : . t v c urKjiper ' Chus Dethmnn good than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia end stomach trontile. G. H. Appleton, justice of peace. will i Clarksburg, .V. J. uuLiiuiewrajnunreij me nest Thomas Bishop.. remedy I ever used far coughs and ' D L Bolton cold?. It is uneqnalied for whooping i A Eraser couirh. Chrildren all like it," writes H. I V1' H Williams. . . X. Williams, Gentryviile, Ind. Never , u-eT it ia tne only barniles? remprfr ' .T P Amrimj li Billings M P Obritn.. 72 00 135 00 140 75 49 10 112 45 03 75 15 00 103 50 J Chicaeo, savs, 4t 4 0 1 says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others." Qmckiy cures all liver and bowel trrubles. F. B. ThirbieW, health inspector of Kodol Dyspepsia Care DEPART ror.' TIME sr Ill.DCte. I r.OM tUIXEi. fails. mat t'Ive irr mediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarness, croup, pt.en monia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its eaily use prevents consnmptiun. 53 40 1 C3ntlt be recommended too hichl; 04 as .cured me of severe dyspepsia." It 50 j t.ests what you eat and cures indigestion .i'r.atid bt-nrllinrn in(! nit fnrr0 t ,1-c 45i "0 00 " 54 00 It di- That ThrnIiMiic Ueailaclii; 1 Would qu'ekiy leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless! merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. ! They make pure blond and E.'i Hinman Wra Cushing... Wm Frinzeil. . . . J H Dnkes T Collins... 40 50 F La Pier, work on county read 152 50 Mi HrArl Ha i,l,.. n on n 3- 39 10 n s iir:--T:.voTox TJ t'XTISOTOS Mt Hcod Mill Co. lumber J H Johnson, ined for paupers.. Dallas & Spangler, tools for road district , S Bartmess, lumber strong I i'ouls tt uice, work on Co road. . . nerves and build up your health. Easy j cE-tewart " " " "" to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. . Walter Carlisle' " " Money bck if not cured. Sold by 1 Chas R Fagon, " " " Blakeley & Hougliton, druggists. 1 Lost Lake Lumber Co, lumber. . r ' J I West, road tools AckorV Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on j Ke!medv Urviior-' ' ' c poMlive guarantee. Cures lieart-burn, 1 A L'rquhart, " " raising hi the food, distress after eat inc, 1 frank Kincaid " " or any form of dv?ppp-:. Oae little K H Ia!ier. " " ' tabli-t elves immediitH rnf , H H Riddell. Etamns and 50 cte. Biake'ev i Hon-l.fnn ,i,".' i3"- C .Ueneort, labor on road . gists. II S WILSON WILSON'. ATlOK.VEYs AT LAW. THE DAl.LEri, OKEUJ.. Oica ever First Sat. BaaK J. B. Ciork, Peoria, III , fays, "Si; eeons wanted to ouuratt. m. iB f..r ! t ? I'lf mmmg, ' , De ltt'e Witrh ' Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, con tribution bv countv 1 u services supervis -r. . mu J enrtd them w'ul Hp -I . -salver." It is infaililu for pi ice anc ttttn dieeases. Be.-.ariof fits. carmc countoi- for for to l!0n tlaili la Inri: cueckn. i ! ... , ..urrJBJB reL' nr nr 1 Apti! 1, IKii, will be paid a: 1EV , rrrtHca after Jan. St n. 1 t L. P1J11.1.1PP, f 'iimtv 'In-apiirer. l'OO 3 00 0 00 11 25 7 15 4 50 40 00 33 70 C Co 57 S5 24 00 50 00 20 00 no 00 46 75 40 00 24 75 28 00 5S 00 38 CO 16 50 27 00 JiCOEE. JOItS GAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOIMCKYa AT LAW. I:oom '.-j eaJ 10, over L". S. ljjad Otllcc. Physician and Surgeon, Hpecfel atteatios givcu to sur?err. 00a s 21 and 2-2. Tel. Z2 Vpr: BIct t IlltC-.Cr't A Grocer S 11 ; 1. . iri 1 tir. II II II I I ' "I sues-! everybody in Bellevue, Ohio, knows 0. 