IF?? You see a JVIan losing his poeketbook yon feci justified in telling liim about it, even if you haven't been introduced. We possibly don't know you personally, but wo do know you are losing money In buying your clothing, at rtny r.ito you nre not making nil the money you could which is just the samo thing. The way to niako all the money thoro is in that line, is to buy your clothing of us. Boys' All-uaool Suits From $1.85 up ! Men's all-wool suits from 3.85 up Boys' overcoats and ulsters from 1.50 up I Men's overcoats, ulsters and top- ! coats from 4,85 up CUe have been offering you black and colored dress goods remnants for the past week and perhaps all of you have bought, but still wo havo a few left, and in conjunction with those remnants that we huvo on hand, we will oiler you a choice lot of Pattern Suits at a much lower price than yon ever pur chased anything to compare with them heforo in your life. This is a broad assertion to make and a hazardous thing to do when you know full well how fabrics of all kinds have advanced in the past couple of months, and yet they have not reached tho elevation they will eventually attain. Silk, Satin and Velvet paney CUaists will be eacrillccd during the present week, as tho following prices indicate: $5 00 Waists $3.75 $5.00 Waifts -1.19 $0.03 Waists 5.00 !)(! 75 Waists 5.10 $7.00 Waiets 5.25 $7.50 WaistB i 5.85 $8.00 Waists 0 75 8.25 Waists 7.50 All Goods Marked In Plnln Flguros. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WKPXUDAY JANUARY 17, 1900 O) Oysters m Mrvctl In every Btyltt by A. KCLLCFt. CO) WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The river registered 14 this morning and le slowly falling. Those house jackets on sale at Pease & Mays' are beauties at 75 cents ; also the $1.15 and $1.25 lineB. Tonight at the Christian church Rev, Goole will epeak on "Man'j Cousdoue nees of a Coming Judgment," It is reported that thcro uro fifty caecs of smallpox at Spokane. Among tho patients is Cyrus Fulton, formerly of The Dulles. Don't sit around the house these cool mornings and eveninirs without one of those nica jackets of Pease A Mays' ; 75 cents, H.15, 1.25. For the convenience of tho many who Jea.ro to witnets tho bowling contest tomorrow evening, dancing at the club party will not begin before 9:0. Thr 1 1 jok and Ladder boys will meet at the city hall tonight at 8 o'clock, and they express tho hope that a full attend ance w ill bu on hand. Instructions will t'cg.ven new members. The Ilowcrs thut bloom In tho spring often cjiiiu before wo realize that winter is over, but to seo children gathering wii 1 flowers In tno middle of January is ! an unusual occurrence. And yet they are making their appearance all over our hills. A meeting of the tux payers of this school district is called for Saturd iy at 2 p. id. ut the brick school house on Court street. The object cf this meeting is f ar the purpose of levying a tax to run the echools for the corning year. Jivery taxpayer should be present. W. H. Hrowii, arrested some months Mine for attempting to take his wife's life while on a drunken spree, was taken before Judge Mays this morning upon " writ of habeas corpup, and, upon hear hig, tho prisoner was remanded to the custody of the sheritr. Moore ft Gavin appeared for the petitioner. A very large crowd attended service lnt night at the Methodist church, and listened attentively to a sermon by Rov. 1'Vank Spauldlug. Mr. K. J. Collins has charge of the music, assisted by a chorus choir. The congregation also joins heartily in the singing, which is partic ularly good. Th potor and members extend a hearty welcome to all, whom they trust will not only attend but as tiet in making the meetings a blessing to everyone, We gladly take back what we said in yetterday'g i?fue coucenilng the admit tance of lridiea to tho bowling contest to morrow evening at the dub. The mis take arose from a misunderstanding on our part. However, wo might know that the club members would not depart from their UBiial course of loyalty to their lady friends. The fact that they may witness the garr.es between the Illihees and our own club will be doubly appreciated since they have been led to think they wero to be debarred that pleasure. There was no failure in the crop of drunkards and vags at city headquarters last night and this morning, and when the recorder came to dispose of them they "were seven." John Murphy was fined $2 for drunkenness, which he paid; Sam SirerBen for the sanw offense was discharged; Sam Johnson had no $2 and lanquisheth ; John McLaughlin was fined $5 for vagrancy, and in default wag kept in jail ; Win, St. Clair couldn't rake up $2 uud now rakes the mud from the crosswalks; Frank Sullivan, another hobo, was discharged; while James Rlack will work out hi6?5on the streets. Joseph Supple has already begun to get the machinery out of tho Inland Flyer, in readiness to put into tho new boat he is building for tho I). P. & A. N. Co. He Is engaged in laying the keel of tho new boat, which is to bo completed by April 10. Work has been suspended on the tho Dalles City, which is on the ways at OUen's yard, in South Portland. Her teams are open, as tho water inter fered with calking, and there is some fear that unices tho water comes to a stop soon, she will bu floated oil". Tho Mascot is waiting her turn at tho ways, and will not go on until tho Dalles City Is completed . Tel eg ram. While most of our citizens look at the poatoflico key question as an injustice, yet aro making the best of it and paying over their twenty cents, others seem in clined to make as much needless trouble aj possible, thus annoying the post master and all concerned. The latter is a foolish policy and can do no good, as it takes us many howls as it took shouts to move the walls of Jericho, to change one jot or tittlo of the red tape rules of tho department. If any kick is made, let it be a combined one from the entire community to headquarters, and at the eamo time ask why people hero pay more for postofllce boxes than In other states. CuuKrcaatlDiial Church. U. OF O. NOTES. Tho Student! Again at Work A I.arRn Kiirollmeiit. All who attend tho stated services of this church are urged to be present at the business and social meeting to be held in the auditorium tonight. Moder ator K. L. Brooks will call tho business session at 8 o'clock sharp. This session will be of interest to ull friends of the church. The treasurer's report for last year Is unexcelled by any Congregation al church in tho htato. The following musical program will follow the business session : Holo-"Alwn" Mrs. K.O. McCoy Mule (lurtt't-Kvlcctcd Mcmm, l,iili(li ll,Kllni)iitmi I'ollng, l-awlers $olo-"lriiiilig" iim.il. T. IMrr Cornet Bolu W. K.HImontou (lice -fcolo ami Ch'iriu from "Haymakers" Cliotr El)lTOI! CltKON'ICI.U: One looking into the Eober faces of the 'Varsity students now would hardly think that the thoughtful expression seen there was but ono week ago sup planted with the smile of hilarity. The enrollment at the university is larger than it lias been for two years and it would be a surprise to no ono if the hard work and mutual co-operation of tho Btudents and faculty would next year bring to our halls double tho num ber we have today. Much enthusiasm was displayed at the weekly assembly la9t Wednesday, morning. A cast of Hosea, modeled after Sargent's painting of the prophets, and presented by Mr. Schwarzchild, of Eugene, was formally accepted by a voto of thanks. The student body then ex tended to the state Inter-collegiato Y. M. C. A. conference an invitation to meet at tho university of Oregon at its next annual session. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed when the president spoke of the uni versity Glee Club and tho triumphs of its recent tour. Prof. Condon arose with a lesoliition of thanks which so nearly voiced tho appreciation of the faculty and student body that tho adoption of tho resolution hi ought tho assembly to its feet in a standing voto. A reception will bo tendered tho Glee Club by tho piesident and alumni next Tuesday evening, tho 1(11 h. Tho club boys wore well pleased with their trip and aro loud in their praise of Eastern Oregon hospitality. Tho boys say that many receptions wero tendered them on tho trip, some of which were Hwell affair?, but that for an enjoyable, iuformul, get-In-and-have-a-good-tiino affair, Tho Dalles reception could not bo beaten. Thursday, tho 11th, the university of California Glee Club gave u concert at the Parker opera house, After the con cert the U. of O. student body gave a reception in tiieir honor at Consor Hull. Yesterday afternoon our president, Dr. Strong, spoke at tho public charities' meeting at the Marquam on tho sub ject, "Somo Problems Whose Solution the Nineteenth Century Must Demand of tho Twentieth." Studunt. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones aro Im proved more by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy, than by any other, Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remody, Syrup of Figs, is man ufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only. ' Those 75 cent wulBts at Peaso it Mays' are all right if you get there in time. There are not many of them, so huny up. Acker's English Remedy will stop cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hours, or money refunded, 25 cts. and 50 cts. Iilakeley & Houghton, druggists, LET PUNISHMENT FIT CRIME. Krunknn llrutr Should lie Dralt With More Havereljr. On tho editorial pago today wo pub lish an nrtic'u regarding tho ever-present beast known as tho drunken husband and father, which just hits tho nail on tho head, as tho Telegram always does. Not alono in Portland, but in The Dalles and every other community Is the conlcmptiblo crealuro found, who having taken upon himself the vows of a husband and in after years becomes the father of at least a dozen offspring, Btands at tho bar and squanders away his last cent and returns home(?)to beat or slash them with a knifo, and then turns them out upon the county for industrious citizens, who tiave done their duty by their own families, to support. As tho Telegram says, the law does not seem to touch the cases of such con templiblo curs. What care they if they are placed in tho county jail for a few months to sober up, whilo the county supports their families, and lawyers