15. Caliaghaii, the grocer. I am in his em ploy, and ujuuiiuuiui 1 ' 1 pCTgi 1 1 vveu Known as lie is. A crocerr is a ldace where! s,. C I li you have cold gusts of wind every time J the door opens, and there is a cooddeal of running "t1 aLnnt nut. r-doors too. Anyhov, I catch cold very often, hut the minute I becin toanecze I reach up on theshelf arid take a dose of Acker's Ene. liah Itemed v. I toll is wonderful how ouickly itstop) a cough or cold I lmve ued It n.y.-lf, and in mylram iJy for a number or years. It works like a cuarm. I Huppose some of the folks would have run into consumption before this if I S?,JS5lfcted V? 7"eep a ,,0TttIe read' u ic time for immediate use. I wouldn't think or using unything else for throat and lung nctually does, ho whathenso is there in ex- eiiante. (Signed) Joun IIoj-i-. .Sid "t't2",5- "d 0 uttlc. through out the United Ktates and Canada; and in England, ot Is. 2d., 2.1. 3d., 4. Od If you 7n . - nwi uuyn ii;, return tne Lottie to your druggwt, and get your money W.Il UMhUt CO., JToyrUturt, Xcw 1'flrt. i'Oll bAI.U HV Blakeleyfc Houghton. 15 5 00 10 25 5 00 John Hicks, Mrs L E Wilder, Aiict- v, right Mr? Emma Woodier, carin jirs (jreenly Mis D P Crahtree, caring for Mis Greenly Mrs A E Starr, c.irir.t' for Mrs Greenly 23 00 P Ohlighsmlai'er. labor on mail . 4 sn Times-Mountaineer, publishing bills 2 75 ' Heo Rnuji, supplies paupers 4 Oo' r .witier iV iienton, wood 7 2o j Th'is Watch, rebate tases 2 05 ' ua.ies ater orks, water tent. 11 20 ft Zf A , Ma' & Crowe, supplies for road, 114 20 ex W tut ul -""ye, transportation pauper , 7 bos Tnohig, burial pauper 1 esr a. .nays, suppiiee paupei . . O D Doarie, examining insane. . . H L Vorse. baard and !niliint oauner "n o .j a ueisenuorlter, 1 I), profes- Miuiiui ser vices paupers 55 00 Clyde Bouncy, supplies paupers 7 00 uiass a I'ruutiomn. supplies 0 18 RobtJCelly, sheriff, sundry ex- I Robt Kelly, ioar'd of prisoiiers.etc 174 75 ' H L Alkm. GAR fiinil ,-,n nn I Mrs H J Parent, caring for Mrs a mi en ii nn v'w r i"itts' feVB rluestDazeilVf 21 45 n ii iibuji, juror Paul K Paulsen," Ned H Gates, " J Doherty, " EH Merrill, " J E Lane, " Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Dounell'e drug store. JJ. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over rreneli Co.'a Bant I'hone C. THE IMLl.F.a, OltKOO;.' 1 K..t Hnlt I.hL', Di.vcr, I't. JIuIl Worth. Onintn, Kuti 11:15 p.m. fan City, st. Ij-tilfc. j Chicago end Lust. Si-oVane Walla Wnlta, Sjkanc, lltr j ilinnsajioli-i. St. l-nul, T:06p. m. iiulutti, itilv.nnlLi-c, I Chlcezo cud East. 8 V a. Fr.ost I'or.TLAjrri. Oram Meiimnliiix.. For Sun Krnucisco HeccmU-r 3. b, 13. 18, a and &I.ra. irrrVTnrirT Tmn xtwtx ft TT m TJ ft at i PAYMCNT OF ONLY DOLLAR? IOSSEIONOP The Ne,v Werner Edition pZ encyclopedia britannica, Amu Fl-JM. f pofcrtiic l'lyor. 4:21a. si A SUPERS L i p. rs. i . lor;Cotuml)!a P.v. Stoarncrs.'.Ex.oilijduj To AhTORi.i mid Way Saturday iu p. m t--,'.?Ji...'W,":r'rrrj! n,VE''-- -P- suuila Oreuuri City. Sewbere, Ex.sundu? ialcm & Way Lund's. -r.,'an?' WlLtASttTTi: AK.'i Vam- .1:30 p. m. T'1Ujr-; nx ittvcas. Mnu..Wl ana tut. Oregon City, Dayton, and Krl. and Hy-I.aiid!ng. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Paint your house with paints that are luiiy guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke A Falk. If jou want pure and fresh drugs vou can buy them at the P. O. Pharmacy uiur ot i-kik, proprietors. Use Clarke & Fnlk'e quinine hair tooic to keep dandrufl from the head. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget thie. Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. T 'J2 L.ils-akette ItlVKR. , l:S0p. m. . r"i ort,K,lrt ,0 t'orvsllifc, Jlon. W.d nna Bat. j and uy-Lundtnj,n. und I-rldoy LvIJpiwl! niuiy 1:29 a. ra E.vakb Itivi:r l'.ii'aria to lwbton. I.r.Ave I.KWUTOX dully b:3Qu. m. F :t!L!TO IWASfciiVfc So coriinlefe that it covers the catirr of lutinan kcowlcig-c M.. w M.H I II Mil. I .1 11 rT. I'nrtlej. denlnns lo co to Ueppnor hould '?"V"1K ,J!,t! "- :t5 p. w 1 ..'" alet wjuncctioiih at Ilupiiner juuutton o'-urnlng muUt1KdtrtoteomK.-t;mi HtJiIp ir JuncUi.1: ultli.Vo. l.urrivltig at The DtUi. ut ,. v'' t,!r0"ht IrelRht, cast hound, do- not Siio'll rriv i-.M U. m., (Jupurt tJi,'.';1, 'T01 'j'Kht, Carrie pusKTiccrn, eat hound; urrlvcK 1:3;) .. in., dej.nru n it, p. i ,. v,eit ,,ou"'i "'rough Irditbt, (lira not 55so p. ;"'"'t'"l!",,i "rrlvcs 6:15 I1 a- departs .N'o. west bound local Ircicht, cnrrlua t.iifc- For full jiartlculnrs call on O. It. & sr. co iiKi!:itTheI)u!lu.(.ruddrci; ' ' ,3 W. II. IIL'Itl.IiL'ItT, (i-n I'aJi. Act., I'ortland, Or. I jB" The entire set with Guide EST' Ii I I i nr. UU; L no, 7f ' '( I I r The entire set with Guide ana case iMJivcrej upon payment of only Balance payable in smnli nur.aiJy payrr.cnto. Workmanship arj rr.ateri"! t!ie Li:.t known to the book-making art i ne p.ou-ici or Lie largest and best ecjuippaJ booic factory in America. STEAM... 4 Wood Saw The BRITANNICA is the scknowl idged standard of all Encyclopedias, and the NEW WERNER Is the best edition 3f the Britannica. Do not put your money in old editions i or poorly made books because they are i rheaper. The BEST is the CHEAPEST. J Consider the advantage of a family i who has this work over one which has I Mt ' Will run every day except Sundiiv. Itatee Ifeaeonahle. Telephone 201. if you cannot send your children t! thi University, bring the University to them. Tills edition lias never been sold fa k'ss than $64.50. For a short time only . ..... 40.53 casn, or 4S-oo on monthly pay ments. ORDER NOW, and takeadvantifl of till, rrre oonortunltv to secure this W rivalled Jund of universal knowledge t C F. Stephens ,71 ...Dealer In. Drry Good, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. HikjU, Bhot-n. IXaU. Cnpn, Kolloim, l"r M . I. Uuxiglus Hhov. Tf.'lcphoiif; No. M, l."l dct-oiid Ht., Tiie Dalles, Or, W. A. OATES, Prop. S FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntAHHAOTA K.NEUALBANKI.NO llOlNKb Letters of Credit leaned avBilahle in the Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Trawlers sold on Kw York, Chic nm , St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and Various polnta a Oregon and Washington. ' I FOR SALE BY I. C. NICKELSEN, - The Dalles, Or. me coiumDia Packjooco PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF J1ANUKACTUUKKB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND J.B. HCHBNK, Frimlduut. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOON A General Banking Business traneactd jJvpoBiis received, subject 10 nigm nr Dhiu-lr. Collections made and proceeds nromptl; reinlttad on Hav nf linllnirtion. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold 01 ew xorir, Han Francisco bus "on laud. Diairnrnwa HAMS & BACON DRIED UEEF, ETC. D. P. Thomfbok. Jko. S. hc Eu. M. Williams, Quo. A. Li li. M. HKALL.