are doing nil in their power to obtain a habeas corpus or some other means to lighten their punishment, when the law should bo making n "corpus" of tho prisoner himself? In nine out of ten cases they aro turned loose in the end at any rato. Instead of being placed in jail to idle away the time before their trial takes place, some means should be devised by which they ehould be at once put at hard work and compelled to sup port their families. But in place of that, the public not only supports the family, but bears the expense of long continued trials in the endeavor to obtain'jwsd'ce. But, although tho poor wife suffers greatly at tho hands cf these brutes, it must bo said that in moat cases she proves that it would havo been better for coming generations had she never been born, or having come into the world that she had never been respon sible for tho being of those whom she has caused to lead a miserable existence. For instead of assisting in the deserved punishment when the case comes up, there isn't "a woman in it," bs ehe re fuses to appear, while tho husband goes scott free, and in a few weeks repays her with another beating, wtiich she de serves. The Telegram is right, the legislature should" take the matter in hand and mete out justice. 'Iluiunn Ileiirln." That great and beautiful drama, "Hu man Hearts" will be presented at tho Vogt Monday evening, Jan. 21st. 'Human Hearts," tho companion play to, but entirely different from "Shore Acres," is regarded as one of tho best American stage productions ot the past ten years. When any play by a comparatively unknown author, first merits uttcntlon enough to secure au opening and then goes on to tho stage of tho Fifth Avenue Theater, New York, and confines one whole season without cessation, it is a guarantee of its quali fied power and its real merit as well, ns tho Fifth Avfnuo Theater clientelo is ono that will not tolerate even a toler able good one for long. But let it bo in moral clean, in its scuues and situations not over drawn, and its character paint ing and dialogue ti ue to nature in the absolute, then let it bo enacted by only the masters of the dramatic ni t, and all New York will forsake tho house where "chalf" and comedy, ayo even the lighter charming opera and modern Grocery Department.... Special Fish Sale For One Week. 1 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, in tomato sauce 15c 1 lb tin Broiled Muckorol, in mustard tmui'o 15c 1 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, soused in spices.,! 15c 2 lb tin Broiled Mackerel, in tomato . Banco . . . , 25c 2 II) tin Broiled Mackerel, in mustard Banco 25u 2 II) tin Broiled Mackerel, soused in spices 25a C. & B. Kippered Herring, per tln...20o C. it B. Yarmouth Bloaters, par tin.. -lOu Scotch Kipporod Herring, per tin, . . ,25c Beardely's Boneless Herring, per tin.lOo Young Mackerel in oil 15c Gold Label Sardines in mayonnaise dressing 12',.c Seo window display of Salt Salmon, Salt Mackerel, Whole Codfish, Boneless Codfish, Codfish Middles, Bloaters, Her ring, Smoked Halibut, etc, PEASE & MAYS. English burletque hold sway, to pay tribute to tho weight of any brainy author, who, through the medium of the stage holds up to thorn a true picture of American life. Such was tho ex perience of "Human Hearts," and now in its third season with almost the Iden tical cast that presented it for a year m New York, it comes to The Dalles. It should, and undoubtedly will meet with the generous welcome that has ever been accorded it by tho American pcoplo throughout the land. Write "I.Btltiil ry" on the New I.rnf. In turning over the new leaf for 1900 has it occurred to you to try our work? People who have, eay it's all right. Remember there is no charge connected with our collection and delivery system. Ring up Condon 'phono 'Ml, or long distance 902. c Dam.es Laumjiiy Co,, Cor. Third and Federal Sts. All persona wishing to take children, either boys or girls, for legal adoption or on indenture, should write to W. T. Gardner, superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, at Portland, who can procure for them de sirable children of all ages. All applica tions must be filed in advance. tf Tho modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver troubleE tho famous little pills known as DeWitt'e Little Early Risers. Seo that odd line of waists that run from $1.25 to 75 ; all at 75 cents at Pease & Mays'. Subscribe for Tun CmtoxiCE. FBEE With every one dol lar purchase at our store during January and Februaiy we will give a chance on a $50 Alumi nixed Garland Steel Range. (ilaiei t Mm i 1 i 9 i ? f 3 Is! (OS The Dalles, Or. The Chponiele, Job Printers i a:, 1 m tUiLUltUUiJJ-liJub V x iti imtitii Ji"i 7 JTATX!ayAA! A"? A"1 'ATA J AT"C T A 1 ATATXTATA" AUI A, 1A r A J'A rj l 1 A'T Jk"-'Jk-rArjk ' A The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, Itfajestie Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Romonibor that wo aro soiling tho snmo from $45.00 to $60.00 Which is a saving to our customers of from $tf to $25 ovor price charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. Writo for pamphlet, "M'ajostie Evidence." JWAYS & COCUE. 1 - j